*/ class Minion_Migration_Manager { /** * The database connection that sould be used * @var Kohana_Database */ protected $_db; /** * Model used to interact with the migrations table in the database * @var Model_Minion_Migration */ protected $_model; /** * Whether this is a dry run migration * @var boolean */ protected $_dry_run = FALSE; /** * A set of SQL queries that were generated on the dry run * @var array */ protected $_dry_run_sql = array(); /** * Set of migrations that were executed */ protected $_executed_migrations = array(); /** * Constructs the object, allows injection of a Database connection * * @param Kohana_Database The database connection that should be passed to migrations * @param Model_Minion_Migration Inject an instance of the minion model into the manager */ public function __construct(Kohana_Database $db, Model_Minion_Migration $model = NULL) { if ($model === NULL) { $model = new Model_Minion_Migration($db); } $this->_db = $db; $this->_model = $model; } /** * Set the database connection to be used * * @param Kohana_Database Database connection * @return Minion_Migration_Manager */ public function set_db(Kohana_Database $db) { $this->_db = $db; return $this; } /** * Set the model to be used in the rest of the app * * @param Model_Minion_Migration Model instance * @return Minion_Migration_Manager */ public function set_model(Model_Minion_Migration $model) { $this->_model = $model; return $this; } /** * Set whether the manager should execute a dry run instead of a real run * * @param boolean Whether we should do a dry run * @return Minion_Migration_Manager */ public function set_dry_run($dry_run) { $this->_dry_run = (bool) $dry_run; return $this; } /** * Ruturns a set of queries that would've been executed had dry run not been * enabled. If dry run was not enabled, this returns an empty array * * @return array SQL Queries */ public function get_dry_run_sql() { return $this->_dry_run_sql; } /** * Returns a set of executed migrations * @return array */ public function get_executed_migrations() { return $this->_executed_migrations; } /** * Run migrations in the specified locations so as to reach specified targets * * There are three methods for specifying target versions: * * 1. Pass them in with the array of locations, i.e. * * array( * location => target_version * ) * * 2. Pass them in separately, with param1 containing an array of * locations like: * * array( * location, * location2, * ) * * And param2 containing an array structured in the same way as in #1 * * 3. Perform a mix of the above two methods * * It may seem odd to use two arrays to specify locations and versions, but * it's this way to allow users to upgrade / downgrade all locations while * migrating a specific location to a specific version * * If no locations are specified then migrations from all locations will be * run and be brought up to the latest available version * * @param array Set of locations to update, empty array means all * @param array Versions for specified locations * @param boolean The default direction (up/down) for migrations without a specific version * @return array Array of all migrations that were successfully applied */ public function run_migration(array $locations = array(), $versions = array(), $default_direction = TRUE) { $migrations = $this->_model->fetch_required_migrations($locations, $versions, $default_direction); foreach ($migrations as $path => $location) { $method = $location['direction'] ? 'up' : 'down'; foreach ($location['migrations'] as $migration) { $filename = Minion_Migration_Util::get_filename_from_migration($migration); if ( ! ($file = Kohana::find_file('migrations', $filename, FALSE))) { throw new Kohana_Exception( 'Cannot load migration :migration (:file)', array( ':migration' => $migration['id'], ':file' => $filename ) ); } $class = Minion_Migration_Util::get_class_from_migration($migration); include_once $file; $instance = new $class($migration); $db = $this->_get_db_instance($instance->get_database_connection()); try { $instance->$method($db); } catch(Database_Exception $e) { throw new Minion_Migration_Exception($e->getMessage(), $migration); } if ($this->_dry_run) { $this->_dry_run_sql[$path][$migration['timestamp']] = $db->reset_query_stack(); } else { $this->_model->mark_migration($migration, $location['direction']); } $this->_executed_migrations[] = $migration; } } } /** * Syncs all available migration files with the database * * @chainable * @return Minion_Migration_Manager Chainable instance */ public function sync_migration_files() { // Get array of installed migrations with the id as key $installed = $this->_model->fetch_all('id'); $available = $this->_model->available_migrations(); $all_migrations = array_merge(array_keys($installed), array_keys($available)); foreach ($all_migrations as $migration) { // If this migration has since been deleted if (isset($installed[$migration]) AND ! isset($available[$migration])) { // We should only delete a record of this migration if it does // not exist in the "real world" if ($installed[$migration]['applied'] === '0') { $this->_model->delete_migration($installed[$migration]); } } // If the migration has not yet been installed :D elseif ( ! isset($installed[$migration]) AND isset($available[$migration])) { $this->_model->add_migration($available[$migration]); } // Somebody changed the description of the migration, make sure we // update it in the db as we use this to build the filename! elseif ($installed[$migration]['description'] !== $available[$migration]['description']) { $this->_model->update_migration($installed[$migration], $available[$migration]); } } return $this; } /** * Gets a database connection for running the migrations * * @param string Database connection group name * @return Kohana_Database Database connection */ protected function _get_db_instance($db_group) { // If this isn't a dry run then just use a normal database connection if ( ! $this->_dry_run) return Database::instance($db_group); return Minion_Migration_Database::faux_instance($db_group); } }