import random import sys class Section: def __init__(self, name, text): = name self.text = text self.tags = set() def add_tags(self, tags): self.tags.update(set(tags)) def hastag(self, tag): return tag in self.tags def __repr__(self): return "Section(%s, %s, %s)" % (repr(, repr(self.text), repr(self.tags)) class ShuffledSection (Section): def __init__(self, nr, section): = nr = self.text = section.text self.tags = section.tags.copy() def __repr__(self): return "ShuffledSection(%d, %s, %s, %s)" % (, repr(, repr(self.text), repr(self.tags)) class IntroSection (Section): def __init__(self, section): = -1 = self.text = section.text self.tags = section.tags.copy() def __repr__(self): return "IntroSection(%d, %s, %s, %s)" % (repr(, repr(self.text), repr(self.tags)) class ShuffledSections: def __init__(self, as_list, from_nr, from_name, nr_sections): self.as_list = as_list self.from_nr = from_nr self.from_name = from_name self.name_to_nr = {} for n in from_name: self.name_to_nr[n] = from_name[n].nr for nr in nr_sections: self.name_to_nr[nr_sections[nr]] = nr STR_BOOK_CONFIG = set(['title', 'author', 'starttext', 'hideintrotext', 'showintrotext', 'resumetext']) INT_BOOK_CONFIG = set(['max']) class Book: def __init__(self): self.sections = [] self.introsections = [] self.from_name = {} self.nr_sections = {} self.codewords = set() self.config = {'max' : 0, 'title' : 'Gamebook', 'author' : '', 'starttext' : 'Turn to 1 to begin.', 'hideintrotext' : '(hide instructions)', 'showintrotext' : '(show instructions)', 'resumetext' : 'Resume saved game.'} def configure(self, name, value): if name in INT_BOOK_CONFIG: self.config[name] = int(value) elif name in STR_BOOK_CONFIG: self.config[name] = value else: raise Exception("Unknown book option '%s'." % name) def add(self, section): if in self.from_name: raise Exception('Duplicate section names (%s) not allowed.' % self.sections.append(section) self.from_name[] = section if len(self.sections) > self.config['max']: self.config['max'] = len(self.sections) def addintro(self, section): self.introsections.append(IntroSection(section)) def add_codeword(self, word): self.codewords.add(word) def force_section_nr(self, name, nr): self.nr_sections[nr] = name if nr > self.config['max']: self.config['max'] = nr def shuffle(self, reallyshuffle=True): as_list = [None] from_nr = {} shuffled = self.sections[:] shuffled_from_name = {} while len(shuffled) < self.config['max']: dummy = Section('Dummy', '') dummy.add_tags(['dummy']) shuffled.append(dummy) for p in self.nr_sections.values(): if p in self.from_name: shuffled.remove(self.from_name[p]) if reallyshuffle: random.shuffle(shuffled) for nr in range(1, self.config['max'] + 1): if (self.nr_sections.has_key(nr) and self.nr_sections[nr] in self.from_name): section = ShuffledSection(nr, self.from_name[ self.nr_sections[nr]]) elif len(shuffled): section = ShuffledSection(nr, shuffled.pop()) else: section = None as_list.append(section) from_nr[nr] = section if section: shuffled_from_name[] = section return ShuffledSections(as_list, from_nr, shuffled_from_name, self.nr_sections)