const DiscordUtil = require("../../discord-bot-core").util; // @ts-ignore const Config = require("../config.json"); const Dns = require("dns"); //for host resolution checking const Url = require("url"); //for url parsing const FeedRead = require("feed-read"); //for extracing new links from RSS feeds const GetUrls = require("get-urls"); //for extracting urls from messages const ShortID = require("shortid"); //to provide ids for each feed, allowing guilds to remove them module.exports = class FeedData { constructor({ id = null, url, channelID, roleID, cachedLinks = null, maxCacheSize, roleName = undefined, channelName = undefined }) { = id || ShortID.generate(); this.url = url; this.channelID = channelID; this.roleID = roleID; this.cachedLinks = cachedLinks || []; this.maxCacheSize = maxCacheSize || 10; //these two are actually deprecated, but need to be here for compatibility with old data files to be upgraded this.roleName = roleName; this.channelName = channelName; this.cachedLinks.push = (...elements) => { Array.prototype.push.apply( this.cachedLinks, elements .map(el => normaliseUrl(el)) .filter(el => !this.cachedLinks.includes(el)) ); //seeing as new links come in at the end of the array, we need to remove the old links from the beginning this.cachedLinks.splice(0, this.cachedLinks.length - this.maxCacheSize); }; } updatePastPostedLinks(guild) { const channel = guild.channels.get(this.channelID); if (!channel) return Promise.reject("Channel not found!"); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { channel.fetchMessages({ limit: 100 }) .then(messages => { /* we want to push the links in oldest first, but discord.js returns messages newest first, so we need to reverse them * discord.js returns a map, and maps don't have .reverse methods, hence needing to spread the elements into an array first */ [...messages.values()].reverse().forEach(m => this.cachedLinks.push(...GetUrls(m.content))); resolve(); }) .catch(reject); }); } fetchLatest(guild) { Dns.resolve(Url.parse(this.url).host || "", err => { if (err) DiscordUtil.dateError("Connection Error: Can't resolve host", err.message || err); else this._doFetchRSS(guild); }); } toString() { const blacklist = ["cachedLinks", "maxCacheSize"]; return `\`\`\`JavaScript\n ${JSON.stringify(this, (k, v) => !blacklist.find(x => x === k) ? v : undefined, "\t")} \`\`\``; } _doFetchRSS(guild) { FeedRead(this.url, (err, articles) => { //filter out "Body is not RSS or ATOM" errors because these seem to happen rather frequently if (err) { if (err.message !== "Body is not RSS or ATOM") DiscordUtil.dateError("Error reading RSS feed: " + (err.message || err)); return; } if (articles.length > 0 && articles[0].link) { const latest = normaliseUrl(articles[0].link); if (!this.cachedLinks.includes(latest)) { this.cachedLinks.push(latest); const channel = guild.channels.get(this.channelID), role = guild.roles.get(this.roleID); channel.send((role || "") + formatPost(articles[0])) .catch(err => DiscordUtil.dateError(`Error posting in ${}: ${err.message || err}`)); } } }); } }; function formatPost(article) { let message = ""; if (article.title) message += `\n**${article.title}**`; if (article.content) message += article.content.length > Config.charLimit ? "\nArticle content too long for a single Discord message!" : `\n${article.content}`; if ( message += `\n\n${normaliseUrl(}`; return message; } function normaliseUrl(url) { url = url.replace("https://", "http://"); //hacky way to treat http and https the same const parsedUrl = Url.parse(url); if ("")) { const videoIDParam = (parsedUrl.query || "").split("&").find(x => x.startsWith("v=")); if (videoIDParam) { const videoID = videoIDParam.substring(videoIDParam.indexOf("=") + 1, videoIDParam.length); url = "" + videoID; } } return url; }