2018-08-15 00:19:27 +03:00

122 lines
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* This file is a part of "NMIG" - the database migration tool.
* Copyright (C) 2016 - present, Anatoly Khaytovich <anatolyuss@gmail.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program (please see the "LICENSE.md" file).
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt>.
* @author Anatoly Khaytovich <anatolyuss@gmail.com>
import log from './Logger';
import generateError from './ErrorGenerator';
import Conversion from './Conversion';
import DBAccess from './DBAccess';
import DBAccessQueryResult from './DBAccessQueryResult';
import DBVendors from './DBVendors';
import * as extraConfigProcessor from './ExtraConfigProcessor';
* Converts MySQL data types to corresponding PostgreSQL data types.
* This conversion performs in accordance to mapping rules in './config/data_types_map.json'.
* './config/data_types_map.json' can be customized.
export function mapDataTypes(objDataTypesMap: any, mySqlDataType: string): string {
let retVal: string = '';
const arrDataTypeDetails: string[] = mySqlDataType.split(' ');
mySqlDataType = arrDataTypeDetails[0].toLowerCase();
const increaseOriginalSize: boolean = arrDataTypeDetails.indexOf('unsigned') !== -1 || arrDataTypeDetails.indexOf('zerofill') !== -1;
if (mySqlDataType.indexOf('(') === -1) {
// No parentheses detected.
retVal = increaseOriginalSize ? objDataTypesMap[mySqlDataType].increased_size : objDataTypesMap[mySqlDataType].type;
} else {
// Parentheses detected.
const arrDataType: string[] = mySqlDataType.split('(');
const strDataType: string = arrDataType[0].toLowerCase();
const strDataTypeDisplayWidth: string = arrDataType[1];
if ('enum' === strDataType || 'set' === strDataType) {
retVal = 'character varying(255)';
} else if ('decimal' === strDataType || 'numeric' === strDataType) {
retVal = `${ objDataTypesMap[strDataType].type }(${ strDataTypeDisplayWidth }`;
} else if ('decimal(19,2)' === mySqlDataType || objDataTypesMap[strDataType].mySqlVarLenPgSqlFixedLen) {
// Should be converted without a length definition.
retVal = increaseOriginalSize ? objDataTypesMap[strDataType].increased_size : objDataTypesMap[strDataType].type;
} else {
// Should be converted with a length definition.
retVal = increaseOriginalSize
? `${ objDataTypesMap[strDataType].increased_size }(${ strDataTypeDisplayWidth }`
: `${ objDataTypesMap[strDataType].type }(${ strDataTypeDisplayWidth }`;
// Prevent incompatible length (CHARACTER(0) or CHARACTER VARYING(0)).
if (retVal === 'character(0)') {
retVal = 'character(1)';
} else if (retVal === 'character varying(0)') {
retVal = 'character varying(1)';
return retVal;
* Migrates structure of a single table to PostgreSql server.
export async function createTable(conversion: Conversion, tableName: string): Promise<void> {
const logTitle: string = 'TableProcessor::createTable';
log(conversion, `\t--[${ logTitle }] Currently creating table: \`${ tableName }\``, conversion._dicTables[tableName].tableLogPath);
const dbAccess: DBAccess = new DBAccess(conversion);
const originalTableName: string = extraConfigProcessor.getTableName(conversion, tableName, true);
const sqlShowColumns: string = `SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM \`${ originalTableName }\`;`;
const columns: DBAccessQueryResult = await dbAccess.query(logTitle, sqlShowColumns, DBVendors.MYSQL, false, false);
if (columns.error) {
conversion._dicTables[tableName].arrTableColumns = columns.data;
if (conversion._migrateOnlyData) {
// Although the schema is preset, the data chunk id column must be added.
// This is due to the need to enforce data consistency in case of failures.
const sqlAddDataChunkIdColumn: string = `ALTER TABLE "${ conversion._schema }"."${ tableName }"
ADD COLUMN "${ conversion._schema }_${ originalTableName }_data_chunk_id_temp" BIGINT;`;
const result: DBAccessQueryResult = await dbAccess.query(logTitle, sqlAddDataChunkIdColumn, DBVendors.PG, false, false);
if (result.error) {
generateError(conversion, `\t--[${ logTitle }] ${ result.error }`, sqlAddDataChunkIdColumn);
let sqlCreateTable: string = `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "${ conversion._schema }"."${ tableName }"(`;
columns.data.forEach((column: any) => {
const colName: string = extraConfigProcessor.getColumnName(conversion, originalTableName, column.Field, false);
const colType: string = mapDataTypes(conversion._dataTypesMap, column.Type);
sqlCreateTable += `"${ colName }" ${ colType },`;
sqlCreateTable += `"${ conversion._schema }_${ originalTableName }_data_chunk_id_temp" BIGINT);`;
const createTableResult: DBAccessQueryResult = await dbAccess.query(logTitle, sqlCreateTable, DBVendors.PG, false, false);
if (!createTableResult.error) {
log(conversion, `\t--[${ logTitle }] Table "${ conversion._schema }"."${ tableName }" is created...`, conversion._dicTables[tableName].tableLogPath);