{ "source_description" : [ "Connection parameters to your MySQL database", "Please ensure, that you have defined all parameters properly.", "Ensure, that details like 'charset' are included (if necessary)." ], "source" : { "host" : "localhost", "port" : 3306, "database" : "test_db", "charset" : "UTF8", "user" : "root", "password" : "0123456789" }, "max_pool_size_source_description" : [ "Maximal amount of simultaneous connections to your MySQL database during migration" ], "max_pool_size_source" : 10, "target_description" : [ "Connection parameters to your PostgreSQL database", "Please ensure, that you have defined all parameters properly.", "Ensure, that details like 'charset' are included (if necessary)." ], "target" : { "host" : "localhost", "port" : 5432, "database" : "test_db", "charset" : "UTF8", "user" : "postgres", "password" : "0123456789" }, "max_pool_size_target_description" : [ "Maximal amount of simultaneous connections to your PostgreSQL database during migration" ], "max_pool_size_target" : 10, "pipe_width_description" : [ "Maximal amount of data-chunks, processed in a single 'DataPipe' iteration.", "Note: 'pipe_width' should not be greater than 'max_pool_size_target'." ], "pipe_width" : 10, "max_loader_processes_description" : [ "Each 'DataPipe' iteration processed by a separate process (o.s. thread).", "max_loader_processes is a maximal amount of simultaneously running loader processes.", "If not supplied, then max_loader_processes will be equals to one." ], "max_loader_processes" : 1, "loader_max_old_space_size_description" : [ "V8 memory limit of the loader process.", "Possible values are: any number, representing memory limit (in MB),", "or DEFAULT, representing V8 default limit for your current hardware." ], "loader_max_old_space_size" : "DEFAULT", "encoding_description" : [ "JavaScript encoding type.", "If not supplied, then utf-8 will be used as a default." ], "encoding" : "utf8", "schema_description" : [ "schema - a name of the schema, that will contain all migrated tables.", "If not supplied, then a new schema will be created automatically." ], "schema" : "public", "data_chunk_size_description" : [ "During migration each table's data will be split into chunks of data_chunk_size (in MB).", "If not supplied, then 1 MB will be used as a default." ], "data_chunk_size" : 1, "no_vacuum_description" : [ "PostgreSQL VACUUM reclaims storage occupied by dead tuples. VACUUM is a very time-consuming procedure.", "By default, VACUUM will be performed automatically after migration (recommended)", "This behavior can be disabled for tables, included into the list (Array) below.", "Table names, included into the list below should be names, you use in your source database (MySQL)." ], "no_vacuum" : [], "exclude_tables_description": [ "List (Array) of tables, that will not be migrated.", "By default, nmig will migrate all tables." ], "exclude_tables": [], "migrate_only_data_description" : [ "In order to skip schema migration, and just migrate data into a preset schema", " - set this parameter true." ], "migrate_only_data" : false, "delimiter_description" : [ "Specifies the character that separates columns within each record.", "This must be a single one-byte character.", "The default is comma." ], "delimiter" : ",", "enable_extra_config_description" : [ "In order to enable the additional configuration options - set this parameter true." ], "enable_extra_config" : false }