# copyright (c) Alexander Yakovlev 2015. # This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. # To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 room = require("../../lib/room.coffee") obj = require('../../lib/obj.coffee') dialogue = require('../../lib/util/dialogue.coffee') oneOf = require('../../lib/oneOf.coffee') Salet = require('../../lib/salet.coffee') salet = new Salet salet.game_id = "6a9909a4-586a-4089-bd18-26da684d1c8d" salet.game_version = "2.0" salet.init = () -> _paq.push(['setCustomDimension', 1, false]) @character.view_smash = 1 @character.money = 0 @character.code = "" @character.knows_the_code = 0 @character.box_opened = 0 $(document).ready(() -> salet.beginGame() ) way_to = (content, ref) -> return "#{content}" objlink = (content, ref) -> return "#{content}" money = (salet, amount) -> salet.character.money = salet.character.money + amount code_can_input = (salet) -> return salet.character.code.length < 8 code_print = (salet) -> mask = 8 - salet.character.code.length retval = salet.character.code if mask > 0 for i in [1..mask] retval += "_" return retval code_input = (salet, digit) -> if code_can_input(salet) salet.character.code = salet.character.code + digit code_reset = (salet) -> salet.character.code = "" code_check = (salet) -> output = "" if salet.character.code.length >= 8 # There is an Undum.. let's call it a feature # that prevents the player from entering "3112". # You see, you can't select the situation 1 when you are # already in this situation, so you can't input 1 twice. if salet.character.code == "01012017" salet.character.box_opened = 1 if salet.character.knows_the_code == 0 output += """ Is he an extraordinary puzzle cracker or was it a sheer luck, but Ronald manages to *guess* the code. """ else output += """ New Year 2017. L. Y. must be Leonard Yakovlev, a famous painter. Some tabloids tried to connect him with Ana but it seemed like a weak link. By that logic, his sketch is worth more than all the cash here. Ronald thinks about it, but decides to "let the woman have her memories". """ output += """ \n\n Something clicks and box opens. The phone is slick, black and light in Ronald's hand. It springs to life, humming with purpose. The screen plays an animation: "LOADING..." Ronald has no other business here. It's time to go. """ salet.goTo("bedroom") else output += "Something clicks and the display resets, but the box stays locked." if character.sandbox.code == "000000" output += "\n\nOf course, Ronald didn't hope it would be that easy." code_reset(salet) return output room "start", salet, extendSection: true, dsc: """ Peter opened his door to find an empty silent corridor. He went to the neighbor's door and met a closed door. Ronald was working inside, quietly walking around the apartment. He began the inspection from #{way_to('the living room.', 'living-room')} """