Cleaned up Kohana class, removing all unnecessary things, for better focus on the important code

This commit is contained in:
Woody Gilk 2009-02-24 01:15:11 -06:00
parent d59f66b4a8
commit 020a5dde44

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Contains the most low-level helpers methods in Kohana:
@ -17,48 +17,14 @@ final class Kohana {
const VERSION = '3.0';
const CODENAME = 'renaissance';
// Save the cache on shutdown?
public static $save_cache = FALSE;
// Security check that is added to all generated PHP files
const PHP_HEADER = '<?php defined(\'SYSPATH\') or die(\'No direct script access.\');';
// Current server is Windows?
public static $is_windows = FALSE;
// Current request is command line?
public static $is_cli = FALSE;
// Client request method
public static $request_method = 'GET';
// Default character set of input and output
public static $charset = 'UTF-8';
// Default locale of your application
public static $default_locale = 'en_US';
// Current configuration
public static $config;
// Current locale
public static $locale;
// Current timezone
public static $timezone;
// Environment has been initialized?
private static $init = FALSE;
// Current modules
private static $modules = array();
// Currently active modules
private static $_modules = array();
// Include paths that are used to find files
private static $include_paths = array(APPPATH, SYSPATH);
// Cache for resource location
private static $file_path;
private static $file_path_changed = FALSE;
// Cache of current language messages
private static $language;
private static $_paths = array(APPPATH, SYSPATH);
* Initializes the environment:
@ -70,84 +36,13 @@ final class Kohana {
public static function init()
if (self::$init === TRUE)
static $_init;
if ($_init === TRUE)
// Test if the current environment is command-line
self::$is_cli = (PHP_SAPI === 'cli');
// Test if the current evironment is Windows
self::$is_windows = (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\');
// Determine if the server supports UTF-8 natively
utf8::$server_utf8 = extension_loaded('mbstring');
// Load the file path cache
self::$file_path = Kohana::cache('kohana_file_paths');
// Load the configuration loader
self::$config = new Kohana_Config_Loader;
// Import the main configuration locally
$config = self::$config->kohana;
// Set the default locale
self::$default_locale = $config->default_locale;
self::$save_cache = $config->save_cache;
self::$charset = $config->charset;
// Localize the environment
// Set the enviroment time
// Enable modules
if ($hooks = self::list_files('hooks', TRUE))
foreach ($hooks as $hook)
// Load each hook in the order they appear
require $hook;
// Convert global variables to current charset.
$_GET = utf8::clean($_GET, self::$charset);
$_POST = utf8::clean($_POST, self::$charset);
$_SERVER = utf8::clean($_SERVER, self::$charset);
// The system has been initialized
self::$init = TRUE;
public static function instance()
echo Kohana::debug(__METHOD__.' reporting for duty!');
* The last method before Kohana stops processing the request:
* - Saves the file path cache
* @return void
public function shutdown()
if (self::$save_cache === TRUE)
// Save the configuration
if (self::$file_path_changed === TRUE)
// Save the file found file paths
Kohana::cache('kohana_file_paths', self::$file_path);
// Initialization complete
$_init = TRUE;
@ -231,102 +126,6 @@ final class Kohana {
return TRUE;
* Retrieves a language string, optionally with arguments.
* @param string message to translate
* @param array replacements for placeholders
* @return string
public function i18n($string, array $args = NULL)
if (self::$locale !== self::$default_locale)
if ( ! isset(self::$language[$string]))
// Let the user know that this message needs to be translated
throw new Exception('The requested string ['.$string.'] has not been translated to '.self::$locale);
// Get the message translation
$string = self::$language[$string];
if ($args === NULL)
return $string;
return strtr($string, $args);
* Sets the environment locale. The first locale must always be a valid
* `xx_XX` locale name to be used for i18n:
* Kohana::locale(array('de_DE@euro.UTF-8', 'de_DE.UTF-8', 'german'));
* When using this method, it is a good idea to provide many variations, as
* locale availability on different systems is very unpredictable.
* @param array locale choices
* @return void
public static function locale(array $locales)
if (setlocale(LC_ALL, $locales) !== FALSE)
// Set the system locale
self::$locale = substr($locales[0], 0, 5);
if (($messages = Kohana::cache('kohana_i18n_'.self::$locale)) === NULL)
// Find all this languages translation files
$files = self::find_file('i18n', self::$locale);
$messages = array();
foreach ($files as $file)
// Load the messages in this file
$messages = array_merge($messages, include $file);
// Cache the combined messages
Kohana::cache('kohana_i18n_'.self::$locale, $messages);
// Load the language internally
self::$language = $messages;
* Sets the environment timezone. Any timezone supported by PHP cane be
* used here:
* Kohana::timezone('Arctic/Longyearbyen');
* @param string timezone name
* @return string
public static function timezone($timezone)
if ($timezone === NULL)
// Disable notices when using date_default_timezone_get
$ER = error_reporting(~E_NOTICE);
$timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
// Restore error reporting
if (date_default_timezone_set($timezone) === TRUE)
// Set the system timezone
self::$timezone = $timezone;
* Changes the currently enabled modules. Module paths may be relative
* or absolute, but must point to a directory:
@ -336,29 +135,20 @@ final class Kohana {
* @param array module paths
* @return void
public static function modules($modules = NULL)
public static function modules(array $modules = NULL)
if ($modules === NULL)
return self::$modules;
return self::$_modules;
// Start a new list of include paths, APPPATH first
$include_paths = array(APPPATH);
$paths = array(APPPATH);
foreach ($modules as $name => $path)
if (is_dir($path))
// Get the absolute path to the module
$path = realpath($path);
if (Kohana::$is_windows === TRUE)
// Remove backslashes
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
// Add the module to include paths
$include_paths[] = $path.'/';
$paths[] = realpath($path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
@ -368,13 +158,13 @@ final class Kohana {
// Finish the include paths by adding SYSPATH
$include_paths[] = SYSPATH;
$paths[] = SYSPATH;
// Set the new include paths
self::$include_paths = $include_paths;
self::$_paths = $paths;
// Set the current module list
return self::$modules = $modules;
return self::$_modules = $modules;
@ -401,12 +191,6 @@ final class Kohana {
// Create a partial path of the filename
$path = $dir.'/'.$file.$ext;
if (isset(self::$file_path[$path]))
// The path to this file has already been found
return self::$file_path[$path];
if ($dir === 'i18n' OR $dir === 'config')
// Include paths must be searched in reverse
@ -429,9 +213,9 @@ final class Kohana {
// The file has not been found yet
$found = FALSE;
foreach (self::$include_paths as $dir)
foreach (self::$_paths as $dir)
if (file_exists($dir.$path))
if (is_file($dir.$path))
// A path has been found
$found = $dir.$path;
@ -442,94 +226,18 @@ final class Kohana {
if ( ! empty($found))
// Cache is about to change
self::$file_path_changed = TRUE;
// Cache path to this file
self::$file_path[$path] = $found;
return $found;
* Find all of the files in a directory:
* $configs = Kohana::list_files('config');
* @param string directory name
* @param boolean list files recursively
* @return array
public function list_files($directory, $recursive = FALSE)
// Cache key, double wildcard for recursive
$key = $directory.'/*'.($recursive === TRUE ? '*' : '');
if (isset(self::$file_path[$key]))
// The files in this path have already been found
return self::$file_path[$key];
// Reverse the paths so that lower entries are overwritten
$paths = array_reverse(self::$include_paths);
// Start the list of files
$files = array();
foreach ($paths as $path)
if (is_dir($path.$directory))
$dir = new DirectoryIterator($path.$directory);
foreach ($dir as $file)
$filename = $file->getFilename();
if ($filename[0] === '.')
if ($file->isDir())
if ($recursive === TRUE)
// Recursively add files
$files = array_merge($files, self::list_files($directory.'/'.$filename, TRUE));
elseif ($directory === 'i18n')
// Files in i18n/ do not get overwritten, as all of them must be loaded
$files[] = realpath($file->getPathname());
// Add the file to the files
$files[$directory.'/'.$filename] = realpath($file->getPathname());
// Cache is about to change
self::$file_path_changed = TRUE;
// Cache and return the files
return self::$file_path[$key] = $files;
* Loads a file within a totally empty scope and returns the output:
* $foo = Kohana::load_file('foo.php');
* $foo = Kohana::load('foo.php');
* @param string
* @return mixed
public function load_file($file)
public function load($file)
return include $file;
@ -590,50 +298,7 @@ final class Kohana {
// Serialize the data and create the cache
return (bool) file_put_contents($dir.$file, '<?php return '.var_export($data, TRUE).';');
public function array_get($key, array $array, $default = NULL)
if (empty($array))
return $default;
if (strpos($key, '.') === FALSE)
// This is a quick shortcut that optimizes single-level keys
return isset($array[$key]) ? $array[$key] : $default;
// Split the key
$keys = explode('.', $key);
// Get the next key
$key = array_shift($keys);
if (isset($array[$key]))
if (is_array($array[$key]) AND ! empty($keys))
// Dig down to prepare the next loop
$array = $array[$key];
// Requested key was found
return $array[$key];
// Requested key is not set
while ( ! empty($keys));
return $default;
return (bool) file_put_contents($dir.$file, self::PHP_HEADER.'return '.var_export($data, TRUE).';');
@ -666,7 +331,7 @@ final class Kohana {
$var = $var ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
$var = htmlspecialchars(print_r($var, TRUE), NULL, self::$charset, TRUE);
$var = htmlspecialchars(print_r($var, TRUE), NULL, 'utf-8', TRUE);