
289 lines
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<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.');
* HTML helper class.
* @package Core
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license
class html_Core {
* @var array preferred order of attributes
public static $attribute_order = array
* @var boolean automatically target external URLs to a new window
public static $windowed_urls = FALSE;
* Create HTML link anchors. Note that the title is not escaped, to allow
* HTML elements within links (images, etc).
* @param string URL or URI string
* @param string link text
* @param array HTML anchor attributes
* @param string use a specific protocol
* @return string
public static function anchor($uri, $title = NULL, array $attributes = NULL, $protocol = NULL)
if ($title === NULL)
// Use the URI as the title
$title = $uri;
if ($uri === '')
// Only use the base URL
$uri = url::base(FALSE, $protocol);
if (strpos($uri, '://') !== FALSE)
if (html::$windowed_urls === TRUE AND empty($attributes['target']))
// Make the link open in a new window
$attributes['target'] = '_blank';
elseif ($uri[0] !== '#')
// Make the URI absolute for non-id anchors
$uri = url::site($uri, $protocol);
// Add the sanitized link to the attributes
$attributes['href'] = $uri;
return '<a'.html::attributes($attributes).'>'.$title.'</a>';
* Creates an HTML anchor to a file. Note that the title is not escaped,
* to allow HTML elements within links (images, etc).
* @param string name of file to link to
* @param string link text
* @param array HTML anchor attributes
* @param string non-default protocol, eg: ftp
* @return string
public static function file_anchor($file, $title = NULL, array $attributes = NULL, $protocol = NULL)
if ($title === NULL)
// Use the file name as the title
$title = $title;
// Add the file link to the attributes
$attributes['href'] = url::base(FALSE, $protocol).$file;
return '<a'.html::attributes($attributes).'">'.$title.'</a>';
* Generates an obfuscated version of an email address.
* @param string email address
* @return string
public static function email($email)
$safe = '';
foreach (str_split($email) as $letter)
switch (rand(1, 3))
// HTML entity code
case 1: $safe .= '&#'.ord($letter).';'; break;
// Hex character code
case 2: $safe .= '&#x'.dechex(ord($letter)).';'; break;
// Raw (no) encoding
case 3: $safe .= $letter;
return $safe;
* Creates an email anchor. Note that the title is not escaped, to allow
* HTML elements within links (images, etc).
* @param string email address to send to
* @param string link text
* @param array HTML anchor attributes
* @return string
public static function mailto($email, $title = NULL, array $attributes = NULL)
// Obfuscate email address
$email = html::email($email);
if ($title === NULL)
// Use the email address as the title
$title = $email;
return '<a href="&#109;&#097;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#058;'.$email.'"'.html::attributes($attributes).'>'.$title.'</a>';
* Creates a style sheet link.
* @param string file name
* @param array default attributes
* @return string
public static function style($file, array $attributes = NULL)
if (strpos($file, '://') === FALSE)
// Add the base URL
$file = url::base(FALSE).$file;
// Set the stylesheet link
$attributes['href'] = $file;
// Set the stylesheet rel
$attributes['rel'] = 'stylesheet';
// Set the stylesheet type
$attributes['type'] = 'text/css';
return '<link'.html::attributes($attributes).' />';
* Creates a script link.
* @param string file name
* @param array default attributes
* @return string
public static function script($file, array $attributes = NULL)
if (strpos($file, '://') === FALSE)
// Add the base URL
$file = url::base(FALSE).$file;
// Set the script link
$attributes['src'] = $file;
// Set the script type
$attributes['type'] = 'text/javascript';
return '<script'.html::attributes($attributes).'></script>';
* Creates a image link.
* @param string file name
* @param array default attributes
* @return string
public static function image($file, array $attributes = NULL)
if (strpos($file, '://') === FALSE)
// Add the base URL
$file = url::base(FALSE).$file;
// Add the image link
$attributes['src'] = $file;
return '<img'.html::attributes($attributes).' />';
* Compiles an array of HTML attributes into an attribute string.
* @param array attribute list
* @return string
public static function attributes(array $attributes = NULL)
if (empty($attributes))
return '';
$sorted = array();
foreach (html::$attribute_order as $key)
if (isset($attributes[$key]))
// Add the attribute to the sorted list
$sorted[$key] = $attributes[$key];
// Combine the sorted attributes
$attributes = $sorted + $attributes;
$compiled = '';
foreach ($attributes as $key => $value)
if ($value === NULL)
// Skip attributes that have NULL values
// Add the attribute value
$compiled .= ' '.$key.'="'.htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, Kohana::$charset, TRUE).'"';
return $compiled;
final private function __construct()
// This is a static class
} // End html