const GetUrls = require("get-urls"); //for extracting urls from messages const Core = require("../discord-bot-core"); const GuildData = require("./models/guild-data.js"); const FeedData = require("./models/feed-data.js"); const Config = require("./config.json"); //IMPLEMENTATIONS// function onReady(coreClient) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { parseLinksInGuilds(coreClient.actual.guilds, coreClient.guildsData) .then(() => checkFeedsInGuilds(coreClient.actual.guilds, coreClient.guildsData)) .then(() => setInterval(() => checkFeedsInGuilds(coreClient.actual.guilds, coreClient.guildsData), Config.feedCheckIntervalSec * 1000)) .then(resolve) .catch(reject); }); } function onTextMessage(message, guildData) { guildData.feeds.forEach(feedData => { if ( === feedData.channelName) feedData.cachedLinks.push(...GetUrls(message.content)); //spread the urlSet returned by GetUrls into the cache array }); return Promise.resolve(); } function addFeed({ command, params, guildData, botName, message, coreClient }) { const feedUrl = [...GetUrls(message.content)][0]; const channel = message.mentions.channels.first(); if (!feedUrl || !channel) return Promise.reject("Please provide both a channel and an RSS feed URL. You can optionally @mention a role also."); const role = message.mentions.roles.first(); const feedData = new FeedData({ url: feedUrl, channelName:, roleName: role ? : null, maxCacheSize: Config.maxCacheSize }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { //ask the user if they're happy with the details they set up, save if yes, don't if no Core.util.ask(coreClient.actual,, message.member, "Are you happy with this (yes/no)?\n" + feedData.toString()) .then(responseMessage => { //if they responded yes, save the feed and let them know, else tell them to start again if (responseMessage.content.toLowerCase() === "yes") { if (!guildData) guildData = new GuildData({ id:, feeds: [] }); guildData.feeds.push(feedData); guildData.cachePastPostedLinks(message.guild) .then(() => resolve("Your new feed has been saved!")); } else reject("Your feed has not been saved, please add it again with the correct details"); }); }); } function removeFeed({ command, params, guildData, botName, message, coreClient }) { const idx = guildData.feeds.findIndex(feed => === params[2]); if (!Number.isInteger(idx)) return Promise.reject("Can't find feed with id " + params[2]); guildData.feeds.splice(idx, 1); return Promise.resolve("Feed removed!"); } function viewFeeds({ command, params, guildData, botName, message, coreClient }) { if (!guildData) return Promise.reject("Guild not setup"); return Promise.resolve( => f.toString()).join("\n")); } //INTERNAL FUNCTIONS// function checkFeedsInGuilds(guilds, guildsData) { Object.keys(guildsData).forEach(key => guildsData[key].checkFeeds(guilds)); } function parseLinksInGuilds(guilds, guildsData) { const promises = []; for (let guildId of guilds.keys()) { const guildData = guildsData[guildId]; if (guildData) promises.push(guildData.cachePastPostedLinks(guilds.get(guildId))); } return Promise.all(promises); } //CLIENT SETUP// const token = require("../" + process.argv[2]).token, dataFile = process.argv[3], commands = require("./commands.json"), implementations = { onReady, onTextMessage, addFeed, removeFeed, viewFeeds }; const client = new Core.Client(token, dataFile, commands, implementations, GuildData); client.bootstrap();