_labels, $field); } /** * Create validation object from model rules. * @param array $_POST data * @return Validation **/ public function validate_create($post_data) { $validation = Validation::factory($post_data); $rules = $this->rules(); foreach ($rules as $field => $rules) { $validation->rules($field, $rules); } return $validation; } /** * Binds another one-to-one object to this model. One-to-one objects * can be nested using 'object1:object2' syntax * * @param string $target_path Target model to bind to * @return void * @author Sverri [http://forum.kohanaframework.org/profile/6363/Sverri] */ public function with_count($target_path, $_label) { if (isset($this->_with_applied[$target_path])) { // Don't join anything already joined return $this; } // Split object parts $aliases = explode(':', $target_path); $target = $this; foreach ($aliases as $alias) { // Go down the line of objects to find the given target $parent = $target; $target = $parent->_related_many($alias); if ( ! $target) { // Can't find related object return $this; } } // Target alias is at the end $target_alias = $alias; // Pop-off top alias to get the parent path (user:photo:tag becomes user:photo - the parent table prefix) array_pop($aliases); $parent_path = implode(':', $aliases); if (empty($parent_path)) { // Use this table name itself for the parent path $parent_path = $this->_object_name; } else { if ( ! isset($this->_with_applied[$parent_path])) { // If the parent path hasn't been joined yet, do it first (otherwise LEFT JOINs fail) $this->with_count($parent_path); } } // Add to with_applied to prevent duplicate joins $this->_with_applied[$target_path] = TRUE; // Create a count expression $name = DB::expr('COUNT(`'.$target_alias.'`.`id`)'); // Use the provided label as the alias $alias = $_label; $this->select(array($name, $alias)); // Parent has_one target, use parent's primary key as target's foreign key $join_col1 = $parent_path.'.'.$parent->_primary_key; $join_col2 = $target_path.'.'.$parent->_has_many[$target_alias]['foreign_key']; // Join the related object into the result $this->join(array($target->_table_name, $target_path), 'LEFT')->on($join_col1, '=', $join_col2); // Group by the parent (will not work otherwise) $this->group_by(array($parent_path, $parent->_primary_key)); return $this; } protected function _related_many($alias) { if (isset($this->_related[$alias])) { return $this->_related[$alias]; } elseif (isset($this->_has_many[$alias])) { return $this->_related[$alias] = ORM::factory($this->_has_many[$alias]['model']); } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Loads model(s) from array of IDs or single ID. **/ public function load_by_id($id) { if (empty($id)) return FALSE; if (is_array($id)) return $this->where($this->_object_name .'.'. $this->_primary_key, 'IN', $id)->find_all(); return $this->where('id', '=', $id)->find(); } /** * Pagination filter: get only current page * @param int $num page number (i.e. 1 for first page, 2 - second page and so on). **/ public function filter_by_page($num = 0) { $num = (int) $num - 1; if ($num < 0) { $num = 0; } $page_size = Kohana::$config->load('common.page_size'); $first_item = $page_size * $num; return $this->offset($first_item)->limit($page_size); } /** * A utility function to customize model before saving it **/ public function customize() {} }