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{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
\f0\b\fs24 \cf0
\b \qc Gamebook
\b Turn to 1 to begin.
\b \qc 1
\ql Demonstrating how Codewords (AKA sightings) can be used. Go to \b 2
. \
\b \qc 2
\ql Got codeword warrior. Simple enough to set a codeword. Turn to \b 5
. \
\b \qc 3
\ql OK, if you have the codeword warrior, you may turn to \b 4
otherwise you may go back to \b 2
. Although we both know you have that codeword. If you have the codeword fun you may turn to \b 6
, without it you can go to \b 8
. \
\b \qc 4
\ql That was easy. \
\b \qc 5
\ql If you have the codeword warrior you may turn to \b 4
. If you do not have the codeword fun, you may turn to \b 8
. If you have the codeword fun, you may instead turn to \b 6
. Otherwise see \b 3
. \
\b \qc 6
\ql Cheater! There is no way you can have codeword fun. \
\b \qc 7
\ql If you have the codeword fun turn to \b 6
. Otherwise you can go to the end at \b 4
or to the xortest at \b 3
. \
\b \qc 8
\ql This is just to demonstrate choices allowed when not having a codeword. Now go on to \b 9
(autotest) or \b 3
(xor test). \
\b \qc 9
\ql If you have codeword warrior turn to \b 7
. Otherwise you can go to the end at \b 4
or back to \b 1
. \