Fork 0

Начало - компилируется, но не работает

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Yakovlev 2019-08-12 16:57:39 +07:00
commit e2dff232f6
Signed by: oreolek
GPG key ID: 1CDC4B7820C93BD3
18 changed files with 16325 additions and 0 deletions

.editorconfig Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
root = true
charset = utf-8
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
charset = cp1251
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

Makefile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
all: glulx
inform -D -DG -Cu +library-glulx +language_name=Russian '$$MAX_UNICODE_CHARS=1024' '$$MAX_STATIC_DATA=20000' '$$DICT_CHAR_SIZE=4' source.inf out.ulx
inform -DG -Cu +library-glulx +language_name=Russian '$$MAX_UNICODE_CHARS=1024' '$$MAX_STATIC_DATA=20000' '$$DICT_CHAR_SIZE=4' source.inf out.ulx

library-glulx/English.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
! ==============================================================================
! ENGLISH: Language Definition File
! Supplied for use with Inform 6 -- Release 6/11 -- Serial number 040227
! Copyright Graham Nelson 1993-2004 but freely usable (see manuals)
! This file is automatically Included in your game file by "parserm".
! Strictly, "parserm" includes the file named in the "language__" variable,
! whose contents can be defined by+language_name=XXX compiler setting (with a
! default of "english").
! Define the constant DIALECT_US before including "Parser" to obtain American
! English.
! ==============================================================================
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Part I. Preliminaries
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constant EnglishNaturalLanguage; ! Needed to keep old pronouns mechanism
Class CompassDirection
with number 0, article "the",
description [;
if (location provides compass_look && location.compass_look(self)) rtrue;
if (self.compass_look()) rtrue;
L__M(##Look, 7, self);
compass_look false,
has scenery;
Object Compass "compass" has concealed;
CompassDirection -> n_obj "north"
with door_dir n_to, name 'n//' 'north';
CompassDirection -> s_obj "south"
with door_dir s_to, name 's//' 'south';
CompassDirection -> e_obj "east"
with door_dir e_to, name 'e//' 'east';
CompassDirection -> w_obj "west"
with door_dir w_to, name 'w//' 'west';
CompassDirection -> ne_obj "northeast"
with door_dir ne_to, name 'ne' 'northeast';
CompassDirection -> nw_obj "northwest"
with door_dir nw_to, name 'nw' 'northwest';
CompassDirection -> se_obj "southeast"
with door_dir se_to, name 'se' 'southeast';
CompassDirection -> sw_obj "southwest"
with door_dir sw_to, name 'sw' 'southwest';
CompassDirection -> u_obj "up above"
with door_dir u_to, name 'u//' 'up' 'ceiling' 'above' 'sky';
CompassDirection -> d_obj "ground"
with door_dir d_to, name 'd//' 'down' 'floor' 'below' 'ground';
CompassDirection -> in_obj "inside"
with door_dir in_to, name 'in' 'inside';
CompassDirection -> out_obj "outside"
with door_dir out_to, name 'out' 'outside';
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Part II. Vocabulary
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constant AGAIN1__WD = 'again';
Constant AGAIN2__WD = 'g//';
Constant AGAIN3__WD = 'again';
Constant OOPS1__WD = 'oops';
Constant OOPS2__WD = 'o//';
Constant OOPS3__WD = 'oops';
Constant UNDO1__WD = 'undo';
Constant UNDO2__WD = 'undo';
Constant UNDO3__WD = 'undo';
Constant ALL1__WD = 'all';
Constant ALL2__WD = 'each';
Constant ALL3__WD = 'every';
Constant ALL4__WD = 'everything';
Constant ALL5__WD = 'both';
Constant AND1__WD = 'and';
Constant AND2__WD = 'and';
Constant AND3__WD = 'and';
Constant BUT1__WD = 'but';
Constant BUT2__WD = 'except';
Constant BUT3__WD = 'but';
Constant ME1__WD = 'me';
Constant ME2__WD = 'myself';
Constant ME3__WD = 'self';
Constant OF1__WD = 'of';
Constant OF2__WD = 'of';
Constant OF3__WD = 'of';
Constant OF4__WD = 'of';
Constant OTHER1__WD = 'another';
Constant OTHER2__WD = 'other';
Constant OTHER3__WD = 'other';
Constant THEN1__WD = 'then';
Constant THEN2__WD = 'then';
Constant THEN3__WD = 'then';
Constant NO1__WD = 'n//';
Constant NO2__WD = 'no';
Constant NO3__WD = 'no';
Constant YES1__WD = 'y//';
Constant YES2__WD = 'yes';
Constant YES3__WD = 'yes';
Constant AMUSING__WD = 'amusing';
Constant FULLSCORE1__WD = 'fullscore';
Constant FULLSCORE2__WD = 'full';
Constant QUIT1__WD = 'q//';
Constant QUIT2__WD = 'quit';
Constant RESTART__WD = 'restart';
Constant RESTORE__WD = 'restore';
Array LanguagePronouns table
! word possible GNAs connected
! to follow: to:
! a i
! s p s p
! mfnmfnmfnmfn
'it' $$001000111000 NULL
'him' $$100000000000 NULL
'her' $$010000000000 NULL
'them' $$000111000111 NULL;
Array LanguageDescriptors table
! word possible GNAs descriptor connected
! to follow: type: to:
! a i
! s p s p
! mfnmfnmfnmfn
'my' $$111111111111 POSSESS_PK 0
'this' $$111111111111 POSSESS_PK 0
'these' $$000111000111 POSSESS_PK 0
'that' $$111111111111 POSSESS_PK 1
'those' $$000111000111 POSSESS_PK 1
'his' $$111111111111 POSSESS_PK 'him'
'her' $$111111111111 POSSESS_PK 'her'
'their' $$111111111111 POSSESS_PK 'them'
'its' $$111111111111 POSSESS_PK 'it'
'the' $$111111111111 DEFART_PK NULL
'a//' $$111000111000 INDEFART_PK NULL
'an' $$111000111000 INDEFART_PK NULL
'some' $$000111000111 INDEFART_PK NULL
'lit' $$111111111111 light NULL
'lighted' $$111111111111 light NULL
'unlit' $$111111111111 (-light) NULL;
Array LanguageNumbers table
'one' 1 'two' 2 'three' 3 'four' 4 'five' 5
'six' 6 'seven' 7 'eight' 8 'nine' 9 'ten' 10
'eleven' 11 'twelve' 12 'thirteen' 13 'fourteen' 14 'fifteen' 15
'sixteen' 16 'seventeen' 17 'eighteen' 18 'nineteen' 19 'twenty' 20;
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Part III. Translation
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ LanguageToInformese;
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Part IV. Printing
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constant LanguageAnimateGender = male;
Constant LanguageInanimateGender = neuter;
Constant LanguageContractionForms = 2; ! English has two:
! 0 = starting with a consonant
! 1 = starting with a vowel
[ LanguageContraction text;
if (text->0 == 'a' or 'e' or 'i' or 'o' or 'u'
or 'A' or 'E' or 'I' or 'O' or 'U') return 1;
return 0;
Array LanguageArticles -->
! Contraction form 0: Contraction form 1:
! Cdef Def Indef Cdef Def Indef
"The " "the " "a " "The " "the " "an " ! Articles 0
"The " "the " "some " "The " "the " "some "; ! Articles 1
! a i
! s p s p
! m f n m f n m f n m f n
Array LanguageGNAsToArticles --> 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1;
[ LanguageDirection d;
switch (d) {
n_to: print "north";
s_to: print "south";
e_to: print "east";
w_to: print "west";
ne_to: print "northeast";
nw_to: print "northwest";
se_to: print "southeast";
sw_to: print "southwest";
u_to: print "up";
d_to: print "down";
in_to: print "in";
out_to: print "out";
default: return RunTimeError(9,d);
[ LanguageNumber n f;
if (n == 0) { print "zero"; rfalse; }
if (n < 0) { print "minus "; n = -n; }
if (n >= 1000) { print (LanguageNumber) n/1000, " thousand"; n = n%1000; f = 1; }
if (n >= 100) {
if (f == 1) print ", ";
print (LanguageNumber) n/100, " hundred"; n = n%100; f = 1;
if (n == 0) rfalse;
if (f == 1) print " ";
if (f == 1) print " and ";
switch (n) {
1: print "one";
2: print "two";
3: print "three";
4: print "four";
5: print "five";
6: print "six";
7: print "seven";
8: print "eight";
9: print "nine";
10: print "ten";
11: print "eleven";
12: print "twelve";
13: print "thirteen";
14: print "fourteen";
15: print "fifteen";
16: print "sixteen";
17: print "seventeen";
18: print "eighteen";
19: print "nineteen";
20 to 99: switch (n/10) {
2: print "twenty";
3: print "thirty";
4: print "forty";
5: print "fifty";
6: print "sixty";
7: print "seventy";
8: print "eighty";
9: print "ninety";
if (n%10 ~= 0) print "-", (LanguageNumber) n%10;
[ LanguageTimeOfDay hours mins i;
i = hours%12;
if (i == 0) i = 12;
if (i < 10) print " ";
print i, ":", mins/10, mins%10;
if ((hours/12) > 0) print " pm"; else print " am";
[ LanguageVerb i;
switch (i) {
print "take inventory";
'l//': print "look";
'x//': print "examine";
'z//': print "wait";
default: rfalse;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! LanguageVerbIsDebugging is called by SearchScope. It should return true
! if word w is a debugging verb which needs all objects to be in scope.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Ifdef DEBUG;
[ LanguageVerbIsDebugging w;
if (w == 'purloin' or 'tree' or 'abstract'
or 'gonear' or 'scope' or 'showobj')
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! LanguageVerbLikesAdverb is called by PrintCommand when printing an UPTO_PE
! error or an inference message. Words which are intransitive verbs, i.e.,
! which require a direction name as an adverb ('walk west'), not a noun
! ('I only understood you as far as wanting to touch /the/ ground'), should
! cause the routine to return true.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ LanguageVerbLikesAdverb w;
if (w == 'look' or 'go' or 'push' or 'walk')
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! LanguageVerbMayBeName is called by NounDomain when dealing with the
! player's reply to a "Which do you mean, the short stick or the long
! stick?" prompt from the parser. If the reply is another verb (for example,
! LOOK) then then previous ambiguous command is discarded /unless/
! it is one of these words which could be both a verb /and/ an
! adjective in a 'name' property.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ LanguageVerbMayBeName w;
if (w == 'long' or 'short' or 'normal'
or 'brief' or 'full' or 'verbose')
Constant NKEY__TX = "N = next subject";
Constant PKEY__TX = "P = previous";
Constant QKEY1__TX = " Q = resume game";
Constant QKEY2__TX = "Q = previous menu";
Constant RKEY__TX = "RETURN = read subject";
Constant NKEY1__KY = 'N';
Constant NKEY2__KY = 'n';
Constant PKEY1__KY = 'P';
Constant PKEY2__KY = 'p';
Constant QKEY1__KY = 'Q';
Constant QKEY2__KY = 'q';
Constant SCORE__TX = "Score: ";
Constant MOVES__TX = "Moves: ";
Constant TIME__TX = "Time: ";
Constant CANTGO__TX = "You can't go that way.";
Constant FORMER__TX = "your former self";
Constant YOURSELF__TX = "yourself";
Constant YOU__TX = "You";
Constant DARKNESS__TX = "Darkness";
Constant THOSET__TX = "those things";
Constant THAT__TX = "that";
Constant OR__TX = " or ";
Constant NOTHING__TX = "nothing";
Constant IS__TX = " is";
Constant ARE__TX = " are";
Constant IS2__TX = "is ";
Constant ARE2__TX = "are ";
Constant AND__TX = " and ";
Constant WHOM__TX = "whom ";
Constant WHICH__TX = "which ";
Constant COMMA__TX = ", ";
[ ThatorThose obj; ! Used in the accusative
if (obj == player) { print "you"; return; }
if (obj has pluralname) { print "those"; return; }
if (obj has animate) {
if (obj has female) { print "her"; return; }
if (obj hasnt neuter) { print "him"; return; }
print "that";
[ ItorThem obj;
if (obj == player) { print "yourself"; return; }
if (obj has pluralname) { print "them"; return; }
if (obj has animate) {
if (obj has female) { print "her"; return; }
if (obj hasnt neuter) { print "him"; return; }
print "it";
[ IsorAre obj;
if (obj has pluralname || obj == player) print "are"; else print "is";
[ CThatorThose obj; ! Used in the nominative
if (obj == player) { print "You"; return; }
if (obj has pluralname) { print "Those"; return; }
if (obj has animate) {
if (obj has female) { print "She"; return; }
if (obj hasnt neuter) { print "He"; return; }
print "That";
[ CTheyreorThats obj;
if (obj == player) { print "You're"; return; }
if (obj has pluralname) { print "They're"; return; }
if (obj has animate) {
if (obj has female) { print "She's"; return; }
else if (obj hasnt neuter) { print "He's"; return; }
print "That's";
[ LanguageLM n x1;
"There is no reply.";
! Ask: see Answer
Attack: "Violence isn't the answer to this one.";
Blow: "You can't usefully blow ", (thatorthose) x1, ".";
Burn: "This dangerous act would achieve little.";
Buy: "Nothing is on sale.";
Climb: "I don't think much is to be achieved by that.";
Close: switch (n) {
1: print_ret (ctheyreorthats) x1, " not something you can close.";
2: print_ret (ctheyreorthats) x1, " already closed.";
3: "You close ", (the) x1, ".";
CommandsOff: switch (n) {
1: "[Command recording off.]";
2: "[Command recording already off.]";
#Endif; ! TARGET_
CommandsOn: switch (n) {
1: "[Command recording on.]";
2: "[Commands are currently replaying.]";
3: "[Command recording already on.]";
4: "[Command recording failed.]";
#Endif; ! TARGET_
CommandsRead: switch (n) {
1: "[Replaying commands.]";
2: "[Commands are already replaying.]";
3: "[Command replay failed. Command recording is on.]";
4: "[Command replay failed.]";
5: "[Command replay complete.]";
#Endif; ! TARGET_
Consult: "You discover nothing of interest in ", (the) x1, ".";
Cut: "Cutting ", (thatorthose) x1, " up would achieve little.";
Dig: "Digging would achieve nothing here.";
Disrobe: switch (n) {
1: "You're not wearing ", (thatorthose) x1, ".";
2: "You take off ", (the) x1, ".";
Drink: "There's nothing suitable to drink here.";
Drop: switch (n) {
1: if (x1 has pluralname) print (The) x1, " are "; else print (The) x1, " is ";
"already here.";
2: "You haven't got ", (thatorthose) x1, ".";
3: "(first taking ", (the) x1, " off)";
4: "Dropped.";
Eat: switch (n) {
1: print_ret (ctheyreorthats) x1, " plainly inedible.";
2: "You eat ", (the) x1, ". Not bad.";
EmptyT: switch (n) {
1: print_ret (The) x1, " can't contain things.";
2: print_ret (The) x1, " ", (isorare) x1, " closed.";
3: print_ret (The) x1, " ", (isorare) x1, " empty already.";
4: "That would scarcely empty anything.";
Enter: switch (n) {
1: print "But you're already ";
if (x1 has supporter) print "on "; else print "in ";
print_ret (the) x1, ".";
2: if (x1 has pluralname) print "They're"; else print "That's";
print " not something you can ";
switch (verb_word) {
'stand': "stand on.";
'sit': "sit down on.";
'lie': "lie down on.";
default: "enter.";
3: "You can't get into the closed ", (name) x1, ".";
4: "You can only get into something free-standing.";
5: print "You get ";
if (x1 has supporter) print "onto "; else print "into ";
print_ret (the) x1, ".";
6: print "(getting ";
if (x1 has supporter) print "off "; else print "out of ";
print (the) x1; ")";
7: if (x1 has supporter) "(getting onto ", (the) x1, ")^";
if (x1 has container) "(getting into ", (the) x1, ")^";
"(entering ", (the) x1, ")^";
Examine: switch (n) {
1: "Darkness, noun. An absence of light to see by.";
2: "You see nothing special about ", (the) x1, ".";
3: print (The) x1, " ", (isorare) x1, " currently switched ";
if (x1 has on) "on."; else "off.";
Exit: switch (n) {
1: "But you aren't in anything at the moment.";
2: "You can't get out of the closed ", (name) x1, ".";
3: print "You get ";
if (x1 has supporter) print "off "; else print "out of ";
print_ret (the) x1, ".";
4: print "But you aren't ";
if (x1 has supporter) print "on "; else print "in ";
print_ret (the) x1, ".";
Fill: "But there's no water here to carry.";
FullScore: switch (n) {
1: if (deadflag) print "The score was "; else print "The score is ";
"made up as follows:^";
2: "finding sundry items";
3: "visiting various places";
4: print "total (out of ", MAX_SCORE; ")";
GetOff: "But you aren't on ", (the) x1, " at the moment.";
Give: switch (n) {
1: "You aren't holding ", (the) x1, ".";
2: "You juggle ", (the) x1, " for a while, but don't achieve much.";
3: print (The) x1;
if (x1 has pluralname) print " don't"; else print " doesn't";
" seem interested.";
Go: switch (n) {
1: print "You'll have to get ";
if (x1 has supporter) print "off "; else print "out of ";
print_ret (the) x1, " first.";
2: print_ret (string) CANTGO__TX; ! "You can't go that way."
3: "You are unable to climb ", (the) x1, ".";
4: "You are unable to descend by ", (the) x1, ".";
5: "You can't, since ", (the) x1, " ", (isorare) x1, " in the way.";
6: print "You can't, since ", (the) x1;
if (x1 has pluralname) " lead nowhere."; else " leads nowhere.";
Insert: switch (n) {
1: "You need to be holding ", (the) x1, " before you can put ", (itorthem) x1,
" into something else.";
2: print_ret (Cthatorthose) x1, " can't contain things.";
3: print_ret (The) x1, " ", (isorare) x1, " closed.";
4: "You'll need to take ", (itorthem) x1, " off first.";
5: "You can't put something inside itself.";
6: "(first taking ", (itorthem) x1, " off)^";
7: "There is no more room in ", (the) x1, ".";
8: "Done.";
9: "You put ", (the) x1, " into ", (the) second, ".";
Inv: switch (n) {
1: "You are carrying nothing.";
2: print "You are carrying";
3: print ":^";
4: print ".^";
Jump: "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.";
"You would achieve nothing by this.";
Kiss: "Keep your mind on the game.";
Listen: "You hear nothing unexpected.";
ListMiscellany: switch (n) {
1: print " (providing light)";
2: print " (which ", (isorare) x1, " closed)";
3: print " (closed and providing light)";
4: print " (which ", (isorare) x1, " empty)";
5: print " (empty and providing light)";
6: print " (which ", (isorare) x1, " closed and empty)";
7: print " (closed, empty and providing light)";
8: print " (providing light and being worn";
9: print " (providing light";
10: print " (being worn";
11: print " (which ", (isorare) x1, " ";
12: print "open";
13: print "open but empty";
14: print "closed";
15: print "closed and locked";
16: print " and empty";
17: print " (which ", (isorare) x1, " empty)";
18: print " containing ";
19: print " (on ";
20: print ", on top of ";
21: print " (in ";
22: print ", inside ";
LMode1: " is now in its normal ~brief~ printing mode, which gives long descriptions
of places never before visited and short descriptions otherwise.";
LMode2: " is now in its ~verbose~ mode, which always gives long descriptions
of locations (even if you've been there before).";
LMode3: " is now in its ~superbrief~ mode, which always gives short descriptions
of locations (even if you haven't been there before).";
Lock: switch (n) {
1: if (x1 has pluralname) print "They don't "; else print "That doesn't ";
"seem to be something you can lock.";
2: print_ret (ctheyreorthats) x1, " locked at the moment.";
3: "First you'll have to close ", (the) x1, ".";
4: if (x1 has pluralname) print "Those don't "; else print "That doesn't ";
"seem to fit the lock.";
5: "You lock ", (the) x1, ".";
Look: switch (n) {
1: print " (on ", (the) x1, ")";
2: print " (in ", (the) x1, ")";
3: print " (as ", (object) x1, ")";
4: print "^On ", (the) x1;
if (x1 ~= location) {
if (x1 has supporter) print "^On "; else print "^In ";
print (the) x1, " you";
else print "^You";
print " can ";
if (n == 5) print "also ";
print "see ";
if (x1 ~= location) "."; else " here.";
7: "You see nothing unexpected in that direction.";
LookUnder: switch (n) {
1: "But it's dark.";
2: "You find nothing of interest.";
Mild: "Quite.";
Miscellany: switch (n) {
1: "(considering the first sixteen objects only)^";
2: "Nothing to do!";
3: print " You have died ";
4: print " You have won ";
5: print "^Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game";
print ", UNDO your last move";
if (TASKS_PROVIDED == 0) print ", give the FULL score for that game";
if (deadflag == 2 && AMUSING_PROVIDED == 0)
print ", see some suggestions for AMUSING things to do";
" or QUIT?";
6: "[Your interpreter does not provide ~undo~. Sorry!]";
7: "~Undo~ failed. [Not all interpreters provide it.]";
7: "[You cannot ~undo~ any further.]";
#Endif; ! TARGET_
8: "Please give one of the answers above.";
9: "^It is now pitch dark in here!";
10: "I beg your pardon?";
11: "[You can't ~undo~ what hasn't been done!]";
12: "[Can't ~undo~ twice in succession. Sorry!]";
13: "[Previous turn undone.]";
14: "Sorry, that can't be corrected.";
15: "Think nothing of it.";
16: "~Oops~ can only correct a single word.";
17: "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing.";
18: print "yourself";
19: "As good-looking as ever.";
20: "To repeat a command like ~frog, jump~, just say ~again~, not ~frog, again~.";
21: "You can hardly repeat that.";
22: "You can't begin with a comma.";
23: "You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom.";
24: "You can't talk to ", (the) x1, ".";
25: "To talk to someone, try ~someone, hello~ or some such.";
26: "(first taking ", (the) not_holding, ")";
27: "I didn't understand that sentence.";
28: print "I only understood you as far as wanting to ";
29: "I didn't understand that number.";
30: "You can't see any such thing.";
31: "You seem to have said too little!";
32: "You aren't holding that!";
33: "You can't use multiple objects with that verb.";
34: "You can only use multiple objects once on a line.";
35: "I'm not sure what ~", (address) pronoun_word, "~ refers to.";
36: "You excepted something not included anyway!";
37: "You can only do that to something animate.";
38: "That's not a verb I recognize.";
38: "That's not a verb I recognise.";
39: "That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.";
40: "You can't see ~", (address) pronoun_word, "~ (", (the) pronoun_obj,
") at the moment.";
41: "I didn't understand the way that finished.";
42: if (x1 == 0) print "None"; else print "Only ", (number) x1;
print " of those ";
if (x1 == 1) print "is"; else print "are";
" available.";
43: "Nothing to do!";
44: "There are none at all available!";
45: print "Who do you mean, ";
46: print "Which do you mean, ";
47: "Sorry, you can only have one item here. Which exactly?";
48: print "Whom do you want";
if (actor ~= player) print " ", (the) actor;
print " to "; PrintCommand(); print "?^";
49: print "What do you want";
if (actor ~= player) print " ", (the) actor;
print " to "; PrintCommand(); print "?^";
50: print "Your score has just gone ";
if (x1 > 0) print "up"; else { x1 = -x1; print "down"; }
print " by ", (number) x1, " point";
if (x1 > 1) print "s";
51: "(Since something dramatic has happened, your list of commands has been cut short.)";
52: "^Type a number from 1 to ", x1, ", 0 to redisplay or press ENTER.";
53: "^[Please press SPACE.]";
54: "[Comment recorded.]";
55: "[Comment NOT recorded.]";
56: print ".^";
57: print "?^";
No,Yes: "That was a rhetorical question.";
"Score notification off.";
NotifyOn: "Score notification on.";
Objects: switch (n) {
1: "Objects you have handled:^";
2: "None.";
3: print " (worn)";
4: print " (held)";
5: print " (given away)";
6: print " (in ", (name) x1, ")";
7: print " (in ", (the) x1, ")";
8: print " (inside ", (the) x1, ")";
9: print " (on ", (the) x1, ")";
10: print " (lost)";
Open: switch (n) {
1: print_ret (ctheyreorthats) x1, " not something you can open.";
2: if (x1 has pluralname) print "They seem "; else print "It seems ";
"to be locked.";
3: print_ret (ctheyreorthats) x1, " already open.";
4: print "You open ", (the) x1, ", revealing ";
if (WriteListFrom(child(x1), ENGLISH_BIT+TERSE_BIT+CONCEAL_BIT) == 0) "nothing.";
5: "You open ", (the) x1, ".";
Order: print (The) x1;
if (x1 has pluralname) print " have"; else print " has";
" better things to do.";
Places: switch (n) {
1: print "You have visited: ";
2: print ".^";
Pray: "Nothing practical results from your prayer.";
Prompt: print "^>";
Pronouns: switch (n) {
1: print "At the moment, ";
2: print "means ";
3: print "is unset";
4: "no pronouns are known to the game.";
5: ".";
Pull,Push,Turn: switch (n) {
1: if (x1 has pluralname) print "Those are "; else print "It is ";
"fixed in place.";
2: "You are unable to.";
3: "Nothing obvious happens.";
4: "That would be less than courteous.";
! Push: see Pull
PushDir: switch (n) {
1: "Is that the best you can think of?";
2: "That's not a direction.";
3: "Not that way you can't.";
PutOn: switch (n) {
1: "You need to be holding ", (the) x1, " before you can put ",
(itorthem) x1, " on top of something else.";
2: "You can't put something on top of itself.";
3: "Putting things on ", (the) x1, " would achieve nothing.";
4: "You lack the dexterity.";
5: "(first taking ", (itorthem) x1, " off)^";
6: "There is no more room on ", (the) x1, ".";
7: "Done.";
8: "You put ", (the) x1, " on ", (the) second, ".";
Quit: switch (n) {
1: print "Please answer yes or no.";
2: print "Are you sure you want to quit? ";
Remove: switch (n) {
1: if (x1 has pluralname) print "They are"; else print "It is";
" unfortunately closed.";
2: if (x1 has pluralname) print "But they aren't"; else print "But it isn't";
" there now.";
3: "Removed.";
Restart: switch (n) {
1: print "Are you sure you want to restart? ";
2: "Failed.";
Restore: switch (n) {
1: "Restore failed.";
2: "Ok.";
Rub: "You achieve nothing by this.";
Save: switch (n) {
1: "Save failed.";
2: "Ok.";
Score: switch (n) {
1: if (deadflag) print "In that game you scored "; else print "You have so far scored ";
print score, " out of a possible ", MAX_SCORE, ", in ", turns, " turn";
if (turns ~= 1) print "s";
2: "There is no score in this story.";
ScriptOff: switch (n) {
1: "Transcripting is already off.";
2: "^End of transcript.";
3: "Attempt to end transcript failed.";
ScriptOn: switch (n) {
1: "Transcripting is already on.";
2: "Start of a transcript of";
3: "Attempt to begin transcript failed.";
Search: switch (n) {
1: "But it's dark.";
2: "There is nothing on ", (the) x1, ".";
3: print "On ", (the) x1;
4: "You find nothing of interest.";
5: "You can't see inside, since ", (the) x1, " ", (isorare) x1, " closed.";
6: print_ret (The) x1, " ", (isorare) x1, " empty.";
7: print "In ", (the) x1;
Set: "No, you can't set ", (thatorthose) x1, ".";
SetTo: "No, you can't set ", (thatorthose) x1, " to anything.";
Show: switch (n) {
1: "You aren't holding ", (the) x1, ".";
2: print_ret (The) x1, " ", (isorare) x1, " unimpressed.";
Sing: "Your singing is abominable.";
Sleep: "You aren't feeling especially drowsy.";
Smell: "You smell nothing unexpected.";
Sorry: "Oh, don't apologize.";
Sorry: "Oh, don't apologise.";
Squeeze: switch (n) {
1: "Keep your hands to yourself.";
2: "You achieve nothing by this.";
Strong: "Real adventurers do not use such language.";
Swim: "There's not enough water to swim in.";
Swing: "There's nothing sensible to swing here.";
SwitchOff: switch (n) {
1: print_ret (ctheyreorthats) x1, " not something you can switch.";
2: print_ret (ctheyreorthats) x1, " already off.";
3: "You switch ", (the) x1, " off.";
SwitchOn: switch (n) {
1: print_ret (ctheyreorthats) x1, " not something you can switch.";
2: print_ret (ctheyreorthats) x1, " already on.";
3: "You switch ", (the) x1, " on.";
Take: switch (n) {
1: "Taken.";
2: "You are always self-possessed.";
3: "I don't suppose ", (the) x1, " would care for that.";
4: print "You'd have to get ";
if (x1 has supporter) print "off "; else print "out of ";
print_ret (the) x1, " first.";
5: "You already have ", (thatorthose) x1, ".";
6: if (noun has pluralname) print "Those seem "; else print "That seems ";
"to belong to ", (the) x1, ".";
7: if (noun has pluralname) print "Those seem "; else print "That seems ";
"to be a part of ", (the) x1, ".";
8: print_ret (Cthatorthose) x1, " ", (isorare) x1,
"n't available.";
9: print_ret (The) x1, " ", (isorare) x1, "n't open.";
10: if (x1 has pluralname) print "They're "; else print "That's ";
"hardly portable.";
11: if (x1 has pluralname) print "They're "; else print "That's ";
"fixed in place.";
12: "You're carrying too many things already.";
13: "(putting ", (the) x1, " into ", (the) SACK_OBJECT, " to make room)";
Taste: "You taste nothing unexpected.";
Tell: switch (n) {
1: "You talk to yourself a while.";
2: "This provokes no reaction.";
Think: "What a good idea.";
ThrowAt: switch (n) {
1: "Futile.";
2: "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.";
! Tie: see JumpOver.
Touch: switch (n) {
1: "Keep your hands to yourself!";
2: "You feel nothing unexpected.";
3: "If you think that'll help.";
! Turn: see Pull.
Unlock: switch (n) {
1: if (x1 has pluralname) print "They don't "; else print "That doesn't ";
"seem to be something you can unlock.";
2: print_ret (ctheyreorthats) x1, " unlocked at the moment.";
3: if (x1 has pluralname) print "Those don't "; else print "That doesn't ";
"seem to fit the lock.";
4: "You unlock ", (the) x1, ".";
VagueGo: "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in.";
Verify: switch (n) {
1: "The game file has verified as intact.";
2: "The game file did not verify as intact, and may be corrupt.";
Wait: "Time passes.";
Wake: "The dreadful truth is, this is not a dream.";
WakeOther:"That seems unnecessary.";
Wave: switch (n) {
1: "But you aren't holding ", (thatorthose) x1, ".";
2: "You look ridiculous waving ", (the) x1, ".";
WaveHands:"You wave, feeling foolish.";
Wear: switch (n) {
1: "You can't wear ", (thatorthose) x1, "!";
2: "You're not holding ", (thatorthose) x1, "!";
3: "You're already wearing ", (thatorthose) x1, "!";
4: "You put on ", (the) x1, ".";
! Yes: see No.
! ==============================================================================
Constant LIBRARY_ENGLISH; ! for dependency checking.
! ==============================================================================

library-glulx/Grammar.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
! ==============================================================================
! GRAMMAR: Grammar table entries for the standard verbs library.
! Supplied for use with Inform 6 -- Release 6/11 -- Serial number 040227
! Copyright Graham Nelson 1993-2004 but freely usable (see manuals)
! In your game file, Include three library files in this order:
! Include "Parser";
! Include "VerbLib";
! Include "Grammar";
! ==============================================================================
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The "meta-verbs", commands to the game rather than in the game, come first:
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Verb meta 'brief' 'normal'
* -> LMode1;
Verb meta 'verbose' 'long'
* -> LMode2;
Verb meta 'superbrief' 'short'
* -> LMode3;
Verb meta 'notify'
* -> NotifyOn
* 'on' -> NotifyOn
* 'off' -> NotifyOff;
Verb meta 'pronouns' 'nouns'
* -> Pronouns;
Verb meta 'quit' 'q//' 'die'
* -> Quit;
Verb meta 'recording'
* -> CommandsOn
* 'on' -> CommandsOn
* 'off' -> CommandsOff;
Verb meta 'replay'
* -> CommandsRead;
Verb meta 'restart'
* -> Restart;
Verb meta 'restore'
* -> Restore;
Verb meta 'save'
* -> Save;
Verb meta 'score'
* -> Score;
Verb meta 'fullscore' 'full'
* -> FullScore
* 'score' -> FullScore;
Verb meta 'script' 'transcript'
* -> ScriptOn
* 'on' -> ScriptOn
* 'off' -> ScriptOff;
Verb meta 'noscript' 'unscript'
* -> ScriptOff;
Verb meta 'verify'
* -> Verify;
Verb meta 'version'
* -> Version;
#Ifndef NO_PLACES;
Verb meta 'objects'
* -> Objects;
Verb meta 'places'
* -> Places;
#Endif; ! NO_PLACES
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Debugging grammar
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Ifdef DEBUG;
Verb meta 'actions'
* -> ActionsOn
* 'on' -> ActionsOn
* 'off' -> ActionsOff;
Verb meta 'changes'
* -> ChangesOn
* 'on' -> ChangesOn
* 'off' -> ChangesOff;
Verb meta 'gonear'
* noun -> Gonear;
Verb meta 'goto'
* number -> Goto;
Verb meta 'random'
* -> Predictable;
Verb meta 'routines' 'messages'
* -> RoutinesOn
* 'on' -> RoutinesOn
* 'off' -> RoutinesOff;
Verb meta 'scope'
* -> Scope
* noun -> Scope;
Verb meta 'showobj'
* -> Showobj
* number -> Showobj
* multi -> Showobj;
Verb meta 'showverb'
* special -> Showverb;
Verb meta 'timers' 'daemons'
* -> TimersOn
* 'on' -> TimersOn
* 'off' -> TimersOff;
Verb meta 'trace'
* -> TraceOn
* number -> TraceLevel
* 'on' -> TraceOn
* 'off' -> TraceOff;
Verb meta 'abstract'
* noun 'to' noun -> XAbstract;
Verb meta 'purloin'
* multi -> XPurloin;
Verb meta 'tree'
* -> XTree
* noun -> XTree;
Verb meta 'glklist'
* -> Glklist;
#Endif; ! TARGET_
#Endif; ! DEBUG
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! And now the game verbs.
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ADirection; if (noun in compass) rtrue; rfalse; ];
Verb 'answer' 'say' 'shout' 'speak'
* topic 'to' creature -> Answer;
Verb 'ask'
* creature 'about' topic -> Ask
* creature 'for' noun -> AskFor
* creature 'to' topic -> AskTo
* 'that' creature topic -> AskTo;
Verb 'attack' 'break' 'crack' 'destroy'
'fight' 'hit' 'kill' 'murder' 'punch'
'smash' 'thump' 'torture' 'wreck'
* noun -> Attack;
Verb 'blow'
* held -> Blow;
Verb 'bother' 'curses' 'darn' 'drat'
* -> Mild
* topic -> Mild;
Verb 'burn' 'light'
* noun -> Burn
* noun 'with' held -> Burn;
Verb 'buy' 'purchase'
* noun -> Buy;
Verb 'climb' 'scale'
* noun -> Climb
* 'up'/'over' noun -> Climb;
Verb 'close' 'cover' 'shut'
* noun -> Close
* 'up' noun -> Close
* 'off' noun -> SwitchOff;
Verb 'consult'
* noun 'about' topic -> Consult
* noun 'on' topic -> Consult;
Verb 'cut' 'chop' 'prune' 'slice'
* noun -> Cut;
Verb 'dig'
* noun -> Dig
* noun 'with' held -> Dig;
Verb 'drink' 'sip' 'swallow'
* noun -> Drink;
Verb 'drop' 'discard' 'throw'
* multiheld -> Drop
* multiexcept 'in'/'into'/'down' noun -> Insert
* multiexcept 'on'/'onto' noun -> PutOn
* held 'at'/'against'/'on'/'onto' noun -> ThrowAt;
Verb 'eat'
* held -> Eat;
Verb 'empty'
* noun -> Empty
* 'out' noun -> Empty
* noun 'out' -> Empty
* noun 'to'/'into'/'on'/'onto' noun -> EmptyT;
Verb 'enter' 'cross'
* -> GoIn
* noun -> Enter;
Verb 'examine' 'x//' 'check' 'describe' 'watch'
* noun -> Examine;
Verb 'exit' 'out' 'outside'
* -> Exit
* noun -> Exit;
Verb 'fill'
* noun -> Fill;
Verb 'get'
* 'out'/'off'/'up' -> Exit
* multi -> Take
* 'in'/'into'/'on'/'onto' noun -> Enter
* 'off' noun -> GetOff
* multiinside 'from' noun -> Remove;
Verb 'give' 'feed' 'offer' 'pay'
* held 'to' creature -> Give
* creature held -> Give reverse
* 'over' held 'to' creature -> Give;
Verb 'go' 'run' 'walk'
* -> VagueGo
* noun=ADirection -> Go
* noun -> Enter
* 'into'/'in'/'inside'/'through' noun -> Enter;
Verb 'in' 'inside'
* -> GoIn;
Verb 'insert'
* multiexcept 'in'/'into' noun -> Insert;
Verb 'inventory' 'inv' 'i//'
* -> Inv
* 'tall' -> InvTall
* 'wide' -> InvWide;
Verb 'jump' 'hop' 'skip'
* -> Jump
* 'over' noun -> JumpOver;
Verb 'kiss' 'embrace' 'hug'
* creature -> Kiss;
Verb 'leave'
* -> VagueGo
* noun=ADirection -> Go
* noun -> Exit
* 'into'/'in'/'inside'/'through' noun -> Enter;
Verb 'listen' 'hear'
* -> Listen
* noun -> Listen
* 'to' noun -> Listen;
Verb 'lock'
* noun 'with' held -> Lock;
Verb 'look' 'l//'
* -> Look
* 'at' noun -> Examine
* 'inside'/'in'/'into'/'through'/'on' noun -> Search
* 'under' noun -> LookUnder
* 'up' topic 'in' noun -> Consult
* noun=ADirection -> Examine
* 'to' noun=ADirection -> Examine;
Verb 'no'
* -> No;
Verb 'open' 'uncover' 'undo' 'unwrap'
* noun -> Open
* noun 'with' held -> Unlock;
Verb 'peel'
* noun -> Take
* 'off' noun -> Take;
Verb 'pick'
* 'up' multi -> Take
* multi 'up' -> Take;
Verb 'pray'
* -> Pray;
Verb 'pry' 'prise' 'prize' 'lever' 'jemmy' 'force'
* noun 'with' held -> Unlock
* 'apart'/'open' noun 'with' held -> Unlock
* noun 'apart'/'open' 'with' held -> Unlock;
Verb 'pull' 'drag'
* noun -> Pull;
Verb 'push' 'clear' 'move' 'press' 'shift'
* noun -> Push
* noun noun -> PushDir
* noun 'to' noun -> Transfer;
Verb 'put'
* multiexcept 'in'/'inside'/'into' noun -> Insert
* multiexcept 'on'/'onto' noun -> PutOn
* 'on' held -> Wear
* 'down' multiheld -> Drop
* multiheld 'down' -> Drop;
Verb 'read'
* noun -> Examine
* 'about' topic 'in' noun -> Consult
* topic 'in' noun -> Consult;
Verb 'remove'
* held -> Disrobe
* multi -> Take
* multiinside 'from' noun -> Remove;
Verb 'rub' 'clean' 'dust' 'polish' 'scrub'
'shine' 'sweep' 'wipe'
* noun -> Rub;
Verb 'search'
* noun -> Search;
Verb 'set' 'adjust'
* noun -> Set
* noun 'to' special -> SetTo;
Verb 'shed' 'disrobe' 'doff'
* held -> Disrobe;
Verb 'show' 'display' 'present'
* creature held -> Show reverse
* held 'to' creature -> Show;
Verb 'shit' 'damn' 'fuck' 'sod'
* -> Strong
* topic -> Strong;
Verb 'sing'
* -> Sing;
Verb 'sit' 'lie'
* 'on' 'top' 'of' noun -> Enter
* 'on'/'in'/'inside' noun -> Enter;
Verb 'sleep' 'nap'
* -> Sleep;
Verb 'smell' 'sniff'
* -> Smell
* noun -> Smell;
Verb 'sorry'
* -> Sorry;
Verb 'squeeze' 'squash'
* noun -> Squeeze;
Verb 'stand'
* -> Exit
* 'up' -> Exit
* 'on' noun -> Enter;
Verb 'swim' 'dive'
* -> Swim;
Verb 'swing'
* noun -> Swing
* 'on' noun -> Swing;
Verb 'switch'
* noun -> Switchon
* noun 'on' -> Switchon
* noun 'off' -> Switchoff
* 'on' noun -> Switchon
* 'off' noun -> Switchoff;
Verb 'take' 'carry' 'hold'
* multi -> Take
* 'off' worn -> Disrobe
* multiinside 'from' noun -> Remove
* multiinside 'off' noun -> Remove
* 'inventory' -> Inv;
Verb 'taste'
* noun -> Taste;
Verb 'tell'
* creature 'about' topic -> Tell
* creature 'to' topic -> AskTo;
Verb 'think'
* -> Think;
Verb 'tie' 'attach' 'fasten' 'fix'
* noun -> Tie
* noun 'to' noun -> Tie;
Verb 'touch' 'feel' 'fondle' 'grope'
* noun -> Touch;
Verb 'transfer'
* noun 'to' noun -> Transfer;
Verb 'turn' 'rotate' 'screw' 'twist' 'unscrew'
* noun -> Turn
* noun 'on' -> Switchon
* noun 'off' -> Switchoff
* 'on' noun -> Switchon
* 'off' noun -> Switchoff;
Verb 'wave'
* -> WaveHands
* noun -> Wave;
Verb 'wear' 'don'
* held -> Wear;
Verb 'yes' 'y//'
* -> Yes;
Verb 'unlock'
* noun 'with' held -> Unlock;
Verb 'wait' 'z//'
* -> Wait;
Verb 'wake' 'awake' 'awaken'
* -> Wake
* 'up' -> Wake
* creature -> WakeOther
* creature 'up' -> WakeOther
* 'up' creature -> WakeOther;
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! This routine is no longer used here, but provided to help existing games
! which use it as a general parsing routine:
[ ConTopic w;
consult_from = wn;
do w = NextWordStopped();
until (w == -1 || (w == 'to' && action_to_be == ##Answer));
consult_words = wn - consult_from;
if (consult_words == 0) return -1;
if (action_to_be == ##Answer or ##Ask or ##Tell) {
w = wn; wn = consult_from; parsed_number = NextWord();
if (parsed_number == 'the' && consult_words > 1) parsed_number = NextWord();
wn = w;
return 1;
return 0;
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Final task: provide trivial routines if the user hasn't already:
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Stub AfterLife 0;
#Stub AfterPrompt 0;
#Stub Amusing 0;
#Stub BeforeParsing 0;
#Stub ChooseObjects 2;
#Stub DarkToDark 0;
#Stub DeathMessage 0;
#Stub GamePostRoutine 0;
#Stub GamePreRoutine 0;
#Stub InScope 1;
#Stub LookRoutine 0;
#Stub NewRoom 0;
#Stub ParseNumber 2;
#Stub ParserError 1;
#Stub PrintTaskName 1;
#Stub PrintVerb 1;
#Stub TimePasses 0;
#Stub UnknownVerb 1;
#Stub HandleGlkEvent 2;
#Stub IdentifyGlkObject 4;
#Stub InitGlkWindow 1;
#Ifndef PrintRank;
! Constant Make__PR;
! #Endif;
! #Ifdef Make__PR;
[ PrintRank; "."; ];
#Ifndef ParseNoun;
! Constant Make__PN;
! #Endif;
! #Ifdef Make__PN;
[ ParseNoun obj; obj = obj; return -1; ];
#Default Story 0;
#Default Headline 0;
#Ifdef INFIX;
#Include "infix";
! ==============================================================================
Constant LIBRARY_GRAMMAR; ! for dependency checking
! ==============================================================================

library-glulx/Parser.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
! ==============================================================================
! PARSER: Front end to parser.
! Supplied for use with Inform 6 -- Release 6/11 -- Serial number 040227
! Copyright Graham Nelson 1993-2004 but freely usable (see manuals)
! In your game file, Include three library files in this order:
! Include "Parser";
! Include "VerbLib";
! Include "Grammar";
! ==============================================================================
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constant LibSerial "040227";
Constant LibRelease "6/11";
Constant Grammar__Version 2;
#Ifdef INFIX;
Default DEBUG 0;
#Endif; ! INFIX
#Ifndef WORDSIZE; ! compiling with Z-code only compiler
Constant WORDSIZE 2;
#Endif; ! WORDSIZE
#Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; ! offsets into Z-machine header
Constant HDR_ZCODEVERSION $00; ! byte
Constant HDR_TERPFLAGS $01; ! byte
Constant HDR_GAMERELEASE $02; ! word
Constant HDR_HIGHMEMORY $04; ! word
Constant HDR_INITIALPC $06; ! word
Constant HDR_DICTIONARY $08; ! word
Constant HDR_OBJECTS $0A; ! word
Constant HDR_GLOBALS $0C; ! word
Constant HDR_STATICMEMORY $0E; ! word
Constant HDR_GAMEFLAGS $10; ! word
Constant HDR_GAMESERIAL $12; ! six ASCII characters
Constant HDR_ABBREVIATIONS $18; ! word
Constant HDR_FILELENGTH $1A; ! word
Constant HDR_CHECKSUM $1C; ! word
Constant HDR_TERPNUMBER $1E; ! byte
Constant HDR_TERPVERSION $1F; ! byte
Constant HDR_SCREENHLINES $20; ! byte
Constant HDR_SCREENWCHARS $21; ! byte
Constant HDR_SCREENWUNITS $22; ! word
Constant HDR_SCREENHUNITS $24; ! word
Constant HDR_FONTWUNITS $26; ! byte
Constant HDR_FONTHUNITS $27; ! byte
Constant HDR_ROUTINEOFFSET $28; ! word
Constant HDR_STRINGOFFSET $2A; ! word
Constant HDR_BGCOLOUR $2C; ! byte
Constant HDR_FGCOLOUR $2D; ! byte
Constant HDR_TERMCHARS $2E; ! word
Constant HDR_PIXELSTO3 $30; ! word
Constant HDR_TERPSTANDARD $32; ! two bytes
Constant HDR_ALPHABET $34; ! word
Constant HDR_EXTENSION $36; ! word
Constant HDR_UNUSED $38; ! two words
Constant HDR_INFORMVERSION $3C; ! four ASCII characters
#Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX ! offsets into Glulx header and start of ROM
Constant HDR_MAGICNUMBER $00; ! long word
Constant HDR_GLULXVERSION $04; ! long word
Constant HDR_RAMSTART $08; ! long word
Constant HDR_EXTSTART $0C; ! long word
Constant HDR_ENDMEM $10; ! long word
Constant HDR_STACKSIZE $14; ! long word
Constant HDR_STARTFUNC $18; ! long word
Constant HDR_DECODINGTBL $1C; ! long word
Constant HDR_CHECKSUM $20; ! long word
Constant ROM_INFO $24; ! four ASCII characters
Constant ROM_MEMORYLAYOUT $28; ! long word
Constant ROM_INFORMVERSION $2C; ! four ASCII characters
Constant ROM_COMPVERSION $30; ! four ASCII characters
Constant ROM_GAMERELEASE $34; ! short word
Constant ROM_GAMESERIAL $36; ! six ASCII characters
#Endif; ! TARGET_
#Ifndef VN_1610;
Message fatalerror "*** Library 6/11 needs Inform v6.10 or later to work ***";
#Endif; ! VN_
Include "linklpa";
Fake_Action LetGo;
Fake_Action Receive;
Fake_Action ThrownAt;
Fake_Action Order;
Fake_Action TheSame;
Fake_Action PluralFound;
Fake_Action ListMiscellany;
Fake_Action Miscellany;
Fake_Action Prompt;
Fake_Action NotUnderstood;
Fake_Action Places;
Fake_Action Objects;
#Endif; ! NO_PLACES
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ Main; InformLibrary.play(); ];
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Link "parserm";
Include "parserm";
! ==============================================================================
Constant LIBRARY_PARSER; ! for dependency checking
! ==============================================================================

library-glulx/RusMCE.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,994 @@
! ===========================================================================
! RusMCE.h:
! Системный модуль для русской грамматики
! (генератор падежей, проверка глаголов, пр.)
! Source encoding: CP1251
! (c) Gayev D.G. 2003
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constant Tlimit = 31; ! (не больше)
Array Tbuffer --> 3+TLimit;
Array Tparse --> Tlimit;
! DL: слегка модифицированная версия для DictionaryLookup
! (из "ParserM.h")
[ DL buf len
if (len == 0 || len > Tlimit) return 0;
Tbuffer-->0 = len;
for (i = 0: i ~= len: i ++) Tbuffer-->(1+i) = buf-->i;
Tbuffer-->(1+len) = 0;
VM_Tokenise(Tbuffer, Tparse);
return Tparse-->1;
! DLx:
! как DL, но для поиска элементов словаря на 'term'
[ DLx buf len term
if (len == 0 || len >= Tlimit) return 0;
Tbuffer-->0 = len+1;
for (i = 0: i ~= len: i ++) Tbuffer-->(1+i) = buf-->i;
Tbuffer-->(1+len) = term;
Tbuffer-->(2+len) = 0;
VM_Tokenise(Tbuffer, Tparse);
return Tparse-->1;
[ CyrCharToUpperUni ch;
if (ch >= $0430 && ch <=$044F) {
return ch - 32;
if (ch == $0451) {
return $0401; ! Ё
return ch;
Attribute fem_grammar; ! (тип склонения женского рода)
Property casegen; ! (необязательный собственный генератор падежей объекта)
! # падежей (нужно парсеру)
Constant LanguageCases = 6;
! Идентификаторы падежей
Constant csOff = 0; ! Нет (отключить генератор падежей)
Constant csNom = 1; ! Именительный падеж (= номинатив)
Constant csGen = 2; ! Родительный падеж (= генитив)
Constant csDat = 3; ! Дательный падеж (= датив)
Constant csAcc = 4; ! Винительный падеж (= аккузатив)
Constant csIns = 5; ! Творительный падеж (= инструментал)
Constant csPre = 6; ! Предложный падеж (= препозитив)
! Падеж по умолчанию для вывода ShortName
Global csDflt = csNom;
! Категории объекта
Constant ocSM = 1; ! Единственное число / Мужской род
Constant ocSF = 2; ! Единственное число / Женский род
Constant ocSN = 3; ! Единственное число / Средний род
Constant ocPL = 4; ! Множественное число
! Категория объекта
! определить категорию
[ objID obj;
if (obj has pluralname) return ocPL;
else if (obj has neuter) return ocSN;
else if (obj has female) return ocSF;
else if (obj has fem_grammar) return ocSF;
else return ocSM;
! (Режим отладки генератора падежей)
Constant DEBUG_CASES = false;
! Основная таблица падежных суффиксов
Constant ADJ_TOP = 64;
! SM_Req: запрос к таблице падежей (#nreq)
! (ед. число, мужской род)
[ SM_Req csID nreq;
switch (nreq) {
! II склонение, на согласный:
! (дом, снег, баран, кнут, мир, парад):
! -, -а, -у, -, -ом, -е
0: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 0;
csGen: return 'а//';
csDat: return 'у//';
csAcc: return 0;
csIns: return 'ом';
csPre: return 'е//';
! II склонение, на -ь:
! (снегирь, апрель, пароль, кремень, фонарь, окунь, медведь):
! -ь, -я, -ю, -ь, -ем, -е
1: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ь//';
csGen: return 'я//';
csDat: return 'ю//';
csAcc: return 'ь//';
csIns: return 'ем';
csPre: return 'е//';
! II склонение, на -й:
! (иней, лакей, зной, май):
! -й, -я, -ю, -й, -ем, -е
2: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'й//';
csGen: return 'я//';
csDat: return 'ю//';
csAcc: return 'й//';
csIns: return 'ем';
csPre: return 'е//';
! II склонение, на -ий:
! (литий, планетарий, крематорий, Евгений, Василий):
! -ий, -ия, -ию, -ий, -ием, -ии
3: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ий';
csGen: return 'ия';
csDat: return 'ию';
csAcc: return 'ий';
csIns: return 'ием';
csPre: return 'ии';
! Прилагательные, на -ый:
! (красный, белый, сильный, здоровый):
! -ый, -ого, -ому, -ый, -ым, -ом
64: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ый';
csGen: return 'ого';
csDat: return 'ому';
csAcc: return 'ый';
csIns: return 'ым';
csPre: return 'ом';
! Прилагательные, на -ой:
! (большой, злой, плохой, лихой, нагой):
! -ой, -ого, -ому, -ой, -ым, -ом
65: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ой';
csGen: return 'ого';
csDat: return 'ому';
csAcc: return 'ой';
csIns: return 'ым';
csPre: return 'ом';
! Прилагательные, на -ий:
! (синий, средний, хороший):
! -ий, -его, -ему, -ий, -им, -ем
66: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ий';
csGen: return 'его';
csDat: return 'ему';
csAcc: return 'ий';
csIns: return 'им';
csPre: return 'ем';
} ! switch (nreq)
return -1;
]; ! SM_Req
! SF_Req: запрос к таблице падежей (#nreq)
! (ед. число, женский род)
[ SF_Req csID nreq;
switch (nreq) {
! I склонение, на -а:
! (вода, стрела, зола, комната):
! -а, -ы, -е, -у, -ой, -е
0: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'а//';
csGen: return 'ы//';
csDat: return 'е//';
csAcc: return 'у//';
csIns: return 'ой';
csPre: return 'е//';
! I склонение, на -я:
! (земля, башня):
! -я, -и, -е, -ю, -ей, -е
1: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'я//';
csGen: return 'и//';
csDat: return 'е//';
csAcc: return 'ю//';
csIns: return 'ей';
csPre: return 'е//';
! III склонение, на -ь:
! (метель, ночь, медь, осень):
! -ь, -и, -и, -ь, -ью, -и
2: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ь//';
csGen: return 'и//';
csDat: return 'и//';
csAcc: return 'ь//';
csIns: return 'ью';
csPre: return 'и//';
! I склонение, на -ия:
! (сессия, лекция, пародия, агония):
! -ия, -ии, -ии, -ию, -ией, -ии
3: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ия';
csGen: return 'ии';
csDat: return 'ии';
csAcc: return 'ию';
csIns: return 'ией';
csPre: return 'ии';
! Прилагательные, на -ая:
! (красная, большая, приятная):
! -ая, -ой, -ой, -ую, -ой, -ой
64: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ая';
csGen: return 'ой';
csDat: return 'ой';
csAcc: return 'ую';
csIns: return 'ой';
csPre: return 'ой';
! Прилагательные, на -яя:
! (синяя, средняя):
! -яя, -ей, -ей, -юю, -ей, -ей
65: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'яя';
csGen: return 'ей';
csDat: return 'ей';
csAcc: return 'юю';
csIns: return 'ей';
csPre: return 'ей';
} ! switch (nreq)
return -1;
]; ! SF_Req
! SN_Req: запрос к таблице падежей (#nreq)
! (ед. число, средний род)
[ SN_Req csID nreq;
switch (nreq) {
! II склонение, на -о:
! (облако, озеро, утро, ведро, зеркало):
! -о, -а, -у, -о, -ом, -е
0: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'о//';
csGen: return 'а//';
csDat: return 'у//';
csAcc: return 'о//';
csIns: return 'ом';
csPre: return 'е//';
! II склонение, на -е:
! (поле, ложе):
! -е, -я, -ю, -е, -ем, -е
1: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'е//';
csGen: return 'я//';
csDat: return 'ю//';
csAcc: return 'е//';
csIns: return 'ем';
csPre: return 'е//';
! II склонение, на -ие:
! (известие, занятие, приветствие, мышление):
! -ие, -ия, -ию, -ие, -ием, -ии
2: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ие';
csGen: return 'ия';
csDat: return 'ию';
csAcc: return 'ие';
csIns: return 'ием';
csPre: return 'ии';
! Разносклоняемое, на -я:
! (время, племя, имя, знамя):
! -я, -ени, -ени, -я, -енем, -ени
3: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'я//';
csGen: return 'ени';
csDat: return 'ени';
csAcc: return 'я//';
csIns: return 'енем';
csPre: return 'ени';
! Прилагательные, на -ое:
! (красное, малое, мертвое):
! -ое, -ого, -ому, -ое, -ым, -ом
64: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ое';
csGen: return 'ого';
csDat: return 'ому';
csAcc: return 'ое';
csIns: return 'ым';
csPre: return 'ом';
! Прилагательные, на -ее:
! (синее, среднее):
! -ее, -его, -ему, -ее, -им, -ем
65: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ее';
csGen: return 'его';
csDat: return 'ему';
csAcc: return 'ее';
csIns: return 'им';
csPre: return 'ем';
} ! switch (nreq)
return -1;
]; ! SN_Req
! PL_Req: запрос к таблице падежей (#nreq)
! (мн. число)
[ PL_Req csID nreq;
switch (nreq) {
! TMP: нерегулярность Gen Pl
! Множественное, на -и:
! (овраги, цели, недели):
! -и, -ов/-ей/-, -ам/-ям, -и, -ами/-ями, -ах/-ях
0: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'и//';
csGen: return 'ев'; ! TMP: не всегда! - ей,
csDat: return 'ям';
csAcc: return 'и//';
csIns: return 'ями';
csPre: return 'ях';
! Множественное, на -ы:
! (работы, солдаты, заботы, закаты):
! -ы, -ов/-ей/-, -ам/-ям, -и, -ами/-ями, -ах/-ях
1: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ы//';
csGen: return 'ов'; ! TMP: не всегда!
csDat: return 'ам';
csAcc: return 'ы//';
csIns: return 'ами';
csPre: return 'ах';
! Множественное, на -а:
! (облака, дома, номера):
! -а, -ов, -ам, -а, -ами, -ах
2: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'а//';
csGen: return 'ов';
csDat: return 'ам';
csAcc: return 'а//';
csIns: return 'ами';
csPre: return 'ах';
! Множественное, на -я:
! (поля, моря, якоря):
! -я, -ей, -ям, -я, -ями, -ях
3: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'я//';
csGen: return 'ей';
csDat: return 'ям';
csAcc: return 'я//';
csIns: return 'ями';
csPre: return 'ях';
! Множественное, на -ья:
! (листья, деревья, коренья, стулья, перья):
! -ья, -ьев, -ьям, -ья, -ьями, -ьях
4: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ья';
csGen: return 'ьев';
csDat: return 'ьям';
csAcc: return 'ья';
csIns: return 'ьями';
csPre: return 'ьях';
! Множественное, на -ия:
! (изделия, решения, стремления, понятия):
! -ия, -ий, -иям, -ия, -иями, -иях
5: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ия';
csGen: return 'ий';
csDat: return 'иям';
csAcc: return 'ия';
csIns: return 'иями';
csPre: return 'иях';
! Множественное, на -ии:
! (станции, реляции, апатии):
! -ия, -ий, -иям, -ия, -иями, -иях
6: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ии';
csGen: return 'ий';
csDat: return 'иям';
csAcc: return 'ии';
csIns: return 'иями';
csPre: return 'иях';
! Прилагательные, на -ые:
! (красные, опасные, тяжелые):
! -ые, -ых, -ым, -ые, -ыми, -ых
64: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ые';
csGen: return 'ых';
csDat: return 'ым';
csAcc: return 'ые';
csIns: return 'ыми';
csPre: return 'ых';
! Прилагательные, на -ие:
! (синие, легкие, пологие):
! -ие, -их, -им, -ие, -ими, -их
65: switch (csID) {
csNom: return 'ие';
csGen: return 'их';
csDat: return 'им';
csAcc: return 'ие';
csIns: return 'ими';
csPre: return 'их';
} ! switch (nreq)
return -1;
]; ! PL_Req
! Ending PostProcess (as after 'prch')
[ EndingPost u prch;
if (u) {
! Модификация после 'г'/'к'/'х'/'ж'/'ш'/'ч'/'щ':
! сапог -> сапоги, клубок -> клубки, сполох -> сполохи
if (prch == 'г' or 'к' or 'х' or 'ж' or 'ш' or 'ч' or 'щ')
switch (u) {
'ы//': return 'и//';
'ый': return 'ий';
'ые': return 'ие';
'ым': return 'им';
'ыми': return 'ими';
'ых': return 'их';
! TMP: больше вариантов!
! после ц: ов, ом -> ев, ем (если окончание безударное)
! после ж, ш: я -> а, ю -> у
return u;
! Ending PreProcess (as after 'prch')
[ EndingPre u prch;
if (u) {
if (prch == 'г' or 'к' or 'х' or 'ж' or 'ш' or 'ч' or 'щ')
switch (u) {
'и//': return 'ы//';
'ий': return 'ый';
'ие': return 'ые';
'им': return 'ым';
'ими': return 'ыми';
'их': return 'ых';
return u;
! CCaseEnd:
! перевести падежное окончание (start..end) в соответствующий падеж (csID)
! ocFN - генератор окончаний; disc - дискриминатор; prch - символ перед окончанием
[ CCaseEnd start end csID ocFN disc prch
i u v;
v = EndingPre (DL (start, (end-start)/4), prch);
! Выполнить поиск по таблицам...
for (i = 0: : ++ i) {
u = indirect (ocFN, csNom, i);
if (u == -1) {
if (i >= ADJ_TOP) ! (больше нет вариантов)
{ print "?"; return; }
else ! (прилагательные)
{ i = ADJ_TOP - 1; }
} else if (u == v) {
if (disc) { -- disc; continue; }
if (csID ~= csNom) u = EndingPost (indirect (ocFN, csID, i), prch);
else u = EndingPost (u, prch);
if (u) print (address) u;
! Специфичная версия для 'LanguageRefers'
[ EndingLookup addr len csID
v u ocFN i;
if (csID == 0) rtrue; !! (любой падеж допустим)
if (len ~= 0) {
v = DL (addr, len);
if (v == 0) rfalse;
else v = 0;
ocFN = SM_Req;
for (::) {
for (i = 0: : ++ i) {
u = indirect (ocFN, csID, i);
if (u == -1) {
if (i >= ADJ_TOP) break; ! (больше нет вариантов)
else i = ADJ_TOP - 1; ! (прилагательные)
else if (u == v) rtrue;
switch (ocFN) {
SM_Req: ocFN = SF_Req;
SF_Req: ocFN = SN_Req;
SN_Req: ocFN = PL_Req;
PL_Req: rfalse; ! (больше нет вариантов)
! Проверить корректность глагольного суффикса
[ IsVerbSuffix start len;
! ("-ся|-сь": убрать)
if (len >= 2 && start-->(len-2) == 'с' && start-->(len-1) == 'я' or 'ь')
len = len - 2;
if (len == 1 && start-->0 == 'и' or 'ь') rtrue;
! "[аеиоуыюя]([ийь]|ть)"
if (start-->0 == 'а' or 'е' or 'и' or 'о' or 'у' or 'ы' or 'ю' or 'я') {
start = start + 4;
if (len == 1 && start-->0 == 'й') rtrue;
! "ти|ть"
if (len == 2 && start-->0 == 'т' && start-->1 == 'ь' or 'и') rtrue;
! "нь|ни|нуть"
if (start-->0 == 'н' &&
((len == 2 && start-->1 == 'и' or 'ь') ||
(len == 4 && start-->1 == 'у' && start-->2 == 'т' && start-->3 == 'ь')))
! Проверить корректность глагольного префикса
[ IsVerbPrefix start len
w = DL (start, len);
if (w == 0) return false;
return w ==
'в//' or 'вз' or 'во' or 'вы' or
'до' or
'за' or
'из' or 'ис' or
'на' or
'о//' or 'об' or 'обо' or 'от' or 'ото' or
'по' or 'под' or 'подо' or 'пре' or 'при' or 'про' or 'пере' or
'раз' or 'рас' or
'с//' or 'со' or 'съ' or 'у//';
! Проверить корректность глагола (#wnum)
[ LanguageIsVerb buffer parse wnum
adr beg len end w;
adr = buffer + (parse-->(wnum*3))*4;
len = parse-->(wnum*3-1);
w = DLx (adr, len, '!');
if (w) return w;
for (end = len: end > 0: -- end) {
if (end == len || IsVerbSuffix (adr + end * 4, len - end))
for (beg = 0: beg < end: ++ beg)
if (beg == 0 || IsVerbPrefix (adr, beg)) {
w = DL (adr + beg * 4, end - beg);
if (w ~= 0 && (w->#dict_par1 & 1) ~= 0)
return w; ! (verb entry found)
return 0;
! Расшифровка глаголов (LanguageVerb):
! просмотреть объекты в VerbDepot
[ LanguageVerb word
objectloop (obj in VerbDepot) {
if (WordInProperty (word, obj, name))
{ print (object) obj; rtrue; }
! Падеж по умолчанию для вывода LanguageRefers
Global csLR = 0;
Global csLRU = 0;
! Обработчик соответствующего символа парсера
[ c_token idtok csID
csLR = csID;
csLRU = csID; ! последний падеж, который вызывался
retval = ParseToken (ELEMENTARY_TT, idtok);
csLR = 0;
return retval;
! LanguageRefers
! Запрос от парсера:
! может ли слово #wnum в данном контексте обращаться к объекту obj?
[ LanguageRefers obj wnum
adr len end w csID;
adr = WordAddress(wnum); len = WordLength(wnum);
! Для компасных направлений -- упрощенная обработка
if (parent (obj) == Compass) {
w = DL (adr, len);
if (w ~= 0 && WordInProperty (w, obj, name)) rtrue;
! Для мужских одушевленных предметов Acc -> Gen
csID = csLR;
if (csID == csAcc && obj has animate && obj has male && obj hasnt fem_grammar)
csID = csGen;
for (end = len: end ~= 0: -- end) {
w = DL (adr, end);
if (w ~= 0 && WordInProperty (w, obj, name) && EndingLookup (adr + end * 4, len - end, csID))
Constant ScrLen = 200;
Array Scratch --> ScrLen;
! CCase:
! перевести имя объекта (obj) в соответствующий падеж (csID)
[ CCase obj csID ucase as_obj
i dlm limit ocFN;
#iftrue DEBUG_CASES;
! (отладочный вывод)
csLabel (csID);
print " (", (object) obj, ")";
if (as_obj == false && obj == player) {
if (ucase) {
switch (csID) {
csNom: print "Ты";
csGen: print "Себя";
csDat: print "Себе";
csAcc: print "Себя";
csIns: print "Собой";
csPre: print "Себе";
} else {
switch (csID) {
csNom: print "ты";
csGen: print "себя";
csDat: print "себе";
csAcc: print "себя";
csIns: print "собой";
csPre: print "себе";
switch (objID (obj)) {
ocSM: ocFN = SM_Req;
ocSF: ocFN = SF_Req;
ocSN: ocFN = SN_Req;
ocPL: ocFN = PL_Req;
default: return;
! Для мужских одушевленных предметов Acc -> Gen
if (csID == csAcc && obj has animate &&
obj has male && obj hasnt fem_grammar)
csID = csGen;
if (csID ~= 0) {
Scratch-->0 = VM_PrintToBuffer(Scratch, ScrLen, obj);
if (ucase) {
Scratch-->1 = CyrCharToUpperUni(Scratch-->1);
dlm = 0;
limit = Scratch-->0;
for (i = 1: i <= limit: ++ i) {
if (Scratch-->i == '/') {
if (dlm == 0) {
dlm = Scratch + i * 4;
} else {
CCaseF (obj, ocFN, csID, dlm + 4, Scratch + i * 4);
dlm = 0;
} else {
if (dlm ~= 0 && Scratch-->i == ' ') {
CCaseF (obj, ocFN, csID, dlm + 4, Scratch + i * 4);
dlm = 0;
if (dlm == 0) print (char) (Scratch-->i);
if (dlm ~= 0) {
CCaseF (obj, ocFN, csID, dlm + 4, Scratch + i * 4);
} else {
print (object) obj;
[ CCaseF obj ocFN csID beg end disc;
! (discriminator present?)
while (end-->(-1) == '!') { -- end; ++ disc; }
if (obj provides casegen && obj.casegen (beg, end, csID));
else CCaseEnd (beg, end, csID, ocFN, disc, beg-->(-2));
! Вывод краткого имени объекта (через CCase)
[ LanguagePrintShortName obj
sn = short_name;
if (obj provides sn && PrintOrRun(obj, sn, 1) ~= 0) rtrue;
CCase (obj, csDflt, false);
! Вывод списка в падеже csID
[ WriteListFromCase obj flag csID
rval csSV;
csSV = csDflt; csDflt = csID;
rval = WriteListFrom (obj, flag);
csDflt = csSV;
return rval;
! Подходящее местоимение для 'obj'
[ Pronoun obj;
print (string) (
IIF (obj == player, "Ты", IIF (obj has pluralname, "Они",
IIF (obj has female, "Она", IIF (obj has neuter, "Оно", "Он")))));
[ PronounS obj;
print (string) (
IIF (obj == player, "ты", IIF (obj has pluralname, "они",
IIF (obj has female, "она", IIF (obj has neuter, "оно", "он")))));
! Окончание краткой формы прилагательных/причастий, согласованных с 'obj'
! ("открыт[а|о|ы]", "пуст[а|о|ы]")
[ SAEnd obj;
switch (objID (obj)) {
ocSM: ;
ocSF: print (address) 'а//';
ocSN: print (address) 'о//';
ocPL: print (address) 'ы//';
! Окончание глаголов, согласованных с 'obj':
! (f1 ? 1-ое : 2-ое) спряжение;
! f2 ? 'ют'/'ят' : 'ут'/'ат'
[ VEnd obj f1 f2;
print (address) IIF (obj has pluralname,
IIF (f1,
IIF (f2, 'ют', 'ут'),
IIF (f2, 'ят', 'ат')),
IIF (f1, 'ет', 'ит'));
! Окончание глаголов: '-ет'/'-ут'
[ V1aEnd x; VEnd (x, true, false); ];
! Окончание глаголов: '-ет'/'-ют'
[ V1bEnd x; VEnd (x, true, true); ];
! Окончание глаголов: '-ит'/'-ат'
[ V2aEnd x; VEnd (x, false, false); ];
! Окончание глаголов: '-ит'/'-ят'
[ V2bEnd x; VEnd (x, false, true); ];
! Окончание глаголов в прошедшем времени
[ VPEnd noun;
if (noun has pluralname) {print "и"; rtrue;}
else if (noun has neuter) {print "о"; rtrue;}
else if (noun has female) {print "а"; rtrue;}
else {print ""; rtrue;}
! Обработчик беглых гласных
! (возвращает true если обработана)
[ ICVowel csID beg end ch0 ch1;
if ((beg == end && ch0 == 0) || (beg + 4 == end && beg-->0 == ch0)) {
if (csID == csNom || csID == csAcc) {
if (ch0) print (char) ch0;
else {
if (ch1) print (char) ch1;
[ AEnd noun;
if (noun has pluralname) {print "ые"; rtrue;}
else if (noun has neuter) {print "ое"; rtrue;}
else if (noun has female) {print "ая"; rtrue;}
else {print "ый"; rtrue;}
[ AEnd2 noun;
if (noun has pluralname) {print "ие"; rtrue;}
else if (noun has neuter) {print "ое"; rtrue;}
else if (noun has female) {print "ая"; rtrue;}
else {print "ий"; rtrue;}
[ AEnd3 noun;
if (noun has pluralname) {print "ие"; rtrue;}
else if (noun has neuter) {print "ое"; rtrue;}
else if (noun has female) {print "ая"; rtrue;}
else {print "ой"; rtrue;}
[ PEnding1 n;
if (n has pluralname) {print "ими"; rtrue;}
if (n has female) {print "ой"; rtrue;}
print "им"; rtrue;
[ PEnding2 n;
if (n has pluralname) {print "ыми"; rtrue;}
if (n has female) {print "ой"; rtrue;}
print "ым"; rtrue;
[ GenIt n;
if (n has female) {print "её"; rtrue;}
if (n has pluralname) {print "их"; rtrue;}
print "его"; rtrue;
[ GenIt2 n;
print "н";
if (n has female) {print "её"; rtrue;}
if (n has pluralname) {print "их"; rtrue;}
print "его"; rtrue;
[ DatIt n;
if (n has female) {print "ей"; rtrue;}
if (n has pluralname) {print "им"; rtrue;}
print "ему"; rtrue;
[ DatIt2 n;
print "н";
if (n has female) {print "ей"; rtrue;}
if (n has pluralname) {print "им"; rtrue;}
print "ему"; rtrue;
[ InsIt n;
if (n has female) {print "ей"; rtrue;}
if (n has pluralname) {print "ими"; rtrue;}
print "им"; rtrue;
[ InsIt2 n;
print "н";
if (n has female) {print "ей"; rtrue;}
if (n has pluralname) {print "ими"; rtrue;}
print "им"; rtrue;

library-glulx/RussiaG.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! RussiaG: Grammar table entries for the standard verbs library.
! Russian version
! Encoding: CP1251
! Supplied for use with Inform 6 Release 6/11
! (C) Grankin Andrey 2002
! (C) Gayev Denis 2003-2004
! Based on: English grammar Release 6/11 Serial number 040227
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! "Мета-глаголы" (системные глаголы игры)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Verb meta 'счет!'
* -> Score
* 'полн' -> FullScore;
Verb meta 'счетполн!'
* -> FullScore;
Verb meta 'q!' 'конец!' 'конец'
* -> Quit;
Verb meta 'восст!' 'вос' 'восстан' 'восстанов'
'загр!' 'загр' 'загрузить' 'загруж'
* -> Restore;
Verb meta 'провер' 'проверка!'
* -> Verify;
Verb meta 'сохр!' 'сохран'
* -> Save;
Verb meta 'нач' 'заново'
'перезапуст' 'рестарт'
* -> Restart;
Verb meta 'скрипт!' 'транскрипт!' 'отчет!'
* -> ScriptOn
* 'вкл' -> ScriptOn
* 'выкл' -> ScriptOff;
Verb meta 'остотчет!' * -> ScriptOff;
! Запись команд
Verb meta 'запись!'
* -> CommandsOn
* 'вкл' -> CommandsOn
* 'выкл' -> CommandsOff;
Verb meta 'воспр!'
* -> CommandsRead;
Verb meta 'опис!'
* 'норм'/'нормал' -> LMode1
* 'дл'/'длин' -> LMode2
* 'кр'/'крат' -> LMode3;
Verb meta 'извещ!'
* 'вкл' -> NotifyOn
* 'выкл' -> NotifyOff;
Verb meta 'имена!' 'местоимения!'
* -> Pronouns;
Verb meta 'версия!'
* -> Version;
Verb meta 'места!'
* -> Places;
Verb meta 'предметы!'
* -> Objects;
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Отладочные глаголы и действия
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef DEBUG;
Verb meta 'мета!'
! трассировка парсера
* 'трасс' number -> TraceLevel
* 'трасс' 'вкл' -> TraceOn
* 'трасс' 'выкл' -> TraceOff
! активация действий
* 'акт' 'вкл' -> ActionsOn
* 'акт' 'выкл' -> ActionsOff
! вызовы подпрограмм
* 'вызов' 'вкл' -> RoutinesOn
* 'вызов' 'выкл' -> RoutinesOff
! выполнение таймеров/демонов
* 'таймер'/'демон' 'вкл' -> TimersOn
* 'таймер'/'демон' 'выкл' -> TimersOff
! изменения
* 'измен' 'вкл' -> ChangesOn
* 'измен' 'выкл' -> ChangesOff
! выключение случайностей
* 'неслуч' -> Predictable
! телекинез объектов multi
* 'тк' multi -> XPurloin
! абстрагирование noun в noun
* 'абс' noun 'в' noun -> XAbstract
! вывод иерархии объектов
* 'иерарх' -> XTree
* 'иерарх' noun -> XTree
! телепортация
* 'тп' 'в' number -> Goto
* 'тп' 'к' noun -> Gonear
! вывод области
* 'обл' -> Scope
* 'обл' noun -> Scope
! распечатка глагола
* 'глагол' special -> Showverb
! распечатка объекта
* 'объект' -> Showobj
* 'объект' multi -> Showobj
! падежные формы
* 'форм' noun -> Decline
Verb meta 'глкспис'
* -> Glklist;
#Endif; ! TARGET_
[ NoMetaSub;
"Мета-глаголы доступны только в отладочной версии!";
Verb meta 'мета'
* -> NoMeta;
! -----------------------------------------
! Объект-декодировщик глаголов
! -----------------------------------------
Object VerbDepot;
! -----------------------------------------
! Специфичные символы парсера
! -----------------------------------------
!! "noun" in nominative
[ cNom_noun; return c_token (NOUN_TOKEN, csNom); ];
!! "noun" in accusative
[ cAcc_noun; return c_token (NOUN_TOKEN, csAcc); ];
!! "noun" in genitive
[ cGen_noun; return c_token (NOUN_TOKEN, csGen); ];
!! "noun" in dative
[ cDat_noun; return c_token (NOUN_TOKEN, csDat); ];
!! "noun" in instrumental
[ cIns_noun; return c_token (NOUN_TOKEN, csIns); ];
!! "noun" in prepositive
[ cPre_noun; return c_token (NOUN_TOKEN, csPre); ];
!! "held" in instrumental
[ cIns_held; return c_token (HELD_TOKEN, csIns); ];
!! "held" in accusative
[ cAcc_held; return c_token (HELD_TOKEN, csAcc); ];
!! "held" in genitive
[ cGen_held; return c_token (HELD_TOKEN, csGen); ];
!! "worn" in accusative
!! (note: there's no 'worn' token)
[ cAcc_worn; return c_token (HELD_TOKEN, csAcc); ];
!! "creature" in accusative
[ cAcc_creat; return c_token (CREATURE_TOKEN, csAcc); ];
!! "creature" in genitive
[ cGen_creat; return c_token (CREATURE_TOKEN, csGen); ];
!! "creature" in dative
[ cDat_creat; return c_token (CREATURE_TOKEN, csDat); ];
!! "multi" in accusative
[ cAcc_multi; return c_token (MULTI_TOKEN, csAcc); ];
!! "multiheld" in accusative
[ cAcc_multiheld; return c_token (MULTIHELD_TOKEN, csAcc); ];
!! "multiexcept" in accusative
[ cAcc_multiexcept; return c_token (MULTIEXCEPT_TOKEN, csAcc); ];
!! "multiinside" in accusative
[ cAcc_multiinside; return c_token (MULTIINSIDE_TOKEN, csAcc); ];
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! И собственно рабочие глаголы
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Verb 'да!' 'да'
* -> Yes;
Verb 'нет!' 'нет'
* -> No;
Verb 'бля' 'хуй' 'дерьмо' 'сука' 'говно' 'трахн' 'трах'
* -> Strong
* topic -> Strong;
Verb 'черт' 'блин'
* -> Mild
* topic -> Mild;
! Инвентарь
Verb 'и//' 'i!'
'инв!' 'инвент!' 'инвентарь!'
* -> Inv
* 'высок'/'выс' -> InvTall
* 'широк'/'шир' -> InvWide;
Object "инвентарь" VerbDepot
with name 'и//' 'i!' 'инв!' 'инвент!';
! Осмотр и поиск
! "смотреть"/"глядеть"
Verb 'l!' 'x!'
'смотр' 'см' 'о//'
'гл' 'гля' 'гляд'
* -> Look
* 'на' cAcc_noun -> Examine
* 'в'/'во' cAcc_noun -> Search
* 'внутри' cGen_noun -> Search
* 'под' cIns_noun -> LookUnder
* 'под' cAcc_noun -> LookUnder
* 'о'/'об'/'обо'/'про' topic 'в'/'во' cPre_noun -> Consult
* 'в'/'во' cPre_noun 'о'/'об'/'обо'/'про' topic -> Consult
* cNom_noun -> Examine
* cAcc_noun -> Examine;
Object "смотреть" VerbDepot
with name 'l!' 'x!' 'смотр' 'см' 'о//' 'гл' 'гля' 'гляд';
Verb 'изуч' 'исследов'
* cNom_noun -> Search
* cAcc_noun -> Search;
Object "изучить" VerbDepot
with name 'изуч' 'исследов';
! "читать"
Verb 'чит' 'прочесть'
* 'в'/'во' cPre_noun 'о'/'об'/'обо'/'про' topic -> Consult
* 'о'/'об'/'обо'/'про' topic 'в'/'во' cPre_noun -> Consult
* cAcc_noun -> Examine;
Object "читать" VerbDepot
with name 'чит' 'прочесть';
! "искать"
Verb 'иск' 'ищ'
'ыск' 'ыщ'
* 'в'/'во' cPre_noun -> Search
* 'в'/'во' cPre_noun 'о'/'об'/'обо'/'про' topic -> Consult
* 'о'/'об'/'обо'/'про' topic 'в'/'во' cPre_noun -> Consult
* topic 'в'/'во' cPre_noun -> Consult
* 'в'/'во' cPre_noun topic -> Consult
* cAcc_noun -> Search;
Object "искать" VerbDepot
with name 'иск' 'ищ' 'ыск' 'ыщ';
! Передвижение (идти; войти в/выйти из)
! Предикат, тестирующий направления
[ ADirection; if (noun in compass) rtrue; rfalse; ];
! "идти"/"бежать"/"ехать"
Verb 'ид'
'беж' 'бег'
'ех' 'езж' 'пойти'
* -> VagueGo
* noun=ADirection -> Go
* 'в'/'во'/'на' noun=ADirection -> Go
* cAcc_noun -> Enter
* 'в'/'во'/'на' cAcc_noun -> Enter
* 'к' cDat_noun -> Enter;
Object "идти" VerbDepot
with name 'ид' 'беж' 'бег' 'ех' 'езж' 'пойти';
! "войти", "зайти"
Verb 'вой' 'войд' 'зай' 'зайд'
* -> GoIn
* 'в'/'во'/'на' cAcc_noun -> Enter;
Object "войти" VerbDepot
with name 'вой' 'войд' 'зай' 'зайд';
! "выйти"
Verb 'вый' 'выйд'
'уй' 'уйд'
* -> Exit
* 'наружу' -> Exit
* 'из'/'с'/'со' cGen_noun -> Exit;
Object "выйти" VerbDepot
with name 'вый' 'выйд' 'уй' 'уйд';
! "встать"
Verb 'вст' 'вста'
* -> Exit
* 'из'/'с'/'со' cGen_noun -> Exit
* 'на'/'в'/'во' cAcc_noun -> Enter;
Object "встать" VerbDepot
with name 'вст' 'вста';
! "сесть"/"лечь"
Verb 'сесть' 'усесться' 'сяд' 'сад'
'леч' 'ляг'
* 'на'/'в'/'во' cAcc_noun -> Enter;
Object "сесть" VerbDepot
with name 'сесть' 'усесться' 'сяд' 'сад';
Object "лечь" VerbDepot
with name 'леч' 'ляг';
! (взять/положить; вынуть/вставить; бросить)
! "взять"/"брать"/"вынуть"/"извлечь"/"достать"
Verb 'вз' 'возьм'
'бра' 'бер'
'извлеч' 'извлек'
'дост' 'доста' 'достав'
* multi -> Take
* cAcc_multi -> Take
* cAcc_multiinside 'из'/'с'/'со' cGen_noun -> Remove
* multiinside 'из'/'с'/'со' noun -> Remove
* 'из'/'с'/'со' cGen_noun cAcc_multiinside -> Remove reverse;
Object "взять" VerbDepot
with name 'вз' 'возьм' 'бра' 'бер' 'вын'
'извлеч' 'извлек' 'дост' 'доста' 'достав';
! "положи"/"клади"/"вставь"/"поместить"/"сунуть"
Verb 'лож'
'класт' 'клад'
'мест' 'мещ'
'сов' 'су'
* cAcc_multiheld -> Drop
* cAcc_multiexcept 'в'/'во' cAcc_noun -> Insert
* 'в'/'во' cAcc_noun cAcc_multiexcept -> Insert reverse
* cAcc_multiexcept 'внутрь' cGen_noun -> Insert
* 'внутрь' cGen_noun cAcc_multiexcept -> Insert reverse
* cAcc_multiexcept 'на' cAcc_noun -> PutOn
* 'на' cAcc_noun cAcc_multiexcept -> PutOn reverse;
Object "положить" VerbDepot
with name 'лож' 'класт' 'клад' 'став' 'мест' 'мещ' 'сов' 'су';
! "бросить"/"швырнуть"/"метнуть"/"кинуть"
Verb 'брос'
'ки' 'кид'
* cAcc_multiheld -> Drop
* held 'в'/'во'/'на' cAcc_noun -> ThrowAt
* 'в'/'во'/'на' cAcc_noun held -> ThrowAt reverse
* held cDat_creat -> ThrowAt
* cDat_creat held -> ThrowAt reverse;
Object "бросить" VerbDepot
with name 'брос' 'швыр' 'мет' 'ки' 'кид';
! "[о]порожнить"/"вылить"/"высыпать"
Verb 'порожн'
* cAcc_noun -> Empty
* cAcc_noun 'в'/'во'/'на' cAcc_noun -> EmptyT
* 'в'/'во'/'на' cAcc_noun cAcc_noun -> EmptyT reverse;
Object "опорожнить" VerbDepot
with name 'порожн' 'выл' 'высып';
! (надеть/снять)
! "надеть"/"одеть"
Verb 'над' 'наде' 'оде'
* cAcc_held -> Wear;
Object "надеть" VerbDepot
with name 'над' 'наде' 'оде';
! "снять"
Verb 'снять' 'сним'
* cAcc_worn -> Disrobe;
Object "снять" VerbDepot
with name 'снять' 'сним';
! (открыть/закрыть; отпереть/запереть; включить/выключить)
! "открыть"
Verb 'откр'
* cAcc_noun -> Open
* cAcc_noun cIns_held -> Unlock
* cIns_held cAcc_noun -> Unlock reverse;
! "закрыть"
Verb 'закр'
* cAcc_noun -> Close
* cAcc_noun cIns_held -> Lock
* cIns_held cAcc_noun -> Lock reverse;
Object "открыть" VerbDepot
with name 'откр';
Object "закрыть" VerbDepot
with name 'закр';
! "отпереть"
Verb 'отпер' 'отпир' 'отопр'
* cAcc_noun cIns_held -> Unlock
* cIns_held cAcc_noun -> Unlock reverse;
! "запереть"
Verb 'запер' 'запир' 'запр'
* cAcc_noun cIns_held -> Lock
* cIns_held cAcc_noun -> Lock reverse;
Object "отпереть" VerbDepot
with name 'отпер' 'отпир' 'отопр';
Object "запереть" VerbDepot
with name 'запер' 'запир' 'запр';
! "включить"
Verb 'включ' 'вкл'
* cAcc_noun -> SwitchOn;
! "выключить"
Verb 'выключ' 'выкл'
* cAcc_noun -> SwitchOff;
Object "включить" VerbDepot
with name 'включ' 'вкл';
Object "выключить" VerbDepot
with name 'выключ' 'выкл';
! Общение с NPC
! (дать; показать; сказать; спросить; ответить)
! "дать"/"предложить"
Verb 'дат'
'предлаг' 'предлож'
* cAcc_held cDat_creat -> Give
* cDat_creat cAcc_held -> Give reverse;
Object "предложить" VerbDepot
with name 'дат' 'предлаг' 'предлож';
! "показать"
Verb 'показ' 'покаж'
* cAcc_held cDat_creat -> Show
* cDat_creat cAcc_held -> Show reverse;
Object "показать" VerbDepot
with name 'показ' 'покаж';
! "ответить"
Verb 'ответ' 'отвеч'
* cDat_creat topic -> Answer reverse
* topic 'для' cGen_creat -> Answer;
Object "ответить" VerbDepot
with name 'ответ' 'отвеч';
! "[рас]сказать"/"сообщить"
Verb 'сказ' 'скаж'
* cDat_creat 'о'/'об'/'обо'/'про' topic -> Tell
* cDat_creat topic -> AskTo;
Object "сказать" VerbDepot
with name 'сказ' 'скаж' 'сообщ';
! "[рас]спросить"
Verb 'спрос'
* cAcc_creat 'о'/'об'/'обо'/'про' topic -> Ask
* 'у' cAcc_creat 'о'/'об'/'обо'/'про' topic -> Ask
* 'о'/'об'/'обо'/'про' topic 'у' cAcc_creat -> Ask reverse;
Object "спросить" VerbDepot
with name 'спрос';
! "[по/вы]просить"
Verb 'прос'
* topic 'у' cAcc_creat -> AskFor
* 'у' cAcc_creat topic -> AskFor reverse
* cAcc_creat topic -> AskTo;
Object "просить" VerbDepot
with name 'прос';
! Прочие действия
! "извиниться"/"простить"
Verb 'извин'
'прост' 'прощ'
* -> Sorry;
Object "извинить" VerbDepot
with name 'извин' 'прост' 'прощ';
! "[по]махать"
Verb 'мах' 'маш'
* -> WaveHands
* 'рукой'/'руками' -> WaveHands
* cIns_noun -> Wave;
Object "махать" VerbDepot
with name 'мах' 'маш';
! "установить"/"настроить"
Verb 'установ'
* cAcc_noun -> Set
* cAcc_noun 'на' special -> SetTo
* 'на' special cAcc_noun -> SetTo reverse;
Object "настроить" VerbDepot
with name 'установ' 'настр';
! "[пере]двигать"
Verb 'дви' 'двиг'
* cAcc_noun -> Push
* cAcc_noun 'на'/'в'/'во' cAcc_noun -> Transfer
* 'на'/'в'/'во' cAcc_noun cAcc_noun -> Transfer reverse;
Object "двигать" VerbDepot
with name 'дви' 'двиг';
! "тянуть"/"тащить"/"волочь"
Verb 'тя' 'тяг'
'волоч' 'волок'
'дерн' 'дерг'
* cAcc_noun -> Pull
* 'за' cAcc_noun -> Pull
* cAcc_noun 'на'/'в'/'во' cAcc_noun -> Transfer
* 'на'/'в'/'во' cAcc_noun cAcc_noun -> Transfer reverse;
Object "тянуть" VerbDepot
with name 'тя' 'тяг' 'тащ' 'волоч' 'волок' 'дерн' 'дерг';
! "толкать"/"пихать"/"нажать"
Verb 'толк'
'наж' 'нажм' 'нажим'
* cAcc_noun -> Push
* 'на' cAcc_noun -> Push
* cAcc_noun 'на'/'в'/'во' cAcc_noun -> Transfer
* 'на'/'в'/'во' cAcc_noun cAcc_noun -> Transfer reverse;
Object "толкать" VerbDepot
with name 'толк' 'пих' 'наж' 'нажм' 'нажим';
! "вертеть"/"[по]вернуть"/"вращать"
Verb 'вер' 'верт'
* cAcc_noun -> Turn;
Object "вертеть" VerbDepot
with name 'вер' 'верт' 'вращ';
! "ударить"/"[у]бить"/"атаковать"/"[с]ломать"/"[раз]рушить"
Verb 'би' 'бе'
'атак' 'атаков'
* cAcc_noun -> Attack;
Object "атаковать" VerbDepot
with name 'би' 'бе' 'лом' 'удар' 'руш' 'атак' 'атаков';
! "напасть"
Verb 'напас' 'напад'
* 'на' cAcc_noun -> Attack;
Object "напасть" VerbDepot
with name 'напас' 'напад';
! "[о]ж[и]дать"
Verb 'z!'
'жд' 'жид'
* -> Wait;
Object "ждать" VerbDepot
with name 'z!' 'ж!' 'жд' 'жид';
! "[съ]есть"/"[со]жрать"/"[с]кушать"
Verb 'есть' 'еш'
* cAcc_held -> Eat;
Object "есть" VerbDepot
with name 'есть' 'еш' 'жр';
! "[вы]пить"
Verb 'пи'
* cAcc_noun -> Drink;
Object "пить" VerbDepot
with name 'пи';
! "спать"/"дремать"
Verb 'спа' 'уснуть' 'усни' 'дрем' 'засн'
* -> Sleep;
Object "спать" VerbDepot
with name 'спа' 'уснуть' 'усни' 'дрем' 'засн';
! "[раз]будить"
Verb 'буд'
* -> Wake
* cAcc_creat -> WakeOther;
Object "будить" VerbDepot
with name 'буд';
Verb 'просн'
* -> Wake;
Object "проснуться" VerbDepot
with name 'просн';
! "петь"
Verb 'пе' 'по'
* -> Sing;
Object "петь" VerbDepot
with name 'пе' 'по';
! "[за]лезть"
Verb 'лез' 'лаз'
* -> Exit
* 'на' cAcc_noun -> Climb
* 'по' cDat_noun -> Climb
* 'в'/'во' cAcc_noun -> Enter
* 'с'/'со' cGen_noun -> Exit;
Object "лезть" VerbDepot
with name 'лез' 'лаз';
! "[по]куп(и/а)ть"
Verb 'куп'
* cAcc_noun -> Buy;
Object "купить" VerbDepot
with name 'куп';
! "сжать"/"[с/раз]давить"
Verb 'сжа' 'жм' 'жим'
* cAcc_noun -> Squeeze;
Object "сжать" VerbDepot
with name 'сжа' 'жм' 'жим' 'дав';
! "плавать"/"нырять"
Verb 'плав' 'плыв' 'пл'
* -> Swim;
Object "плавать" VerbDepot
with name 'плав' 'плыв' 'ныр' 'пл';
! "качать[ся]"
Verb 'кач'
* cAcc_noun -> Swing
* 'на' cPre_noun -> Swing; ! "качаться"
Object "качать" VerbDepot
with name 'кач';
! "дуть"
Verb 'ду'
* 'в'/'во' cAcc_held -> Blow
* cAcc_held -> Blow; ! "задуть"
Object "дуть" VerbDepot
with name 'ду';
! "молить[ся]"
Verb 'мол'
* -> Pray;
Object "молить" VerbDepot
with name 'мол';
! "целовать"/"обнимать"
Verb 'целов' 'целуй' 'обнять' 'обним'
* cAcc_creat -> Kiss;
Object "целовать" VerbDepot
with name 'целов' 'целуй' 'обнять' 'обним';
! "[за]думать[ся]"/"мыслить"
Verb 'дум'
'мысл' 'мышл'
* -> Think;
Object "думать" VerbDepot
with name 'дум' 'мысл' 'мышл';
! "нюхать"/"нюхнуть"
Verb 'нюх'
* -> Smell
* cAcc_noun -> Smell
* 'к' cDat_noun -> Smell; ! "принюхаться"
Object "нюхать" VerbDepot
with name 'нюх';
! "слушать"
Verb 'слух' 'слуш' 'слыш'
* -> Listen
* cAcc_noun -> Listen
* 'к' cDat_noun -> Listen; ! "прислушаться"
Object "слушать" VerbDepot
with name 'слух' 'слуш' 'слыш';
! "вку[сить/шать]"/"лизать"/"сосать"
Verb 'вкус' 'вкуш'
* cAcc_noun -> Taste;
Object "вкусить" VerbDepot
with name 'вкус' 'вкуш' 'лиз';
! "трогать"/"тронуть"
Verb 'тро' 'трог'
* cAcc_noun -> Touch
* 'до' cGen_noun -> Touch; ! "дотронуться"
Object "трогать" VerbDepot
with name 'тро' 'трог' 'щуп';
! "коснуть[ся]"/"касать[ся]"
Verb 'кас' 'кос'
* cGen_noun -> Touch
* 'к' cDat_noun -> Touch; ! "прикоснуться"
Object "коснуться" VerbDepot
with name 'кас' 'кос';
! "тереть"
Verb 'тер' 'тир' 'тр'
* cAcc_noun -> Rub;
Object "тереть" VerbDepot
with name 'тер' 'тир' 'тр';
! "вязать"
Verb 'вяз' 'вяж'
* cAcc_noun -> Tie
* cAcc_noun 'к' cDat_noun -> Tie ! "привязать"
* 'к' cDat_noun cAcc_noun -> Tie reverse
* cAcc_noun 'с'/'со' cIns_noun -> Tie ! "связать"
* 'с'/'со' cIns_noun cAcc_noun -> Tie reverse;
Object "вязать" VerbDepot
with name 'вяз' 'вяж';
! "жечь"/"жги"
Verb 'жеч' 'жг'
* cAcc_noun -> Burn
* cAcc_noun cIns_held -> Burn
* cIns_held cAcc_noun -> Burn reverse;
Object "жечь" VerbDepot
with name 'жеч' 'жг';
! "наполнить"
Verb 'полн'
* cAcc_noun -> Fill;
Object "наполнить" VerbDepot
with name 'полн';
! "резать"
Verb 'рез' 'реж'
* cAcc_noun -> Cut;
Object "резать" VerbDepot
with name 'рез' 'реж';
! "прыгать"/"скакать"
Verb 'прыг'
'скак' 'скач' 'скок'
* -> Jump
* 'через' cAcc_noun -> JumpOver;
Object "прыгать" VerbDepot
with name 'прыг' 'скак' 'скач' 'скок';
! "копать"/"рыть"
Verb 'коп'
'ры' 'ро'
* cAcc_noun -> Dig
* cAcc_noun cIns_held -> Dig
* cIns_held cAcc_noun -> Dig reverse;
Object "копать" VerbDepot
with name 'коп' 'ры' 'ро';
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global w_sense;
[ c_sense;
w_sense = NextWord ();
if (w_sense == 'вкус' or 'слух' or 'нюх' or 'запах' or 'ощупь')
return GPR_FAIL;
[ SenseSub;
switch (w_sense) {
'слух': <<Listen noun>>;
'вкус': <<Taste noun>>;
'нюх', 'запах': <<Smell noun>>;
'ощупь': <<Touch noun>>;
"Непонятно, как ты хочешь попробовать ", (cAcc) noun, ".";
! "пробовать"
Verb 'проб' 'пробов'
* cAcc_noun 'на' c_sense -> Sense
* 'на' c_sense cAcc_noun -> Sense;
Object "пробовать" VerbDepot
with name 'проб' 'пробов';
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! В завершение тривиальные рутины (если они не заданы пользователем)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Stub AfterLife 0;
#Stub AfterPrompt 0;
#Stub Amusing 0;
#Stub BeforeParsing 0;
#Stub ChooseObjects 2;
#Stub DarkToDark 0;
#Stub DeathMessage 0;
#Stub GamePostRoutine 0;
#Stub GamePreRoutine 0;
#Stub InScope 1;
#Stub LookRoutine 0;
#Stub NewRoom 0;
#Stub ParseNumber 2;
#Stub ParserError 1;
#Stub PrintTaskName 1;
#Stub PrintVerb 1;
#Stub TimePasses 0;
#Stub UnknownVerb 1;
#Stub HandleGlkEvent 2;
#Stub IdentifyGlkObject 4;
#Stub InitGlkWindow 1;
#Ifndef PrintRank;
! Constant Make__PR;
! #Endif;
! #Ifdef Make__PR;
[ PrintRank; "."; ];
#Ifndef ParseNoun;
! Constant Make__PN;
! #Endif;
! #Ifdef Make__PN;
[ ParseNoun obj; obj = obj; return -1; ];
#Default Story 0;
#Default Headline 0;
#Ifdef INFIX;
#Include "infix";
! ==============================================================================
! ==============================================================================

library-glulx/Russian.h Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

library-glulx/VerbLib.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
! ==============================================================================
! VERBLIB: Front end to standard verbs library.
! Supplied for use with Inform 6 -- Release 6/11 -- Serial number 040227
! Copyright Graham Nelson 1993-2004 but freely usable (see manuals)
! In your game file, Include three library files in this order:
! Include "Parser";
! Include "VerbLib";
! Include "Grammar";
! ==============================================================================
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Default MAX_CARRIED 100;
Default MAX_SCORE 0;
Default ROOM_SCORE 5;
Default SACK_OBJECT 0;
#Ifndef task_scores;
! Constant MAKE__TS;
! #Endif;
! #Ifdef MAKE__TS;
Array task_scores -> 0 0 0 0;
Array task_done -> NUMBER_TASKS;
#Ifndef LibraryMessages;
Object LibraryMessages;
#Ifndef NO_PLACES;
[ ObjectsSub; Objects1Sub(); ];
[ PlacesSub; Places1Sub(); ];
#Endif; ! NO_PLACES
Link "verblibm";
Include "verblibm";
! ==============================================================================
Constant LIBRARY_VERBLIB; ! for dependency checking
! ==============================================================================

library-glulx/infglk.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
! infglk.h -- auto-generated by parse_dispatch.py.
! Generated for Glk API version 0.7.5
! Declare as a system header unless we are in the I7 environment.
! (I7 does not use the System_file directive.)
#endif; ! NI_BUILD_COUNT
#ifndef INFGLK_H;
Constant INFGLK_H = 1;
Constant evtype_Arrange = 5;
Constant evtype_CharInput = 2;
Constant evtype_Hyperlink = 8;
Constant evtype_LineInput = 3;
Constant evtype_MouseInput = 4;
Constant evtype_None = 0;
Constant evtype_Redraw = 6;
Constant evtype_SoundNotify = 7;
Constant evtype_Timer = 1;
Constant evtype_VolumeNotify = 9;
Constant filemode_Read = 2;
Constant filemode_ReadWrite = 3;
Constant filemode_Write = 1;
Constant filemode_WriteAppend = 5;
Constant fileusage_BinaryMode = 0;
Constant fileusage_Data = 0;
Constant fileusage_InputRecord = 3;
Constant fileusage_SavedGame = 1;
Constant fileusage_TextMode = 256;
Constant fileusage_Transcript = 2;
Constant fileusage_TypeMask = 15;
Constant gestalt_CharInput = 1;
Constant gestalt_CharOutput = 3;
Constant gestalt_CharOutput_ApproxPrint = 1;
Constant gestalt_CharOutput_CannotPrint = 0;
Constant gestalt_CharOutput_ExactPrint = 2;
Constant gestalt_DateTime = 20;
Constant gestalt_DrawImage = 7;
Constant gestalt_Graphics = 6;
Constant gestalt_GraphicsCharInput = 23;
Constant gestalt_GraphicsTransparency = 14;
Constant gestalt_HyperlinkInput = 12;
Constant gestalt_Hyperlinks = 11;
Constant gestalt_LineInput = 2;
Constant gestalt_LineInputEcho = 17;
Constant gestalt_LineTerminatorKey = 19;
Constant gestalt_LineTerminators = 18;
Constant gestalt_MouseInput = 4;
Constant gestalt_ResourceStream = 22;
Constant gestalt_Sound = 8;
Constant gestalt_Sound2 = 21;
Constant gestalt_SoundMusic = 13;
Constant gestalt_SoundNotify = 10;
Constant gestalt_SoundVolume = 9;
Constant gestalt_Timer = 5;
Constant gestalt_Unicode = 15;
Constant gestalt_UnicodeNorm = 16;
Constant gestalt_Version = 0;
Constant imagealign_InlineCenter = 3;
Constant imagealign_InlineDown = 2;
Constant imagealign_MarginLeft = 4;
Constant imagealign_MarginRight = 5;
Constant imagealign_InlineUp = 1;
Constant keycode_Delete = 4294967289;
Constant keycode_Down = 4294967291;
Constant keycode_End = 4294967283;
Constant keycode_Escape = 4294967288;
Constant keycode_Func1 = 4294967279;
Constant keycode_Func10 = 4294967270;
Constant keycode_Func11 = 4294967269;
Constant keycode_Func12 = 4294967268;
Constant keycode_Func2 = 4294967278;
Constant keycode_Func3 = 4294967277;
Constant keycode_Func4 = 4294967276;
Constant keycode_Func5 = 4294967275;
Constant keycode_Func6 = 4294967274;
Constant keycode_Func7 = 4294967273;
Constant keycode_Func8 = 4294967272;
Constant keycode_Func9 = 4294967271;
Constant keycode_Home = 4294967284;
Constant keycode_Left = 4294967294;
Constant keycode_MAXVAL = 28;
Constant keycode_PageDown = 4294967285;
Constant keycode_PageUp = 4294967286;
Constant keycode_Return = 4294967290;
Constant keycode_Right = 4294967293;
Constant keycode_Tab = 4294967287;
Constant keycode_Unknown = 4294967295;
Constant keycode_Up = 4294967292;
Constant seekmode_Current = 1;
Constant seekmode_End = 2;
Constant seekmode_Start = 0;
Constant style_Alert = 5;
Constant style_BlockQuote = 7;
Constant style_Emphasized = 1;
Constant style_Header = 3;
Constant style_Input = 8;
Constant style_NUMSTYLES = 11;
Constant style_Normal = 0;
Constant style_Note = 6;
Constant style_Preformatted = 2;
Constant style_Subheader = 4;
Constant style_User1 = 9;
Constant style_User2 = 10;
Constant stylehint_BackColor = 8;
Constant stylehint_Indentation = 0;
Constant stylehint_Justification = 2;
Constant stylehint_NUMHINTS = 10;
Constant stylehint_Oblique = 5;
Constant stylehint_ParaIndentation = 1;
Constant stylehint_Proportional = 6;
Constant stylehint_ReverseColor = 9;
Constant stylehint_Size = 3;
Constant stylehint_TextColor = 7;
Constant stylehint_Weight = 4;
Constant stylehint_just_Centered = 2;
Constant stylehint_just_LeftFlush = 0;
Constant stylehint_just_LeftRight = 1;
Constant stylehint_just_RightFlush = 3;
Constant winmethod_Above = 2;
Constant winmethod_Below = 3;
Constant winmethod_Border = 0;
Constant winmethod_BorderMask = 256;
Constant winmethod_DirMask = 15;
Constant winmethod_DivisionMask = 240;
Constant winmethod_Fixed = 16;
Constant winmethod_Left = 0;
Constant winmethod_NoBorder = 256;
Constant winmethod_Proportional = 32;
Constant winmethod_Right = 1;
Constant wintype_AllTypes = 0;
Constant wintype_Blank = 2;
Constant wintype_Graphics = 5;
Constant wintype_Pair = 1;
Constant wintype_TextBuffer = 3;
Constant wintype_TextGrid = 4;
[ glk_exit _vararg_count;
! glk_exit()
@glk 1 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_tick _vararg_count;
! glk_tick()
@glk 3 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_gestalt _vararg_count ret;
! glk_gestalt(uint, uint) => uint
@glk 4 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_gestalt_ext _vararg_count ret;
! glk_gestalt_ext(uint, uint, uintarray, arraylen) => uint
@glk 5 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_window_iterate _vararg_count ret;
! glk_window_iterate(window, &uint) => window
@glk 32 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_window_get_rock _vararg_count ret;
! glk_window_get_rock(window) => uint
@glk 33 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_window_get_root _vararg_count ret;
! glk_window_get_root() => window
@glk 34 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_window_open _vararg_count ret;
! glk_window_open(window, uint, uint, uint, uint) => window
@glk 35 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_window_close _vararg_count;
! glk_window_close(window, &{uint, uint})
@glk 36 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_window_get_size _vararg_count;
! glk_window_get_size(window, &uint, &uint)
@glk 37 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_window_set_arrangement _vararg_count;
! glk_window_set_arrangement(window, uint, uint, window)
@glk 38 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_window_get_arrangement _vararg_count;
! glk_window_get_arrangement(window, &uint, &uint, &window)
@glk 39 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_window_get_type _vararg_count ret;
! glk_window_get_type(window) => uint
@glk 40 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_window_get_parent _vararg_count ret;
! glk_window_get_parent(window) => window
@glk 41 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_window_clear _vararg_count;
! glk_window_clear(window)
@glk 42 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_window_move_cursor _vararg_count;
! glk_window_move_cursor(window, uint, uint)
@glk 43 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_window_get_stream _vararg_count ret;
! glk_window_get_stream(window) => stream
@glk 44 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_window_set_echo_stream _vararg_count;
! glk_window_set_echo_stream(window, stream)
@glk 45 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_window_get_echo_stream _vararg_count ret;
! glk_window_get_echo_stream(window) => stream
@glk 46 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_set_window _vararg_count;
! glk_set_window(window)
@glk 47 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_window_get_sibling _vararg_count ret;
! glk_window_get_sibling(window) => window
@glk 48 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_stream_iterate _vararg_count ret;
! glk_stream_iterate(stream, &uint) => stream
@glk 64 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_stream_get_rock _vararg_count ret;
! glk_stream_get_rock(stream) => uint
@glk 65 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_stream_open_file _vararg_count ret;
! glk_stream_open_file(fileref, uint, uint) => stream
@glk 66 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_stream_open_memory _vararg_count ret;
! glk_stream_open_memory(nativechararray, arraylen, uint, uint) => stream
@glk 67 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_stream_close _vararg_count;
! glk_stream_close(stream, &{uint, uint})
@glk 68 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_stream_set_position _vararg_count;
! glk_stream_set_position(stream, int, uint)
@glk 69 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_stream_get_position _vararg_count ret;
! glk_stream_get_position(stream) => uint
@glk 70 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_stream_set_current _vararg_count;
! glk_stream_set_current(stream)
@glk 71 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_stream_get_current _vararg_count ret;
! glk_stream_get_current() => stream
@glk 72 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_stream_open_resource _vararg_count ret;
! glk_stream_open_resource(uint, uint) => stream
@glk 73 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_fileref_create_temp _vararg_count ret;
! glk_fileref_create_temp(uint, uint) => fileref
@glk 96 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_fileref_create_by_name _vararg_count ret;
! glk_fileref_create_by_name(uint, string, uint) => fileref
@glk 97 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_fileref_create_by_prompt _vararg_count ret;
! glk_fileref_create_by_prompt(uint, uint, uint) => fileref
@glk 98 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_fileref_destroy _vararg_count;
! glk_fileref_destroy(fileref)
@glk 99 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_fileref_iterate _vararg_count ret;
! glk_fileref_iterate(fileref, &uint) => fileref
@glk 100 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_fileref_get_rock _vararg_count ret;
! glk_fileref_get_rock(fileref) => uint
@glk 101 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_fileref_delete_file _vararg_count;
! glk_fileref_delete_file(fileref)
@glk 102 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_fileref_does_file_exist _vararg_count ret;
! glk_fileref_does_file_exist(fileref) => uint
@glk 103 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_fileref_create_from_fileref _vararg_count ret;
! glk_fileref_create_from_fileref(uint, fileref, uint) => fileref
@glk 104 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_put_char _vararg_count;
! glk_put_char(uchar)
@glk 128 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_put_char_stream _vararg_count;
! glk_put_char_stream(stream, uchar)
@glk 129 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_put_string _vararg_count;
! glk_put_string(string)
@glk 130 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_put_string_stream _vararg_count;
! glk_put_string_stream(stream, string)
@glk 131 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_put_buffer _vararg_count;
! glk_put_buffer(nativechararray, arraylen)
@glk 132 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_put_buffer_stream _vararg_count;
! glk_put_buffer_stream(stream, nativechararray, arraylen)
@glk 133 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_set_style _vararg_count;
! glk_set_style(uint)
@glk 134 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_set_style_stream _vararg_count;
! glk_set_style_stream(stream, uint)
@glk 135 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_get_char_stream _vararg_count ret;
! glk_get_char_stream(stream) => int
@glk 144 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_get_line_stream _vararg_count ret;
! glk_get_line_stream(stream, nativechararray, arraylen) => uint
@glk 145 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_get_buffer_stream _vararg_count ret;
! glk_get_buffer_stream(stream, nativechararray, arraylen) => uint
@glk 146 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_char_to_lower _vararg_count ret;
! glk_char_to_lower(uchar) => uchar
@glk 160 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_char_to_upper _vararg_count ret;
! glk_char_to_upper(uchar) => uchar
@glk 161 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_stylehint_set _vararg_count;
! glk_stylehint_set(uint, uint, uint, int)
@glk 176 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_stylehint_clear _vararg_count;
! glk_stylehint_clear(uint, uint, uint)
@glk 177 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_style_distinguish _vararg_count ret;
! glk_style_distinguish(window, uint, uint) => uint
@glk 178 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_style_measure _vararg_count ret;
! glk_style_measure(window, uint, uint, &uint) => uint
@glk 179 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_select _vararg_count;
! glk_select(&{uint, window, uint, uint})
@glk 192 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_select_poll _vararg_count;
! glk_select_poll(&{uint, window, uint, uint})
@glk 193 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_request_line_event _vararg_count;
! glk_request_line_event(window, nativechararray, arraylen, uint)
@glk 208 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_cancel_line_event _vararg_count;
! glk_cancel_line_event(window, &{uint, window, uint, uint})
@glk 209 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_request_char_event _vararg_count;
! glk_request_char_event(window)
@glk 210 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_cancel_char_event _vararg_count;
! glk_cancel_char_event(window)
@glk 211 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_request_mouse_event _vararg_count;
! glk_request_mouse_event(window)
@glk 212 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_cancel_mouse_event _vararg_count;
! glk_cancel_mouse_event(window)
@glk 213 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_request_timer_events _vararg_count;
! glk_request_timer_events(uint)
@glk 214 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_image_get_info _vararg_count ret;
! glk_image_get_info(uint, &uint, &uint) => uint
@glk 224 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_image_draw _vararg_count ret;
! glk_image_draw(window, uint, int, int) => uint
@glk 225 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_image_draw_scaled _vararg_count ret;
! glk_image_draw_scaled(window, uint, int, int, uint, uint) => uint
@glk 226 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_window_flow_break _vararg_count;
! glk_window_flow_break(window)
@glk 232 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_window_erase_rect _vararg_count;
! glk_window_erase_rect(window, int, int, uint, uint)
@glk 233 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_window_fill_rect _vararg_count;
! glk_window_fill_rect(window, uint, int, int, uint, uint)
@glk 234 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_window_set_background_color _vararg_count;
! glk_window_set_background_color(window, uint)
@glk 235 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_schannel_iterate _vararg_count ret;
! glk_schannel_iterate(schannel, &uint) => schannel
@glk 240 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_schannel_get_rock _vararg_count ret;
! glk_schannel_get_rock(schannel) => uint
@glk 241 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_schannel_create _vararg_count ret;
! glk_schannel_create(uint) => schannel
@glk 242 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_schannel_destroy _vararg_count;
! glk_schannel_destroy(schannel)
@glk 243 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_schannel_create_ext _vararg_count ret;
! glk_schannel_create_ext(uint, uint) => schannel
@glk 244 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_schannel_play_multi _vararg_count ret;
! glk_schannel_play_multi(schannelarray, arraylen, uintarray, arraylen, uint) => uint
@glk 247 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_schannel_play _vararg_count ret;
! glk_schannel_play(schannel, uint) => uint
@glk 248 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_schannel_play_ext _vararg_count ret;
! glk_schannel_play_ext(schannel, uint, uint, uint) => uint
@glk 249 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_schannel_stop _vararg_count;
! glk_schannel_stop(schannel)
@glk 250 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_schannel_set_volume _vararg_count;
! glk_schannel_set_volume(schannel, uint)
@glk 251 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_sound_load_hint _vararg_count;
! glk_sound_load_hint(uint, uint)
@glk 252 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_schannel_set_volume_ext _vararg_count;
! glk_schannel_set_volume_ext(schannel, uint, uint, uint)
@glk 253 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_schannel_pause _vararg_count;
! glk_schannel_pause(schannel)
@glk 254 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_schannel_unpause _vararg_count;
! glk_schannel_unpause(schannel)
@glk 255 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_set_hyperlink _vararg_count;
! glk_set_hyperlink(uint)
@glk 256 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_set_hyperlink_stream _vararg_count;
! glk_set_hyperlink_stream(stream, uint)
@glk 257 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_request_hyperlink_event _vararg_count;
! glk_request_hyperlink_event(window)
@glk 258 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_cancel_hyperlink_event _vararg_count;
! glk_cancel_hyperlink_event(window)
@glk 259 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_buffer_to_lower_case_uni _vararg_count ret;
! glk_buffer_to_lower_case_uni(uintarray, arraylen, uint) => uint
@glk 288 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_buffer_to_upper_case_uni _vararg_count ret;
! glk_buffer_to_upper_case_uni(uintarray, arraylen, uint) => uint
@glk 289 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_buffer_to_title_case_uni _vararg_count ret;
! glk_buffer_to_title_case_uni(uintarray, arraylen, uint, uint) => uint
@glk 290 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_buffer_canon_decompose_uni _vararg_count ret;
! glk_buffer_canon_decompose_uni(uintarray, arraylen, uint) => uint
@glk 291 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_buffer_canon_normalize_uni _vararg_count ret;
! glk_buffer_canon_normalize_uni(uintarray, arraylen, uint) => uint
@glk 292 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_put_char_uni _vararg_count;
! glk_put_char_uni(uint)
@glk 296 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_put_string_uni _vararg_count;
! glk_put_string_uni(unicode)
@glk 297 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_put_buffer_uni _vararg_count;
! glk_put_buffer_uni(uintarray, arraylen)
@glk 298 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_put_char_stream_uni _vararg_count;
! glk_put_char_stream_uni(stream, uint)
@glk 299 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_put_string_stream_uni _vararg_count;
! glk_put_string_stream_uni(stream, unicode)
@glk 300 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_put_buffer_stream_uni _vararg_count;
! glk_put_buffer_stream_uni(stream, uintarray, arraylen)
@glk 301 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_get_char_stream_uni _vararg_count ret;
! glk_get_char_stream_uni(stream) => int
@glk 304 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_get_buffer_stream_uni _vararg_count ret;
! glk_get_buffer_stream_uni(stream, uintarray, arraylen) => uint
@glk 305 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_get_line_stream_uni _vararg_count ret;
! glk_get_line_stream_uni(stream, uintarray, arraylen) => uint
@glk 306 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_stream_open_file_uni _vararg_count ret;
! glk_stream_open_file_uni(fileref, uint, uint) => stream
@glk 312 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_stream_open_memory_uni _vararg_count ret;
! glk_stream_open_memory_uni(uintarray, arraylen, uint, uint) => stream
@glk 313 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_stream_open_resource_uni _vararg_count ret;
! glk_stream_open_resource_uni(uint, uint) => stream
@glk 314 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_request_char_event_uni _vararg_count;
! glk_request_char_event_uni(window)
@glk 320 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_request_line_event_uni _vararg_count;
! glk_request_line_event_uni(window, uintarray, arraylen, uint)
@glk 321 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_set_echo_line_event _vararg_count;
! glk_set_echo_line_event(window, uint)
@glk 336 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_set_terminators_line_event _vararg_count;
! glk_set_terminators_line_event(window, uintarray, arraylen)
@glk 337 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_current_time _vararg_count;
! glk_current_time(&{int, uint, int})
@glk 352 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_current_simple_time _vararg_count ret;
! glk_current_simple_time(uint) => int
@glk 353 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_time_to_date_utc _vararg_count;
! glk_time_to_date_utc(&{int, uint, int}, &{int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int})
@glk 360 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_time_to_date_local _vararg_count;
! glk_time_to_date_local(&{int, uint, int}, &{int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int})
@glk 361 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_simple_time_to_date_utc _vararg_count;
! glk_simple_time_to_date_utc(int, uint, &{int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int})
@glk 362 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_simple_time_to_date_local _vararg_count;
! glk_simple_time_to_date_local(int, uint, &{int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int})
@glk 363 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_date_to_time_utc _vararg_count;
! glk_date_to_time_utc(&{int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int}, &{int, uint, int})
@glk 364 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_date_to_time_local _vararg_count;
! glk_date_to_time_local(&{int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int}, &{int, uint, int})
@glk 365 _vararg_count 0;
return 0;
[ glk_date_to_simple_time_utc _vararg_count ret;
! glk_date_to_simple_time_utc(&{int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int}, uint) => int
@glk 366 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
[ glk_date_to_simple_time_local _vararg_count ret;
! glk_date_to_simple_time_local(&{int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int}, uint) => int
@glk 367 _vararg_count ret;
return ret;
#endif; ! TARGET_GLULX
#endif; ! INFGLK_H

library-glulx/infix.h Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

library-glulx/linklpa.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
! ==============================================================================
! LINKLPA: Link declarations of common properties and attributes.
! Supplied for use with Inform 6 -- Release 6/11 -- Serial number 040227
! Copyright Graham Nelson 1993-2004 but freely usable (see manuals)
! This file is automatically Included in your game file by "Parser".
! ==============================================================================
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Some VM-specific constants.
! (WORDSIZE and TARGET_XXX are defined by the compiler.)
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constant NULL = $ffff;
Constant WORD_HIGHBIT = $8000;
Constant NULL = $ffffffff;
Constant WORD_HIGHBIT = $80000000;
#Endif; ! TARGET_
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The common attributes and properties.
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Attribute animate;
#Iffalse (animate == 0);
Message error "Please move your Attribute declarations after the Include ~Parser~ line:
otherwise it will be impossible to USE_MODULES";
Attribute absent;
Attribute clothing;
Attribute concealed;
Attribute container;
Attribute door;
Attribute edible;
Attribute enterable;
Attribute general;
Attribute light;
Attribute lockable;
Attribute locked;
Attribute moved;
Attribute on;
Attribute open;
Attribute openable;
Attribute proper;
Attribute scenery;
Attribute scored;
Attribute static;
Attribute supporter;
Attribute switchable;
Attribute talkable;
Attribute transparent;
Attribute visited;
Attribute workflag;
Attribute worn;
Attribute male;
Attribute female;
Attribute neuter;
Attribute pluralname;
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property additive before NULL;
Property additive after NULL;
Property additive life NULL;
Property n_to;
Property s_to;
Property e_to;
Property w_to;
Property ne_to;
Property nw_to;
Property se_to;
Property sw_to;
Property u_to;
Property d_to;
Property in_to;
Property out_to;
#Iffalse (7 >= n_to);
Message error "Please move your Property declarations after the Include ~Parser~ line:
otherwise it will be impossible to USE_MODULES";
Property door_to;
Property with_key;
Property door_dir;
Property invent;
Property plural;
Property add_to_scope;
Property list_together;
Property react_before;
Property react_after;
Property grammar;
Property additive orders;
Property initial;
Property when_open;
Property when_closed;
Property when_on;
Property when_off;
Property description;
Property additive describe NULL;
Property article "a";
Property cant_go;
Property found_in; ! For fiddly reasons this can't alias
Property time_left;
Property number;
Property additive time_out NULL;
Property daemon;
Property additive each_turn NULL;
Property capacity 100;
Property short_name 0;
Property short_name_indef 0;
Property parse_name 0;
Property articles;
Property inside_description;
! ==============================================================================

library-glulx/linklv.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
! ==============================================================================
! LINKLV: Link declarations of library variables.
! Supplied for use with Inform 6 -- Release 6/11 -- Serial number 040227
! Copyright Graham Nelson 1993-2004 but freely usable (see manuals)
! This file is automatically Included in your game file by "verblibm" only if
! you supply the -U compiler switch to use pre-compiled Modules.
! ==============================================================================
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Import global location;
Import global sline1;
Import global sline2;
Import global top_object;
Import global standard_interpreter;
Import global undo_flag;
Import global transcript_mode;
Import global xcommsdir;
Import global turns;
Import global the_time;
Import global time_rate;
Import global time_step;
Import global active_timers;
Import global score;
Import global last_score;
Import global notify_mode;
Import global places_score;
Import global things_score;
Import global player;
Import global deadflag;
Import global lightflag;
Import global real_location;
Import global visibility_ceiling;
Import global lookmode;
Import global print_player_flag;
Import global lastdesc;
Import global c_style;
Import global lt_value;
Import global listing_together;
Import global listing_size;
Import global wlf_indent;
Import global inventory_stage;
Import global inventory_style;
Import global pretty_flag;
Import global menu_nesting;
Import global menu_item;
Import global item_width;
Import global item_name;
Import global lm_n;
Import global lm_o;
#Ifdef DEBUG;
Import global debug_flag;
Import global x_scope_count;
#Endif; ! DEBUG
Import global action;
Import global inp1;
Import global inp2;
Import global noun;
Import global second;
Import global keep_silent;
Import global reason_code;
Import global receive_action;
Import global parser_trace;
Import global parser_action;
Import global parser_one;
Import global parser_two;
Import global parser_inflection;
Import global actor;
Import global actors_location;
Import global meta;
Import global multiflag;
Import global toomany_flag;
Import global special_word;
Import global special_number;
Import global parsed_number;
Import global consult_from;
Import global consult_words;
Import global notheld_mode;
Import global onotheld_mode;
Import global not_holding;
Import global etype;
Import global best_etype;
Import global nextbest_etype;
Import global pcount;
Import global pcount2;
Import global parameters;
Import global nsns;
Import global special_number1;
Import global special_number2;
Import global params_wanted;
Import global inferfrom;
Import global inferword;
Import global dont_infer;
Import global action_to_be;
Import global action_reversed;
Import global advance_warning;
Import global found_ttype;
Import global found_tdata;
Import global token_filter;
Import global lookahead;
Import global multi_mode;
Import global multi_wanted;
Import global multi_had;
Import global multi_context;
Import global indef_mode;
Import global indef_type;
Import global indef_wanted;
Import global indef_guess_p;
Import global indef_owner;
Import global indef_cases;
Import global indef_possambig;
Import global indef_nspec_at;
Import global allow_plurals;
Import global take_all_rule;
Import global pronoun_word;
Import global pronoun_obj;
Import global scope_reason;
Import global scope_token;
Import global scope_error;
Import global scope_stage;
Import global ats_flag;
Import global ats_hls;
Import global placed_in_flag;
Import global number_matched;
Import global number_of_classes;
Import global match_length;
Import global match_from;
Import global bestguess_score;
Import global wn;
Import global num_words;
Import global verb_word;
Import global verb_wordnum;
Import global usual_grammar_after;
Import global oops_from;
Import global saved_oops;
Import global held_back_mode;
Import global hb_wn;
Import global short_name_case;
#Ifdef EnglishNaturalLanguage;
Import global itobj;
Import global himobj;
Import global herobj;
Import global old_itobj;
Import global old_himobj;
Import global old_herobj;
#Endif; ! EnglishNaturalLanguage
! ==============================================================================

library-glulx/parserm.h Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

library-glulx/verblibm.h Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

objects.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Object gallery "Выставочный зал"
with description
"Вы стоите в маленьком зале.",
has light;
Object photo "маленьк/ое фото/" gallery
with name 'маленьк' 'фото',
describe [;
"Перед вами стоит маленькое фото.";
description [;
print "На маленькой фотографии изображён мужчина с клавиатурой.
Он сосредоточенно что-то печатает.";
has static neuter;
Object teapot "глинян/ый чайник/" gallery
with name 'глин' 'чай',
describe [;
"Слева от фото выставлен невысокий глиняный чайник.";
description [;
print "По легендам, древние писатели пили много чая.
Они верили, что это поможет им понять Информ.";
has static male;

source.inf Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Constant Story "Галерея";
Constant Headline "^Тест Информа.^";
Include "Parser";
Include "VerbLib";
Include "./objects";
Global the_word_was = "";
[ Initialise;
location = gallery;
"^^Ни один уважающий себя фотограф не может пройти мимо выставки
«Парсер 2019». По крайней мере, в этом убеждал вас организатор.";
[ UnknownVerb word i;
objectloop (i in location) {
if (
!word == (i.&name) --> 0 &&
i has scenery
) {
the_word_was = i;
return 'осм';
[ DeathMessage; print "Вы проиграли"; ];
! ============================================================================ !
Include "RussiaG";