function isDisabled(v) if (type(v) ~= 'table') then return false end; if (type(v._disabled) == 'function') then return v._disabled(); end; if v.filter ~= nil then local condition = assert(loadstring("return not ("..v.filter..");")); return condition(); end; return v._disabled; end choice_look = function(self) local i,v,ph for i,ph in opairs(self.obj) do ph = ref(ph); if isPhrase(ph) and not isDisabled(ph) then v = par('^', v, ph:look()); end end return v; end function choice(v) --constructor if v.look == nil then v.look = choice_look; end v = dlg(v); return v; end option_action = function(self) local ph = self; local r, ret; if isDisabled(ph) then return nil, false end local last =, 'ans'); if type(ph.do_act) == 'string' then local f = stead.eval(ph.do_act); if f ~= nil then ret = f(); else error ("Error while eval phrase action."); end elseif type(ph.do_act) == 'function' then ret = ph.do_act(self); end if ret == nil then ret = stead.pget(); end if last == true or ret == true then return true; end local wh =; while isDialog(wh) and not stead.dialog_rescan(wh) and stead.from(wh) ~= wh do wh = stead.from(wh) end if wh ~= then ret = stead.par(stead.space_delim, ret, stead.back(wh)); end ret = stead.par(stead.scene_delim, last, ret); return ret end function option(filter, ask, answ, actfunc) local p = phr (ask, answ, actfunc); p.do_act = actfunc; p.filter = filter; if filter ~= nil then local condition = assert(loadstring("return not ("..filter..");")); p._disabled = condition(); else p._disabled = false; end p.act = option_action; return p; end