Finished porting magictools

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Koz Ross 2015-04-18 12:51:42 +12:00
parent 7534c0df76
commit 7a837f2cd4

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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ These are full-blown game engines.
* [AGS][57] - Implemented in C++. Designed for adventure games. [Artistic License 2.0][58].
* [Azul3D][112] - Implemented in Go. [3-clause BSD][29].
* [cocos2d][75] - Implemented in Python. [3-clause BSD][29].
* [Dash][114] - Implemented in D. [Expat][11].
* [Duality][77] - Implemented in C#. [Expat][11].
* [Fife][55] - Implemented in C++. Has Python scripting. Designed for isometric games. [GNU LGPLv3][38].
* [Flare][54] - Implemented in C++. Designed for action RPGs. [GNU GPLv3][23].
@ -56,15 +57,19 @@ These are full-blown game engines.
* [GNU FreeDink][47] - Implemented in C++. [GNU GPLv3][23].
* [Godot][51] - Implemented in C++. Has [its own scripting language][52]. [Expat][11].
* [Helm][83] - Implemented in Haskell. [Expat][11].
* [Horde3D][115] - Implemented in C++. [EPLv1][116].
* [Irrlicht][43] - Implemented in C++. Has a [range of bindings][44]. [zlib][45].
* [LambdaHack][84] - Implemented in Haskell, Designed for roguelikes. [3-clause BSD][29].
* [lycheejs][89] - Implemented in ECMAScript. Designed for construction of HTML5 or native SDL games. [Expat][11].
* [Ogre3D][41] - Implemented in C++. Has a [range of bindings][42]. [Expat][11].
* [Panda3D][119] - Implemented in C++. Has a Python interface. [3-clause BSD][29].
* [Ren'Py][107] - Implemented in Python. Designed for visual novels. [Expat][11].
* [RPGBOSS][108] - Implemented in Scala. Designed for RPGs made by non-programmers. [GNU AGPLv3][27].
* [Sludge][56] - Implemented in C++. Has its own scripting language. [GNU LGPLv3][38].
* [Spring][121] - Implemented in C++. Designed for RTS games. [GNU GPLv2][14].
* [Torque2D][63] - Implemented in C++. Has its own scripting language. [Expat][11].
* [Torque3D][61] - Implemented in C++. Has [its own scripting language][62]. [Expat][11].
* [Urho3D][122] - Implemented in C++. Has its own scripting language. [Expat][11].
## HTML5 ##
@ -78,6 +83,7 @@ These are full-blown game engines.
* [Box2D][48] - Implemented in C++. Designed to simulate rigid body physics. [zlib][45].
* [Bullet][59] - Implemented in C++. General physics engine. [zlib][45].
* [Matter.js][91] - Implemented in ECMAScript. Physics engine for HTML5. [Expat][11].
* [ODE][117] - Open Dynamics Engine; implemented in C++. Designed to simulate rigid body dynamics. [Original BSD][118].
@ -156,6 +162,7 @@ These are programming libraries or low-level code-based tools which are designed
* [Bacon2D][72] - A framework to ease 2D game development, providing QML elements representing basic game entities. Implemented in C++. [Expat][11].
* [Chipmunk2D][] - A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library. Implemented in C. [Expat][11].
* [ChipmunkSharp][73] - Advanced physics engine library based on Chipmunk. Implemented in C#. [Expat][11].
* [Cinder][113] - A community-developed library for creative coding. Implemented in C++. [FreeBSD][17].
* [CutJS][76] - A lightweight and fast 2D HTML5 rendering engine for cross-platform game development. Implemented in ECMAScript. [Expat][11].
* [enchant.js][65] - A framework for developing simple HTML5 + ECMAScript games. Implemented in ECMAScript. [Expat][11].
* [EndGate][78] - A framework for building HTML5 games. Implemented in TypeScript. [Expat][11].
@ -167,6 +174,7 @@ These are programming libraries or low-level code-based tools which are designed
* [LÖVE][90] - A framework for making 2D games. Implemented in Lua. [zlib][45].
* [MINX][92] - MINX Is Not XNA; a framework resembling XNA. Implemented in C++. [3-clause BSD][29].
* [p2.js][110] - 2D physics library. Implemented in ECMAScript. [Expat][11].
* [Polycode][120] - Framework for games and interactive applications. Implemented in C++. Has Lua bindings. [Expat][11].
* [PyDark][95] - Game framework on top of PyGame; designed to be easy to pick up. Implemented in Python. [Expat][11].
* [PyGame][106] - A set of modules designed for writing games. Implemented in Python. [GNU LGPLv2][102].
* [SDL][46] - Another cross-platform library for low-level tasks, like creating windows, accepting user input, and so forth. Implemented in C. [zlib][45].
@ -298,3 +306,13 @@ This is a catch-all category for things that don't fit anywhere else.