
127 lines
2.6 KiB

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Database connection wrapper.
* @package Kohana
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2008-2009 Kohana Team
* @license
abstract class Database_Core {
const SELECT = 1;
const INSERT = 2;
const UPDATE = 3;
const DELETE = 4;
const CREATE = -2;
const ALTER = -3;
const DROP = -4;
public static $instances = array();
public static function instance($name = 'default', $cached = TRUE)
if ( ! isset(Database::$instances[$name]))
// Load the configuration for this database group
$config = Kohana::config('database', $cached)->$name;
if ( ! isset($config['type']))
throw new Kohana_Exception('Database type not defined in :name configuration',
array(':name' => $name));
// Set the driver class name
$driver = 'Database_'.ucfirst($config['type']);
// Create the database connection instance
new $driver($name, $config);
return Database::$instances[$name];
* @var string the last query executed
public $last_query;
// Configuration array
protected $_config;
// Required configuration keys
protected $_config_required = array();
// Raw server connection
protected $_connection;
public function __construct($name, array $config)
// Set the instance name
$this->_name = $name;
// Add the instance to the list
Database::$instances[$name] = $this;
foreach ($this->_config_required as $param)
if ( ! isset($config[$param]))
throw new Database_Exception('Required configuration parameter missing: :param',
array(':param', $param));
// Store the config locally
$this->_config = $config;
public function __destruct()
public function __toString()
// Return the instance name
return $this->_name;
abstract public function connect();
abstract public function disconnect();
abstract public function set_charset($charset);
abstract public function query($type, $sql);
abstract public function list_tables();
abstract public function list_columns($table);
abstract public function escape($value);
public function quote($value)
if ($value === NULL)
return 'NULL';
elseif ($value === TRUE OR $value === FALSE)
return $value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
elseif (is_int($value) OR (is_string($value) AND ctype_digit($value)))
return (int) $value;
elseif (is_array($value))
return implode(', ', array_map(array($this, __FUNCTION__), $value));
return '"'.$this->escape($value).'"';
} // End Database_Connection