request->action(); if ( Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION && is_array($this->secure_actions) && in_array($action_name, $this->secure_actions, TRUE) ) { if ( Auth::instance()->logged_in() === FALSE) { $this->redirect('user/signin'); } else { //user is clear to go but his pages are cache-sensitive $this->is_private = TRUE; } } } public function after() { if ($this->auto_render) { if (!empty($this->controls) && empty($this->template->controls)) { $this->template->controls = $this->controls; } $renderer = Kostache_Layout::factory($this->template->_layout); $this->response->body($renderer->render($this->template, $this->template->_view)); } if ($this->is_private) { $this->response->headers( 'cache-control', 'private' ); $this->check_cache(); } } /** * Edit or create model. **/ protected function _edit($model, $controls = NULL) { if (!($model instanceof ORM)) { Log::instance()->add(Log::ERROR, __('Attempt to call _edit() on non-ORM model. Parameter class should be ORM, not ').get_class($model).'.'); $this->redirect('error/500'); } $this->template->errors = array(); if (is_null($controls)) { $controls = $this->controls; } if ($this->request->method() === Request::POST) { $model->values($this->request->post(), array_keys($controls)); $model->customize(); $validation = $model->validate_create($this->request->post()); try { if ($validation->check()) { $model->save(); } else { $this->template->errors = $validation->errors('default'); } } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { $this->template->errors = $e->errors('default'); } if (empty($this->template->errors)) { $this->redirect($this->_edit_redirect($model)); } } $this->template->model = $model; } /** * Where to redirect after successful model editing. * @param ORM $model **/ protected function _edit_redirect($model) { return Route::url('default', array('controller' => Request::current()->controller(),'action' => 'view','id' => $model->id)); } }