LESS Elements ============= LESS Elements is a set of useful mixins for the [LESS CSS pre-processor](http://lesscss.org) to help you cut down the size of your stylesheets. LESS is a fantastic tool that extends CSS and makes writing and maintaining large stylesheets easy. Even so, I found myself re-writing the same mixins again and again for different projects. LESS Elements is a collection of these common re-usable mixins. For example, let’s look at a bit of CSS3 code that adds a couple of rounded corners (only the top left and top right edges): #some_div { -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px; } Browser specific code makes using CSS3 a chore. 6 lines of code just to add rounded corners. LESS mixins to the rescue. With LESS Elements the above can be compressed to just a 1 line: #some_div { #border > .radius(5px, 0, 0, 5px); } Looks just line shorthand CSS, with the values representing top right, bottom right, bottom left and top left corner radii in a clockwise order. To use LESS Elements, just download it (Github repo), put the “elements.less” file in your stylesheets folder and include it with 1 line of code at the top of your LESS file: @import "elements"; Currently LESS Elements includes following namespaces: [Gradients](https://github.com/Oreolek/elements/wiki/Gradients) [Borders](https://github.com/Oreolek/elements/wiki/Borders) [Shadows](https://github.com/Oreolek/elements/wiki/Shadows) [Transformations](https://github.com/Oreolek/elements/wiki/Transformations) [Transitions](https://github.com/Oreolek/elements/wiki/Transitions) [Layout](https://github.com/Oreolek/elements/wiki/Layout)