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2015-08-13 09:05:57 +12:00
LICENSE Initial 2015-04-14 11:05:48 +12:00
README.md Adding Unvanquished 2015-08-13 09:05:57 +12:00
wall-of-shame.md Adding more links, sorting resources 2015-08-11 19:09:20 +12:00

Awesome Gamedev

A curated list of good stuff related to the development of games. This list contains only free software for code, sellers who aren't evil for physical resources, and free cultural works for assets.

I have also provided a list of resources which are not free, and the reasons why, in the associated Wall of Shame file.

This is released under the GNU Free Documentation License - its text is provided in the LICENSE file.

Assorted Assets

This contains collections of miscellaneous assets of different kinds.

  • OpenGameArt.org - A large collection of art intended for game development. Various licenses, including free ones.
  • Wikimedia Commons - A collection of various assets of all kinds. Various licenses, all CC or free-er.




  • Creative Commons on Bandcamp - Everything on Bandcamp under a CC-license. Various licenses, all CC.
  • Creative Commons on SoundCloud - A Creative Commons collection on SoundCloud. Various licenses, all CC.
  • LibreFM - A big collection of stations, with fully-free music. Licenses allow downloads and reuse.
  • Musopen - A site dedicated to copyright-free (and culturally free) music. Various licenses, all copyright-free (varies by piece).

Sound Effects


These are full-blown game engines.




  • Box2D - Implemented in C++. Designed to simulate rigid body physics. zlib.
  • Bullet - Implemented in C++. General physics engine. zlib.
  • Matter.js - Implemented in ECMAScript. Physics engine for HTML5. Expat.
  • ODE - Open Dynamics Engine; implemented in C++. Designed to simulate rigid body dynamics. Original BSD.


These are meant to serve as examples for your own work, or foundations to built upon.

I have endeavoured to provide both code and asset licenses here - if no asset license is listed, assume it to be non-free or questionably-free. These entries may be removed upon clarification.












This is a section for everything else that doesn't fit in some other graphics category.

  • CanTree - Free online tree generator. Generates PNG files. Expat.
  • Yobi3D - A search engine for 3D models that aims to display license information when possible. Various licenses, including free ones.


This category contains any 'grab-bags' of different kinds of art assets.

  • Free stuff by 7Soul1 - A collection of various game-related assets. Available in PNG. Public domain.
  • openclipart - A collection of various clip art. Available in PNG. Public domain.
  • Vecteezy - A collection of vector art. Various Creative Commons licenses.



Graphics Tools


Bitmap Compression

  • pngquant - A command-line utility for lossy compression of PNG images. Has various front-ends available. FreeBSD.
  • Trimage- A cross-platform tool for losslessly optimizing PNG and JPG files. Expat.


Mesh Tools

  • MeshLabs - A portable system for the processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular meshes. GNU GPLv2.

Spritesheet Tools

Texture Tools

Voxel Editors

  • Sproxel - A 3D interface for quickly editing and creating voxel-based 3D models. 3-clause BSD.

Learning Resources

These are all collections of information to help you learn about things that might be necessary for developing games.

We aim for complete and current resources here whenever possible.





Programming Frameworks and Libraries

These are programming libraries or low-level code-based tools which are designed to support game programming, but do not provide as much structure or support as an engine would.

  • ActionKid - A simple video game framework. Implemented in Haskell. 3-clause BSD.
  • Allegro 5 - A cross-platform library for low-level tasks, like creating windows, accepting user input and so forth. Implemented in C and C++. 3-clause BSD.
  • Bacon2D - A framework to ease 2D game development, providing QML elements representing basic game entities. Implemented in C++. Expat.
  • Chipmunk2D - A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library. Implemented in C. Expat.
  • ChipmunkSharp - Advanced physics engine library based on Chipmunk. Implemented in C#. Expat.
  • Cinder - A community-developed library for creative coding. Implemented in C++. FreeBSD.
  • ClanLib - A cross-platform toolkit with a primary focus on game creation. Implemented in C++. ClanLib license.
  • CutJS - A lightweight and fast 2D HTML5 rendering engine for cross-platform game development. Implemented in ECMAScript. Expat.
  • enchant.js - A framework for developing simple HTML5 + ECMAScript games. Implemented in ECMAScript. Expat.
  • EndGate - A framework for building HTML5 games. Implemented in TypeScript. Expat.
  • HaxeFlixel - A cross-platform development framework, supporting many targets. Implemented in Haxe. Expat.
  • Kivy - Rapid-development library for multi-touch and visual apps on many platforms. Implemented in Python. Expat.
  • libGDX - Cross-platform game development framework. Implemented in Java. Apache 2.0.
  • LimeJS - A framework for building fast HTML5 games. Implemented in ECMAScript. Apache 2.0.
  • LoomSDK - A very large and powerful framework for cross-platform 2D game development. Implemented in C++. Apache 2.0.
  • LÖVE - A framework for making 2D games. Implemented in Lua. zlib.
  • MINX - MINX Is Not XNA; a framework resembling XNA. Implemented in C++. 3-clause BSD.
  • p2.js - 2D physics library. Implemented in ECMAScript. Expat.
  • Polycode - Framework for games and interactive applications. Implemented in C++. Has Lua bindings. Expat.
  • PyDark - Game framework on top of PyGame; designed to be easy to pick up. Implemented in Python. Expat.
  • PyGame - A set of modules designed for writing games. Implemented in Python. GNU LGPLv2.
  • SDL - Another cross-platform library for low-level tasks, like creating windows, accepting user input, and so forth. Implemented in C. zlib.
  • SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library; a multi-platform, multi-language, multimedia interface to various computer hardware. Implemented in C++. Has a range of bindings. 3-clause BSD.
  • Three.js - A library that makes WebGL easy to use. Implemented in ECMAScript. Expat.
  • voxel.js - A multi-component framework for bulding voxel games for modern browsers. Implemented in ECMAScript. 3-clause BSD.


This is a catch-all category for things that don't fit anywhere else.

  • Assimp - Open Asset Import Library; a portable way to import various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner. Implemented in C++, with a range of bindings. 3-clause BSD.
  • gmsh - A 3D finite-element grid generator with a built-in CAD engine and post-processor. GNU GPLv2.
  • libnoise - A portable coherent noise-generation library. Implemented in C++. GNU LGPLv2.
  • Monkey - A next-generation games programming language. Implemented in C++. zlib.
  • PhysicsFS - A library to provide abstract access to various archives. zlib.
  • ScummVM - A program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. GNU GPLv2.
  • WorldForge - Provides everything needed to create your own free software MMORPG. GNU GPLv3 (or a compatible license).