//external library imports var Dns = require("dns"); //for connectivity checking var Url = require("url"); //for url parsing var Uri = require("urijs"); //for finding urls within message strings var Discord = require("discord.io"); //for obvious reasons var FeedRead = require("feed-read"); //for rss feed reading //my imports var Log = require("./log.js"); //some very simple logging functions I made var BotConfig = require("./bot-config.json"); //bot config file containing bot token var Config = require("./config.json"); //config file containing other settings var DiscordClient = { bot: null, startup: function () { //check if we can connect to discordapp.com to authenticate the bot Dns.resolve("discordapp.com", function (err) { if (err) Log.error("CONNECTION ERROR: Unable to locate discordapp.com to authenticate the bot", err); else { //if there was no error, go ahead and create and authenticate the bot DiscordClient.bot = new Discord.Client({ token: BotConfig.token, autorun: true }); //set up the bot's event handlers DiscordClient.bot.on("ready", DiscordClient.onReady); DiscordClient.bot.on("disconnect", DiscordClient.onDisconnect); DiscordClient.bot.on("message", DiscordClient.onMessage); } }); }, onReady: function () { Log.info("Registered/connected bot " + DiscordClient.bot.username + " - (" + DiscordClient.bot.id + ")"); DiscordClient.checkPastMessagesForLinks(); //we need to check past messages for links on startup, but also on reconnect because we don't know what has happened during the downtime intervalFunc = Feed.checkAndPost; }, onDisconnect: function (err, code) { Log.event("Bot was disconnected! " + (err ? err : "") + (code ? code : "No disconnect code provided.") + "\nClearing the feed timer and starting reconnect timer", "Discord.io"); intervalFunc = DiscordClient.startup; //reassign the interval function to try restart the bot every 5 sec }, onMessage: function (user, userID, channelID, message) { //check if the message is in the right channel, contains a link, and is not the latest link from the rss feed if (channelID === Config.channelID && Links.messageContainsLink(message) && (message !== Links.latestFromFeed)) { Log.event("Detected posted link in this message: " + message, "Discord.io"); //extract the url from the string, and cache it Uri.withinString(message, function (url) { Links.cache(Links.standardise(url)); return url; }); } }, checkPastMessagesForLinks: function () { var limit = 100; Log.info("Attempting to check past " + limit + " messages for links"); //get the last however many messsages from our discord channel DiscordClient.bot.getMessages({ channelID: Config.channelID, limit: limit }, function (err, messages) { if (err) Log.error("Error fetching discord messages.", err); else { Log.info("Pulled last " + messages.length + " messages, scanning for links"); var messageContents = messages.map((x) => { return x.content; }).reverse(); //extract an array of strings from the array of message objects for (var messageIdx in messageContents) { var message = messageContents[messageIdx]; if (Links.messageContainsLink(message)) //test if the message contains a url //detect the url inside the string, and cache it Uri.withinString(message, function (url) { Links.cache(url); return url; }); } } }); } }; var YouTube = { url: { share: "http://youtu.be/", full: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=", convertShareToFull: function (shareUrl) { return shareUrl.replace(YouTube.url.share, YouTube.url.full); }, convertFullToShare: function (fullUrl) { var shareUrl = fullUrl.replace(YouTube.url.full, YouTube.url.share); if (shareUrl.includes("&")) shareUrl = shareUrl.slice(0, fullUrl.indexOf("&")); return shareUrl; } }, }; var Links = { standardise: function (link) { link = link.replace("https://", "http://"); //cheaty way to get around http and https not matching if (Config.youtubeMode) link = link.split("&")[0]; //quick way to chop off stuff like &feature=youtube etc return link; }, messageContainsLink: function (message) { var messageLower = message.toLowerCase(); return messageLower.includes("http://") || messageLower.includes("https://") || messageLower.includes("www."); }, cached: [], latestFromFeed: "", cache: function (link) { link = Links.standardise(link); if (Config.youtubeMode && link.includes(YouTube.url.full)) { link = YouTube.url.convertFullToShare(link); } //store the new link if not stored already if (!Links.checkCache(link)) { Links.cached.push(link); Log.info("Cached URL: " + link); } //get rid of the first array element if we have reached our cache limit if (Links.cached.length > (Config.numLinksToCache || 10)) Links.cached.shift(); }, checkCache: function (link) { link = Links.standardise(link); if (Config.youtubeMode && link.includes(YouTube.url.full)) { return Links.cached.includes(YouTube.url.convertFullToShare(link)); } return Links.cached.includes(link); }, validateAndPost: function (err, articles) { if (err) Log.error("FEED ERROR: Error reading RSS feed.", err); else { var latestLink = Links.standardise(articles[0].link); //get the latest link and check if it has already been posted and cached //check whether the latest link out the feed exists in our cache if (!Links.checkCache(latestLink)) { if (Config.youtubeMode && latestLink.includes(YouTube.url.full)) latestLink = YouTube.url.convertFullToShare(latestLink); Log.info("Attempting to post new link: " + latestLink); //send a messsage containing the new feed link to our discord channel DiscordClient.bot.sendMessage({ to: Config.channelID, message: latestLink }, function (err, message) { if (err) { Log.error("ERROR: Failed to send message: " + message.substring(0, 15) + "...", err); //if there is an error posting the message, check if it is because the bot isn't connected if (DiscordClient.bot.connected) Log.info("Connectivity seems fine - I have no idea why the message didn't post"); else { Log.error("DiscordClient appears to be disconnected! Attempting to reconnect...", err); DiscordClient.bot.connect(); //attempt to reconnect } } }); Links.cache(latestLink); //finally make sure the link is cached, so it doesn't get posted again } else if (Links.latestFromFeed != latestLink) Log.info("Didn't post new feed link because already detected as posted " + latestLink); //alternatively, if we have a new link from the feed, but its been posted already, just alert the console Links.latestFromFeed = latestLink; //ensure our latest feed link variable is up to date, so we can track when the feed updates } } }; var Feed = { urlObj: Url.parse(Config.feedUrl), checkAndPost: function () { Dns.resolve(Feed.urlObj.host, function (err) { //check that we have an internet connection (well not exactly - check that we have a connection to the host of the feedUrl) if (err) Log.error("CONNECTION ERROR: Cannot resolve host.", err); else FeedRead(Config.feedUrl, Links.validateAndPost); }); } }; var intervalFunc = () => {}; //do nothing by default //IIFE to kickstart the bot when the app loads (function () { DiscordClient.startup(); setInterval(intervalFunc, Config.pollingInterval); })();