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2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
class DebugToolbar
2010-02-03 23:26:20 +02:00
protected static $_queries = FALSE;
protected static $_benchmarks = FALSE;
2010-08-18 00:13:39 +03:00
protected static $_custom_tabs = array();
2010-02-03 23:26:20 +02:00
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
public static $benchmark_name = 'debug_toolbar';
* Renders the Debug Toolbar
* @param bool print rendered output
* @return string debug toolbar rendered output
public static function render($print = false)
$token = Profiler::start('custom', self::$benchmark_name);
$template = new View('toolbar');
// Database panel
if (Kohana::config('debug_toolbar.panels.database') === TRUE)
$queries = self::get_queries();
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
->set('queries', $queries['data'])
->set('query_count', $queries['count'])
->set('total_time', $queries['time'])
->set('total_memory', $queries['memory']);
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
// Files panel
if (Kohana::config('debug_toolbar.panels.files') === TRUE)
$template->set('files', self::get_files());
// Modules panel
if (Kohana::config('debug_toolbar.panels.modules') === TRUE)
$template->set('modules', self::get_modules());
2010-02-03 23:26:20 +02:00
// Routes panel
if (Kohana::config('debug_toolbar.panels.routes') === TRUE)
$template->set('routes', self::get_routes());
2010-08-18 00:13:39 +03:00
// Custom data
if (Kohana::config('debug_toolbar.panels.customs') === TRUE)
$template->set('customs', self::get_customs());
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
// FirePHP
if (Kohana::config('debug_toolbar.firephp_enabled') === TRUE)
// Set alignment for toolbar
switch (Kohana::config('debug_toolbar.align'))
case 'right':
case 'center':
case 'left':
$template->set('align', Kohana::config('debug_toolbar.align'));
$template->set('align', 'left');
// Javascript for toolbar
$template->set('scripts', file_get_contents(Kohana::find_file('views', 'toolbar', 'js')));
// CSS for toolbar
$styles = file_get_contents(Kohana::find_file('views', 'toolbar', 'css'));
// Benchmarks panel
if (Kohana::config('debug_toolbar.panels.benchmarks') === TRUE)
$template->set('benchmarks', self::get_benchmarks());
2011-02-18 23:28:18 +02:00
if ($output = Request::initial()->response()->body() and self::is_enabled())
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
// Try to add css just before the </head> tag
if (stripos($output, '</head>') !== FALSE)
$output = str_ireplace('</head>', $styles.'</head>', $output);
// No </head> tag found, append styles to output
$template->set('styles', $styles);
// Try to add js and HTML just before the </body> tag
if (stripos($output, '</body>') !== FALSE)
$output = str_ireplace('</body>', $template->render().'</body>', $output);
// Closing <body> tag not found, just append toolbar to output
$output .= $template->render();
2011-02-18 23:28:18 +02:00
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
$template->set('styles', $styles);
return ($print ? $template->render() : $template);
2010-08-18 00:13:39 +03:00
* Adds custom data to render in a separate tab
* @param string $tab_name
* @param mixed $data
* @return void
public static function add_custom($tab_name, $data)
self::$_custom_tabs[$tab_name] = $data;
* Get user vars
* @return array
public static function get_customs()
$result = array();
foreach(self::$_custom_tabs as $tab => $data)
if (is_array($data) OR is_object($data))
2011-02-18 23:28:18 +02:00
$data = Debug::dump($data);
2010-08-18 00:13:39 +03:00
$result[$tab] = $data;
return $result;
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
* Retrieves query benchmarks from Database
2010-08-18 00:13:39 +03:00
* @return array
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
public static function get_queries()
2010-02-03 23:26:20 +02:00
if (self::$_queries !== FALSE)
return self::$_queries;
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
$result = array();
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
$count = $time = $memory = 0;
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
$groups = Profiler::groups();
foreach(Database::$instances as $name => $db)
$group_name = 'database (' . strtolower($name) . ')';
$group = arr::get($groups, $group_name, FALSE);
if ($group)
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
$sub_time = $sub_memory = $sub_count = 0;
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
foreach ($group as $query => $tokens)
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
$sub_count += count($tokens);
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
foreach ($tokens as $token)
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
$total = Profiler::total($token);
$sub_time += $total[0];
$sub_memory += $total[1];
$result[$name][] = array('name' => $query, 'time' => $total[0], 'memory' => $total[1]);
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
$count += $sub_count;
$time += $sub_time;
$memory += $sub_memory;
$result[$name]['total'] = array($sub_count, $sub_time, $sub_memory);
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
2010-02-03 23:26:20 +02:00
self::$_queries = array('count' => $count, 'time' => $time, 'memory' => $memory, 'data' => $result);
return self::$_queries;
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
* Creates a formatted array of all Benchmarks
* @return array formatted benchmarks
public static function get_benchmarks()
if (Kohana::$profiling == FALSE)
return array();
2010-02-03 23:26:20 +02:00
if (self::$_benchmarks !== FALSE)
return self::$_benchmarks;
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
$groups = Profiler::groups();
$result = array();
foreach(array_keys($groups) as $group)
if (strpos($group, 'database (') === FALSE)
foreach($groups[$group] as $name => $marks)
$stats = Profiler::stats($marks);
$result[$group][] = array
'name' => $name,
'count' => count($marks),
'total_time' => $stats['total']['time'],
'avg_time' => $stats['average']['time'],
'total_memory' => $stats['total']['memory'],
'avg_memory' => $stats['average']['memory'],
// add total stats
$total = Profiler::application();
$result['application'] = array
'count' => 1,
'total_time' => $total['current']['time'],
'avg_time' => $total['average']['time'],
'total_memory' => $total['current']['memory'],
'avg_memory' => $total['average']['memory'],
2010-02-03 23:26:20 +02:00
self::$_benchmarks = $result;
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
return $result;
* Get list of included files
* @return array file currently included by php
public static function get_files()
$files = (array)get_included_files();
return $files;
2010-08-18 00:13:39 +03:00
* Get module list
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
* @return array module_name => module_path
public static function get_modules()
return Kohana::modules();
2010-08-18 00:13:39 +03:00
* Returns all application routes
* @return array
2010-02-03 23:26:20 +02:00
public static function get_routes()
return Route::all();
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
* Add toolbar data to FirePHP console
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
private static function firephp()
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
$firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(TRUE);
$firephp->fb('KOHANA DEBUG TOOLBAR:');
// Globals
$globals = array(
'Post' => empty($_POST) ? array() : $_POST,
'Get' => empty($_GET) ? array() : $_GET,
'Cookie' => empty($_COOKIE) ? array() : $_COOKIE,
'Session' => empty($_SESSION) ? array() : $_SESSION
foreach ($globals as $name => $global)
$table = array();
$table[] = array($name,'Value');
foreach((array)$global as $key => $value)
if (is_object($value))
$value = get_class($value).' [object]';
$table[] = array($key, $value);
$message = "$name: ".count($global).' variables';
$firephp->fb(array($message, $table), FirePHP::TABLE);
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
// Database
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
$query_stats = self::get_queries();
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
//$total_time = $total_rows = 0;
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
$table = array();
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
$table[] = array('DB profile', 'SQL Statement','Time','Memory');
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
foreach ((array)$query_stats['data'] as $db => $queries)
foreach ($queries as $query)
$table[] = array(
str_replace("\n",' ',$query['name']),
number_format($query['time']*1000, 3),
number_format($query['memory']/1024, 3),
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
$message = 'Queries: '.$query_stats['count'].' SQL queries took '.
number_format($query_stats['time'], 3).' seconds and '.$query_stats['memory'].' b';
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
$firephp->fb(array($message, $table), FirePHP::TABLE);
// Benchmarks
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
$groups = self::get_benchmarks();
// application benchmarks
$total = array_pop($groups);
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
$table = array();
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
$table[] = array('Group', 'Benchmark', 'Count', 'Time', 'Memory');
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
foreach ((array)$groups as $group => $benchmarks)
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
foreach ((array)$benchmarks as $name => $benchmark)
$table[] = array(
number_format($benchmark['total_time'], 3). ' s',
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
2010-02-02 21:58:33 +02:00
$message = 'Application tooks '.number_format($total['total_time'], 3).' seconds and '.text::bytes($total['total_memory']).' memory';
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
$firephp->fb(array($message, $table), FirePHP::TABLE);
* Determines if all the conditions are correct to display the toolbar
* (pretty kludgy, I know)
* @returns bool toolbar enabled
public static function is_enabled()
// Don't auto render toolbar for ajax requests
2011-02-18 23:28:18 +02:00
if (Request::initial()->is_ajax())
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
return FALSE;
// Don't auto render toolbar if $_GET['debug'] = 'false'
if (isset($_GET['debug']) and strtolower($_GET['debug']) == 'false')
return FALSE;
// Don't auto render if auto_render config is FALSE
if (Kohana::config('debug_toolbar.auto_render') !== TRUE)
return FALSE;
// Auto render if secret key isset
$secret_key = Kohana::config('debug_toolbar.secret_key');
if ($secret_key !== FALSE and isset($_GET[$secret_key]))
return TRUE;
2011-02-18 23:28:18 +02:00
// Don't auto render when in PRODUCTION (this can obviously be
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
// overridden by the above secret key)
2011-02-18 23:28:18 +02:00
if (Kohana::$environment == Kohana::PRODUCTION)
2010-01-31 19:20:55 +02:00
return FALSE;
return TRUE;