@import "theme/child_theme_variables"; // <--------- Add your variables into this file. Also add variables to overwrite Bootstrap variables here @import "assets/bootstrap4";// <--------- Loads Bootstrap3 or Bootstrap4. Change from /bootstrap3 to /bootstrap4 Watch out! just for testing in the moment! @import "../src/sass/understrap/understrap/understrap";// <-------- Loads the UnderStrap defaults. Just a few classes to incorporate BS in WP //Optional files - If you donĀ“t use the corresponding scripts/fonts comment em out @import "assets/font-awesome"; // <------- Font Awesome Icon font @import "assets/owl-carousel2"; // <------- Owl Carousel2 slider styles @import "assets/underscores"; // <------- Underscores media styles // Any additional imported files // @import "theme/child_theme"; // <--------- Add your styles into this file