{ "title" : "Format", "nr_sections" : "7", "Introduction" : { "intro" : true, "text" : ["" ," Adding an introduction to the gamebook here. This will create a section, but it will not be shuffled nor numbered with the gamebook sections below. "] }, "Another Heading" : { "intro" : true, "text" : ["" ," This starts another non-shuffled section. ", {"footnote" : "A footnote in Another Heading."}," "] }, "sections" : {"IGNORE-debug-json-padding-IGNORE" : "", "start" : { "nr" : 1, "text" : ["" ," This examples tests gamebook formatting, not so much game mechanics or references. Currently there is nothing here really. This section contains some tricky characters to quote, like } and { and \" and ' and \\. HTML will probably not like
or &boom;. You can make named references ",{"reference" : "6", "name" : "like this"}," (just happens to be exactly the same syntax as in emacs org-mode btw). This book also includes a ",{"reference" : "4", "name" : "format-specific section"},". There should be an image below as well. If something broke, turn to ",{"reference" : "2"},", otherwise turn to ",{"reference" : "3"},".", {"footnote" : "Good footnote."}," ",{"img" : "testimage.png"} ," "] } , "bad" : { "nr" : 2, "text" : ["" ," Bad."] } , "good" : { "nr" : 3, "text" : ["" ," Good! "] } , "formatspecific" : { "nr" : 4, "text" : ["" ," This is the format-specific section for no other formats. Now you ",{"reference" : "2", "name" : "lose"},". "] } , "named2" : { "nr" : 5, "text" : ["" ," Very good. ",{"reference" : "3", "name" : "You win"},".", {"footnote" : "Win footnote."}," "] } , "named1" : { "nr" : 6, "text" : ["" ," This is where you should end up when you follow the named reference from the starting section. From here you can go to ",{"reference" : "5", "name" : "the second named section"}," or to the ",{"reference" : "3", "name" : "good end"},". "] } , "empty-7" : { "nr" : 7, "text" : [""] } }}