--luacheck: no self local lang = require "morph/lang-en" require "parser/mp" require "parser/mplib" local mp = _'@metaparser' local mrd = require "morph/mrd" function mrd:init(l) -- no dictionary! self.lang = l end std.mod_init( function() mp:init(lang) end) game.dsc = function() p ([[METAPARSER3 Version: ]]..mp.version.."^") p [[http://instead-hub.github.io^^ Enter "HELP" for help. ^]] end local utf = mp.utf std.obj.the_noun = function(s, ...) local t = s:noun(...) if s:hint'proper' or s:hint'surname' then return t end return "the "..t end std.obj.a_noun = function(s, ...) local t = s:noun(...) if s:hint'plural' then return t end if lang.is_vowel(utf.char(t, 1)) then return "an "..t else return "a "..t end end _'@all'.word = -"all" _'@darkness'.word = "darkness" _'@darkness'.before_Any = "Darkness, noun. An absence of light to see by." _'@darkness':attr 'persist' _'@n_to'.word = "north"; _'@ne_to'.word = "northeasr"; _'@e_to'.word = "east"; _'@se_to'.word = "southeast"; _'@s_to'.word = "south"; _'@sw_to'.word = "southwest"; _'@w_to'.word = "west"; _'@nw_to'.word = "northwest"; _'@u_to'.word = "up,above"; _'@d_to'.word = "down"; _'@out_to'.word = "out,outside"; _'@in_to'.word = "in,inside" mp.shorten = { ["n"] = "north"; ["e"] = "east"; ["w"] = "west"; ["s"] = "south"; ["ne"] = "northeast"; ["se"] = "southeast"; ["sw"] = "southwest"; ["nw"] = "northwest"; ["u"] = "up"; ["d"] = "down"; } mp.shorten_expert = { ["x"] = "examine"; ["i"] = "inventory"; ["z"] = "wait"; } function mp:skip_filter(w) for _, v in ipairs(w) do if v == 'no' or v == 'not' then return false end end return true end function mp:ignore_filter(w) if w == 'the' or w == 'a' or w == 'an' then return true end return false end _'@compass'.before_Default = function() p('"{#First}" is the direction. You can not ', mp.parsed[1], ' {#firstit}.') end function mp.msg.SCORE(d) if d > 0 then pn ("{$fmt em|(Score is increased by ", d, ")}") else pn ("{$fmt em|(Score is decreased by ", d, ")}") end end mp.door.word = "door" mp.msg.TITLE_SCORE = function() if mp.maxscore then pr ("Score: ", mp.score, "/", mp.maxscore) end pr ("Score: ", mp.score) end mp.msg.TITLE_TURNS = function() pr ("Turns: ", game:time() - 1) end mp.msg.YES = "Yes" mp.msg.WHEN_DARK = "Darkness." mp.msg.UNKNOWN_THEDARK = "Probably, it is because there is no light?" mp.msg.COMPASS_NOWAY = "{#Me} can't go that way." mp.msg.COMPASS_EXAM_NO = "Nothing interesting in that direction." mp.msg.ENUM = "items." mp.msg.CUTSCENE_HELP = "Press or enter {$fmt em|next} to continue." mp.msg.DLG_HELP = "Enter number to select the phrase." mp.msg.NO_ALL = "This verb can not be used with all." mp.msg.DROPPING_ALL = function(w) pn (iface:em("(dropping "..w:the_noun()..")")) end mp.msg.TAKING_ALL = function(w) pn (iface:em("(taking "..w:the_noun()..")")) end mp.msg.TAKE_BEFORE = function(w) pn (iface:em("(taking "..w:the_noun().." first)")) end mp.msg.DISROBE_BEFORE = function(w) pn (iface:em("(disrobing "..w:the_noun().." first)")) end mp.msg.CLOSE_BEFORE = function(w) pn (iface:em("(closing "..w:the_noun() .. " first)")) end local function str_split(str, delim) local a = std.split(str, delim) for k, _ in ipairs(a) do a[k] = std.strip(a[k]) end return a end function mp.shortcut.thenoun(hint) local w = str_split(hint, ",") if #w ~= 1 then return "" end local ob = mp:shortcut_obj(w[1]) if not ob then return "" end return ob:the_noun() end function mp.shortcut.anoun(hint) local w = str_split(hint, ",") if #w ~= 2 then return "" end local ob = mp:shortcut_obj(w[1]) if not ob then return "" end return ob:a_noun() end function mp.shortcut.thefirst() return mp.first:the_noun() end function mp.shortcut.thesecond() return mp.second:the_noun() end function mp.shortcut.is(hint) local w = str_split(hint, ",") if #w ~= 1 then return "" end local ob = mp:shortcut_obj(w[1]) if not ob then return "" end if ob:hint'plural' then return 'are' end return 'is' end function mp.shortcut.have(hint) local w = str_split(hint, ",") if #w ~= 1 then return "" end local ob = mp:shortcut_obj(w[1]) if not ob then return "" end if ob:hint'plural' or ob:hint'first' or ob:hint'second' then return 'have' end return 'has' end function mp.shortcut.does(hint) local w = str_split(hint, ",") if #w ~= 1 then return "" end local ob = mp:shortcut_obj(w[1]) if not ob then return "" end if ob:hint'plural' or ob:hint'first' or ob:hint'second' then return 'do' end return 'does' end function mp.shortcut.doesnt(hint) local w = str_split(hint, ",") if #w ~= 1 then return "" end local ob = mp:shortcut_obj(w[1]) if not ob then return "" end if ob:hint'plural' or ob:hint'first' or ob:hint'second' then return "don't" end return "doesn't" end function mp.shortcut.present(hint) local w = str_split(hint, ",") if #w ~= 2 then return "" end local ob = mp:shortcut_obj(w[1]) if not ob then return "" end if ob:hint'plural' or ob:hint'first' or ob:hint'second' then return w[2] end return w[2]..'s' end function mp.shortcut.yourself(hint) local w = str_split(hint, ",") if #w ~= 1 then return "" end local ob = mp:shortcut_obj(w[1]) if not ob then return "" end return mp:myself(ob)[1] end function mp.shortcut.thats(hint) local w = str_split(hint, ",") if #w ~= 1 then return "" end local ob = mp:shortcut_obj(w[1]) if not ob then return "" end if ob == std.me() then if ob:hint'first' then return "i'm" end return ob:noun()..(ob:hint'plural' and "'re" or "'s") elseif ob:has'plural' then return "they're" elseif ob:has'female' then return "she's" elseif ob:has'male' then return "he's" end return "that's" end function mp.shortcut.his(hint) local w = str_split(hint, ",") local ob if #w ~= 1 then ob = std.me() else ob = mp:shortcut_obj(w[1]) end if not ob then return "" end if ob == std.me() then if ob:hint'first' then return "my" end if ob:hint'second' then return ob:hint'plural' and "yours" or "your" end end if ob:has'plural' then return "their" elseif ob:has'female' then return "her" elseif ob:has'male' then return "his" end return "its" end function mp.shortcut.that(hint) local w = str_split(hint, ",") if #w ~= 1 then return "" end local ob = mp:shortcut_obj(w[1]) if not ob then return "" end if ob == std.me() then if ob:hint'first' then return "i" end return ob:noun() end if ob:has'plural' then return "those" end return "that" end mp.msg.SCENE = "{#Me} {#is/#me} {#if_has/#here,supporter,on,in} {#thenoun/#here}."; mp.msg.INSIDE_SCENE = "{#Me} {#is/#me} {#if_has/#where,supporter,on,in} {#thenoun/#where}."; mp.msg.TITLE_INSIDE = "{#if_has/#where,supporter,on,in} {#thenoun/#where}"; mp.msg.COMPASS_EXAM = function(dir, ob) if dir == 'u_to' then p "Upwards there" elseif dir == 'd_to' then p "Downwards there" elseif dir == 'out_to' or dir == 'in_to' then p "In that direction there" else p "In the {#first} direction there" end if ob:hint'plural' then p "are" else p "is" end p (ob:the_noun(),".") end mp.msg.enter = "" mp.msg.EMPTY = 'Excuse me?' mp.msg.UNKNOWN_VERB = function(w) p ("Unknown verb ", iface:em(w), ".") end mp.msg.UNKNOWN_VERB_HINT = function(w) p ("The most similar word is ", iface:em(w), ".") end mp.msg.INCOMPLETE = "The sentence must be supplemented." mp.msg.INCOMPLETE_NOUN = function(w) if w then p ('What do you want to apply the command "'..w..'" to?') else p "What do you want to apply the command to?" end end mp.msg.INCOMPLETE_SECOND_NOUN = function(w) p ('Clarify the command: "', w, '"?') end mp.msg.UNKNOWN_OBJ = "Here is no such thing" mp.msg.UNKNOWN_OBJ = function(w) if not w then p "No information about this object." else p "No information about this object " p ("(", w, ").") end end mp.msg.UNKNOWN_WORD = function(w) if not w then p "Phrase not recognized." else p "Phrase not recognized " p ("(",w,").") end end mp.msg.NOTHING_OBJ = "Nothing." mp.msg.HINT_WORDS = "Maybe you meant" mp.msg.AND = "and" mp.msg.OR = "or" mp.msg.MULTIPLE = "Here is" mp.msg.LIVE_ACTION = function(w) p (mp:It(w), " would not like it.") end mp.msg.NO_LIVE_ACTION = "{#Me} can only do that to something animate." mp.msg.NOTINV = function(t) p (lang.cap(t:the_noun()) .. " must be taken first.") end mp.msg.HAS_WORN = function(_) return "worn" end mp.msg.HAS_OPEN = function(_) return "opened" end mp.msg.HAS_ON = function(_) return "switched on" end mp.msg.HAS_LIGHT = function(_) return "providing light" end mp.msg.EXITBEFORE = "May be, {#me} should to {#if_has/#where,supporter,get off,get out of} {#thenoun/#where}." mp.default_Event = "Exam" mp.default_Verb = "examine" mp.msg.ACCESS1 = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} not accessible from here." mp.msg.ACCESS2 = "{#Thesecond} {#is/#second} not accessible from here." mp.msg.Look.HEREIS = "Here is" mp.msg.Look.HEREARE = "Here is" mp.msg.NOROOM = function(w) if w == std.me() then p ("{#Me} {#is/#me} {#have/#me} too many things.") elseif w:has'supporter' then p ("There is no space on ", w:the_noun(), ".") else p ("There is no space in ", w:the_noun(), ".") end end mp.msg.Exam.SWITCHSTATE = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} switched {#if_has/#first,on,on,off}." mp.msg.Exam.NOTHING = function(w) p "There is nothing " if w:has 'supporter' then mp:pnoun (w, "on {#thefirst}.") else mp:pnoun (w, "in {#thefirst}.") end end mp.msg.Exam.CONTENT = function(w, oo) local single = not oo[1]:hint 'plural' if std.me():where() == w or std.here() == w then p "{#Me} can see" mp:multidsc(oo) p " here." return end if single then p "There is" else p "There are" end mp:multidsc(oo) if w:has 'supporter' then mp:pnoun (w, " on {#thefirst}.") else mp:pnoun (w, " in {#thefirst}.") end end mp.msg.Exam.DEFAULT = "{#Me} {#does/#me} not see anything unusual in {#thefirst}."; mp.msg.Exam.SELF = "{#Me} {#does/#me} not see anything unusual in {#yourself/#me}."; mp.msg.Exam.OPENED = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} opened." mp.msg.Exam.CLOSED = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} closed." mp.msg.LookUnder.NOTHING = "{#Me} find nothing of interest under {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Enter.ALREADY = "{#Me} {#is/#me} already {#if_has/#first,supporter,on,in} {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Enter.INV = "{#Me} {#is/#me} unable to enter the thing {#me} {#is/#me} holding." mp.msg.Enter.IMPOSSIBLE = "But {#me} {#is/#me} unable to enter in/on {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Enter.CLOSED = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} closed and {#me} can't enter there." mp.msg.Enter.ENTERED = "{#Me} {#present/#me,get} {#if_has/#first,supporter,on,into} {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Enter.DOOR_NOWHERE = "{#Thefirst} {#present/#first,lead} nowhere." mp.msg.Enter.DOOR_CLOSED = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} closed." mp.msg.Walk.ALREADY = mp.msg.Enter.ALREADY mp.msg.Walk.WALK = "But {#thefirst} {#is/#first} already here." mp.msg.Walk.NOWHERE = "Where?" mp.msg.Walk.INV = "{#Me} {#is/#me} holding this." mp.msg.Enter.EXITBEFORE = "{#Me} {#present/#me,need} to ".. "{#if_has/#where,supporter,get off from,leave} {#thenoun/#where} first." mp.msg.Exit.NOTHERE = "But {#me} {#is/#me} not {#if_has/#first,supporter,on,in} {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Exit.NOWHERE = "But {#me} {#have/#me} no way to exit." mp.msg.Exit.CLOSED = "But {#thefirst} {#is/#first} closed." mp.msg.Exit.EXITED = "{#Me} {#if_has/#first,supporter,{#present/#me,get} off,{#present/#me,leave}} {#thefirst}." mp.msg.GetOff.NOWHERE = "But there is nothing to get off from." mp.msg.Inv.NOTHING = "{#Me} {#have/#me} nothing." mp.msg.Inv.INV = "{#Me} {#have/#me}" mp.msg.Open.OPEN = "{#Me} {#present/#me,open} {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Open.NOTOPENABLE = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} not openable." mp.msg.Open.WHENOPEN = "{#Thenoun/#first} {#is/#first} already opened." mp.msg.Open.WHENLOCKED = "It's seems that {#thefirst} {#is/#first} locked." mp.msg.Close.CLOSE = "{#Me} {#present/#me,close} {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Close.NOTOPENABLE = "{#Thats/#first} not something {#me} can close." mp.msg.Close.WHENCLOSED = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} already closed." mp.msg.Lock.IMPOSSIBLE = "{#Firstit} {#doesnt/#first} seem to be something {#me} can lock." mp.msg.Lock.LOCKED = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} already locked." mp.msg.Lock.OPEN = "{#Me} should close {#thefirst} first." mp.msg.Lock.WRONGKEY = "{#That/#second} {#doesnt/#second} seem to fit the lock." mp.msg.Lock.LOCK = "{#Me} {#present/#me,lock} {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Unlock.IMPOSSIBLE = "{#Firstit} {#doesnt/#first} seem to be something {#me} can unlock." mp.msg.Unlock.NOTLOCKED = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} not locked." mp.msg.Unlock.WRONGKEY = "{#That/#second} {#doesnt/#second} seem to fit the lock." mp.msg.Unlock.UNLOCK = "{#Me} {#present/#me,unlock} {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Take.HAVE = "{#Me} already {#have/#me} {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Take.TAKE = "{#Me} {#present/#me,take} {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Take.SELF = "{#Me} always {#have/#me} {#yourself/#me}." mp.msg.Take.WHERE = "It is impossible to take the thing {#me} {#is/#me} standing in/on." mp.msg.Take.LIFE = "{#Firstit}'ll not like it." mp.msg.Take.STATIC = "{#Thats/#first} fixed in place." mp.msg.Take.SCENERY = "{#Thats/#first} hardly portable." mp.msg.Take.WORN = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} worn on {#thenoun/#firstwhere}." mp.msg.Take.PARTOF = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} part of {#thenoun/#firstwhere}." mp.msg.Remove.WHERE = "But {#firstit} {#is/#first} not there now." mp.msg.Remove.REMOVE = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} {#if_has/#second,supporter,taken,removed} from {#thesecond}." mp.msg.Drop.SELF = "{#Me} can't {#does/#me} that." mp.msg.Drop.WORN = "{#Me}'ll to take off {#thefirst} first." mp.msg.Insert.INSERT = "{#Me} {#present/#me,put} {#thefirst} into {#thesecond}." mp.msg.Insert.CLOSED = "{#Thesecond} {#is/#second} closed." mp.msg.Insert.NOTCONTAINER = "{#Thesecond} can't contain things." mp.msg.Insert.WHERE = "{#Me} can't put something inside itself." mp.msg.Insert.ALREADY = "But {#thefirst} {#is/#first} already there." mp.msg.PutOn.NOTSUPPORTER = "Putting things on {#thesecond} would achieve nothing." mp.msg.PutOn.PUTON = "{#Me} {#present/#me,put} {#thefirst} on {#thesecond}." mp.msg.PutOn.WHERE = "{#Me} can't put something on top of itself." mp.msg.Drop.DROP = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} dropped." mp.msg.ThrowAt.NOTLIFE = "Futile." mp.msg.ThrowAt.THROW = "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment." mp.msg.Wear.NOTCLOTHES = "{#Me} can't wear {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Wear.WORN = "{#Me} {#is/#me} already wearing {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Wear.WEAR = "{#Me} {#present/#me,put} on {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Disrobe.NOTWORN = "{#Me} {#is/#me} not wearing {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Disrobe.DISROBE = "{#Me} {#present/#me,take} off {#thefirst}." mp.msg.SwitchOn.NONSWITCHABLE = "{#Thats/#first} not something {#me} can switch." mp.msg.SwitchOn.ALREADY = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} already on" mp.msg.SwitchOn.SWITCHON = "{#Me} {#present/#me,switch} on {#thefirst}." mp.msg.SwitchOff.NONSWITCHABLE = "{#Thats/#first} not something {#me} can switch." mp.msg.SwitchOff.ALREADY = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} already off" mp.msg.SwitchOff.SWITCHOFF = "{#Me} {#present/#me,switch} off {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Eat.NOTEDIBLE = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} plainly inedible." mp.msg.Eat.EAT = "{#Me} {#present/#me,eat} {#thefirst}. Not bad." mp.msg.Taste.TASTE = "You taste nothing unexpected."; mp.msg.Drink.IMPOSSIBLE = "There's nothing suitable to drink here."; mp.msg.Push.STATIC = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} fixed in place." mp.msg.Push.SCENERY = "{#Me} {#is/#first} unable to." mp.msg.Push.PUSH = "Nothing obvious happens." mp.msg.Pull.STATIC = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} fixed in place." mp.msg.Pull.SCENERY = "{#Me} {#is/#first} unable to." mp.msg.Pull.PULL = "Nothing obvious happens." mp.msg.Turn.STATIC = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} fixed in place." mp.msg.Turn.SCENERY = "{#Me} {#is/#first} unable to." mp.msg.Turn.TURN = "Nothing obvious happens." mp.msg.Wait.WAIT = "Time passes." mp.msg.Touch.LIVE = "Keep your hands to yourself!" mp.msg.Touch.TOUCH = "You feel nothing unexpected." mp.msg.Touch.MYSELF = "{#Me} {#is/#me} here." mp.msg.Rub.RUB = "{#Me} {#present/#me,achieve} nothing by this." mp.msg.Sing.SING = "{#His/#me} singing is abominable."; mp.msg.Give.MYSELF = "{#Me} already {#have/#me} {#firstit}." mp.msg.Give.GIVE = "{#Thesecond} {#doesnt/#second} seem interested." mp.msg.Show.SHOW = "{#Thesecond} {#is/#second} unimpressed." mp.msg.Burn.BURN = "This dangerous act would achieve little." mp.msg.Burn.BURN2 = "This dangerous act would achieve little." mp.msg.Wake.WAKE = "The dreadful truth is, this is not a dream." mp.msg.WakeOther.WAKE = "That seems unnecessary." mp.msg.WakeOther.NOTLIVE = "{#Thefirst} {#is/#first} not sleeping." mp.msg.PushDir.PUSH = "Is that the best {#me} can think of?" mp.msg.Kiss.NOTLIVE = "Keep your mind on the game." mp.msg.Kiss.KISS = "{#Firstit} would not like it." mp.msg.Kiss.MYSELF = "Impossible." mp.msg.Think.THINK = "What a good idea." mp.msg.Smell.SMELL = "{#Me} {#present/#me,smell} nothing unexpected." mp.msg.Smell.SMELL2 = "{#present/#first,Smell} as {#anoun/#first}." mp.msg.Listen.LISTEN = "{#Me} {#present/#me,hear} nothing unexpected." mp.msg.Listen.LISTEN2 = "{#Me} {#present/#me,hears} {#thefirst}. Nothing unexpected." mp.msg.Dig.DIG = "Digging would achieve nothing here." mp.msg.Dig.DIG2 = "Digging {#thefirst} would achieve nothing." mp.msg.Dig.DIG3 = "Digging {#thefirst} with {#thesecond} would achieve nothing." mp.msg.Cut.CUT = "Cutting {#that/#first} up would achieve little." mp.msg.Cut.CUT2 = "Cutting {#that/#first} up with {#thesecond} would achieve little." mp.msg.Tear.TEAR = "Tearing {#firstit} would achieve nothing." mp.msg.Tie.TIE = "{#Me} would achieve nothing by this." mp.msg.Tie.TIE2 = "{#Me} would achieve nothing by this." mp.msg.Blow.BLOW = "{#Me} can't usefully blow {#that}." mp.msg.Attack.LIFE = "Violence isn't the answer to {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Attack.ATTACK = "Violence isn't the answer." mp.msg.Sleep.SLEEP = "{#Me} {#is/#me} not feeling especially drowsy." mp.msg.Swim.SWIM = "There's not enough water to swim in." mp.msg.Fill.FILL = "It's useless to fill {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Jump.JUMP = "{#Me} {#present/#me,jump} on the spot, fruitlessly." mp.msg.JumpOver.JUMPOVER = "{#Me} would achieve nothing by jumping over {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Consult.CONSULT = "{#Me} {#present/#me,discover} nothing of interest." mp.msg.WaveHands.WAVE = "{#Me} {#present/#me,wave}, feeling foolish." mp.msg.Wave.WAVE = "{#Me} {#present/#me,wave} to {#thefirst}, feeling foolish." mp.msg.Talk.SELF = "No dialog happens." mp.msg.Talk.NOTLIVE = "{#Thefirst} can't speak." mp.msg.Talk.LIVE = "No reaction from {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Tell.SELF = "No dialog happens." mp.msg.Tell.NOTLIVE = "Silence." mp.msg.Tell.LIVE = "No reaction from {#thefirst}." mp.msg.Tell.EMPTY = "{#Me} can't find words to tell." mp.msg.Ask.NOTLIVE = "No answer." mp.msg.Ask.LIVE = "{#Firstit} {#doesnt/#first} answer." mp.msg.Ask.EMPTY = "{#Me} can't find anything to ask." mp.msg.Ask.SELF = "Good question." mp.msg.Answer.NOTLIVE = "No reaction." mp.msg.Answer.LIVE = "{#Firstit} {#doesnt/#first} say anything." mp.msg.Answer.EMPTY = "{#Me} can't find anything to answer." mp.msg.Answer.SELF = "Good answer." mp.msg.Yes.YES = "That was a rhetorical question." mp.msg.Buy.BUY = "Nothing is on sale." mp.msg.Use.USE = "How exactly?" mp.keyboard_space = '' mp.keyboard_backspace = '' mp.msg.GAMEOVER_HELP = [[Use restart to restart game.]]; function mp:myself(ob) if ob:hint'first' then return { "myself", "self", "me" } end if ob:hint'second' then return { "yourself", "myself", "self", "me" } end if ob:hint'plural' then return { "themselves", "ourselves", "self" } end if ob:hint'female' then return { "herself", "myself", "self", "me" } end if ob:hint'male' then return { "himself", "myself", "self", "me" } end return { "itself", "myself", "self", "me" } end function mp:it(w) if w == std.me() then if w:hint'first' then return "me" elseif w:hint'second' then return "you" end end if w:hint'plural' then return "they" elseif w:hint'female' then return "she" elseif w:hint'male' then return "he" end return "it" end function mp:synonyms(w, hint) local t = self:it(w, hint) w = { t } if t == 'he' then w[2] = 'him' elseif t == 'she' then w[2] = 'her' elseif t == 'they' then w[2] = 'them' end return w end mp.keyboard = { 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K', 'L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V', 'W','X','Y','Z' } function mp:err_noun(noun) if noun == '*' then return "{$fmt em|}" end return "{$fmt em|noun}" end function mp:before_Enter(w) if mp:compass_dir(w) then mp:xaction("Walk", w) return end return false end mp.msg.HELP = function() p [[{$fmt b|INSTRUCTIONS}^^ Enter your actions in verb noun form. For example:^ > open door^ > unlock door with key^ > go north^ > take cap^ ^ To examine a thing, enter "exam book" or just "book".^ ^ To examine whole scene, enter "exam" or press "Enter".^ ^ To exam your inventory, enter "inv".^ ^ Use compass directions to walk. For example: "go north" or "north" or just "n". There are also up and down directions, outside and inside.]] if not instead.tiny then p [[^^You may use the "TAB" key for autocompletion.]] end end function mp.token.compass1(_) return "{noun_obj}/@n_to,compass|{noun_obj}/@ne_to,compass|".. "{noun_obj}/@e_to,compass|{noun_obj}/@se_to,compass|".. "{noun_obj}/@s_to,compass|{noun_obj}/@sw_to,compass|".. "{noun_obj}/@w_to,compass|{noun_obj}/@nw_to,compass" end function mp.token.compass2(_) return "{noun_obj}/@u_to,compass|{noun_obj}/@d_to,compass|{noun_obj}/@in_to,compass|{noun_obj}/@out_to,compass" end std.mod_init(function(_) Verb { "#Walk", "go,walk,run,enter,come", "{compass1} : Walk", "in|into|inside|on {noun}/scene,enterable : Enter", "{noun}/scene : Walk", "{compass2}: Walk", "outside|out|away: Exit" } Verb { "#Enter", "enter", "{noun}/scene,enterable : Enter" } Verb { "#Sit", "sit,stand", "?down in|into|inside|on {noun}/scene,enterable : Enter" } Verb { "#Lie", "lie", "down in|into|inside|on {noun}/scene,enterable : Enter" } Verb { "#Exit", "exit,out,leave", "?from {noun}/scene : Exit", ": Exit"} Verb { "#Exam", "examine,exam,check,describe,watch,look", "{noun} : Exam", " : Look", "inventory : Inv", "~ under {noun} : LookUnder", "~ in|inside|into|through|on {noun} : Search", "~ ?at {noun} : Exam", "~ up * in {noun} : Consult reverse", } Verb { "#Search", "search,investigate", "{noun} : Search", "in|into|inside|on|through {noun} : Search", "under {noun} : LookUnder", } Verb { "#Open", "open", "{noun} : Open", "{noun} with {noun}/held : Unlock" } Verb { "#Unlock", "unlock", "{noun} with {noun}/held : Unlock" } Verb { "#Close", "close", "{noun} : Close", "{noun} with {noun}/held : Lock", } Verb { "#Lock", "lock", "{noun} with {noun}/held : Lock", } Verb { "#Inv", "inv/entory", "Inv" } Verb { "#Take", "take,get,pick,hold,carry,peel", "{noun}/scene : Take", "{noun}/scene from {noun}/inside,holder : Remove", "off {noun}/worn : Disrobe", } Verb { "#Drop", "drop,discard", "{noun}/held : Drop", "{noun}/held in|into|down {noun}/inside : Insert", "{noun}/held on|onto {noun} : PutOn", } Verb { "#Insert", "insert", "{noun}/held in|into|inside {noun}/inside : Insert", } Verb { "#Put", "~put", "~ {noun}/held : Drop", "~ {noun}/held in|into|inside {noun}/inside : Insert", "~ {noun}/held on|onto {noun} : PutOn", "~ on {noun}/held : Wear", "~ down {noun}/held : Drop", "~ {noun}/held down: Drop", } Verb { "#ThrowAt", "throw", "{noun}/held at|against|in|into|on|onto {noun} : ThrowAt", "~ {noun}/held : Drop", } Verb { "#Wear", "wear,don", "{noun}/held : Wear", } Verb { "#Disrobe", "disrobe,shed,doff", "{noun}/worn : Disrobe", } Verb { "#Remove", "remove", "~ {noun}/held : Disrobe", "{noun} from {noun} : Remove", "~ {noun}/scene : Take", } Verb { "#SwitchOn", "switch", "on {noun}: SwitchOn", "~ {noun} : SwitchOn", "~ {noun} on : SwitchOn", } Verb { "#SwitchOff", "switch", "off {noun}: SwitchOff", "~ {noun} off : SwitchOff", } Verb { "#Eat", "eat", "{noun}/held : Eat", } Verb { "#Taste", "taste,lick", "{noun} : Taste" } Verb { "#Drink", "drink,sip,swallow", "{noun}/held : Drink", } Verb { "#Push", "push,move,press,shift,clear", "{noun} : Push", "{noun} to {noun} : Transfer", "{noun} ?to {compass2} : Transfer", } Verb { "#Transfer", "transfer", "{noun} to {noun} : Transfer", "{noun} ?to {compass2} : Transfer", } Verb { "#Pull", "pull,drag", "{noun} : Pull", } Verb { "#Turn", "turn,rotate,screw,twist,unscrew", "{noun} : Turn", "~ {noun} on : SwitchOn", "~ {noun} off : SwitchOff", "~ on {noun} : SwitchOn", "~ off {noun} : SwitchOff", } Verb { "#Wait", "wait", "Wait" } Verb { "#Rub", "rub,clean,dust,polish,scrub,shine,sweep,wipe", "{noun} : Rub" } Verb { "#Sing", "sing", "Sing" } Verb { "#Touch", "touch,feel,fondle,grope", "{noun} : Touch", } Verb { "#Give", "give,feed,offer,pay", "?over {noun}/held to {noun}/live : Give", "~ {noun}/live {noun}/held : Give reverse", } Verb { "#Show", "show,display,present", "{noun}/held to {noun}/live : Show", "~ {noun}/live {noun}/held : Show reverse", } Verb { "#Burn", "burn,light", "{noun} : Burn", "{noun} with {noun}/held : Burn", } Verb { "#Wake", "wake,awake,awaken", "?up : Wake", "?up {noun}/вн ?up : WakeOther", } Verb { "#Kiss", "kiss,embrace,hug", "{noun}/live : Kiss" } Verb { "#Think", "think", "Think" } Verb { "#Smell", "smell,sniff", "Smell", "{noun} : Smell" } Verb { "#Listen", "listen,hear", "Listen", "?to {noun}: Listen", } Verb { "#Dig", "dig", "Dig", "{noun}/scene : Dig", "{noun}/scene with {noun}/held : Dig", } Verb { "#Cut", "cut,chop,prune,slice", "{noun} : Cut", "{noun} with {noun}/held: Cut", } Verb { "#Tear", "tear", "?apart {noun} : Tear", } Verb { "#Tie", "tie,attach,fasten,fix", "{noun} : Tie", "{noun} to {noun} : Tie", } Verb { "#Blow", "blow", "{noun} : Blow", } Verb { "#Attack", "attack,break,crack,destroy,fight,hit,kill,murder,punch,smash,thump,torture,wreck,kick", "{noun} : Attack" } Verb { "#Sleep", "sleep,nap", "Sleep", } Verb { "#Swim", "swim,dive", "Swim", } Verb { "#Consult", "read", "* in {noun}: Consult reverse", "~ {noun} : Exam", } Verb { "#Fill", "fill", "{noun} : Fill", } Verb { "#Jump", "jump,hop,skip", "Jump", "over {noun}/scene : JumpOver", "~ {compass2} : Walk", } Verb { "#Wave", "wave", "WaveHands", "{noun}/held : Wave" } Verb { "#Climb", "climb,scale", "{noun}/scene : Climb", "~ up|over {noun}/scene : Climb", "~ in|into {noun}/scene : Enter", "~ {compass2}: Walk", } Verb { "#GetOff", "get", "off {noun}/scene : GetOff", "~ out|off|up : Exit", "~ in|into|on|onto {noun} : Enter", } Verb { "#Buy", "buy,purchase", "{noun}/scene : Buy" } Verb { "#Talk", "talk", "with|to {noun}/live : Talk" } Verb { "#Tell", "tell", "{noun}/live about * : Tell", "~ {noun}/live to * : AskTo", } Verb { "#Ask", "ask", "{noun}/live about * : Ask", "~ {noun}/live to * : AskTo", "~ that {noun}/live to * : AskTo", } Verb { "#AskFor", "ask", "{noun}/live for * : AskFor", } Verb { "#Answer", "answer,say,shout,speak", "* to {noun}/live : Answer reverse", } Verb { "#Yes", "yes", "Yes", } Verb { "#No", "no", "No", } Verb { "~ use", "{noun} : Use", } if DEBUG then MetaVerb { "#MetaWord", "~_word", "* : MetaWord" } MetaVerb { "#MetaNoun", "~_noun", "* : MetaNoun" } MetaVerb { "#MetaTrace", "~_trace", "on : MetaTraceOn", "off : MetaTraceOff", } MetaVerb { "#MetaDump", "~_dump", "MetaDump" } end MetaVerb { "#MetaTranscript", "~transcript", "on : MetaTranscriptOn", "off : MetaTranscriptOff", "MetaTranscript", } MetaVerb { "#MetaSave", "~save", "MetaSave" } MetaVerb { "#MetaExpert", "~parser", "expert on : MetaExpertOn", "expert off : MetaExpertOff", "verbs : MetaVerbs", "version : MetaVersion", } MetaVerb { "#MetaLoad", "~load", "MetaLoad" } if DEBUG then MetaVerb { "#MetaAutoplay", "~autoplay", "MetaAutoplay" } end mp.msg.MetaRestart.RESTART = "Restart?"; MetaVerb { "#MetaRestart", "~restart", "MetaRestart" } MetaVerb { "#MetaHelp", "~help,instructions", "MetaHelp", } end, 1) std.mod_start(function() if mp.undo > 0 then mp.msg.MetaUndo.EMPTY = "Nothing to undo." MetaVerb { "#MetaUndo", "~undo", "MetaUndo", } end if mp.score then MetaVerb { "~ счёт", "MetaScore", } end end) -- Dialog std.phr.default_Event = "Exam" Verb ({"~ say", "{select} : Exam" }, std.dlg) Verb ({'#Next', "more,next", "Next" }, mp.cutscene) Verb ({'#Exam', "~ exam/ine", "Look" }, std.dlg) mp.cutscene.default_Verb = "more" mp.cutscene.help = fmt.em ""; std.dlg.default_Verb = "examine" std.player.word = "you/plural,second"