//node imports const Console = require("console"); //external module imports var Discord = require("discord.io"); var BotModules = [require("../index.js")]; var bot; var EventHandlers = { onReady: () => { Console.info("Registered bot " + bot.username + " with id " + bot.id); for (let i = 0, len = BotModules.length; i < len; i++) { let botModule = BotModules[i]; if (botModule.onReady) botModule.onReady(bot); } }, onDisconnect: (err, code) => { Console.error("Bot was disconnected!", err, code); for (let i = 0, len = BotModules.length; i < len; i++) { let botModule = BotModules[i]; if (botModule.onReady) botModule.onDisconnect(); } bot.connect(); }, onMessage: (user, userID, channelID, message) => { for (let i = 0, iLen = BotModules.length; i < iLen; i++) { let botModule = BotModules[i]; if (botModule.commands) { for (let j = 0, jLen = botModule.commands.length; j < jLen; j++) { let messageTrigger = botModule.commands[j]; if ((!messageTrigger.channelIDs && !messageTrigger.userIDs) //if we have neither channel nor user restraint, pass || (messageTrigger.channelIDs && messageTrigger.channelIDs.includes(channelID)) //otherwise, if we have a channel constraint, pass if we're allowed to respond in this channel || (messageTrigger.userIDs && messageTrigger.userIDs.includes(userID))) //otherwise, if we have a user constraint, pass if we're allowed to respond to this user switch (messageTrigger.type) { case "startsWith": if (message.startsWith(messageTrigger.command)) messageTrigger.action(bot, user, userID, channelID, message); break; default: if (message === messageTrigger.command) messageTrigger.action(bot, user, userID, channelID, message); } } } if (botModule.onMessage) botModule.onMessage(bot, user, userID, channelID, message); } } }; (() => { bot = new Discord.Client({ token: require("./token.json").token, autorun: true }); bot.on("ready", EventHandlers.onReady); bot.on("disconnect", EventHandlers.onDisconnect); bot.on("message", EventHandlers.onMessage); })();