{ "README" : [ "This JSON document represents an additional configuration options.", "Currently, following options are available:", "1. tables and columns renaming 'on the fly'.", "2. generating foreign keys 'on the fly'.", "These options will be applied during migration if, and only if", "the 'enable_extra_config' attribute from 'config.json' is set true.", "By default the 'enable_extra_config' is false, hence the options", "described here will not take effect." ], "README_RENAMING" : [ "Following lines are an example of expected renaming format.", "Feel free to modify them.", "Note, the 'name' attribute is mandatory.", "'columns' attribute is optional.", "If you don't need to rename columns, then remove the 'columns' attribute.", "If you don't need to rename tables,", "then set both 'name' object's attributes ('original' and 'new') to an actual table's name.", "If you don't need to rename neither tables nor columns, then remove the 'tables' section." ], "tables" : [ { "name" : { "original" : "admins", "new" : "renamed_admins" }, "columns" : [ { "original" : "id", "new" : "renamed_id" }, { "original" : "username", "new" : "renamed_username" }, { "original" : "group_id", "new" : "renamed_group_id" } ] }, { "name" : { "original" : "groups", "new" : "renamed_groups" }, "columns" : [ { "original" : "id", "new" : "renamed_id" } ] } ], "README_FKs" : [ "Following lines are an example of expected foreign keys format.", "Feel free to modify them.", "Note, if one of the following: 'column_name', 'referenced_table_name', 'referenced_column_name'", "has been renamed, then a new name must be used.", "Note, possible values for 'update_rule' and 'delete_rule' are 'restrict' or 'cascade'.", "If you don't need to create foreign keys 'on the fly', then remove the 'foreign_keys' section." ], "foreign_keys" : [ { "constraint_name" : "renamed_admins_renamed_group_id_foreign", "table_name" : "renamed_admins", "column_name" : "renamed_group_id", "referenced_table_name" : "renamed_groups", "referenced_column_name" : "renamed_id", "update_rule" : "restrict", "delete_rule" : "restrict" }, { "constraint_name" : "logs_test_3_merchant_id_foreign", "table_name" : "logs_test_3", "column_name" : "merchant_id", "referenced_table_name" : "merchants", "referenced_column_name" : "id", "update_rule" : "restrict", "delete_rule" : "cascade" }, { "constraint_name" : "composite_foreign_key_example", "table_name" : "loGs_Test-6", "column_name" : "id1", "referenced_table_name" : "logs_test_4", "referenced_column_name" : "id1", "update_rule" : "cascade", "delete_rule" : "cascade" }, { "constraint_name" : "composite_foreign_key_example", "table_name" : "loGs_Test-6", "column_name" : "id2", "referenced_table_name" : "logs_test_4", "referenced_column_name" : "id2", "update_rule" : "cascade", "delete_rule" : "cascade" } ] }