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mirror of https://github.com/Oreolek/kohana-migrations.git synced 2024-07-08 01:24:22 +03:00
2010-12-29 04:30:25 +00:00

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* The Migrate task compares the current version of the database with the target
* version and then executes the necessary commands to bring the database up to
* date
* Available config options are:
* --environment=environment
* Specify the "environment" that you're currently in. You can change the
* environment => db config group mapping in the minion/migration config file.
* --versions=[location:]version
* Used to specify the version to migrate the database to. The location prefix
* is used to specify the target version of an individual location. Version
* specifies the target version, which can be either:
* * A migration version (migrates up/down to that version)
* * TRUE (runs all migrations to get to the latest version)
* * FALSE (undoes all appled migrations)
* An example of a migration version is 20101229015800
* If you specify TRUE / FALSE without a location then the default migration
* direction for locations without a specified version will be up / down respectively.
* If you're only specifying a migration version then you *must* specify a location
* --locations=location[,location2[,location3...]]
* A list of locations (under the migrations folder in the cascading
* filesystem) that will be used to source migration files. By default
* migrations will be loaded from all available locations
* --dry-run
* No value taken, if this is specified then instead of executing the SQL it
* will be printed to the console
* @author Matt Button <matthew@sigswitch.com>
class Minion_Task_Db_Migrate extends Minion_Task
* Th' default direction for migrations, TRUE = up, FALSE = down
* @var boolean
protected $_default_direction = TRUE;
* A set of config options that this task accepts
* @var array
protected $_config = array(
* Migrates the database to the version specified
* @param array Configuration to use
public function execute(array $config)
$k_config = Kohana::config('minion/migration');
// Grab user input, using sensible defaults
$environment = Arr::get($config, 'environment', 'development');
$specified_locations = Arr::get($config, 'locations', NULL);
$versions = Arr::get($config, 'versions', NULL);
$dry_run = isset($config['dry-run']);
$targets = $this->_parse_target_versions($versions);
$locations = $this->_parse_locations($specified_locations);
$db = Database::instance($k_config['db_connections'][$environment]);
$manager = new Minion_Migration_Manager(
new Model_Minion_Migration($db)
$manager = new Minion_Migration_Manager($db);
$results = $manager
// Sync the available migrations with those in the db
// Run migrations for specified locations & versions, and if it's
// a dry run don't log results to DB
->run_migration($locations, $targets, $this->_default_direction, ! $dry_run);
* Parses a comma delimted set of locations and returns an array of them
* @param string Comma delimited string of locations
* @return array Locations
protected function _parse_locations($location)
return $location;
$locations = array();
$location = trim($location, ',');
if( ! empty($location))
foreach($location as $a_location)
$locations[] = trim($a_location, '/');
return $locations;
* Parses a set of target versions from user input
* Valid input formats for targets are:
* {location}:(TRUE|FALSE|{migration_id})
* @param string Target version(s) specified by user
* @return array Versions
protected function _parse_target_versions($versions)
return array();
$targets = array();
if( ! is_array($versions))
$versions = explode(',', trim($versions));
foreach($versions as $version)
$target = $this->_parse_version($version);
list($location, $version) = $target;
$targets[$location] = $version;
$this->_default_direction = $target;
return $targets;
* Helper function for parsing target versions in user input
* @param string Input migration target
* @return boolean|string The parsed target
protected function _parse_version($version)
return $version;
if($version === 'TRUE' OR $version == FALSE)
return $version === 'TRUE';
if(strpos(':', $version) !== FALSE)
return explode(':', $version);
throw new Kohana_Exception('Invalid target version :version', array(':version' => $version));