title = Title of Game author = Your Name = Introduction For information that goes before the actual numbered sections, if needed. = More Introduction Any number of these optional pre-game sections are possible really. It would be useful to be able to do sub-sections here to mark up a complete rulebook as part of the paragraph booklet, but there is no such feature (yet?). * 1 start This is the first section (or paragraph, if you prefer). From here you can go to section [[second]] or [[third]]. * second This is the second section. It may or may not end up with number 2 in the generated gamebook. From here you can skip to the [[end]] or go to the third section at [[third]]. * third Third section. Again, its number is not known. You can go to the end at [[end]]. This section has an image to show the syntax for doing that (same as images in bgg forums really). [img]testimage.png[/img] * end This is the end. There is nothing more in this gamebook.