commit 27db712e778706dc5d93505bb96ffec393f9fa35 Author: Alexander Yakovlev Date: Wed May 31 11:23:22 2017 +0700 Translation start diff --git a/balcony-chand.png b/balcony-chand.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08e0441 Binary files /dev/null and b/balcony-chand.png differ diff --git a/balcony.png b/balcony.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79b592d Binary files /dev/null and b/balcony.png differ diff --git a/bastille.png b/bastille.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aaa1a18 Binary files /dev/null and b/bastille.png differ diff --git a/cinder.html b/cinder.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34a39f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/cinder.html @@ -0,0 +1,1842 @@ + + + + +Тайный Агент Зола Миссия 1 + + + + + + + +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"><img src="intro-roof.png"></div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Крёстная:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Тайный Агент Зола, я вызвала тебя, чтобы поручить миссию. +Она будет опасной, но я знаю, что ты справишься.</span> +</div> +</section> +<section class="optarea"><div class="sect-cont"> +[[Продолжить|Mission1]] +</div></section> +(set: $hasMap to "no") +(set: $hasWeapon to 0) +(set: $passageFound to 0) +(set: $seenRisk to 4) +(set: $hasStiletto to 0) +(set: $hasCrowbar to 0) +(set: $hasRazor to 0) +(set: $guardN to 0) +(set: $guardMS to 0) +(set: $guardMN to 0) +(set: $guardQ to 0) +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"><img src="intro1.png"></div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p> +<span class="char-talk">This evening there will be a Ball at the Palace. We have forged an invitation. You must infiltrate the Ball, seek out and retrieve the [Secret Military Plans.]<morelink1|</span> +|morelink1>[] +(click: ?morelink1)[ +<p class="char-talk">You will have to make choices, and those choices matter. One wrong move and you will either end up in la Bastille or on the block. If this happens [I cannot help you.]<morelink2|</p>] +(click: ?morelink2)[<p class="char-talk">So keep a low profile. Avoid the guards. Avoid talking to anyone at all. Get in and out [as quickly as possible.]<morelink3|</p>] +(click: ?morelink3)[<p class="char-talk">And Cinder... don't bring any weapons on this mission.</p>(replace: ?continue)[[[D'accord!->ViewMap]]] +]</span> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene"> +<div class="sect-cont"> +|continue>[] +</div> +</section> +}{<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="versailles-map.png"> +</div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p> +<p class="char-talk">Make your way to this office room in the North Wing, 2ième étage. The plans are [somewhere inside.]<missionInfo1|</p> +(click: ?missionInfo1)[<p class="char-talk">The guards should be at roughly these positions, but we can't be sure so [be cautious.]<missionInfo2|</p>] +(click: ?missionInfo2)[<p class="char-talk">At midnight the guards change. That is your one window to get out of there.</p>(replace: ?continuehow)[ +(link: "Continue")[(set: $hasMap to "no")(goto:"equipment room")] +(link: "Sneak map into pocket")[(set: $hasMap to "yes")(goto:"equipment room")]] +] +</div></section><section><div class="sect-cont">} +|continuehow>[] +</div></section>{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="entering-palace.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Blend in->Hall of Mirrors NC]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<span class="char-name">Godmother:</span><br> +<span class="char-talk">Good luck, and don't get caught! The people of France need you. Death to the Ancien Régime!</span> +<p class="char-talk">Oh, and don't get blood on that dress - it's a rental.</p> +</div> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="outside-ver.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[The hall]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go south</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}<img src=""> +Annoying person blocking your way: "Bonjour! Would you dance with me?" +[[Dance->Dance with the annoying man]] +(link: "Dodge")[ +(if: $dodgeDie is 1)[(goto: "Hide behind large dresses")] +(else:)[(goto: "Dance with the annoying man")] +]{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors3dance.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Dance->Dance1]] +(display: "attack-guests") +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors4dance.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(set: $guardMS to 1) +[[Dance->Dance with the annoying man]] +[[Knock over candle stick->fire]] +(display: "attack-guests") +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors3dance.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 0)[ +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Wonderful weather we've been having, don't you think?</span>] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 1)[ +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Are you enjoying the ball?</span>] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 2)[ +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">I do so adore the minuet!</span>] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 3)[ +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">I haven't seen mademoiselle here before. Where are you from?</span>] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") >=4)[ +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Wonderful weather we've been having... oh wait, I said that already!</span>] +[[Dance->Dance on]] +(display: "attack-guests") +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors2hide.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go south</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Edge left->Hall of Mirrors NNC]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="bastille.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +You are imprisoned in la Bastille. There you will sit, and think about what you did wrong. +(if: (history:) contains "punch-dauphin")[ +(link:"Try again?")[(goto:"inventory-full")] +] +(else:)[ +(if: (history:) contains "Secret tunnel")[ +(if: $seenRisk >=1 and $seenRisk <5 )[[[Retry->NKB-hiding]]] +(elseif: $seenRisk >=5 )[ +(link:"Try again?")[ +(set: $seenRisk to 0) +(set: $chand to "u") +(set: $NKBseen to 0) +(set: $door to 0) +(goto:"North of KB")] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Try again?")[ +(set: $door to 0) +(set: $seenRisk to 0) +(set: $chand to "u") +(set: $NKBseen to 0) +(set: $KBseen to 0) +(goto:"King's Bedroom")] +] +] +(else:)[(link:"Try again?")[ +(set: $door to 0) +(set: $seenRisk to 0) +(set: $chand to "u") +(set: $NKBseen to 0) +(set: $KBseen to 0) +(goto:"Hall of Mirrors NC")]] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors2dance.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Dance->Twirling]] +[[Dive behind dress->Hide behind large dresses]] +(display: "attack-guests") +</section> +}Ready to go { +(click: ?equipreadylink)[ + (replace: ?equipreadylink)[(display: "doneequip2")] +(if: $hasWeapon <= 1)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[Thanks!](goto:"The palace")] +(elseif: $hasWeapon >= 7)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p><span class="char-talk">Have you been listening to me at all? You are going to infiltrate the ball, not hack your way into it!</span>]] +(else:)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p><span class="char-talk">How are you going to get past the guards like that?</span>]] +]}Ready to go{ +(click: ?equipreadylink)[ +(replace: ?equipreadylink)[(display: "doneequip1")] +(if: $hasWeapon <= 1)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[Thank you for being sensible!](goto:"The palace")] +(elseif: $hasWeapon >= 7)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p><span class="char-talk">Please tell me you're joking.</span>]] +(else:)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p><span class="char-talk">This isn't that kind of mission! You need to be stealthy!</span>]] +]}{ +<section class="scene s-dark equip"> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<h1 class="toph">Equip Cinder</h1> +<div id="equipmenu" class=""> +<div class="row"><div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink1| </div> +<div class="col400"> +[<img src="equip/row1.png">]<equipment1| +</div> +<div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink1b| </div> +</div> +<div class="row"> +<div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink2| </div> +<div class="col400"> +[<img src="equip/row2.png">]<equipment2| +</div> +<div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink2b| </div> +</div> +<div class="row"><div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink3| </div> +<div class="col400"> +[<img src="equip/row3.png">]<equipment3| +</div> +<div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink3b| </div> +</div> +<div class="row"><div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink4| </div> +<div class="col400"> +[<img src="equip/row4.png">]<equipment4| +</div> +<div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink4b| </div> +</div> +</div></div> +(replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] +(replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] +(replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] +(replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] +(replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] +(replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] +(replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] +(replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] +</div></section> +<section class="scene"> +<div class="sect-cont"> +[]<equipreadylink| +[]<equipreadycomment| +(replace: ?equipreadylink)[(display: "doneequip1")] +</div> +</section> +}(if: $hasCrowbar is 0)[ +<img src="equip/stiletto.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "equipped1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1-stiletto.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasStiletto to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] +]} +] +(else:) [ +<img src="equip/stiletto.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "equipped1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1-stiletto.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasStiletto to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] + (set: $hasCrowbar to 0) +]} +]{(if: (history:) contains "fire")[ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors3afterfire.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors SC]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Go North->Hall of Mirrors NC]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +</section> +](else:)[<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors3.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Bonjour! Would mademoiselle dance with me?</span> +[[Dance->Dance with the annoying man]] +[[Refuse->no-dance]] +</section>] +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors2.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors C]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Go North->Hall of Mirrors NNC]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(set: $guardMN to 1) +|dressdesc>[] +(link: "Look at huge dress")[(replace: ?dressdesc)[<span class="block">How did she get in?</span>]] +|guarddesc>[] +(link: "Look at guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc)[<span class="block">There is another room over there, but the guard is blocking the way. (display: "guard-count")</span>]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors1.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors NC]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Go North->North Corner]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +|timiddesc>[] +(link: "Look at wallflower")[(replace: ?timiddesc)[He is preoccupied and hasn't noticed you.]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors4.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors SSC]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Go North->Hall of Mirrors C]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +|guarddesc>[] +(link: "Peer behind guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc)[Another room.]] +|hairdesc>[] +(link: "Look at crowd")[(replace: ?hairdesc)[They don't seem all that shocked.]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors5.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South->South Corner]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Go North->Hall of Mirrors SC]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="versailles-corner-l.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Hall of Mirrors NNC]]</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go North</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(set: $guardN to 1) +|roomdesc>[] +(link: "Look at room")[(replace: ?roomdesc)[<span class="block">This is the War Room.</span>]] +|guarddesc>[] +(link: "Look at doorway")[(replace: ?guarddesc)[<span class="block">The guard is in the way.</span>] +|guarddesc2>[] +(link: "Glare at guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc2)[<span class="block">The guard gives no response. (display: "guard-count")</span>]] +|guarddesc3>[] +(link: "Attack guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc3)[<span class="block">That would be fun, but you need to get away with it too.</span>]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "nc") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="versailles-corner-r.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[queen-bedroom2]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Hall of Mirrors SSC]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go down</a> +</div> +</div> +|roomdesc>[] +(link: "Look at room")[(replace: ?roomdesc)[This is the Peace Room. There is no guard here at present.]] +(set: $mapPos to "sc") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +|doorstatus>[<img src="north-of-kb-enter.png">] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[King's Bedroom]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +|NKBEastdesc>[] +|chanDesc>[] +(link: "Look at doorway")[(replace: ?NKBEastdesc)[The doorway to the Ballroom is blocked by a guard. (display: "guard-count") (link: "Close inner doors")[(set: $door to 1)(replace: ?NKBEastdesc)[](goto: "NKB-door-c")]]] +(link: "Look at clock")[It's a quarter to midnight. 15 minutes until the guards change.] +(link: "Look at chandelier")[(set: $NKBseen to "chand")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The chandelier hangs from a thick rope. +(link: "Look at rope")[(set: $NKBseen to "rope")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The rope is tied up with a knot. +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-o-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +]] +]] +(set: $mapPos to "nk") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding" and $onbed is 0)[<img src="kings-bedroom.png">] +(elseif: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding" and $onbed is 1)[<img src="kings-bedroom-screen.png">] +(else:)[<img src="kings-bedroom.png">] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding")[ +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen1]]</span>(if: $KBseen is "balcony")[<span class="w-r" title="Right">[[balcony-chand]]</span>](else:)[|KBwindow>[<span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span>]]<span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d" title="Down">[[tunnel-r]]</a> +</div> +</div> +|KBdesc>[] +(link: "Look at bed")[(replace: ?KBdesc)[<span class="block">The King sleeps on a bed of gold. Meanwhile, the State is nearly bankrupt and the people are starving.</span>]] +|Windesc>[] +(if: $KBseen is "balcony")[ +[[Go to Balcony->balcony-chand]]] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at windows")[(set: $KBseen to "balcony")(replace: ?Windesc)[<span class="block">There is a balcony outside.</span> +[[Go to Balcony->balcony-chand]] +](replace: ?KBwindow)[<span class="w-r" title="Right">[[balcony-chand]]</span>] +]] +] +(else:)[ +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">(link: "walk")[(if: $door is 0)[(goto: "North of KB")](else:)[(goto: "NKB-door-c")]]</span>(if: $KBseen is "balcony")[<span class="w-r" title="Right">[[The Balcony]]</span>](else:)[|KBwindow>[<span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span>]]<span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d" title="Down">[[tunnel-r]]</a> +</div> +</div> +|KBdesc>[] +(link: "Look at bed")[(replace: ?KBdesc)[<span class="block">The King sleeps on a bed of gold. Meanwhile, the State is nearly bankrupt and the people are starving.</span>]] +|Windesc>[] +(if: $KBseen is "balcony")[ +[[Go to Balcony->The Balcony]]] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at windows")[(set: $KBseen to "balcony")(replace: ?Windesc)[<span class="block">There is a balcony outside.</span> +[[Go to Balcony->The Balcony]] +](replace: ?KBwindow)[<span class="w-r" title="Right">[[The Balcony]]</span>] +]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "kb") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +(if: $passageFound is 0)[ +|doorstate>[<img src="versailles-queens-room.png">] +] +(else:)[ +<img src="queens-door.png"> +] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene"> +<div class="sect-cont"> +(if: $passageFound is 0) +|beddesc>[ +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[card-players]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[South Corner]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(link: "Look at bed")[(set: $passageFound to 1)(replace: ?doorstate)[<img src="queens-door.png">](replace: ?beddesc)[ +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[Secret tunnel]]</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[card-players]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[South Corner]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +<span class="block">There is a hidden passageway by the bed</span> +]] +] +(else:)[ +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[Secret tunnel]]</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[card-players]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[South Corner]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +] +|stooldesc>[] +(link: "Look at stools")[(replace: ?stooldesc)[<span class="block">Spectator seats. Charming.</span>]] +(set: $mapPos to "qb") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</div> +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="balcony.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[King's Bedroom]]</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go North</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +|upDesc>[] +(link: "Look up")[(replace: ?upDesc)[<span class="block">The roof ledge is too far to reach.</span>]] +|marGuardDesc>[] +(link: "Look below")[(replace: ?marGuardDesc)[<span class="block">Tiny decorative guards.</span>]] +|rightDesc>[] +(link: "Look right")[(replace: ?rightDesc)[<span class="block">The South Wing. That's where the Queen's rooms are.</span>]] +|leftDesc>[] +(link: "Look left")[(replace: ?leftDesc)[<span class="block">The North Wing. That's where the King's rooms, and the Secret Plans, are.</span>]] +(set: $mapPos to "ba") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="ver-passage.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[King's Bedroom]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">(link: "walk")[(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding")[(goto: "safe-zone")](else:)[(goto: "queen-bedroom2")]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(set: $mapPos to "pa") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}<img src="equip/stiletto-a.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) + (set: $hasStiletto to 0) +]}(if: $hasFan is 0)[ +<img src="equip/crossbow.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink2)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "equipped2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2-crossbow.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasGuiGun to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] +]} +] +(else:) [ +<img src="equip/crossbow.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink2)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "equipped2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2-crossbow.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasGuiGun to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] + (set: $hasFan to 0) +]} +]<img src="equip/crossbow-a.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink2)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +]}(if: $hasBomb is 0)[ +<img src="equip/rifle.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink3)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "equipped3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3-rifle.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasRifle to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] +]} +] +(else:) [ +<img src="equip/rifle.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink3)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "equipped3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3-rifle.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasRifle to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] + (set: $hasBomb to 0) +]} +](if: $hasCanon is 0)[ +<img src="equip/razor.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink4)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "equipped4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4-razor.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 1) + (set: $hasRazor to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] +]} +] +(else:) [ +<img src="equip/razor.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink4)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "equipped4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4-razor.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 1) + (set: $hasRazor to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] + (set: $hasCanon to 0) +]} +]<img src="equip/razor-a.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink4)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 1) + (set: $hasRazor to 0) +]}<img src="equip/rifle-a.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink3)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +]}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="to-roof.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +|deskdesc>[] +(link: "Look at secretaire")[(replace: ?deskdesc)[It's the Secretaire Royale, sure to contain the Secret Military Plans.] +[[Pick locks on secretaire->lock-picked]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "xr") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="x-room-open.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(link: "Look at clock on secretaire")[It's almost midnight.<br>] +(link: "Look at big folder")[It is heavy folder, and it looks important.<br>] +(link: "Look at correspondence")[Letters with elaborate seals on them.<br>] +(link: "Look at hefty binder")[Papers protected by leather covers.<br>] +(link: "Look at ledger")[A ledger with rows and rows of big numbers.<br>] +(link: "Look at written pages")[Wouldn't it be great to be literate?<br>] +(link: "Look at scribbled notes")[Even the literate couldn't make sense of these scribbles.<br>] +(link: "Look at scented paper letter")[Do secret military plans usually smell of rose water?<br>] +(link: "Look at scroll")[Unrolled, this paper looks just like all the other ones.<br>] +[[Pick up all the papers!->inventory-full]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="grab-all.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<p class="char-talk">What's going on?</p> +[[Look up->interrupted]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +|proximity>[<img src="x-room-prince1.png">]</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">That guy again:</p> +<span class="char-talk block">What are you doing?|step2>[]</span> +|options>[ +[Flee]<optF| +[Attack]<optA| +] +(click: ?optF)[ +(replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince2.png">] +(replace: ?step2)[ You shouldn't be here.|step3>[]] +(replace: ?options)[ +[Flee through window]<optFW| +[Flee via door]<optFD| +]] +(click: ?optFW)[(goto: "Exit through window")] +(click: ?optFD)[(replace: ?options)[<span class="alert block">Too late, he is in the way.</span> +[[Flee->arm-grabbed]] +[[Attack->arm-grabbed]]] +(replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince3.png">] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +] +(click: ?optA)[ +(replace: ?options)[ +[Attack with: Guillotine Gun]<optW| +[Attack with: Soldier's Rifle]<optW| +[Attack with: Razor Hem]<optRH| +[Attack with: Shoe]<optS| +] (replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince2.png">] +(replace: ?step2)[ You shouldn't be here.|step3>[]] +(click: ?optW)[(replace: ?options)[<span class="alert block">You don't seem to have that with you.</span> +[[Flee->arm-grabbed]] +[[Attack->arm-grabbed]] +](replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince3.png">] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +] +(click: ?optRH)[(if: $hasRazor is 1)[(replace: ?options)[ +[[Aim at: Face->arm-grabbed]] +[[Aim at: Ankles->arm-grabbed]] +[[Aim at: Belly->arm-grabbed]]] +(replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince3.png">] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +] +(else:)[(replace: ?options)[<span class="alert block">You don't seem to have that with you</span> +[[Flee->arm-grabbed]] +[[Attack->arm-grabbed]]] +(replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince3.png">] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +]] +(click: ?optS)[(goto: "Punch him")]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="flee1.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Ride away->fleeing]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors4fire.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors SSC]]</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go North</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="punch.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Get out->Exit through window]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="foot.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Merde->The end]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="outro.png"></div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p> +<p class="char-talk">Agent Cinder, I knew finesse was not your strong suit, but this? Really?</p> +<p class="char-talk">I told you to keep a low profile and you went and danced with the Dauphin! You stuffed the essential piece of the Military plans into your shoe and now that [shoe has gone missing.]<dressdown2|</p> +(click: ?dressdown2)[<p class="char-talk">And what did I tell you about that dress? I'll never get my deposit back now!</p> +<p class="char-talk">The Royal Guards are turning Paris upside down in search of you. The shoe is their main clue. With some luck, we can [use that to our advantage.]<dressdown4|</p>] +(click: ?dressdown4)[<p class="char-talk">There are currently two principal suspects for the crime: two sisters. Incriminate them further by planting the other shoe in their home. Be careful, their home will be crawling with guards. Do not get caught. And above all, [avoid that eye-witness, the Dauphin.]<dressdown5|</p>] +(click: ?dressdown5)[<p class="char-talk">Cinder, you need to fix this or the whole organization might be blown, and our glorious revolution lost before it began!</p> +<p class="char-talk">Sacre bleu, could this mission have gone any more wrong?</p>] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<h2>Mission score</h2> +Stealth: (if: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >=1 and (count: (history:), "Merdre") <3)[<img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +(elseif: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >3)[<img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +(else:)[<img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star">]<br> +Revolutionary Zeal: <img src="star.png" class="star"><br> +Violence Bonus: (if: (history:) contains "Punch him")[<img src="star.png" class="star">] +(else:)[<img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +<p> </p> +(display: "credits") +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hand-grab.png"> +</div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">That guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">There is an intruder loose.</span> +</div> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hand-drag.png"> +</div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">That guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">We must go to the safe zone!</span> +</div> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hand-drag-face.png"> +</div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">That guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Where all the guards are.</span> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Punch him]] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") >=4)[ +[[Act normal->ever-after]] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +|doorstatus>[<img src="north-of-kb-closed.png">] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[King's Bedroom]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(link: "Look at clock")[It's a quarter to midnight. 15 minutes until the guards change.] +|chanDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "chand")[ +(link: "Look at rope")[(set: $NKBseen to "rope")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The rope is tied up with a knot. +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-c-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +]] +] +(elseif: $NKBseen is "rope")[ +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-c-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at chandelier")[(set: $NKBseen to "chand")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The chandelier hangs from a thick rope. +(link: "Look at rope")[(set: $NKBseen to "rope")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The rope is tied up with a knot. +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-c-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +]] +]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "nk") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-of-kb-falla.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[NKB-chand-d-seen0]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Pick up chandelier->NKB-pickup]] +(set: $seenRisk to 6) +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-seen0.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-hide1.png"> +</div> +</section> +(set: $seenRisk to 4) +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen1]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Wait->NKB-hiding2]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +[[Slip behind curtain->KB-seen]] +] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding2")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-of-kb-fallB.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(set: $seenRisk to 6) +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-no-chand-seen0.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(set: $seenRisk to 6) +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-pickup.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen0]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Hide behind screen->NKB-hiding]] +(set: $seenRisk to 5) +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-hide2.png"> +</div> +</section> +(set: $seenRisk to 3) +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen1]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Wait->NKB-hiding3]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +[[Slip behind curtain->KB-seen]] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding3")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +(if: $seenRisk is 4)[ +<img src="north-kb-seen1.png"> +] +(elseif: $seenRisk is 3)[ +<img src="north-kb-seen2.png"> +] +(elseif: $seenRisk is 2)[ +<img src="north-kb-seen3.png"> +] +(elseif: $seenRisk is 1)[ +<img src="north-kb-seen4.png"> +] +(else:)[ +Error: seenrisk not 1-4 +] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="kings-bedroom-g.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-hide3.png"> +</div> +</section> +(set: $seenRisk to 2) +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen1]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Wait->NKB-hiding4]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +[[Slip behind curtain->KB-seen]] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding4")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-hide4.png"> +</div> +</section> +(set: $seenRisk to 1) +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen1]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Wait->NKB-hiding4]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +(link:"Slip behind curtain")[(set: $onbed to 1)(goto: "King's Bedroom")] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding4")] +] +</section> +}(if: $hasStiletto is 0)[ +<img src="equip/crowbar.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "eq1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1-crowbar.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasCrowbar to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] +]}] +(else:)[ +<img src="equip/crowbar.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "eq1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1-crowbar.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasCrowbar to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] + (set: $hasStiletto to 0) +]}]<img src="equip/crowbar-a.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1.png">] +(set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +(set: $hasCrowbar to 0) +]}(if: $hasGuiGun is 0)[ +<img src="equip/fan.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink2b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "eq2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2-fan.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasFan to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] +]}] +(else:)[ +<img src="equip/fan.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink2b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "eq2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2-fan.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasFan to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] + (set: $hasGuiGun to 0) +]}]<img src="equip/fan-a.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink2b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2.png">] +(set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +(set: $hasFan to 0) +]}(if: $hasRifle is 0)[ +<img src="equip/bombs.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink3b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "eq3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3-bombs.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasBomb to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] +]}] +(else:)[ +<img src="equip/bombs.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink3b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "eq3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3-bombs.png">] +(set: $hasWeapon += 0) +(set: $hasBomb to 1) +(replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] +(set: $hasRifle to 0) +]}]<img src="equip/bombs-a.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink3b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3.png">] +(set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +(set: $hasRifle to 0) +]}<img src="equip/canon-a.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink4b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) + (set: $hasCanon to 0) +]}(if: $hasRazor is 0)[ +<img src="equip/canon.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink4b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "eq4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4-canon.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasCanon to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] +]}] +(else:)[ +<img src="equip/canon.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink4b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "eq4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4-canon.png">] +(set: $hasWeapon += 1) +(set: $hasCanon to 1) +(replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] +(set: $hasRazor to 0) +]}]{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors3guards.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="queens-w.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go up</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[queen-bedroom2]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(set: $guardQ to 3) +|slackdesc>[] +(link: "Look at guards")[(replace: ?slackdesc)[They have not spotted you, they are busy playing Whist. (display: "guard-count")]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="ver-passage-r.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[King's Bedroom]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">(link: "walk")[(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding")[(goto: "safe-zone")](else:)[(goto: "queen-bedroom2")]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(if: (history:) contains "NKB-pickup")[(set: $onbed to 0)] +(set: $mapPos to "pa") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}Look at map { +(click: ?maplink)[ + (replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapon")] + (replace: ?map)[(display: "show-map")] +]}{ +<div class="mapPin"> +<img src="flat-map.png" style="position: relative; top:0; left:0;"> +(if: $mapPos is "sc")[ +<img src="map-pos/map-s-corner.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "qb")[<img src="map-pos/map-qb.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "pa")[<img src="map-pos/map-pass.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "nc")[<img src="map-pos/map-n-corner.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "kb")[<img src="map-pos/map-kb.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "ba")[<img src="map-pos/map-balcony.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "nk")[<img src="map-pos/map-n-kb.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "xr")[<img src="map-pos/map-x.png">] +(else:)[<img src="map-pos/map-gates.png">] +</div> +The secret plans are on the 2ième étage, North Wing, in the Grand Cabinet. +}Fold up map { +(click: ?maplink)[ + (replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] + (replace: ?map)[] +]}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="balcony-chand.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Throw chandelier hook->into-room]] +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="prince-proposal.png"></div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Le Dauphin:</p> +<span class="char-talk">I wouldn't want anything to [happen to you.]<blab1| +(click: ?blab1)[You see... I've come to [care about you ]<blab2|] +(click: ?blab2)[I don't know what it is, you're just so different from from the other ladies I meet at [court.]<blab3|] +(click: ?blab3)[It's like you have no ulterior motive and you don't want anything from me, and that is just so liberating, and I can see myself - I can see us - really taking care of each other, [you know?]<blab4|] +(click: ?blab4)[I haven't opened up to anyone like this before... It's so hard at court, I am expected to be regal all the time, even when I don't know what to do. And the nobility are always conspiring in their own interest and I need to keep a... a mask, you know? So people won't know what I am thinking... but it gets so tiring, to always, always have to be on my guard, and never talk to anyone in a relaxed way, like now, without being worried that something I say will be used against me or be a source of ridicule. Somehow I just know that I can trust you and that you aren't like that, and if you only knew how wonderful that is, if I could only express it better somehow, how wonderful and [unique you are!]<blab5|] +(click: ?blab5)[(replace: ?response)[ +[[Live happily ever after->heads-will-roll]] +[[Punch him->punch-dauphin]]]I guess what I am trying to say is that after tonight I don't think I could go back to being alone again in the choking protocol and I don't think I can go back to the world of insincerity I am trapped in. So dearest, purest lady, will you look favorably upon me, and do me the inestimable honour of being my wife?</span>] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[]<response| +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="as-queen.png"></div> +<h1>Worst revolutionary ever</h1> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Agent Cinder, if it were anyone else I would doubt their [commitment to the cause.]<debrief|</span> +(click: ?debrief)[<p class="char-talk">Although your take on undercover work is a bit original, the plan can stay the same, with one small adjustment. Now you just need to get yourself and the Secret Military Plans OUT of the palace, and past the guards and the fawning entourage that follows you everywhere, all while dressed in the most uncomfortable getup known to civilization. This can all [still work out.]<debriefmore|</p>] +(click: ?debriefmore)[<p class="char-talk">I'll make sure to make a note of who you really are so you aren't put under the guillotine when the day of reckoning comes for the aristocrats. I'm sure the note won't get lost or anything.</p>] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<h2>Mission score</h2> +Stealth: (if: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >1)[<img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +(elseif: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >3)[<img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +(else:)[<img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="star.png" class="star">]<br> +Revolutionary Zeal: <img src="no-star.png" class="star"><br> +Violence Bonus: (if: $hasRazor is 1)[<img src="star.png" class="star">](else:)[<img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +<p> </p> +<a href="secret-agent-cinder.html" class="btn">Replay mission</a> +<p> </p> +(display: "credits") +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="punch.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[That was satisfying->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="queens-full.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[Secret tunnel]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +|crowddesc>[] +(link: "Look at crowd")[(replace: ?crowddesc)[Anxious aristocrats are blocking the way. They've been rounded up while the guards search for the intruder.]] +(display: "attack-guests") +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="flee2.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Something is wrong->the-foot]] +</section> +}{ +<br> +<a href="" class="btn">Return to main website</a> +<p> </p> +<a href="secret-agent-cinder.html" class="btn">Replay mission</a> +<p> </p> +<a href="" class="btn">Tell me what you thought!</a> +<p> </p> +<p>Spread the revolution <a class="social facebook" href="">f</a> <a class="social twitter" href="">t</a> <a class="social google" href="">g+</a></p> +<br> +<h3>Resources</h3> +<p><a href="">Twine</a> - the free chose-your-own-adventure tool I used to create this story.</p> +<p><a href="">Google Earth</a> - allows you to walk around in the real Versailles.</p> +<p><a href="">Revolutions podcast</a> - a podcast with the history of the French revolution, if you care about nit-picky things like facts.</p> +}{ +(if: $hasRazor is 1)[ +[Attack guest]<unprovoked| +(click: ?unprovoked)[ +(replace: ?unprovoked)[ +[Attack Financial genius Necker]<optGo| +[Attack the Princess de Lamballe]<optGo| +[Attack the Duke d'Orleans]<optGo| +[Attack Madame du Barry]<optGo| +[Attack the Abbé Sieyès]<optGo| +[Attack the Marquis de la Fayette]<optGo| +[Attack Madame Roland]<optGo| +[Attack the Comte d'Artois]<optGo| +] +] +(click: ?optGo)[(goto: "Merdre")] +] +(else:)[] +}{ +(set: $guardCount = $guardN + $guardMS + $guardMN + $guardQ) +You know that there +(if: $guardCount is 1)[ is at least one guard ] +(elseif: $guardCount is 2)[ are at least two guards ] +(elseif: $guardCount is 3)[ are at least three guards ] +(elseif: $guardCount is 6)[ are at least six guards ] +(else:)[should be some guards] +on this floor. +} + + + + + + diff --git a/cinder.tw2 b/cinder.tw2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c4fe46 --- /dev/null +++ b/cinder.tw2 @@ -0,0 +1,1615 @@ +::StoryTitle +Тайный Агент Зола Миссия 1 + +::StoryIncludes +cinder_css.tw2 + +::Start <501,175> +{ +


+Тайный Агент Зола, я вызвала тебя, чтобы поручить миссию. +Она будет опасной, но я знаю, что ты справишься. +
+[[Продолжить|Mission1]] +
+(set: $hasMap to "no") +(set: $hasWeapon to 0) +(set: $passageFound to 0) +(set: $seenRisk to 4) +(set: $hasStiletto to 0) +(set: $hasCrowbar to 0) +(set: $hasRazor to 0) +(set: $guardN to 0) +(set: $guardMS to 0) +(set: $guardMN to 0) +(set: $guardQ to 0) +} + +::Mission1 <500,301> +{ +


+This evening there will be a Ball at the Palace. We have forged an invitation. You must infiltrate the Ball, seek out and retrieve the [Secret Military Plans.] +|morelink1>[] +(click: ?morelink1)[ +

You will have to make choices, and those choices matter. One wrong move and you will either end up in la Bastille or on the block. If this happens [I cannot help you.]] +(click: ?morelink2)[

So keep a low profile. Avoid the guards. Avoid talking to anyone at all. Get in and out [as quickly as possible.]] +(click: ?morelink3)[

And Cinder... don't bring any weapons on this mission.

(replace: ?continue)[[[D'accord!->ViewMap]]] +]
+|continue>[] +
+} + +::ViewMap <501,429> +{
+ +



Make your way to this office room in the North Wing, 2ième étage. The plans are [somewhere inside.] +(click: ?missionInfo1)[

The guards should be at roughly these positions, but we can't be sure so [be cautious.]] +(click: ?missionInfo2)[

At midnight the guards change. That is your one window to get out of there.

(replace: ?continuehow)[ +(link: "Continue")[(set: $hasMap to "no")(goto:"equipment room")] +(link: "Sneak map into pocket")[(set: $hasMap to "yes")(goto:"equipment room")]] +] +
} +|continuehow>[] +
+ +::The hall <502,1079> +{ +
+[[Blend in->Hall of Mirrors NC]] +
+} + +::The palace [map] <502,954> +{ +
+Good luck, and don't get caught! The people of France need you. Death to the Ancien Régime! +

Oh, and don't get blood on that dress - it's a rental.

+[[The hall]]Go southLeftGo Down +
+(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +} + +::prince <185,1602> + +Annoying person blocking your way: "Bonjour! Would you dance with me?" +[[Dance->Dance with the annoying man]] +(link: "Dodge")[ +(if: $dodgeDie is 1)[(goto: "Hide behind large dresses")] +(else:)[(goto: "Dance with the annoying man")] +] + +::Dance with the annoying man <701,1603> +{ +
+[[Dance->Dance1]] +(display: "attack-guests") +
+} + +::Dance on <596,1729> +{ +
+(set: $guardMS to 1) +[[Dance->Dance with the annoying man]] +[[Knock over candle stick->fire]] +(display: "attack-guests") +
+} + +::Twirling <499,1604> +{ +
+(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 0)[ +

Some guy:

+Wonderful weather we've been having, don't you think?] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 1)[ +

Some guy:

+Are you enjoying the ball?] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 2)[ +

Some guy:

+I do so adore the minuet!] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 3)[ +

Some guy:

+I haven't seen mademoiselle here before. Where are you from?] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") >=4)[ +

Some guy:

+Wonderful weather we've been having... oh wait, I said that already!] +[[Dance->Dance on]] +(display: "attack-guests") +
+} + +::Hide behind large dresses <874,1479> +{ +
+Go UpGo south[[Edge left->Hall of Mirrors NNC]]Go Down +
+} + +::Merdre <1604,1200> +{ +
+ +
+You are imprisoned in la Bastille. There you will sit, and think about what you did wrong. +(if: (history:) contains "punch-dauphin")[ +(link:"Try again?")[(goto:"inventory-full")] +] +(else:)[ +(if: (history:) contains "Secret tunnel")[ +(if: $seenRisk >=1 and $seenRisk <5 )[[[Retry->NKB-hiding]]] +(elseif: $seenRisk >=5 )[ +(link:"Try again?")[ +(set: $seenRisk to 0) +(set: $chand to "u") +(set: $NKBseen to 0) +(set: $door to 0) +(goto:"North of KB")] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Try again?")[ +(set: $door to 0) +(set: $seenRisk to 0) +(set: $chand to "u") +(set: $NKBseen to 0) +(set: $KBseen to 0) +(goto:"King's Bedroom")] +] +] +(else:)[(link:"Try again?")[ +(set: $door to 0) +(set: $seenRisk to 0) +(set: $chand to "u") +(set: $NKBseen to 0) +(set: $KBseen to 0) +(goto:"Hall of Mirrors NC")]] +] +
+} + +::Dance1 <602,1478> +{ +
+[[Dance->Twirling]] +[[Dive behind dress->Hide behind large dresses]] +(display: "attack-guests") +
+} + +::doneequip1 <252,556> +Ready to go { +(click: ?equipreadylink)[ + (replace: ?equipreadylink)[(display: "doneequip2")] +(if: $hasWeapon <= 1)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[Thanks!](goto:"The palace")] +(elseif: $hasWeapon >= 7)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[


Have you been listening to me at all? You are going to infiltrate the ball, not hack your way into it!]] +(else:)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[


How are you going to get past the guards like that?]] +]} + +::doneequip2 <377,556> +Ready to go{ +(click: ?equipreadylink)[ +(replace: ?equipreadylink)[(display: "doneequip1")] +(if: $hasWeapon <= 1)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[Thank you for being sensible!](goto:"The palace")] +(elseif: $hasWeapon >= 7)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[


Please tell me you're joking.]] +(else:)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[


This isn't that kind of mission! You need to be stealthy!]] +]} + +::equipment room <502,554> +{ +

Equip Cinder

+[] +
+[] +
+[] +
+[] +
+[] +
+[] +
+[] +
+[] +
+[] +
+[] +
+[] +
+[] +
+(replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] +(replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] +(replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] +(replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] +(replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] +(replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] +(replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] +(replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] +
+[] +
+} + +::unequipped1 <630,554> +(if: $hasCrowbar is 0)[ + { +(click: ?equiplink1)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "equipped1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasStiletto to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] +]} +] +(else:) [ + { +(click: ?equiplink1)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "equipped1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasStiletto to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] + (set: $hasCrowbar to 0) +]} +] + +::Hall of Mirrors C <995.0004999999999,1603> +{(if: (history:) contains "fire")[ +
+Go Up[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors SC]][[Go North->Hall of Mirrors NC]]Go Down +

Some guy:

+Bonjour! Would mademoiselle dance with me? +[[Dance->Dance with the annoying man]] +[[Refuse->no-dance]] +
] +} + +::Hall of Mirrors NC <1003,1477> +{ +
+Go Up[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors C]][[Go North->Hall of Mirrors NNC]]Go Down +
+(set: $guardMN to 1) +|dressdesc>[] +(link: "Look at huge dress")[(replace: ?dressdesc)[How did she get in?]] +|guarddesc>[] +(link: "Look at guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc)[There is another room over there, but the guard is blocking the way. (display: "guard-count")]] +
+} + +::Hall of Mirrors NNC <1002,1352> +{ +
+Go Up[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors NC]][[Go North->North Corner]]Go Down +
+|timiddesc>[] +(link: "Look at wallflower")[(replace: ?timiddesc)[He is preoccupied and hasn't noticed you.]] +
+} + +::Hall of Mirrors SC <1003,1729> +{ +
+Go Up[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors SSC]][[Go North->Hall of Mirrors C]]Go Down +
+|guarddesc>[] +(link: "Peer behind guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc)[Another room.]] +|hairdesc>[] +(link: "Look at crowd")[(replace: ?hairdesc)[They don't seem all that shocked.]] +
+} + +::Hall of Mirrors SSC <1004,1855> +{ +
+Go Up[[Go South->South Corner]][[Go North->Hall of Mirrors SC]]Go Down +
+} + +::North Corner <1001,1226> +{ +
+Go Up[[Hall of Mirrors NNC]]Go NorthGo Down +
+(set: $guardN to 1) +|roomdesc>[] +(link: "Look at room")[(replace: ?roomdesc)[This is the War Room.]] +|guarddesc>[] +(link: "Look at doorway")[(replace: ?guarddesc)[The guard is in the way.] +|guarddesc2>[] +(link: "Glare at guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc2)[The guard gives no response. (display: "guard-count")]] +|guarddesc3>[] +(link: "Attack guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc3)[That would be fun, but you need to get away with it too.]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "nc") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +} + +::South Corner [map] <1003,1981> +{ +
+[[queen-bedroom2]]Go right[[Hall of Mirrors SSC]]Go down +
+|roomdesc>[] +(link: "Look at room")[(replace: ?roomdesc)[This is the Peace Room. There is no guard here at present.]] +(set: $mapPos to "sc") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +} + +::North of KB <1128,1479> +{ +
+|doorstatus>[] +
+[[King's Bedroom]]Go rightGo leftGo Down +
+|NKBEastdesc>[] +|chanDesc>[] +(link: "Look at doorway")[(replace: ?NKBEastdesc)[The doorway to the Ballroom is blocked by a guard. (display: "guard-count") (link: "Close inner doors")[(set: $door to 1)(replace: ?NKBEastdesc)[](goto: "NKB-door-c")]]] +(link: "Look at clock")[It's a quarter to midnight. 15 minutes until the guards change.] +(link: "Look at chandelier")[(set: $NKBseen to "chand")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The chandelier hangs from a thick rope. +(link: "Look at rope")[(set: $NKBseen to "rope")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The rope is tied up with a knot. +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-o-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +]] +]] +(set: $mapPos to "nk") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +} + +::King's Bedroom <1120.0007999999998,1604> +{ +
+(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding" and $onbed is 0)[] +(elseif: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding" and $onbed is 1)[] +(else:)[] +
+(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding")[ +
+[[seen1]](if: $KBseen is "balcony")[[[balcony-chand]]](else:)[|KBwindow>[Go right]]Go left[[tunnel-r]] +
+|KBdesc>[] +(link: "Look at bed")[(replace: ?KBdesc)[The King sleeps on a bed of gold. Meanwhile, the State is nearly bankrupt and the people are starving.]] +|Windesc>[] +(if: $KBseen is "balcony")[ +[[Go to Balcony->balcony-chand]]] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at windows")[(set: $KBseen to "balcony")(replace: ?Windesc)[There is a balcony outside. +[[Go to Balcony->balcony-chand]] +](replace: ?KBwindow)[[[balcony-chand]]] +]] +] +(else:)[ +
+(link: "walk")[(if: $door is 0)[(goto: "North of KB")](else:)[(goto: "NKB-door-c")]](if: $KBseen is "balcony")[[[The Balcony]]](else:)[|KBwindow>[Go right]]Go left[[tunnel-r]] +
+|KBdesc>[] +(link: "Look at bed")[(replace: ?KBdesc)[The King sleeps on a bed of gold. Meanwhile, the State is nearly bankrupt and the people are starving.]] +|Windesc>[] +(if: $KBseen is "balcony")[ +[[Go to Balcony->The Balcony]]] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at windows")[(set: $KBseen to "balcony")(replace: ?Windesc)[There is a balcony outside. +[[Go to Balcony->The Balcony]] +](replace: ?KBwindow)[[[The Balcony]]] +]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "kb") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +} + +::queen-bedroom2 [bug] <1128,1983> +{ +
+(if: $passageFound is 0)[ +|doorstate>[] +] +(else:)[ + +] +
+(if: $passageFound is 0) +|beddesc>[ +
+Up[[card-players]][[South Corner]]Go Down +
+(link: "Look at bed")[(set: $passageFound to 1)(replace: ?doorstate)[](replace: ?beddesc)[ +
+[[Secret tunnel]][[card-players]][[South Corner]]Go Down +
+There is a hidden passageway by the bed +]] +] +(else:)[ +
+[[Secret tunnel]][[card-players]][[South Corner]]Go Down +
+] +|stooldesc>[] +(link: "Look at stools")[(replace: ?stooldesc)[Spectator seats. Charming.]] +(set: $mapPos to "qb") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +
+} + +::The Balcony [bug] <1245.0005999999998,1604> +{ +
+ +
+Go Up[[King's Bedroom]]Go NorthGo Down +
+|upDesc>[] +(link: "Look up")[(replace: ?upDesc)[The roof ledge is too far to reach.]] +|marGuardDesc>[] +(link: "Look below")[(replace: ?marGuardDesc)[Tiny decorative guards.]] +|rightDesc>[] +(link: "Look right")[(replace: ?rightDesc)[The South Wing. That's where the Queen's rooms are.]] +|leftDesc>[] +(link: "Look left")[(replace: ?leftDesc)[The North Wing. That's where the King's rooms, and the Secret Plans, are.]] +(set: $mapPos to "ba") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +} + +::Secret tunnel <1129,1730> +{ +
+ +
+Go up[[King's Bedroom]](link: "walk")[(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding")[(goto: "safe-zone")](else:)[(goto: "queen-bedroom2")]]Go Down +
+(set: $mapPos to "pa") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +} + +::equipped1 <757,554> + { +(click: ?equiplink1)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) + (set: $hasStiletto to 0) +]} + +::unequipped2 <630,679> +(if: $hasFan is 0)[ +{ +(click: ?equiplink2)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "equipped2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasGuiGun to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] +]} +] +(else:) [ +{ +(click: ?equiplink2)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "equipped2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasGuiGun to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] + (set: $hasFan to 0) +]} +] + +::equipped2 <755,679> +{ +(click: ?equiplink2)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +]} + +::unequipped3 <630,804> +(if: $hasBomb is 0)[ +{ +(click: ?equiplink3)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "equipped3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasRifle to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] +]} +] +(else:) [ +{ +(click: ?equiplink3)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "equipped3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasRifle to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] + (set: $hasBomb to 0) +]} +] + +::unequipped4 <631,929> +(if: $hasCanon is 0)[ +{ +(click: ?equiplink4)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "equipped4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 1) + (set: $hasRazor to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] +]} +] +(else:) [ +{ +(click: ?equiplink4)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "equipped4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 1) + (set: $hasRazor to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] + (set: $hasCanon to 0) +]} +] + +::equipped4 <756,929> +{ +(click: ?equiplink4)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 1) + (set: $hasRazor to 0) +]} + +::equipped3 <755,804> +{ +(click: ?equiplink3)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +]} + +::into-room [map] <1495.0006999999998,1606> +{ +
+|deskdesc>[] +(link: "Look at secretaire")[(replace: ?deskdesc)[It's the Secretaire Royale, sure to contain the Secret Military Plans.] +[[Pick locks on secretaire->lock-picked]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "xr") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +} + +::lock-picked <1627,1604> +{ +
+(link: "Look at clock on secretaire")[It's almost midnight.
] +(link: "Look at big folder")[It is heavy folder, and it looks important.
] +(link: "Look at correspondence")[Letters with elaborate seals on them.
] +(link: "Look at hefty binder")[Papers protected by leather covers.
] +(link: "Look at ledger")[A ledger with rows and rows of big numbers.
] +(link: "Look at written pages")[Wouldn't it be great to be literate?
] +(link: "Look at scribbled notes")[Even the literate couldn't make sense of these scribbles.
] +(link: "Look at scented paper letter")[Do secret military plans usually smell of rose water?
] +(link: "Look at scroll")[Unrolled, this paper looks just like all the other ones.
] +[[Pick up all the papers!->inventory-full]] +
+} + +::inventory-full <1753,1603> +{ +

What's going on?

+[[Look up->interrupted]] +
+} + +::interrupted <1878,1602> +{ +

That guy again:

+What are you doing?|step2>[] +|options>[ +[Flee]] +(replace: ?step2)[ You shouldn't be here.|step3>[]] +(replace: ?options)[ +[Flee through window]Too late, he is in the way. +[[Flee->arm-grabbed]] +[[Attack->arm-grabbed]]] +(replace: ?proximity)[] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +] +(click: ?optA)[ +(replace: ?options)[ +[Attack with: Guillotine Gun]] +(replace: ?step2)[ You shouldn't be here.|step3>[]] +(click: ?optW)[(replace: ?options)[You don't seem to have that with you. +[[Flee->arm-grabbed]] +[[Attack->arm-grabbed]] +](replace: ?proximity)[] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +] +(click: ?optRH)[(if: $hasRazor is 1)[(replace: ?options)[ +[[Aim at: Face->arm-grabbed]] +[[Aim at: Ankles->arm-grabbed]] +[[Aim at: Belly->arm-grabbed]]] +(replace: ?proximity)[] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +] +(else:)[(replace: ?options)[You don't seem to have that with you +[[Flee->arm-grabbed]] +[[Attack->arm-grabbed]]] +(replace: ?proximity)[] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +]] +(click: ?optS)[(goto: "Punch him")]] +
+} + +::Exit through window <2257,1605> +{ +
+[[Ride away->fleeing]] +
+} + +::fire <877,1728> +{ +
+Go Up[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors SSC]]Go NorthGo Down +
+} + +::Punch him <2130,1605> +{ +
+[[Get out->Exit through window]] +
+} + +::the-foot <2251,1355> +{ +
+[[Merde->The end]] +
+} + +::The end <2253,1229> +{ +



Agent Cinder, I knew finesse was not your strong suit, but this? Really?


I told you to keep a low profile and you went and danced with the Dauphin! You stuffed the essential piece of the Military plans into your shoe and now that [shoe has gone missing.] +(click: ?dressdown2)[

And what did I tell you about that dress? I'll never get my deposit back now!


The Royal Guards are turning Paris upside down in search of you. The shoe is their main clue. With some luck, we can [use that to our advantage.]] +(click: ?dressdown4)[

There are currently two principal suspects for the crime: two sisters. Incriminate them further by planting the other shoe in their home. Be careful, their home will be crawling with guards. Do not get caught. And above all, [avoid that eye-witness, the Dauphin.]] +(click: ?dressdown5)[

Cinder, you need to fix this or the whole organization might be blown, and our glorious revolution lost before it began!


Sacre bleu, could this mission have gone any more wrong?

] +

Mission score

+Stealth: (if: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >=1 and (count: (history:), "Merdre") <3)[] +(elseif: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >3)[] +(else:)[]
+Revolutionary Zeal:
+Violence Bonus: (if: (history:) contains "Punch him")[] +(else:)[] +

+(display: "credits") +
+} + +::arm-grabbed <2003,1602> +{ +
+ +

That guy:

+There is an intruder loose. +
+ +

That guy:

+We must go to the safe zone! +
+ +

That guy:

+Where all the guards are. +
+[[Punch him]] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") >=4)[ +[[Act normal->ever-after]] +] +
+} + +::NKB-door-c <1253,1479> +{ +
+|doorstatus>[] +
+[[King's Bedroom]]Go rightGo leftGo Down +
+(link: "Look at clock")[It's a quarter to midnight. 15 minutes until the guards change.] +|chanDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "chand")[ +(link: "Look at rope")[(set: $NKBseen to "rope")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The rope is tied up with a knot. +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-c-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +]] +] +(elseif: $NKBseen is "rope")[ +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-c-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at chandelier")[(set: $NKBseen to "chand")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The chandelier hangs from a thick rope. +(link: "Look at rope")[(set: $NKBseen to "rope")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The rope is tied up with a knot. +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-c-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +]] +]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "nk") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +} + +::NKB-door-c-chand-d <1256,1354> +{ +
+ +
+[[NKB-chand-d-seen0]]Go rightGo leftGo Down +
+[[Pick up chandelier->NKB-pickup]] +(set: $seenRisk to 6) +
+} + +::seen0 <1333,1225> +{ +
+ +
+[[Merde->Merdre]] +
+} + +::NKB-hiding <1201,1101> +{ +
+ +
+(set: $seenRisk to 4) +
+[[seen1]]Go rightGo leftGo Down +
+[[Wait->NKB-hiding2]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +[[Slip behind curtain->KB-seen]] +] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding2")] +] +
+} + +::NKB-door-o-chand-d <1131,1352> +{ +
+ +
+(set: $seenRisk to 6) +[[Merde->Merdre]] +
+} + +::NKB-chand-d-seen0 <1381,1356> +{ +
+ +
+(set: $seenRisk to 6) +[[Merde->Merdre]] +
+} + +::NKB-pickup <1206,1226> +{ +
+ +
+[[seen0]]Go rightGo leftGo Down +
+[[Hide behind screen->NKB-hiding]] +(set: $seenRisk to 5) +
+} + +::NKB-hiding2 <1202,974> +{ +
+ +
+(set: $seenRisk to 3) +
+[[seen1]]Go rightGo leftGo Down +
+[[Wait->NKB-hiding3]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +[[Slip behind curtain->KB-seen]] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding3")] +] +
+} + +::seen1 <1332,1100> +{ +
+(if: $seenRisk is 4)[ + +] +(elseif: $seenRisk is 3)[ + +] +(elseif: $seenRisk is 2)[ + +] +(elseif: $seenRisk is 1)[ + +] +(else:)[ +Error: seenrisk not 1-4 +] +
+[[Merde->Merdre]] +
+} + +::KB-seen <1331,975> +{ +
+[[Merde->Merdre]] +
+} + +::NKB-hiding3 <1205,849> +{ +
+ +
+(set: $seenRisk to 2) +
+[[seen1]]Go rightGo leftGo Down +
+[[Wait->NKB-hiding4]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +[[Slip behind curtain->KB-seen]] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding4")] +] +
+} + +::NKB-hiding4 <1204,724> +{ +
+ +
+(set: $seenRisk to 1) +
+[[seen1]]Go rightGo leftGo Down +
+[[Wait->NKB-hiding4]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +(link:"Slip behind curtain")[(set: $onbed to 1)(goto: "King's Bedroom")] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding4")] +] +
+} + +::uneq1 <882,553> +(if: $hasStiletto is 0)[ + { +(click: ?equiplink1b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "eq1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasCrowbar to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] +]}] +(else:)[ + { +(click: ?equiplink1b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "eq1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasCrowbar to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] + (set: $hasStiletto to 0) +]}] + +::eq1 <1007,551> + { +(click: ?equiplink1b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[] +(set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +(set: $hasCrowbar to 0) +]} + +::uneq2 <885,678> +(if: $hasGuiGun is 0)[ + { +(click: ?equiplink2b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "eq2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasFan to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] +]}] +(else:)[ + { +(click: ?equiplink2b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "eq2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasFan to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] + (set: $hasGuiGun to 0) +]}] + +::eq2 <1010,679> + { +(click: ?equiplink2b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[] +(set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +(set: $hasFan to 0) +]} + +::uneq3 <883,803> +(if: $hasRifle is 0)[ + { +(click: ?equiplink3b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "eq3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasBomb to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] +]}] +(else:)[ + { +(click: ?equiplink3b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "eq3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[] +(set: $hasWeapon += 0) +(set: $hasBomb to 1) +(replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] +(set: $hasRifle to 0) +]}] + +::eq3 <1008,804> + { +(click: ?equiplink3b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[] +(set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +(set: $hasRifle to 0) +]} + +::eq4 <1008,930> + { +(click: ?equiplink4b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) + (set: $hasCanon to 0) +]} + +::uneq4 <883,928> +(if: $hasRazor is 0)[ + { +(click: ?equiplink4b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "eq4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasCanon to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] +]}] +(else:)[ + { +(click: ?equiplink4b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "eq4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[] +(set: $hasWeapon += 1) +(set: $hasCanon to 1) +(replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] +(set: $hasRazor to 0) +]}] + +::no-dance <870.0002,1603> +{ +
+[[Merde->Merdre]] +
+} + +::card-players <1256,1984> +{ +
+ +
+Go upGo right[[queen-bedroom2]]Go Down +
+(set: $guardQ to 3) +|slackdesc>[] +(link: "Look at guards")[(replace: ?slackdesc)[They have not spotted you, they are busy playing Whist. (display: "guard-count")]] +
+} + +::tunnel-r <1254,1729> +{ +
+ +
+Go up[[King's Bedroom]](link: "walk")[(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding")[(goto: "safe-zone")](else:)[(goto: "queen-bedroom2")]]Go Down +
+(if: (history:) contains "NKB-pickup")[(set: $onbed to 0)] +(set: $mapPos to "pa") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +} + +::mapoff <250,701> +Look at map { +(click: ?maplink)[ + (replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapon")] + (replace: ?map)[(display: "show-map")] +]} + +::show-map <375,702> +{ +
+ +(if: $mapPos is "sc")[ +] +(elseif: $mapPos is "qb")[] +(elseif: $mapPos is "pa")[] +(elseif: $mapPos is "nc")[] +(elseif: $mapPos is "kb")[] +(elseif: $mapPos is "ba")[] +(elseif: $mapPos is "nk")[] +(elseif: $mapPos is "xr")[] +(else:)[] +
+The secret plans are on the 2ième étage, North Wing, in the Grand Cabinet. +} + +::mapon <125,701> +Fold up map { +(click: ?maplink)[ + (replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] + (replace: ?map)[] +]} + +::balcony-chand <1370.0005999999998,1604> +{ +
+ +
+[[Throw chandelier hook->into-room]] +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[] +{ +

Le Dauphin:

+I wouldn't want anything to [happen to you.]heads-will-roll]] +[[Punch him->punch-dauphin]]]I guess what I am trying to say is that after tonight I don't think I could go back to being alone again in the choking protocol and I don't think I can go back to the world of insincerity I am trapped in. So dearest, purest lady, will you look favorably upon me, and do me the inestimable honour of being my wife?] +
+[] +} + +::heads-will-roll <2004,1348> +{ +

Worst revolutionary ever



+Agent Cinder, if it were anyone else I would doubt their [commitment to the cause.] +(click: ?debrief)[

Although your take on undercover work is a bit original, the plan can stay the same, with one small adjustment. Now you just need to get yourself and the Secret Military Plans OUT of the palace, and past the guards and the fawning entourage that follows you everywhere, all while dressed in the most uncomfortable getup known to civilization. This can all [still work out.]] +(click: ?debriefmore)[

I'll make sure to make a note of who you really are so you aren't put under the guillotine when the day of reckoning comes for the aristocrats. I'm sure the note won't get lost or anything.

] +

Mission score

+Stealth: (if: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >1)[] +(elseif: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >3)[] +(else:)[]
+Revolutionary Zeal:
+Violence Bonus: (if: $hasRazor is 1)[](else:)[] +

+Replay mission +

+(display: "credits") +
+} + +::punch-dauphin <1877,1477> +{ +
+[[That was satisfying->Merdre]] +
+} + +::safe-zone <1131,1855> +{ +
+ +
+[[Secret tunnel]]RightleftGo Down +
+|crowddesc>[] +(link: "Look at crowd")[(replace: ?crowddesc)[Anxious aristocrats are blocking the way. They've been rounded up while the guards search for the intruder.]] +(display: "attack-guests") +
+} + +::fleeing <2254,1480> +{ +
+[[Something is wrong->the-foot]] +
+} + +::credits <1998,1200> +{ +
+Return to main website +

+Replay mission +

+Tell me what you thought! +


Spread the revolution




Twine - the free chose-your-own-adventure tool I used to create this story.


Google Earth - allows you to walk around in the real Versailles.


Revolutions podcast - a podcast with the history of the French revolution, if you care about nit-picky things like facts.

+} + +::attack-guests <603,1328> +{ +(if: $hasRazor is 1)[ +[Attack guest] +{ +(set: $guardCount = $guardN + $guardMS + $guardMN + $guardQ) +You know that there +(if: $guardCount is 1)[ is at least one guard ] +(elseif: $guardCount is 2)[ are at least two guards ] +(elseif: $guardCount is 3)[ are at least three guards ] +(elseif: $guardCount is 6)[ are at least six guards ] +(else:)[should be some guards] +on this floor. +} + +::Twee2Settings [twee2] +@story_start_name = 'Start' diff --git a/cinder_css.tw2 b/cinder_css.tw2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..feea9b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/cinder_css.tw2 @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ +::StoryCSS [stylesheet] +body {margin:0;} + +/*Supress page-to-page transitions*/ +.transition-in[data-t8n^=dissolve] { + -webkit-animation:appear 0ms step-start; + animation:appear 0ms step-start +} + +/*Layout*/ +.scene { + padding: 0; + white-space: normal; /*Needs compensating spaces for buttons*/ + clear: both; + margin-bottom:20px; /*comp*/ + } +.s-dark { + background-color: #000; + color: #fff; +} +.sect-cont { + margin: auto; + max-width:640px; + padding: 0 20px 20px; +} +.sect-img { + margin: auto; + max-width:640px; + padding:0; + font-size: 0; + line-height: 0; +} + +.pull-right { + float: right;} +.pull-left { + float: left;} +.hidden { + display: none; +} +.block { + display: block; +} + +/*Score*/ { + height: 50px; + width: 50px; + vertical-align: bottom; +} + +div.sect-img img{ + white-space: normal; +} + +/* Equip layout */ +#equipmenu { + white-space: normal; + display: table; +}/*tw-passage has pre-wrap as its setting, creates whitespace*/ + +.row { + display: table-row; + width: 100%; +} +div.col400 { + font-size: 0; + line-height: 0; + display: table-cell; +} +.col240 { + line-height: 0; + font-size: 0; + display: table-cell; + margin: 0; /*does nothing*/ + padding: 0; /*does nothing*/ +} +.row tw-link, .row .link, .row .enchantment-link { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + line-height: 0; + border: 0; +} + +.row::before, .row::after { + display: table; + line-height: 0; +} +.row::after { + clear: both; +} +.btn100 { + height: 100px; + display:block; + line-height: 1.3em; + padding: 25px; +} + +/*Links*/ +tw-link, .link, .enchantment-link, .btn { + background-color: #000; + border: 1px solid #000; + border-radius: 5px; + color: #fff; + padding: 8px 16px; + display: block; + margin: 5px 0; + cursor: pointer; + text-decoration: none; +} +a.btn:visited { + color: #ffffff; +} + +.enchantment-link:hover, tw-link:hover, .btn:hover { + background-color: #be1a00; + border-color: #be1a00; + color: #fff; + text-decoration: none; +} +.enchantment-link:focus, tw-link:focus, .btn:focus, +.enchantment-link:active, tw-link:active, .btn:active, +.enchantment-link:visited, tw-link:visited, .btn:visited { + color: #000; +} +.s-dark tw-link, +.s-dark .link, +.s-dark .enchantment-link { + background-color: #000; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + color: #be1a00; + cursor: pointer; + display: inline-block; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +.s-dark .enchantment-link:hover, +.s-dark tw-link:hover { + background-color: #000; + text-decoration: underline; + color: #fff; +} + +.s-dark #equipmenu .enchantment-link:hover, +.s-dark #equipmenu tw-link:hover { + border: 0; +} + +.visited { + color: #fff; +} +.visited:hover{ + color: #fff; +} + +/*Walk compass links*/ +.cont-w-nav { + width:200px; + height:200px; + overflow: hidden; + margin: 20px auto; /*or 0 auto 20px if pre-wrap on tw-passage is on*/ +} +.walk-nav { + width:200px; + height:200px; + transform:rotate(45deg); + -moz-transform:rotate(45deg); + -webkit-transform:rotate(45deg); + -o-transform:rotate(45deg); + -ms-transform:rotate(45deg); + filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0.5); + line-height: 0; +} { + transform:rotate(0deg); + -moz-transform:rotate(0deg); + -webkit-transform:rotate(0deg); + -o-transform:rotate(0deg); + -ms-transform:rotate(0deg); + filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0); +} + +.walk-nav tw-expression tw-link, +.walk-nav tw-link{ + display: inline-block; + width: 100px; + height:100px; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + border: none; + background-color: #000; + background: url(walk-arrow.svg) 0 0 no-repeat; + text-indent: -10000px; + overflow: hidden; + cursor: pointer; +} +.walk-nav tw-expression tw-link:hover, +.walk-nav tw-link:hover { + background-color: #cadbaa; + background: url(walk-arrow-h.svg) 0 0 no-repeat; +} +.walk-nav .w-r tw-expression tw-link, +.walk-nav .w-r tw-link, +.walk-nav .inactive.w-r { + transform:rotate(90deg); + -moz-transform:rotate(90deg); + -webkit-transform:rotate(90deg); + -o-transform:rotate(90deg); + -ms-transform:rotate(90deg); + filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1); +} +.walk-nav .w-d tw-expression tw-link, +.walk-nav .w-d tw-link, +.walk-nav .inactive.w-d{ + transform:rotate(180deg); + -moz-transform:rotate(180deg); + -webkit-transform:rotate(180deg); + -o-transform:rotate(180deg); + -ms-transform:rotate(180deg); + filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2); +} +.walk-nav .w-l tw-expression tw-link, +.walk-nav .w-l tw-link, +.walk-nav .inactive.w-l { + transform:rotate(270deg); + -moz-transform:rotate(270deg); + -webkit-transform:rotate(270deg); + -o-transform:rotate(270deg); + -ms-transform:rotate(270deg); + filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3); +} +.walk-nav .inactive { + background: url(walk-arrow-off.svg) 0 0 no-repeat; + display: inline-block; + width: 100px; + height:100px; + text-indent: -10000px; + overflow: hidden; +} +.walk-nav .inactive:hover { + background: url(walk-arrow-off.svg) 0 0 no-repeat; +} + +/*Social links*/ { + padding: 8px 14px; + margin-left: 5px; + border-radius: 3px; + background-color: #000000; + transition: all .6s; + -moz-transition: all .6s; + -webkit-transition: all .6s; + -o-transition: all .6s; + color: #ffffff; + text-decoration: none; +} { + transition: all .3s; + -moz-transition: all .3s; + -webkit-transition: all .3s; + -o-transition: all .3s; + color: #ffffff; +} +.facebook:hover { + background-color: #435fa8; +} +.twitter:hover { + background-color: #39d2fe; +} + + +/*Inventory*/ +.inventory-content { + width: 210px; + height: 210px; +} +.slot { + width: 100px; + height: 100px; + background-color: #444; +} +.slotwide { + width: 200px; + height: 100px; + background-color: #cadbaa; +} + +.slotfull { + width: 200px; + height: 200px; + background-color: red; +} + +/*Twine items*/ +tw-passage{ + white-space: normal; +} + +tw-passage img { + max-width: 640px; + width: 100%; +} +tw-sidebar { + display: none; +} +tw-story { + width: 100%; + margin:0; +} + +/*Fonts*/ +tw-story { + font-size: 19px; +} + +h1 { + font-size: 2.5em; + text-align: center; + margin: 0.3em 0; +} +.toph { + margin-top: 0; + padding-top: 20px; +} +.char-name { + font-size: 60%; + line-height: 0; + top: 0.3em; +} +.char-talk:before { + content: '\201C'; + font-size: 200%; + line-height: 40%; + padding-right: 0.1em; + top: 0.4em; +} +.char-talk:after { + content: '\201D'; + font-size: 200%; + line-height: 40%; + padding-left: 0.1em; + top: 0.4em; +} +.more-link tw-link{ +margin:0; +padding: 0; + border: none; +} +.alert { + color: #ae0000; +} + +.mapPin { + position: relative; + top: 0; + left: 0; +} +.mapPin tw-hook { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 0; +} + +/*Device sizes*/ +@media (max-width: 479px) { + tw-story { + font-size: 17px; + } +} +@media (max-width: 640px) { + #equipmenu .row .col240:nth-child(3) { + display:none; + } +} +/*Was a test to fix zoom-level, now clips Cinder's dress att small sizes*/ +.scene.equip { + min-width: 300px; +} + +::StoryJS [script] + +//From,2450.0.html adding sounds, don't yet know where to place audio file +$(document.body).on("mouseenter", "a", function () { + $("").attr({ + src : "sound/transition1.ogg", + autoplay : "autoplay" + }); +}); + +//,2495.0.html Calling JS with a hack +if (typeof Undo == "undefined") { + var Undo = { + hide: function() { + $('div[class="equip1"]').hide(); + } + }; + window.Undo = Undo; +} + +window.onload = function() { +$(function() +{ +// disable :hover on touch devices - removes all rules that include a :hover, so isolate all :hover selectors +// based on +// via +// + +// re + if ('createTouch' in document) + { + try + { + var ignore = /:hover\b/; + for (var i=0; i=0; j--) + { + var rule = sheet.cssRules[j]; + if (rule.type === CSSRule.STYLE_RULE && ignore.test(rule.selectorText)) + { + sheet.deleteRule(j); + } + } + } + } + catch(e){} + } +}); +} diff --git a/entering-palace.png b/entering-palace.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c4f253 Binary files /dev/null and b/entering-palace.png differ diff --git a/equip/bombs-a.png b/equip/bombs-a.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44e98ba Binary files /dev/null and b/equip/bombs-a.png differ diff --git a/equip/canon-a.png b/equip/canon-a.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d80ae7 Binary files /dev/null and b/equip/canon-a.png differ diff --git a/equip/crossbow-a.png b/equip/crossbow-a.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e874793 Binary files /dev/null and b/equip/crossbow-a.png differ diff --git a/equip/crowbar-a.png b/equip/crowbar-a.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fffb84 Binary files /dev/null and b/equip/crowbar-a.png differ diff --git a/equip/fan-a.png b/equip/fan-a.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bd610d Binary files /dev/null and b/equip/fan-a.png differ diff --git a/equip/razor-a.png b/equip/razor-a.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..128c88d Binary files /dev/null and b/equip/razor-a.png differ diff --git a/equip/rifle-a.png b/equip/rifle-a.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b99ea98 Binary files /dev/null and b/equip/rifle-a.png differ diff --git a/equip/row1-crowbar.png b/equip/row1-crowbar.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ebbcfa Binary files /dev/null and b/equip/row1-crowbar.png differ diff --git a/equip/row1-stiletto.png 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mode 100644 index 0000000..850256b Binary files /dev/null and b/hall-of-mirrors1.png differ diff --git a/hall-of-mirrors2.png b/hall-of-mirrors2.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..104b407 Binary files /dev/null and b/hall-of-mirrors2.png differ diff --git a/hall-of-mirrors2dance.png b/hall-of-mirrors2dance.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6700991 Binary files /dev/null and b/hall-of-mirrors2dance.png differ diff --git a/hall-of-mirrors2hide.png b/hall-of-mirrors2hide.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef3be85 Binary files /dev/null and b/hall-of-mirrors2hide.png differ diff --git a/hall-of-mirrors3.png b/hall-of-mirrors3.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cc7ebf Binary files /dev/null and b/hall-of-mirrors3.png differ diff --git a/hall-of-mirrors3dance.png b/hall-of-mirrors3dance.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7c1e70 Binary files /dev/null and b/hall-of-mirrors3dance.png differ diff --git a/hall-of-mirrors4fire.png b/hall-of-mirrors4fire.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d1ca4b Binary files /dev/null and b/hall-of-mirrors4fire.png differ diff --git a/hall-of-mirrors5.png b/hall-of-mirrors5.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ed9925 Binary files /dev/null and b/hall-of-mirrors5.png differ diff --git a/intro-roof.png b/intro-roof.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c4fc30 Binary files /dev/null and b/intro-roof.png differ diff --git a/intro1.png b/intro1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fc3bc9 Binary files /dev/null and b/intro1.png differ diff --git a/kings-bedroom-g.png b/kings-bedroom-g.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..615071c Binary files /dev/null and b/kings-bedroom-g.png differ diff --git a/kings-bedroom-screen.png b/kings-bedroom-screen.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7ffa6d Binary files /dev/null and b/kings-bedroom-screen.png differ diff --git a/kings-bedroom.png b/kings-bedroom.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e99da3 Binary files /dev/null and b/kings-bedroom.png differ diff --git a/north-kb-hide1.png b/north-kb-hide1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e18170c Binary files /dev/null and b/north-kb-hide1.png differ diff --git a/north-kb-hide2.png b/north-kb-hide2.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..839f218 Binary files /dev/null and b/north-kb-hide2.png differ diff --git a/north-kb-hide3.png b/north-kb-hide3.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9b5a37 Binary files /dev/null and b/north-kb-hide3.png differ diff --git a/north-kb-hide4.png b/north-kb-hide4.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1a155f Binary files /dev/null and b/north-kb-hide4.png differ diff --git a/north-kb-no-chand-seen0.png b/north-kb-no-chand-seen0.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b9f1f0 Binary files /dev/null and b/north-kb-no-chand-seen0.png differ diff --git a/north-kb-pickup.png b/north-kb-pickup.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68ee137 Binary files /dev/null and b/north-kb-pickup.png differ diff --git a/north-kb-seen0.png b/north-kb-seen0.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e772dc1 Binary files /dev/null and b/north-kb-seen0.png differ diff --git a/north-kb-seen1.png b/north-kb-seen1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95b47df Binary files /dev/null and b/north-kb-seen1.png differ diff --git a/north-kb-seen2.png b/north-kb-seen2.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c3be68 Binary files /dev/null and b/north-kb-seen2.png differ diff --git a/north-kb-seen3.png b/north-kb-seen3.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b2c8f5 Binary files /dev/null and b/north-kb-seen3.png differ diff --git a/north-kb-seen4.png b/north-kb-seen4.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fdf50f Binary files /dev/null and b/north-kb-seen4.png differ diff --git a/north-of-kb-closed.png b/north-of-kb-closed.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..965e356 Binary files /dev/null and b/north-of-kb-closed.png differ diff --git a/north-of-kb-enter.png b/north-of-kb-enter.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bb0b39 Binary files /dev/null and b/north-of-kb-enter.png differ diff --git a/north-of-kb-fallB.png b/north-of-kb-fallB.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..088618a Binary files /dev/null and b/north-of-kb-fallB.png differ diff --git a/north-of-kb-falla.png b/north-of-kb-falla.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bae9bc Binary files /dev/null and b/north-of-kb-falla.png differ diff --git a/outro.png b/outro.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01e1050 Binary files /dev/null and b/outro.png differ diff --git a/outside-ver.png b/outside-ver.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..383cafa Binary files /dev/null and b/outside-ver.png differ diff --git a/punch.png b/punch.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54c6458 Binary files /dev/null and b/punch.png differ diff --git a/queens-door.png b/queens-door.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c9f8a7 Binary files /dev/null and b/queens-door.png differ diff --git a/queens-w.png b/queens-w.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5e3440 Binary files /dev/null and b/queens-w.png differ diff --git a/secret-agent-cinder.html b/secret-agent-cinder.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..309b278 --- /dev/null +++ b/secret-agent-cinder.html @@ -0,0 +1,1986 @@ + + + + + +Secret Agent Cinder | Portfolio of Emily Ryan + + + + + + + + + + + + +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"><img src="intro-roof.png"></div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Secret Agent Cinder, I have called you here to give you a mission. It will be dangerous, but I know you can handle it.</span> +</div> +</section> +<section class="optarea"><div class="sect-cont"> +[[Continue|Mission1]] +</div></section> +(set: $hasMap to "no") +(set: $hasWeapon to 0) +(set: $passageFound to 0) +(set: $seenRisk to 4) +(set: $hasStiletto to 0) +(set: $hasCrowbar to 0) +(set: $hasRazor to 0) +(set: $guardN to 0) +(set: $guardMS to 0) +(set: $guardMN to 0) +(set: $guardQ to 0) +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"><img src="intro1.png"></div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p> +<span class="char-talk">This evening there will be a Ball at the Palace. We have forged an invitation. You must infiltrate the Ball, seek out and retrieve the [Secret Military Plans.]<morelink1|</span> +|morelink1>[] +(click: ?morelink1)[ +<p class="char-talk">You will have to make choices, and those choices matter. One wrong move and you will either end up in la Bastille or on the block. If this happens [I cannot help you.]<morelink2|</p>] +(click: ?morelink2)[<p class="char-talk">So keep a low profile. Avoid the guards. Avoid talking to anyone at all. Get in and out [as quickly as possible.]<morelink3|</p>] +(click: ?morelink3)[<p class="char-talk">And Cinder... don't bring any weapons on this mission.</p>(replace: ?continue)[[[D'accord!->ViewMap]]] +]</span> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene"> +<div class="sect-cont"> +|continue>[] +</div> +</section> +}{<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="versailles-map.png"> +</div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p> +<p class="char-talk">Make your way to this office room in the North Wing, 2ième étage. The plans are [somewhere inside.]<missionInfo1|</p> +(click: ?missionInfo1)[<p class="char-talk">The guards should be at roughly these positions, but we can't be sure so [be cautious.]<missionInfo2|</p>] +(click: ?missionInfo2)[<p class="char-talk">At midnight the guards change. That is your one window to get out of there.</p>(replace: ?continuehow)[ +(link: "Continue")[(set: $hasMap to "no")(goto:"equipment room")] +(link: "Sneak map into pocket")[(set: $hasMap to "yes")(goto:"equipment room")]] +] +</div></section><section><div class="sect-cont">} +|continuehow>[] +</div></section>{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="entering-palace.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Blend in->Hall of Mirrors NC]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<span class="char-name">Godmother:</span><br> +<span class="char-talk">Good luck, and don't get caught! The people of France need you. Death to the Ancien Régime!</span> +<p class="char-talk">Oh, and don't get blood on that dress - it's a rental.</p> +</div> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="outside-ver.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[The hall]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go south</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}<img src=""> +Annoying person blocking your way: "Bonjour! Would you dance with me?" +[[Dance->Dance with the annoying man]] +(link: "Dodge")[ +(if: $dodgeDie is 1)[(goto: "Hide behind large dresses")] +(else:)[(goto: "Dance with the annoying man")] +]{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors3dance.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Dance->Dance1]] +(display: "attack-guests") +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors4dance.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(set: $guardMS to 1) +[[Dance->Dance with the annoying man]] +[[Knock over candle stick->fire]] +(display: "attack-guests") +</section> +} + +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors3dance.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 0)[ +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Wonderful weather we've been having, don't you think?</span>] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 1)[ +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Are you enjoying the ball?</span>] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 2)[ +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">I do so adore the minuet!</span>] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") is 3)[ +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">I haven't seen mademoiselle here before. Where are you from?</span>] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") >=4)[ +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Wonderful weather we've been having... oh wait, I said that already!</span>] +[[Dance->Dance on]] +(display: "attack-guests") +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors2hide.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go south</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Edge left->Hall of Mirrors NNC]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="bastille.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +You are imprisoned in la Bastille. There you will sit, and think about what you did wrong. +(if: (history:) contains "punch-dauphin")[ +(link:"Try again?")[(goto:"inventory-full")] +] +(else:)[ +(if: (history:) contains "Secret tunnel")[ +(if: $seenRisk >=1 and $seenRisk <5 )[[[Retry->NKB-hiding]]] +(elseif: $seenRisk >=5 )[ +(link:"Try again?")[ +(set: $seenRisk to 0) +(set: $chand to "u") +(set: $NKBseen to 0) +(set: $door to 0) +(goto:"North of KB")] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Try again?")[ +(set: $door to 0) +(set: $seenRisk to 0) +(set: $chand to "u") +(set: $NKBseen to 0) +(set: $KBseen to 0) +(goto:"King's Bedroom")] +] +] +(else:)[(link:"Try again?")[ +(set: $door to 0) +(set: $seenRisk to 0) +(set: $chand to "u") +(set: $NKBseen to 0) +(set: $KBseen to 0) +(goto:"Hall of Mirrors NC")]] +] +</section> +} +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors2dance.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Dance->Twirling]] +[[Dive behind dress->Hide behind large dresses]] +(display: "attack-guests") +</section> +}Ready to go { +(click: ?equipreadylink)[ + (replace: ?equipreadylink)[(display: "doneequip2")] +(if: $hasWeapon <= 1)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[Thanks!](goto:"The palace")] +(elseif: $hasWeapon >= 7)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p><span class="char-talk">Have you been listening to me at all? You are going to infiltrate the ball, not hack your way into it!</span>]] +(else:)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p><span class="char-talk">How are you going to get past the guards like that?</span>]] +]}Ready to go{ +(click: ?equipreadylink)[ +(replace: ?equipreadylink)[(display: "doneequip1")] +(if: $hasWeapon <= 1)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[Thank you for being sensible!](goto:"The palace")] +(elseif: $hasWeapon >= 7)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p><span class="char-talk">Please tell me you're joking.</span>]] +(else:)[(replace: ?equipreadycomment)[<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p><span class="char-talk">This isn't that kind of mission! You need to be stealthy!</span>]] +]}{ +<section class="scene s-dark equip"> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<h1 class="toph">Equip Cinder</h1> +<div id="equipmenu" class=""> +<div class="row"><div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink1| </div> +<div class="col400"> +[<img src="equip/row1.png">]<equipment1| +</div> +<div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink1b| </div> +</div> +<div class="row"> +<div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink2| </div> +<div class="col400"> +[<img src="equip/row2.png">]<equipment2| +</div> +<div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink2b| </div> +</div> +<div class="row"><div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink3| </div> +<div class="col400"> +[<img src="equip/row3.png">]<equipment3| +</div> +<div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink3b| </div> +</div> +<div class="row"><div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink4| </div> +<div class="col400"> +[<img src="equip/row4.png">]<equipment4| +</div> +<div class="col240"> +[]<equiplink4b| </div> +</div> +</div></div> +(replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] +(replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] +(replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] +(replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] +(replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] +(replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] +(replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] +(replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] +</div></section> +<section class="scene"> +<div class="sect-cont"> +[]<equipreadylink| +[]<equipreadycomment| +(replace: ?equipreadylink)[(display: "doneequip1")] +</div> +</section> +} +(if: $hasCrowbar is 0)[ +<img src="equip/stiletto.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "equipped1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1-stiletto.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasStiletto to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] +]} +] +(else:) [ +<img src="equip/stiletto.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "equipped1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1-stiletto.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasStiletto to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] + (set: $hasCrowbar to 0) +]} +]{(if: (history:) contains "fire")[ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors3afterfire.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South ->Hall of Mirrors SC]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Go North ->Hall of Mirrors NC]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +</section> +](else:)[<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors3.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Some guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Bonjour! Would mademoiselle dance with me?</span> +[[Dance->Dance with the annoying man]] +[[Refuse->no-dance]] +</section>] +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors2.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South ->Hall of Mirrors C]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Go North ->Hall of Mirrors NNC]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(set: $guardMN to 1) +|dressdesc>[] +(link: "Look at huge dress")[(replace: ?dressdesc)[<span class="block">How did she get in?</span>]] +|guarddesc>[] +(link: "Look at guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc)[<span class="block">There is another room over there, but the guard is blocking the way. (display: "guard-count")</span>]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors1.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South ->Hall of Mirrors NC]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Go North ->North Corner]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +|timiddesc>[] +(link: "Look at wallflower")[(replace: ?timiddesc)[He is preoccupied and hasn't noticed you.]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors4.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors SSC]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Go North->Hall of Mirrors C]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +|guarddesc>[] +(link: "Peer behind guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc)[Another room.]] +|hairdesc>[] +(link: "Look at crowd")[(replace: ?hairdesc)[They don't seem all that shocked.]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors5.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South ->South Corner]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Go North ->Hall of Mirrors SC]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="versailles-corner-l.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Hall of Mirrors NNC]]</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go North</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(set: $guardN to 1) +|roomdesc>[] +(link: "Look at room")[(replace: ?roomdesc)[<span class="block">This is the War Room.</span>]] +|guarddesc>[] +(link: "Look at doorway")[(replace: ?guarddesc)[<span class="block">The guard is in the way.</span>] +|guarddesc2>[] +(link: "Glare at guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc2)[<span class="block">The guard gives no response. (display: "guard-count")</span>]] +|guarddesc3>[] +(link: "Attack guard")[(replace: ?guarddesc3)[<span class="block">That would be fun, but you need to get away with it too.</span>]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "nc") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="versailles-corner-r.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[queen-bedroom2]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[Hall of Mirrors SSC]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go down</a> +</div> +</div> +|roomdesc>[] +(link: "Look at room")[(replace: ?roomdesc)[This is the Peace Room. There is no guard here at present.]] +(set: $mapPos to "sc") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +|doorstatus>[<img src="north-of-kb-enter.png">] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[King's Bedroom]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +|NKBEastdesc>[] +|chanDesc>[] +(link: "Look at doorway")[(replace: ?NKBEastdesc)[The doorway to the Ballroom is blocked by a guard. (display: "guard-count") (link: "Close inner doors")[(set: $door to 1)(replace: ?NKBEastdesc)[](goto: "NKB-door-c")]]] +(link: "Look at clock")[It's a quarter to midnight. 15 minutes until the guards change.] +(link: "Look at chandelier")[(set: $NKBseen to "chand")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The chandelier hangs from a thick rope. +(link: "Look at rope")[(set: $NKBseen to "rope")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The rope is tied up with a knot. +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-o-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +]] +]] +(set: $mapPos to "nk") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +} +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding" and $onbed is 0)[<img src="kings-bedroom.png">] +(elseif: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding" and $onbed is 1)[<img src="kings-bedroom-screen.png">] +(else:)[<img src="kings-bedroom.png">] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding")[ +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen1]]</span>(if: $KBseen is "balcony")[<span class="w-r" title="Right">[[balcony-chand]]</span>](else:)[|KBwindow>[<span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span>]]<span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d" title="Down">[[tunnel-r]]</a> +</div> +</div> +|KBdesc>[] +(link: "Look at bed")[(replace: ?KBdesc)[<span class="block">The King sleeps on a bed of gold. Meanwhile, the State is nearly bankrupt and the people are starving.</span>]] +|Windesc>[] +(if: $KBseen is "balcony")[ +[[Go to Balcony->balcony-chand]]] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at windows")[(set: $KBseen to "balcony")(replace: ?Windesc)[<span class="block">There is a balcony outside.</span> +[[Go to Balcony->balcony-chand]] +](replace: ?KBwindow)[<span class="w-r" title="Right">[[balcony-chand]]</span>] +]] +] +(else:)[ +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">(link: "walk")[(if: $door is 0)[(goto: "North of KB")](else:)[(goto: "NKB-door-c")]]</span>(if: $KBseen is "balcony")[<span class="w-r" title="Right">[[The Balcony]]</span>](else:)[|KBwindow>[<span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span>]]<span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d" title="Down">[[tunnel-r]]</a> +</div> +</div> +|KBdesc>[] +(link: "Look at bed")[(replace: ?KBdesc)[<span class="block">The King sleeps on a bed of gold. Meanwhile, the State is nearly bankrupt and the people are starving.</span>]] +|Windesc>[] +(if: $KBseen is "balcony")[ +[[Go to Balcony->The Balcony]]] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at windows")[(set: $KBseen to "balcony")(replace: ?Windesc)[<span class="block">There is a balcony outside.</span> +[[Go to Balcony->The Balcony]] +](replace: ?KBwindow)[<span class="w-r" title="Right">[[The Balcony]]</span>] +]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "kb") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +(if: $passageFound is 0)[ +|doorstate>[<img src="versailles-queens-room.png">] +] +(else:)[ +<img src="queens-door.png"> +] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene"> +<div class="sect-cont"> +(if: $passageFound is 0) +|beddesc>[ +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[card-players]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[South Corner]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(link: "Look at bed")[(set: $passageFound to 1)(replace: ?doorstate)[<img src="queens-door.png">](replace: ?beddesc)[ +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[Secret tunnel]]</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[card-players]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[South Corner]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +<span class="block">There is a hidden passageway by the bed</span> +]] +] +(else:)[ +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[Secret tunnel]]</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[card-players]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[South Corner]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +] +|stooldesc>[] +(link: "Look at stools")[(replace: ?stooldesc)[<span class="block">Spectator seats. Charming.</span>]] +(set: $mapPos to "qb") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</div> +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="balcony.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[King's Bedroom]]</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go North</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +|upDesc>[] +(link: "Look up")[(replace: ?upDesc)[<span class="block">The roof ledge is too far to reach.</span>]] +|marGuardDesc>[] +(link: "Look below")[(replace: ?marGuardDesc)[<span class="block">Tiny decorative guards.</span>]] +|rightDesc>[] +(link: "Look right")[(replace: ?rightDesc)[<span class="block">The South Wing. That's where the Queen's rooms are.</span>]] +|leftDesc>[] +(link: "Look left")[(replace: ?leftDesc)[<span class="block">The North Wing. That's where the King's rooms, and the Secret Plans, are.</span>]] +(set: $mapPos to "ba") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="ver-passage.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[King's Bedroom]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">(link: "walk")[(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding")[(goto: "safe-zone")](else:)[(goto: "queen-bedroom2")]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(set: $mapPos to "pa") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +} +<img src="equip/stiletto-a.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) + (set: $hasStiletto to 0) +]}(if: $hasFan is 0)[ +<img src="equip/crossbow.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink2)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "equipped2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2-crossbow.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasGuiGun to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] +]} +] +(else:) [ +<img src="equip/crossbow.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink2)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "equipped2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2-crossbow.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasGuiGun to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] + (set: $hasFan to 0) +]} +]<img src="equip/crossbow-a.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink2)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +]}(if: $hasBomb is 0)[ +<img src="equip/rifle.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink3)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "equipped3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3-rifle.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasRifle to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] +]} +] +(else:) [ +<img src="equip/rifle.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink3)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "equipped3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3-rifle.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasRifle to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] + (set: $hasBomb to 0) +]} +](if: $hasCanon is 0)[ +<img src="equip/razor.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink4)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "equipped4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4-razor.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 1) + (set: $hasRazor to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] +]} +] +(else:) [ +<img src="equip/razor.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink4)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "equipped4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4-razor.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 1) + (set: $hasRazor to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] + (set: $hasCanon to 0) +]} +]<img src="equip/razor-a.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink4)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 1) + (set: $hasRazor to 0) +]}<img src="equip/rifle-a.png">{ +(click: ?equiplink3)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +]}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="to-roof.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +|deskdesc>[] +(link: "Look at secretaire")[(replace: ?deskdesc)[It's the Secretaire Royale, sure to contain the Secret Military Plans.] +[[Pick locks on secretaire->lock-picked]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "xr") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +} +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="x-room-open.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(link: "Look at clock on secretaire")[It's almost midnight.<br>] +(link: "Look at big folder")[It is heavy folder, and it looks important.<br>] +(link: "Look at correspondence")[Letters with elaborate seals on them.<br>] +(link: "Look at hefty binder")[Papers protected by leather covers.<br>] +(link: "Look at ledger")[A ledger with rows and rows of big numbers.<br>] +(link: "Look at written pages")[Wouldn't it be great to be literate?<br>] +(link: "Look at scribbled notes")[Even the literate couldn't make sense of these scribbles.<br>] +(link: "Look at scented paper letter")[Do secret military plans usually smell of rose water?<br>] +(link: "Look at scroll")[Unrolled, this paper looks just like all the other ones.<br>] +[[Pick up all the papers!->inventory-full]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="grab-all.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<p class="char-talk">What's going on?</p> +[[Look up->interrupted]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +|proximity>[<img src="x-room-prince1.png">]</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">That guy again:</p> +<span class="char-talk block">What are you doing?|step2>[]</span> +|options>[ +[Flee]<optF| +[Attack]<optA| +] +(click: ?optF)[ +(replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince2.png">] +(replace: ?step2)[ You shouldn't be here.|step3>[]] +(replace: ?options)[ +[Flee through window]<optFW| +[Flee via door]<optFD| +]] +(click: ?optFW)[(goto: "Exit through window")] +(click: ?optFD)[(replace: ?options)[<span class="alert block">Too late, he is in the way.</span> +[[Flee->arm-grabbed]] +[[Attack->arm-grabbed]]] +(replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince3.png">] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +] +(click: ?optA)[ +(replace: ?options)[ +[Attack with: Guillotine Gun]<optW| +[Attack with: Soldier's Rifle]<optW| +[Attack with: Razor Hem]<optRH| +[Attack with: Shoe]<optS| +] (replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince2.png">] +(replace: ?step2)[ You shouldn't be here.|step3>[]] +(click: ?optW)[(replace: ?options)[<span class="alert block">You don't seem to have that with you.</span> +[[Flee->arm-grabbed]] +[[Attack->arm-grabbed]] +](replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince3.png">] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +] +(click: ?optRH)[(if: $hasRazor is 1)[(replace: ?options)[ +[[Aim at: Face->arm-grabbed]] +[[Aim at: Ankles->arm-grabbed]] +[[Aim at: Belly->arm-grabbed]]] +(replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince3.png">] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +] +(else:)[(replace: ?options)[<span class="alert block">You don't seem to have that with you</span> +[[Flee->arm-grabbed]] +[[Attack->arm-grabbed]]] +(replace: ?proximity)[<img src="x-room-prince3.png">] +(replace: ?step3)[ You must come with me at once.] +]] +(click: ?optS)[(goto: "Punch him")]] +</section> +} +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="flee1.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Ride away->fleeing]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors4fire.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go Up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[Go South->Hall of Mirrors SSC]]</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go North</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="punch.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Get out->Exit through window]] +</section> +} + +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="foot.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Merde->The end]] +</section> +} +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="outro.png"></div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p> +<p class="char-talk">Agent Cinder, I knew finesse was not your strong suit, but this? Really?</p> +<p class="char-talk">I told you to keep a low profile and you went and danced with the Dauphin! You stuffed the essential piece of the Military plans into your shoe and now that [shoe has gone missing.]<dressdown2|</p> +(click: ?dressdown2)[<p class="char-talk">And what did I tell you about that dress? I'll never get my deposit back now!</p> +<p class="char-talk">The Royal Guards are turning Paris upside down in search of you. The shoe is their main clue. With some luck, we can [use that to our advantage.]<dressdown4|</p>] +(click: ?dressdown4)[<p class="char-talk">There are currently two principal suspects for the crime: two sisters. Incriminate them further by planting the other shoe in their home. Be careful, their home will be crawling with guards. Do not get caught. And above all, [avoid that eye-witness, the Dauphin.]<dressdown5|</p>] +(click: ?dressdown5)[<p class="char-talk">Cinder, you need to fix this or the whole organization might be blown, and our glorious revolution lost before it began!</p> +<p class="char-talk">Sacre bleu, could this mission have gone any more wrong?</p>] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<h2>Mission score</h2> +Stealth: (if: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >=1 and (count: (history:), "Merdre") <3)[<img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +(elseif: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >3)[<img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +(else:)[<img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star">]<br> +Revolutionary Zeal: <img src="star.png" class="star"><br> +Violence Bonus: (if: (history:) contains "Punch him")[<img src="star.png" class="star">] +(else:)[<img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +<p> </p> +(display: "credits") +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hand-grab.png"> +</div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">That guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">There is an intruder loose.</span> +</div> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hand-drag.png"> +</div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">That guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">We must go to the safe zone!</span> +</div> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hand-drag-face.png"> +</div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">That guy:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Where all the guards are.</span> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Punch him]] +(if: (count: (history:), "Twirling") >=4)[ +[[Act normal->ever-after]] +] +</section> +} + +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +|doorstatus>[<img src="north-of-kb-closed.png">] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[King's Bedroom]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(link: "Look at clock")[It's a quarter to midnight. 15 minutes until the guards change.] +|chanDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "chand")[ +(link: "Look at rope")[(set: $NKBseen to "rope")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The rope is tied up with a knot. +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-c-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +]] +] +(elseif: $NKBseen is "rope")[ +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-c-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at chandelier")[(set: $NKBseen to "chand")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The chandelier hangs from a thick rope. +(link: "Look at rope")[(set: $NKBseen to "rope")(replace: ?chanDesc)[The rope is tied up with a knot. +(link: "Untie knot")[(goto: "NKB-door-c-chand-d")(set: $chand to "d")] +]] +]] +] +(set: $mapPos to "nk") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +} +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-of-kb-falla.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[NKB-chand-d-seen0]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Pick up chandelier->NKB-pickup]] +(set: $seenRisk to 6) +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-seen0.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-hide1.png"> +</div> +</section> +(set: $seenRisk to 4) +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen1]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Wait->NKB-hiding2]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +[[Slip behind curtain->KB-seen]] +] +(else:)[ +(link: "Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding2")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-of-kb-fallB.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(set: $seenRisk to 6) +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-no-chand-seen0.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +(set: $seenRisk to 6) +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-pickup.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen0]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Hide behind screen->NKB-hiding]] +(set: $seenRisk to 5) +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-hide2.png"> +</div> +</section> +(set: $seenRisk to 3) +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen1]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Wait->NKB-hiding3]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +[[Slip behind curtain->KB-seen]] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding3")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +(if: $seenRisk is 4)[ +<img src="north-kb-seen1.png"> +] +(elseif: $seenRisk is 3)[ +<img src="north-kb-seen2.png"> +] +(elseif: $seenRisk is 2)[ +<img src="north-kb-seen3.png"> +] +(elseif: $seenRisk is 1)[ +<img src="north-kb-seen4.png"> +] +(else:)[ +Error: seenrisk not 1-4 +] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="kings-bedroom-g.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-hide3.png"> +</div> +</section> +(set: $seenRisk to 2) +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen1]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Wait->NKB-hiding4]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +[[Slip behind curtain->KB-seen]] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding4")] +] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="north-kb-hide4.png"> +</div> +</section> +(set: $seenRisk to 1) +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav no-rotate"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[seen1]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">Go left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +[[Wait->NKB-hiding4]] +|curtainDesc>[] +(if: $NKBseen is "curtain")[ +There is a doorway behind the curtain. +(link:"Slip behind curtain")[(set: $onbed to 1)(goto: "King's Bedroom")] +] +(else:)[ +(link:"Look at curtain")[(replace: ?curtainDesc)[There is a doorway behind the curtain](set: $NKBseen to "curtain") (goto: "NKB-hiding4")] +] +</section> +}(if: $hasStiletto is 0)[ +<img src="equip/crowbar.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "eq1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1-crowbar.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasCrowbar to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] +]}] +(else:)[ +<img src="equip/crowbar.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "eq1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1-crowbar.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasCrowbar to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink1)[(display: "unequipped1")] + (set: $hasStiletto to 0) +]}] +<img src="equip/crowbar-a.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink1b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink1b)[(display: "uneq1")] + (replace: ?equipment1)[<img src="equip/row1.png">] +(set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +(set: $hasCrowbar to 0) +]}(if: $hasGuiGun is 0)[ +<img src="equip/fan.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink2b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "eq2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2-fan.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasFan to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] +]}] +(else:)[ +<img src="equip/fan.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink2b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "eq2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2-fan.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 0) + (set: $hasFan to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink2)[(display: "unequipped2")] + (set: $hasGuiGun to 0) +]}] +<img src="equip/fan-a.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink2b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink2b)[(display: "uneq2")] + (replace: ?equipment2)[<img src="equip/row2.png">] +(set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +(set: $hasFan to 0) +]}(if: $hasRifle is 0)[ +<img src="equip/bombs.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink3b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "eq3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3-bombs.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasBomb to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] +]}] +(else:)[ +<img src="equip/bombs.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink3b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "eq3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3-bombs.png">] +(set: $hasWeapon += 0) +(set: $hasBomb to 1) +(replace: ?equiplink3)[(display: "unequipped3")] +(set: $hasRifle to 0) +]}] +<img src="equip/bombs-a.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink3b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink3b)[(display: "uneq3")] + (replace: ?equipment3)[<img src="equip/row3.png">] +(set: $hasWeapon -= 2) +(set: $hasRifle to 0) +]}<img src="equip/canon-a.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink4b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "uneq4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon -= 2) + (set: $hasCanon to 0) +]}(if: $hasRazor is 0)[ +<img src="equip/canon.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink4b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "eq4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4-canon.png">] + (set: $hasWeapon += 2) + (set: $hasCanon to 1) + (replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] +]}] +(else:)[ +<img src="equip/canon.png"> { +(click: ?equiplink4b)[ + (replace: ?equiplink4b)[(display: "eq4")] + (replace: ?equipment4)[<img src="equip/row4-canon.png">] +(set: $hasWeapon += 1) +(set: $hasCanon to 1) +(replace: ?equiplink4)[(display: "unequipped4")] +(set: $hasRazor to 0) +]}] +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="hall-of-mirrors3guards.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Merde->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="queens-w.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go up</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Go right</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">[[queen-bedroom2]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(set: $guardQ to 3) +|slackdesc>[] +(link: "Look at guards")[(replace: ?slackdesc)[They have not spotted you, they are busy playing Whist. (display: "guard-count")]] +</section> +} +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="ver-passage-r.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u inactive" title="Up">Go up</span><span class="w-r" title="Right">[[King's Bedroom]]</span><span class="w-l" title="Left">(link: "walk")[(if: (history:) contains "NKB-hiding")[(goto: "safe-zone")](else:)[(goto: "queen-bedroom2")]]</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +(if: (history:) contains "NKB-pickup")[(set: $onbed to 0)] +(set: $mapPos to "pa") +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +</section> +} +Look at map { +(click: ?maplink)[ + (replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapon")] + (replace: ?map)[(display: "show-map")] +]}{ +<div class="mapPin"> +<img src="flat-map.png" style="position: relative; top:0; left:0;"> +(if: $mapPos is "sc")[ +<img src="map-pos/map-s-corner.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "qb")[<img src="map-pos/map-qb.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "pa")[<img src="map-pos/map-pass.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "nc")[<img src="map-pos/map-n-corner.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "kb")[<img src="map-pos/map-kb.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "ba")[<img src="map-pos/map-balcony.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "nk")[<img src="map-pos/map-n-kb.png">] +(elseif: $mapPos is "xr")[<img src="map-pos/map-x.png">] +(else:)[<img src="map-pos/map-gates.png">] +</div> +The secret plans are on the 2ième étage, North Wing, in the Grand Cabinet. +}Fold up map { +(click: ?maplink)[ + (replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] + (replace: ?map)[] +]}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="balcony-chand.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Throw chandelier hook->into-room]] +(if: $hasMap is "yes")[ +[]<maplink| +[]<map| +(replace: ?maplink)[(display: "mapoff")] +] +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="prince-proposal.png"></div> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Le Dauphin:</p> +<span class="char-talk">I wouldn't want anything to [happen to you.]<blab1| +(click: ?blab1)[You see... I've come to [care about you ]<blab2|] +(click: ?blab2)[I don't know what it is, you're just so different from from the other ladies I meet at [court.]<blab3|] +(click: ?blab3)[It's like you have no ulterior motive and you don't want anything from me, and that is just so liberating, and I can see myself - I can see us - really taking care of each other, [you know?]<blab4|] +(click: ?blab4)[I haven't opened up to anyone like this before... It's so hard at court, I am expected to be regal all the time, even when I don't know what to do. And the nobility are always conspiring in their own interest and I need to keep a... a mask, you know? So people won't know what I am thinking... but it gets so tiring, to always, always have to be on my guard, and never talk to anyone in a relaxed way, like now, without being worried that something I say will be used against me or be a source of ridicule. Somehow I just know that I can trust you and that you aren't like that, and if you only knew how wonderful that is, if I could only express it better somehow, how wonderful and [unique you are!]<blab5|] +(click: ?blab5)[(replace: ?response)[ +[[Live happily ever after->heads-will-roll]] +[[Punch him->punch-dauphin]]]I guess what I am trying to say is that after tonight I don't think I could go back to being alone again in the choking protocol and I don't think I can go back to the world of insincerity I am trapped in. So dearest, purest lady, will you look favorably upon me, and do me the inestimable honour of being my wife?</span>] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[]<response| +</section> +} +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="as-queen.png"></div> +<h1>Worst revolutionary ever</h1> +<div class="sect-cont"> +<p class="char-name">Godmother:</p> +<span class="char-talk">Agent Cinder, if it were anyone else I would doubt their [commitment to the cause.]<debrief|</span> +(click: ?debrief)[<p class="char-talk">Although your take on undercover work is a bit original, the plan can stay the same, with one small adjustment. Now you just need to get yourself and the Secret Military Plans OUT of the palace, and past the guards and the fawning entourage that follows you everywhere, all while dressed in the most uncomfortable getup known to civilization. This can all [still work out.]<debriefmore|</p>] +(click: ?debriefmore)[<p class="char-talk">I'll make sure to make a note of who you really are so you aren't put under the guillotine when the day of reckoning comes for the aristocrats. I'm sure the note won't get lost or anything.</p>] +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<h2>Mission score</h2> +Stealth: (if: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >1)[<img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +(elseif: (count: (history:), "Merdre") >3)[<img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star"><img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +(else:)[<img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="star.png" class="star"><img src="star.png" class="star">]<br> +Revolutionary Zeal: <img src="no-star.png" class="star"><br> +Violence Bonus: (if: $hasRazor is 1)[<img src="star.png" class="star">](else:)[<img src="no-star.png" class="star">] +<p> </p> +<a href="secret-agent-cinder.html" class="btn">Replay mission</a> +<p> </p> +(display: "credits") +</section> +} +{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="punch.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[That was satisfying->Merdre]] +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="queens-full.png"> +</div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +<div class="cont-w-nav"> +<div class="walk-nav"> +<span class="w-u" title="Up">[[Secret tunnel]]</span><span class="w-r inactive" title="Right">Right</span><span class="w-l inactive" title="Left">left</span><span class="w-d inactive" title="Down">Go Down</a> +</div> +</div> +|crowddesc>[] +(link: "Look at crowd")[(replace: ?crowddesc)[Anxious aristocrats are blocking the way. They've been rounded up while the guards search for the intruder.]] +(display: "attack-guests") +</section> +}{ +<section class="scene s-dark"> +<div class="sect-img"> +<img src="flee2.png"></div> +</section> +<section class="scene sect-cont"> +[[Something is wrong->the-foot]] +</section> +}{ +<br> +<a href="" class="btn">Return to main website</a> +<p> </p> +<a href="secret-agent-cinder.html" class="btn">Replay mission</a> +<p> </p> +<a href="" class="btn">Tell me what you thought!</a> +<p> </p> +<p>Spread the revolution <a class="social facebook" href="">f</a> <a class="social twitter" href="">t</a> <a class="social google" href="">g+</a></p> +<br> +<h3>Resources</h3> +<p><a href="">Twine</a> - the free chose-your-own-adventure tool I used to create this story.</p> +<p><a href="">Google Earth</a> - allows you to walk around in the real Versailles.</p> +<p><a href="">Revolutions podcast</a> - a podcast with the history of the French revolution, if you care about nit-picky things like facts.</p> +}{ +(if: $hasRazor is 1)[ +[Attack guest]<unprovoked| +(click: ?unprovoked)[ +(replace: ?unprovoked)[ +[Attack Financial genius Necker]<optGo| +[Attack the Princess de Lamballe]<optGo| +[Attack the Duke d'Orleans]<optGo| +[Attack Madame du Barry]<optGo| +[Attack the Abbé Sieyès]<optGo| +[Attack the Marquis de la Fayette]<optGo| +[Attack Madame Roland]<optGo| +[Attack the Comte d'Artois]<optGo| +] +] +(click: ?optGo)[(goto: "Merdre")] +] +(else:)[] +} +{ +(set: $guardCount = $guardN + $guardMS + $guardMN + $guardQ) +You know that there +(if: $guardCount is 1)[ is at least one guard ] +(elseif: $guardCount is 2)[ are at least two guards ] +(elseif: $guardCount is 3)[ are at least three guards ] +(elseif: $guardCount is 6)[ are at least six guards ] +(else:)[should be some guards] +on this floor. +} + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/to-roof.png b/to-roof.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a9963c Binary files /dev/null and b/to-roof.png differ diff --git a/ver-passage.png b/ver-passage.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e97ff2 Binary files /dev/null and b/ver-passage.png differ diff --git a/versailles-corner-l.png b/versailles-corner-l.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d967a37 Binary files /dev/null and b/versailles-corner-l.png differ diff --git a/versailles-corner-r.png b/versailles-corner-r.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f47c4dd Binary files /dev/null and b/versailles-corner-r.png differ diff --git a/versailles-map.png b/versailles-map.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bed4a5 Binary files /dev/null and b/versailles-map.png differ diff --git a/versailles-queens-room.png b/versailles-queens-room.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4a63b5 Binary files /dev/null and b/versailles-queens-room.png differ diff --git a/walk-arrow-off.svg b/walk-arrow-off.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d3a01d --- /dev/null +++ b/walk-arrow-off.svg @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/walk-arrow.svg b/walk-arrow.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a91ce81 --- /dev/null +++ b/walk-arrow.svg @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git a/x-room-open.png b/x-room-open.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8221257 Binary files /dev/null and b/x-room-open.png differ diff --git a/x-room-prince1.png b/x-room-prince1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..858e403 Binary files /dev/null and b/x-room-prince1.png differ diff --git a/x-room-prince2.png b/x-room-prince2.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d574d94 Binary files /dev/null and b/x-room-prince2.png differ diff --git a/x-room-prince3.png b/x-room-prince3.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebe49a4 Binary files /dev/null and b/x-room-prince3.png differ