- I looked at Monsieur Fogg * ... and I could contain myself no longer.Continues the story. 'What is the purpose of our journey, Monsieur?' 'A wager,' he replied. * * 'A wager!'[] I returned. He nodded. * * * 'But surely that is foolishness!' * * * 'A most serious matter then!' - - - He nodded again. * * * 'But can we win?' 'That is what we will endeavour to find out,' he answered. * * * 'A modest wager, I trust?' 'Twenty thousand pounds,' he replied, quite flatly. * * * I asked nothing further of him then[.], and after a final, polite cough, he offered nothing more to me. <> * * 'Ah[.'],' I replied, uncertain what I thought. - - After that, <> * ... but I said nothingEnds the story[] and <> - we passed the day in silence. - -> END