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2013-02-25 13:54:54 +02:00
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Multilang core class
* From the module https://github.com/GeertDD/kohana-lang
class Multilang_Core {
static public $lang = '';
* Looks for the user language.
* A language cookie and HTTP Accept-Language headers are taken into account.
* If the auto detection is disabled, we return the default one
* @return string language key, e.g. "en", "fr", "nl", "en_US", "en-us", etc.
static public function find_user_language()
$config = Kohana::$config->load('multilang');
// Get the list of supported languages
$languages = $config->languages;
$cookie = $config->cookie;
// Look for language cookie first
if($lang = Cookie::get($cookie))
// Valid language found in cookie
return $lang;
// Delete cookie with unset language
// Parse HTTP Accept-Language headers
foreach(Request::accept_lang() as $lang => $quality)
// Return the first language found (the language with the highest quality)
return $lang;
// Return the hard-coded default language as final fallback
return $config->default;
* Initialize the config and cookies
static public function init()
$config = Kohana::$config->load('multilang');
// Get the list of supported languages
$langs = $config->languages;
// Set the language in I18n
// Set locale
setlocale(LC_ALL, $langs[Request::$lang]['locale']);
$cookie = $config->cookie;
// Update language cookie if needed
if(Cookie::get($cookie) !== Request::$lang)
Cookie::set($cookie, Request::$lang);
* Return a language selector menu
* @param boolean $current Display the current language or not
* @return View
static public function selector($current = TRUE)
$config = Kohana::$config->load('multilang');
$languages = $config->languages;
// Get the current route name
$current_route = Route::name(Request::initial()->route());
$params = Request::initial()->param();
if($current_route !== 'default' && strpos($current_route, '.') !== FALSE)
// Split the route path
list($lang, $name) = explode('.', $current_route, 2);
$name = $current_route;
// Create uris for each language
foreach($languages as $lang => &$language)
// If it's the current language
if($lang === Request::$lang)
// We only display it when required
$selectors[$lang] = '<span class="multilang-selected multilang-'.$lang.'">'.$languages[$lang]['label'].'</span>';
$route = NULL;
// If it's the default route, it's unique and special (like you <3)
if($current_route === 'default')
// We juste need to change the language parameter
$route = Request::initial()->route();
$params['lang'] = NULL;
if(!$config->hide_default || $config->default !== $lang)
$params['lang'] = $lang;
if(Arr::get(Route::all(), $lang.'.'.$name))
$route = Route::get($name, $lang);
if($route !== NULL)
$selectors[$lang] = HTML::anchor($route->uri($params), $languages[$lang]['label'], array('class' => 'multilang-selectable multilang-'.$lang, 'title' => $languages[$lang]['label']));
// We display the menu only if we can select another language for this page
if(count($selectors) > 1)
return View::factory('multilang/selector')
->bind('selectors', $selectors);
return '';