* Free video from GDC is [here!](http://www.gdcvault.com/free/gdc-17) ## New games * [The Encounter](http://www.philome.la/robinthebum/the-encounter/play) by *robinthebum*
Can you survive an encounter with Shia LaBeouf?
* #ResistJam is now over, you can see the entries [here.](https://itch.io/jam/resistjam/entries) - we already list all the IF, though ## Tools and platforms * A new INSTEAD 2.5-alpha release is open for testing. After the successful test it would become the 3.0 release. You can download the Windows, Caanoo, WinCE, Symbian and Linux packages from [here](http://instead.syscall.ru/instead/2.5.0/) and the Android version is [here.](http://nlbproject.com/dist/instead-ng-alpha.apk) The documentation is in the alpha stage too, currently in Russian only. The 3.0 version will have a new Lua stack and a tiny core for blind-accessible interpreters (`instead-tiny`, also see [Plainstead](https://github.com/instead-hub/plainstead) project). * [INSTEAD-JS](https://github.com/instead-hub/instead-js) was updated, too. IE browser is not supported. * [Mise-en.cene](https://github.com/rocketnia/mise-en.cene) by *rocketnia* is a new project demonstrating a parser and compiler for conversations in the visual novel style. (NOT READY YET)