/* * This file is a part of "NMIG" - the database migration tool. * * Copyright 2015 Anatoly Khaytovich * * @author Anatoly Khaytovich */ 'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var fmtp = require('./migration/fmtp/FromMySQL2PostgreSQL'); var nmig = new fmtp.FromMySQL2PostgreSQL(); console.log(); if (process.argv.length < 3) { console.log('\t--Cannot run migration due to missing command line arguments'); } else { fs.readFile(process.argv[2], function(error, data) { var errMsg; if (error) { errMsg = '\t--Cannot run migration\nCannot read configuration info from ' + process.argv[2]; console.log(errMsg); } else { try { var config = JSON.parse(data.toString()); config.tempDirPath = __dirname + '/temporary_directory'; config.logsDirPath = __dirname + '/logs_directory'; nmig.run(config); } catch (err) { errMsg = '\t--Cannot parse JSON from' + process.argv[2]; console.log(errMsg); } } }); }