require "sprites" require "click" require "snapshots" require "prefs" require "translate" function complete_(game) return function() prefs[game] = true; prefs:store(); end end function iscomplete(game) prefs:load(); return prefs[game] ~= nil; end alphas = { ["А"] = { 0, 4} ,["Б"] = { 5, 4} ,["В"] = { 10, 4} ,["Г"] = { 15, 4} ,["Д"] = { 20, 6} ,["Е"] = { 27, 4} ,["Ж"] = { 32, 5} ,["З"] = { 38, 4} ,["И"] = { 43, 4} ,["К"] = { 48, 4} ,["Л"] = { 53, 5} ,["М"] = { 59, 5} ,["Н"] = { 65, 4} ,["О"] = { 70, 4} ,["П"] = { 75, 4} ,["Р"] = { 80, 4} ,["С"] = { 85, 4} ,["Т"] = { 90, 5} ,["У"] = { 96, 4} ,["Ф"] = { 101, 5} ,["Х"] = { 107, 4} ,["Ц"] = { 112, 5} ,["Ч"] = { 118, 4} ,["Ш"] = { 123, 5} ,["Щ"] = { 129, 6} ,["Ъ"] = { 136, 5} ,["Ы"] = { 142, 6} ,["Ь"] = { 149, 4} ,["Э"] = { 154, 4} ,["Ю"] = { 159, 5} ,["Я"] = { 165, 4} ,["0"] = { 170, 4} ,["7"] = { 175, 4} ,["2"] = { 180, 4} ,["Й"] = { 185, 5} ,[" "] = { nil, 2} ,["A"] = { 0, 4} ,["B"] = { 10, 4} ,["C"] = { 85, 4} ,["D"] = { nil, 4} ,["E"] = { 27, 4} ,["F"] = { nil, 2} ,["G"] = { nil, 2} ,["H"] = { 65, 4} ,["I"] = { nil, 2} ,["J"] = { nil, 2} ,["K"] = { 48, 4} ,["L"] = { nil, 2} ,["M"] = { 59, 5} ,["N"] = { nil, 2} ,["O"] = { 70, 4} ,["P"] = { 80, 4} ,["Q"] = { nil, 2} ,["R"] = { nil, 2} ,["S"] = { nil, 2} ,["T"] = { 90, 5} ,["U"] = { nil, 2} ,["V"] = { nil, 2} ,["W"] = { nil, 2} ,["X"] = { nil, 2} ,["Y"] = { nil, 2} ,["Z"] = { nil, 2} } function drawalpha(num,str) local px = game.cache_alpha1; if px == nil then px = sprite.load("gfx/alpha.png"); game.cache_alpha1 = px; end local px2 = game.cache_alpha2; if px2 == nil then px2 = sprite.load("gfx/nums.png"); game.cache_alpha2 = px2; end local len = 0; for i = 1, #str do local c = string.sub(str,i,i) if alphas[c] ~= nil then len = len + (alphas[c][2]*5) + 5; end end local spr =, 200, "black"); if num ~= nil then --28 local strnum = tostring(num); if string.len(strnum) == 1 then sprite.copy(px2, num*4*20, 0, 4*20, 140, spr, 210, 30); else local n1 = string.char(strnum:byte(1))+0; local n2 = string.char(strnum:byte(2))+0; sprite.copy(px2, n1*4*20, 0, 4*20, 140, spr, 165, 30); sprite.copy(px2, n2*4*20, 0, 4*20, 140, spr, 255, 30); end end local xl = (500-len)/2; for i = 1, #str do local c = string.sub(str,i,i) if alphas[c] ~= nil then local x,w = alphas[c][1],alphas[c][2]; if x ~= nil then sprite.draw(px, x*5, 0, w*5, 35, spr, xl, 82); end xl = xl + (w*5) + 5; end end return spr; end function cleancache() if game.cache_alpha1 ~= nil then; game.cache_alpha1 = nil; end if game.cache_alpha2 ~= nil then; game.cache_alpha2 = nil; end if game.cache ~= nil then; game.cache = nil; end if game.cache2 ~= nil then; game.cache2 = nil; end if game.cache_nums ~= nil then for k,v in pairs(game.cache_nums) do; game.cache_nums[k] = nil; end game.cache_nums = nil; end if game.cache_sprites ~= nil then for k,v in pairs(game.cache_sprites) do; game.cache_sprites[k] = nil; end game.cache_sprites = nil; end end local old_snapshot = restore_snapshot; function restore_snapshot(n) cleancache(); return old_snapshot(n); end local old_title = instead.get_title; instead.get_title = function() local r = old_title(); return txttop(r)..img("blank:10x50"); end function if_(cnd,x,y) return function(s) if apply(cnd,s) then return x; else return y; end end end function restart_item(gf) restart_obj = menu { nam = "restart_item" ,disp = txtb("Начать сначала") ,inv = gamefile_(gf..".lua") }; sep_obj = menu {nam=" ", inv = function() end}; take(restart_obj); take(sep_obj); end local old_room = room; function room(r) if r.title ~= nil then r.pic = function(s) if s.cache_title == nil then s.cache_title = drawalpha(s.num,s.title); end return s.cache_title; end local exit = r.exit; r.exit = function(s,v,w) if exit ~= nil then local ret = exit(s,v,w); if ret ~= nil then return ret; end end if s.cache_title ~= nil then; s.cache_title = nil; end end end return old_room(r); end function string:charat(i) local c = 0; for uchar in string.gfind(self, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do c = c + 1; if c == i then return uchar; end end end function timerpause(snum,enum,next) local sh = 1; if enum < snum then sh = -1; enum = enum - 1; else enum = enum + 1; end if game.cache_nums == nil then game.cache_nums = {} end return room { enum = enum, sh = sh, snum = snum, _cur = snum, _fr=0, nam = "", enter = function() timer:set(50); end, pic = function() if game.cache2 == nil then game.cache2 = sprite.load(_("gfx/timer1.png")); end return game.cache2; end, pad = function(s,n) local sn = tostring(n); if string.len(sn) < 4 then return s:pad("0"; end return sn; end, loadnum = function(s,n) if game.cache_nums[n] == nil then game.cache_nums[n] = sprite.load("gfx/"..n..".png"); end return game.cache_nums[n]; end, draw = function(s,d) local d = tostring(d); local n1,n2,n3,n4 = string.char(d:byte(1)),string.char(d:byte(2)),string.char(d:byte(3)),string.char(d:byte(4)); local y = 67; if s.s1 ~= n1 then sprite.copy(s:loadnum(n1), game.cache2, 150+(50*0), y); s.s1 = n1; end if s.s2 ~= n2 then sprite.copy(s:loadnum(n2), game.cache2, 150+(50*1), y); s.s2 = n2; end if s.s3 ~= n3 then sprite.copy(s:loadnum(n3), game.cache2, 150+(50*2), y); s.s3 = n3; end if s.s4 ~= n4 then sprite.copy(s:loadnum(n4), game.cache2, 150+(50*3), y); s.s4 = n4; end if s._cur ~= s.snum then play_sound("tick"); end end, timer = function(s) s._fr = s._fr + 1; if not s._nodraw then local sn = s:pad(s._cur); s:draw(sn); if s._fr > 40 then s._cur = s._cur +; end end if s._cur == s.enum then if s._nodraw == nil then s._nodraw = 0; end s._nodraw = s._nodraw + 1; end if s._nodraw ~= nil and (s._nodraw == 80 or s.snum == s.enum) then timer:stop(); s._cur = s.snum; s._nodraw = nil; s._fr = 0; s.s1 = nil; s.s2 = nil; s.s3 = nil; s.s4 = nil; walk(next); end end, } end function loadsprite(vv) if game.cache_sprites == nil then game.cache_sprites = {}; end local spr = game.cache_sprites[vv]; if spr == nil then spr = sprite.load("gfx/"..vv..".png"); game.cache_sprites[vv] = spr; end return spr; end game.pic = function() local s = here(); if s.pxa == nil then return; end local pxa = tc(s.pxa,s); if pxa == nil then return; end if game.cache == nil then game.cache = sprite.load("gfx/pic.png"); else local pt = sprite.blank(500, 200); sprite.copy(pt, game.cache, 0, 0);; end if game.cache_sprites == nil then game.cache_sprites = {}; end for _,v in ipairs(pxa) do local vv = tc(v[1],s); if vv ~= nil then local spr = loadsprite(vv); local y = v[3]; if y == nil then if vv == "panel" or vv == "panel_broken" then y = 60; elseif vv == "door1" or vv == "door1_open" then y = 35; elseif vv == "door2" or vv == "door3" or vv == "door4" or vv == "door2_open" or vv == "door5" or vv == "door5_open" then y = 60; elseif vv == "window" or vv == "window2" then y = 62; elseif vv == "toolbox" then y = 171; elseif vv == "crio" or vv == "crio_blood" then y = 45; elseif vv == "robot" or vv == "robot_nohand" or vv == "robot_nohand_blaster" or vv == "robot_cargo" then y = 75; elseif vv == "box" then y = 145; elseif vv == "shelf" then y = 60; elseif vv == "box2" then y = 50; elseif vv == "rat" then y = 135; elseif vv == "rat_dead" then y = 100; elseif vv == "box3" then y = 110; elseif vv == "blood" then y = 107; elseif vv == "shaft" or vv == "shaft_open" then y = 55; elseif vv == "mutant" then y = 28; elseif vv == "med" then y = 60; elseif vv == "zombi" then y = 75; elseif vv == "device" then y = 65; elseif vv == "bfg" then y = 40; elseif vv == "hole" then y = 65; elseif vv == "hole2" then y = 35; elseif vv == "washer" then y = 55; elseif vv == "toilet" then y = 90; elseif vv == "communicator" then y = 80; elseif vv == "table" or vv == "table3" or vv == "table3_keys" then y = 110; elseif vv == "extin" then y = 145; elseif vv == "fridge" then y = 105; elseif vv == "books" then y = 100; elseif vv == "table2" then y = 140; elseif vv == "window3" then y = 70; elseif vv == "zombi_dead" then y = 145; elseif vv == "blaster" or vv == "knife" then y = 40; elseif vv == "vase_flower" or vv == "vase" then y = 70; elseif vv == "repair" or vv == "repair_broken" or vv == "repair_meteor" then y = 95; elseif vv == "table4" then y = 90; elseif vv == "screen" then y = 50; elseif vv == "door6" then y = 100; elseif vv == "cheese" then y = 160; elseif vv == "table5" then y = 80; elseif vv == "chair1" or vv == "chair2" then y = 125; elseif vv == "foodgen" or vv=="foodgen2" then y = 110; elseif vv == "window4" then y = 30; elseif vv == "table6" then y = 140; elseif vv == "cleaner" then y = 105; elseif vv == "ballon" or vv == "ballon2" then y = 120; elseif vv == "monitor" or vv == "monitor2" then y = 50; elseif vv == "barrel" or vv == "barrel2" then y = 155; elseif vv == "ratsmall" then y = 165; elseif vv == "stick" then y = 170; end end sprite.compose(spr, game.cache, tc(v[2],s), y); end end return game.cache; end function exec_(s) return function(this) return exec(s,this); end end function apply(c,this) local f = assert(loadstring("return function(s) return ("..c.."); end"))(); return f(this); end local oob = obj; function tc(f,s) if type(f) == "function" then return tc(f(s),s) else return f end end function obj(t) local d = t.dsc; if t.dsc then t.dsc = function(s) if s.cnd == nil or s:cnd() then return tc(d,s) end end end return oob(t); end function gamefile_(fl) return function() cleancache(); gamefile(fl, true); end end function sound_(snd) return function() play_sound(snd); end end function music_(mus, loop, fadeout, fadein) return function() play_music(mus, loop, fadeout, fadein); end end function mute_(fadeout,fadein) return function() if fadeout == nil then fadeout = 3000; end play_music(nil, nil, fadeout, fadein); end end function playonce_(file,loop) return function() local hw = here(); if hw["_"..file] == nil then play_music(file,loop); hw["_"..file] = true; end end end function play_music(file,loop,fadeout,fadein) local fl = file; local fout,fin = 2000,2000; if file ~= nil and file ~= "" then fl = "mus/"..file..".ogg"; end if fadeout ~= nil then fout = fadeout; end if fadein ~= nil then fin = fadein; end set_music_fading(fadeout, fadein); if loop == nil then loop = 1; end if fl ~= nil then set_music(fl, loop); else stop_music(); mute_sound(); _lastsound = nil; end end function play_sound(file,loop,ch) local fl = "mus/"..file..".ogg"; if ch == nil then ch = 2; end set_sound(fl, ch, loop); if loop ~= nil then _lastsound = {file,loop,ch}; end end function mute_sound() stop_sound(2); stop_sound(3); stop_sound(4); end