2017-07-27 08:10:18 +01:00

24 lines
687 B

//node imports
const FileSystem = require("fs");
//external lib imports
const JSONFile = require("jsonfile");
//app component imports
const GuildData = require("./models/guild-data.js");
const SAVE_FILE = "./guilds.json";
//acts as on ready function
module.exports = (client) => {
const guildsData = FileSystem.existsSync(SAVE_FILE) ? parseJSON(JSONFile.readFileSync(SAVE_FILE)) : {}; //pull saved data from file
//set up an interval to check all the feeds
//set up an on message handler to detect when links are posted
function parseJSON(json) {
const guildIDs = Object.keys(json);
guildIDs.forEach(guildID => { guildIDs[guildID] = new GuildData(guildIDs[guildID]); });