-- FIXME clean up if not arg[1] and not (...) then error("Usage: `require` this file from a script or call `lua pink/pink.lua parse game.ink`") end local folderOfThisFile = arg[1] and string.sub(..., 1, string.len(arg[1]))==arg[1] and arg[0]:match("(.-)[^/\\]+$") or (...):match("(.-)[^%.]+$") local getParser = function () return require(folderOfThisFile .. 'parser') end local runtime = require(folderOfThisFile .. 'runtime') local function read(file) -- TODO should this be here or in client code? At lease allow to pass an ink content in a string if love and love.filesystem then if not love.filesystem.isFile(file) then error('failed to open "'..file..'"') end local content, size = love.filesystem.read(file) return content else local f = io.open(file, "rb") if not f then error('failed to open "'..file..'"') end local content = f:read("*all") f:close() return content end end local function basename(str) return string.gsub(str, "(.*/)(.*)", "%2") end local function basedir(str) return string.gsub(str, "(.*)(/.*)", "%1") end local parse; parse = function(f) local parsed = {} for _,t in ipairs(getParser():match(read(f))) do if t[2] and t[1]=='include' then for _,included in ipairs(parse(basedir(f)..'/'..t[2])) do table.insert(parsed, included) end else table.insert(parsed, t) end end return parsed end local api = { getStory = function (filename) local parsed if not pcall(function () parsed = require (string.sub(filename, 1, -5)) print('loaded precompiled story') end) then parsed = parse(filename) print('story compiled') end return runtime(parsed) end } local function dump ( t ) -- tables only local function sub_print_r(t) if (type(t)=="table") then local b = "" for pos,val in pairs(t) do if (type(val)=="table") then b = b .. "{"..sub_print_r(val).."}," elseif (type(val)=="string") then b = b .. '"'..string.gsub(val,'"', '\\"')..'",' else b = b .. tostring(val) .. ',' end end return b else return tostring(t) end end return "-- This file was generated from an .ink file using the pink library - do not edit\nreturn {" .. sub_print_r(t) .. "}" end if arg[1] == 'parse' and arg[2] then print(dump(parse(arg[2]))) end return api