LIST pronouns = he, she, it, they_singular, they_plural // Case constants: Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Genitive, Instrumental, Prepositional // (unused in English) CONST CNOM = "nom" CONST CACC = "acc" CONST CDAT = "dat" CONST CGEN = "gen" CONST CINS = "ins" CONST CPRE = "pre" CONST GEN_HE = "he" CONST GEN_SHE = "she" CONST GEN_IT = "it" CONST GEN_THEY = "they" VAR pronoun = pronouns.he // Choose a random pronoun - useful when we're skipping the choice. ~ pronoun = LIST_RANDOM(pronouns) === function me === { pronoun: - they_plural: ~ return "we" - else: ~ return "me" } === function Me === { pronoun: - they_plural: ~ return "We" - else: ~ return "Me" } // You(), you(), Yours(), yours(), spnoun() and splural() are unused in English. === step_pronouns === Choose your pronouns: * He/him ~ pronoun = pronouns.he ->step1 * She/her ~ pronoun = pronouns.she ->step1 * It/they ~ pronoun = ->step1 * They/they (singular) ~ pronoun = pronouns.they_singular ->step1 * They/they (plural) ~ pronoun = pronouns.they_plural ->step1