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2017-09-01 17:51:05 +03:00
//node imports
const FileSystem = require("fs"); //manage files
const Util = require("util"); //various node utilities
//external lib imports
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const JsonFile = require("jsonfile"); //save/load data to/from json
//my imports
const DiscordUtil = require("discordjs-util"); //some discordjs helper functions of mine
//app components
const GuildData = require("./models/guild-data.js"); //data structure for guilds
const PackageJSON = require("../package.json"); //used to provide some info about the bot
const Bot = require("./bot.js");
//global vars
let writeFile = null;
//use module.exports as a psuedo "onready" function
module.exports = (client, config = null) => {
config = config || require("./config.json"); //load config file
const guildsData = FileSystem.existsSync(config.generic.saveFile) ? fromJSON(JsonFile.readFileSync(config.generic.saveFile)) : {}; //read data from file, or generate new one if file doesn't exist
//create our writeFile function that will allow other functions to save data to json without needing access to the full guildsData or config objects
//then set an interval to automatically save data to file
writeFile = () => JsonFile.writeFile(config.generic.saveFile, guildsData, err => { if (err) DiscordUtil.dateError("Error writing file", err); });
setInterval(() => writeFile(), config.generic.saveIntervalSec * 1000);
//handle messages
client.on("message", message => {
if (message.author.id !== client.user.id) { //check the bot isn't triggering itself
//check whether we need to use DM or text channel handling
if (message.channel.type === "dm")
HandleMessage.dm(client, config, message);
else if (message.channel.type === "text" && message.member)
HandleMessage.text(client, config, message, guildsData);
const HandleMessage = {
dm: (client, config, message) => {
message.reply(Util.format(config.generic.defaultDMResponse, config.generic.website, config.generic.discordInvite));
text: (client, config, message, guildsData) => {
const isCommand = message.content.startsWith(message.guild.me.toString());
let guildData = guildsData[message.guild.id];
if (!guildData)
guildData = guildsData[message.guild.id] = new GuildData({ id: message.guild.id });
if (isCommand) {
const userIsAdmin = message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR");
const botName = "@" + (message.guild.me.nickname || client.user.username);
const split = message.content.toLowerCase().split(/\ +/); //split the message at whitespace
const command = split[1]; //extract the command used
const commandObj = config.commands[Object.keys(config.commands).find(x => config.commands[x].command.toLowerCase() === command)]; //find the matching command object
if (!commandObj || (!commandObj.admin && !userIsAdmin))
const params = split.slice(2, split.length); //extract the parameters passed for the command
const expectedParamCount = commandObj.syntax.split(/\ +/).length - 1; //calculate the number of expected command params
let finalisedParams;
if (params.length > expectedParamCount) //if we have more params than needed
finalisedParams = params.slice(0, expectedParamCount - 1).concat([params.slice(expectedParamCount - 1, params.length).join(" ")]);
else //else we either have exactly the right amount, or not enough
finalisedParams = params;
//find which command was used and handle it
switch (command) {
case config.commands.version.command:
message.reply(`${PackageJSON.name} v${PackageJSON.version}`);
case config.commands.help.command:
message.channel.send(createHelpEmbed(botName, config, userIsAdmin));
if (finalisedParams.length >= expectedParamCount)
Bot.onCommand(commandObj, config.commands, finalisedParams, guildData, message)
.then(msg => {
.catch(err => {
message.reply(`Incorrect syntax!\n**Expected:** *${botName} ${commandObj.syntax}*\n**Need help?** *${botName} ${config.commands.help.command}*`);
Bot.onNonCommandMsg(message, guildData);
function fromJSON(json) {
const guildsData = Object.keys(json);
guildsData.forEach(guildID => { json[guildID] = new GuildData(json[guildID]); });
return json;
function createHelpEmbed(name, config, userIsAdmin) {
const commandsArr = Object.keys(config.commands).map(x => config.commands[x]).filter(x => userIsAdmin || !x.admin);
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed().setTitle("__Help__");
commandsArr.forEach(command => {
embed.addField(command.command, `${command.description}\n**Usage:** *${name} ${command.syntax}*${userIsAdmin && command.admin ? "\n***Admin only***" : ""}`);
embed.addField("__Need more help?__", `[Visit my website](${config.generic.website}) or [Join my Discord](${config.generic.discordInvite})`, true);
return { embed };