translate = {}; -- redefine to set source language translate.source = 'ru'; -- Credit: function load_mo_file(mo_file) -------------------------------- -- open file and read data -------------------------------- local fd,,"rb") if not fd then return nil,err end local mo_data=fd:read("*all") fd:close() -------------------------------- -- precache some functions -------------------------------- local byte=string.byte local sub=string.sub -------------------------------- -- check format -------------------------------- local peek_long --localize local magic=sub(mo_data,1,4) -- intel magic 0xde120495 if magic=="\222\018\004\149" then peek_long=function(offs) local a,b,c,d=byte(mo_data,offs+1,offs+4) return ((d*256+c)*256+b)*256+a end -- motorola magic = 0x950412de elseif magic=="\149\004\018\222" then peek_long=function(offs) local a,b,c,d=byte(mo_data,offs+1,offs+4) return ((a*256+b)*256+c)*256+d end else return nil,"no valid mo-file" end -------------------------------- -- version -------------------------------- local V=peek_long(4) if V~=0 then return nul,"unsupported version" end ------------------------------ -- get number of offsets of table ------------------------------ local N,O,T=peek_long(8),peek_long(12),peek_long(16) ------------------------------ -- traverse and get strings ------------------------------ local hash={} for nstr=1,N do local ol,oo=peek_long(O),peek_long(O+4) O=O+8 local tl,to=peek_long(T),peek_long(T+4) T=T+8 hash[sub(mo_data,oo+1,oo+ol)]=sub(mo_data,to+1,to+tl) end return function(text) return hash[text] end end if not LANG then LANG = "en" end if LANG == translate.source then _ = function(text) return text; end; else translate.strings = load_mo_file(LANG..'.mo'); _ = function(text) return translate.strings[text]; end end