--luacheck: globals mp --luacheck: no self local tostring = std.tostr local table = std.table local type = type local string = string --- Error handler -- @param err error code function mp:err(err) local parsed = false if self:comment() then return end if std.here().OnError then std.here():OnError(err) return end if err == "UNKNOWN_VERB" then local verbs if mp.errhints then verbs = self:lookup_verb(self.words, true) end local hint = false if verbs and #verbs > 0 then for _, verb in ipairs(verbs) do local fixed = verb.verb[verb.word_nr] if verb.verb_nr == 1 then hint = true mp:message('UNKNOWN_VERB', self.words[verb.verb_nr]) mp:message('UNKNOWN_VERB_HINT', fixed.word .. (fixed.morph or "")) break end end end if not hint then mp:message('UNKNOWN_VERB', self.words[1]) end elseif err == "EMPTY_INPUT" then p (mp:mesg('EMPTY') or "Empty input.") elseif err == "INCOMPLETE" or err == "UNKNOWN_WORD" then local need_noun local second_noun for _, v in ipairs(self.hints) do local verb = '' if self.hints.match then for _, vv in pairs(self.hints.match.verb) do verb = verb .. vv .. ' ' end verb = verb:gsub(" $", "") for _, vv in ipairs(self.hints.match) do verb = verb .. ' '.. vv end for _, vv in pairs(self.hints.match.args) do if vv.ob then second_noun = true end end if not parsed then parsed = verb end if second_noun then second_noun = verb end end if v:find("^~?{noun}") then need_noun = v break end end if #self.unknown > 0 and (not need_noun or self.unknown.lev == self.hints.lev) then local unk = '' for _, v in ipairs(self.unknown) do if unk ~= '' then unk = unk .. ' ' end unk = unk .. v end if need_noun then if mp.errhints then mp:message('UNKNOWN_OBJ', unk); else mp:message('UNKNOWN_OBJ'); end else if mp.errhints then mp:message('UNKNOWN_WORD', unk); else mp:message('UNKNOWN_WORD'); end end if mp:thedark() and need_noun then mp:message 'UNKNOWN_THEDARK' return end if need_noun then if #self.hints == 0 or not self.hints.fuzzy then return end end elseif err == "UNKNOWN_WORD" then mp:message('UNKNOWN_WORD') else if need_noun then if second_noun then mp:message('INCOMPLETE_SECOND_NOUN', second_noun .." " ..mp:err_noun(need_noun)) else mp:message('INCOMPLETE_NOUN', parsed) end else mp:message 'INCOMPLETE' end end if not mp.errhints or need_noun then return end local words = {} local dups = {} for _, v in ipairs(self.hints) do if v:find("^~?{noun}") or v == '*' or v == '~*' then if v:sub(1,1) == '~' then v = v:sub(2) end v = mp:err_noun(v) if not dups[v] then table.insert(words, v) dups[v] = true end else local pat = self:pattern(v) local empty = true for _, vv in ipairs(pat) do if not vv.hidden then empty = false break end end for _, vv in ipairs(pat) do if (empty or not vv.hidden) and not dups[vv.word] then table.insert(words, vv.word) dups[vv.word] = true end end end -- if need_noun then -- break -- end end if #words > 0 then if err == 'INCOMPLETE' then if #words > 2 and parsed then parsed = parsed .. ': ' end p (mp:mesg 'HINT_WORDS', ", ", parsed or '') else p (mp:mesg 'HINT_WORDS', ", ") end end for k, v in ipairs(words) do if k ~= 1 then if k == #words then pr (" ", mp.msg.OR, " ") else pr (", ") end end pr(iface:em(v)) end if #words > 0 then p "?" end elseif err == "MULTIPLE" then pr (mp:mesg 'MULTIPLE', " ", self.multi[1]) for k = 2, #self.multi do if k == #self.multi then pr (" ", mp.msg.AND, " ", self.multi[k]) else pr (", ", self.multi[k]) end end pr "." elseif err then pr (err) end end local everything = std.obj { nam = '@all'; hint_noun = false; before_Any = function(_, ev) if ev == 'Exam' then mp:xaction("Look") return end if not mp.expert_mode or (ev ~= 'Drop' and ev ~= 'Take' and ev ~= 'Remove') then mp:message 'NO_ALL' return end return false end; }:attr 'concealed':persist() --- Clear the metaparser window function mp:clear() self.text = '' end --- Clear the metaparser prompt -- @see mp.clear_on_move function mp:cls_prompt() if std.call_ctx[1] then std.call_ctx[1].txt = '' end end --- Standard door class mp.door = std.class({ before_Walk = function(s) return s:before_Enter(); end; before_Enter = function(s) if mp:check_inside(s) then return end if not s:has 'open' then local t = std.call(s, 'when_closed') if t then p(t) else mp:message 'Enter.DOOR_CLOSED' end return end local r, v = mp:runorval(s, 'door_to') if not v then mp:message 'Enter.DOOR_NOWHERE' return end if r then if not mp:move(std.me(), r) then return true end end return v end; }, std.obj):attr 'enterable,openable,door' function mp:pnoun(noun, msg) local ctx = mp:save_ctx() mp.first = noun mp.first_hint = noun:gram().hint std.p(mp.fmt(msg)) -- first is available only here, so fmt is forced mp:restore_ctx(ctx) end mp.cutscene = std.class({ enter = function(s) s.__num = 1 end; ini = function(s) std.rawset(s, 'text', s.text) std.rawset(s.__var, 'text', nil) if not s.__num then s.__num = 1 end end; title = false; nouns = function() return {} end; dsc = function(s) if type(s.text) == 'function' then local t = std.call(s, 'text', s.__num) if not t then s:Next(true) end p (t) else if type(s.text) == 'string' then p (s.text) else p (s.text[s.__num]) end end if mp.msg.CUTSCENE_MORE then p("^", mp.msg.CUTSCENE_MORE) end end; OnError = function(_, _) -- s, err mp:message 'CUTSCENE_HELP' end; Next = function(s, force) if game:time() == 0 then return end s.__num = s.__num + 1 if force or type(s.text) == 'string' or (type(s.text) == 'table' and s.__num > #s.text) then local r, v = mp:runorval(s, 'next_to') if r then walk(r) elseif v == false then walkback() end return end s:dsc() end; }, std.room):attr'cutscene' mp.gameover = std.class({ before_Default = function() mp:message 'GAMEOVER_HELP'; end; before_Look = function() mp:message 'GAMEOVER_HELP'; end; OnError = function() mp:message 'GAMEOVER_HELP'; end; }, std.room) -- player mp.msg.Look = {} function std.obj:multi_alias(n) if n then self.__word_alias = n end return self.__word_alias end std.room.dsc = function(_) mp:message 'SCENE'; end local function trace_light(v) if v:has 'light' then return true end if v:has 'container' and not v:has 'transparent' and not v:has 'open' then return nil, false end end --- Check if the player or the specified object is in darkness -- @param what check if this is in darkness; player by default function mp:thedark(what) if std.me():has'light' or mp:traceinside(std.me(), trace_light) then return false end local w = what or std.me():where() local h = mp:light_scope(w) if h:has'light' then return false end return not mp:traceinside(h, trace_light) end function std.obj:scene() local s = self local sc = mp:visible_scope(s) local title = iface:title(std.titleof(sc)) if s ~= sc then local r = std.call(std.me():where(), "title") title = title .. ' '..mp.fmt("(".. (r or mp:mesg('TITLE_INSIDE')) .. ")") end return title end std.room.scene = std.obj.scene local owalk = std.player.walk std.obj.from = std.room.from function std.player:walk(w, doexit, doenter, dofrom) w = std.object(w) if std.is_obj(w, 'room') then if w == std.here() then self.__room_where = false self:need_scene(true) return nil, true end local r, v = owalk(self, w, doexit, doenter, dofrom) if mp.clear_on_move and player_moved() then mp:cls_prompt() end self.__room_where = false return r, v end if std.is_obj(w) then -- into object if dofrom ~= false and std.me():where() ~= w then w.__from = std.me():where() end if w:inroom() == std.ref(self.room) then self.__room_where = w self:need_scene(true) return nil, true end local r, v = owalk(self, w:inroom(), doexit, doenter, dofrom) if mp.clear_on_move and player_moved() then mp:cls_prompt() end self.__room_where = w return r, v end std.err("Can not enter into: "..std.tostr(w), 2) end function std.player:walkout(w, ...) if w == nil then w = self:where():from() end return self:walk(w, true, false, ...) end; std.player.where = function(s, where) local inexit = s.__in_onexit or s.__in_exit local inwalk = (s.__room_where and s.__room_where:inroom() ~= std.here()) if inexit or inwalk then -- fallback to room if type(where) == 'table' then table.insert(where, std.ref(s.room)) end return std.ref(s.room) end if type(where) == 'table' then table.insert(where, std.ref(s.__room_where or s.room)) end return std.ref(s.__room_where or s.room) end std.room.display = function(s) local c = std.call(mp, 'content', s) return c end function mp:light_scope(s) local h = s if not s:has 'container' or s:has 'transparent' or s:has 'open' then mp:trace(s, function(v) h = v if v:has 'container' and not v:has'transparent' and not v:has 'open' then return nil, false end end) end return h end --- Find the maximum visible scope for an object -- @param s where function mp:visible_scope(s) local h = s if s:has 'transparent' or s:has 'supporter' then mp:trace(s, function(v) h = v if not v:has'transparent' and not v:has'supporter' then return nil, false end end) end return h end std.obj.display = function(s) local c = std.call(mp, 'content', mp:visible_scope(s)) return c end std.player.look = function(s) local scene local r = s:where() if s:need_scene() then scene = r:scene() end return (std.par(std.scene_delim, scene or false, r:display() or false, std.call(mp, 'footer') or false)) end -- local function check_persist(w) if not w:has 'persist' then return false end if not w.found_in then return true end local _, v = std.call(w, 'found_in') return v end function std.obj:access() local plw = {} if std.me():where() == self then return true end if self:has 'persist' then if not self.found_in then return true end local _, v = std.call(self, 'found_in') return v end if mp.scope:lookup(self) then return true end mp:trace(std.me(), function(v) -- if v:has 'concealed' then -- return nil, false -- end plw[v] = true if v:has 'container' then -- or v:has 'supporter' then return nil, false end end) return mp:trace(self, function(v) -- if v:has 'concealed' then -- return nil, false -- end if check_persist(v) then return true end if plw[v] then return true end if v:has 'container' and not v:has 'open' then return nil, false end end) end function mp:distance(v, wh) local plw = {} wh = wh or std.me() local a = 0 mp:trace(wh, function(s) plw[s] = a table.insert(plw, s) a = a + 1 if s:has 'container' then return nil, false end end) local dist if v:where() ~= wh then dist = 1 if not mp:trace(v, function(o) if plw[o] then dist = dist + plw[o] return true end dist = dist + 1 end) then dist = 10000 -- infinity end else dist = 0 end return dist end --- Check if the object is lit -- @param what function mp:offerslight(what) if what and what:has'light' or what:has'luminous' or mp:inside(what, std.me()) then return true end return not mp:thedark() end function std.obj:visible() local plw = { } if std.me():where() == self then return true end if not mp:offerslight(self) then return false end if check_persist(self) then return true end if mp.scope:lookup(self) then return true end mp:trace(std.me(), function(v) -- if v:has 'concealed' then -- return nil, false -- end table.insert(plw, v) if v:has 'container' and not v:has 'transparent' and not v:has 'open' then return nil, false end end) return mp:trace(self, function(v) -- if v:has 'concealed' then -- return nil, false -- end if check_persist(v) then return true end for _, o in ipairs(plw) do if v == o then return true end end if v:has 'container' and not v:has 'transparent' and not v:has 'open' then return nil, false end end) end -- dialogs std.phr.raw_word = function(s) local dsc = std.call(s, 'dsc') if type(dsc) ~= 'string' then std.err("Empty dsc in phrase", 2) end return dsc .. '|'.. (tostring(s.__ph_idx) or std.dispof(s)) end std.phr.Exam = function(s, ...) std.me():need_scene(true) return s:act(...) end std.phr.__xref = function(_, str) return str end std.dlg.ini = function(s, load) if std.here() == s and not visited(s) and not load then s:enter() end end std.dlg.scene = std.obj.scene std.dlg.title = false std.dlg.OnError = function(_, _) -- s, err mp:message 'DLG_HELP' end; std.dlg.nouns = function(s) local nr local nouns = {} nr = 1 local oo = s.current if not oo then -- nothing to show return end for i = 1, #oo.obj do local o = oo.obj[i] o = o:__alias() std.rawset(o, '__ph_idx', nr) end for i = 1, #oo.obj do local o = oo.obj[i] o = o:__alias() if o:visible() then std.rawset(o, '__ph_idx', nr) nr = nr + 1 table.insert(nouns, o) end end return nouns end; std.phrase_prefix = function(n) if not n then return '-- ' end return (string.format("%d) ", n)) end --- Construct a compass direction from action name. local function compass_dir(dir) return obj { nam = '@'..dir; default_Event = 'Walk'; before_Any = function(_, ev, ...) return std.object '@compass':action(dir, ev, ...) end }:attr'light,enterable,concealed':persist() end obj { nam = '@compass'; visible = function() return false end; action = function(s, dir, ev, ...) if ev == 'Exam' then local d = dir local r, v, _ _, v = mp:runorval(std.here(), 'compass_look', d) if v then return end r, v = mp:runorval(std.here(), d, d) if r then -- somewhat? if std.object(r):type 'room' then mp:message 'COMPASS_EXAM_NO' return end mp:message('COMPASS_EXAM', d, std.object(r)) return end if not v then mp:message 'COMPASS_EXAM_NO' return end return v end if ev == 'Walk' or ev == 'Enter' then local d = dir if not std.me():where():type'room' then mp:message 'Enter.EXITBEFORE' return end if std.here()[d] == nil and d == 'out_to' then mp:xaction("Exit") return end local r, v = mp:runorval(std.here(), d, d) if not v then local t, vv = mp:runorval(std.here(), 'cant_go', dir) if vv then if t then p(t) end return end mp:message 'COMPASS_NOWAY' return end if not r then return v end if std.object(r):type 'room' then if not mp:move(std.me(), r) then return true end else mp:xaction("Enter", std.object(r)) end return end return std.call(s, 'before_Default', ev, ...) end; }:persist():attr'~light,transparent':with { compass_dir 'n_to', compass_dir 'ne_to', compass_dir 'e_to', compass_dir 'se_to', compass_dir 's_to', compass_dir 'sw_to', compass_dir 'w_to', compass_dir 'nw_to', compass_dir 'd_to', compass_dir 'u_to', compass_dir 'in_to', compass_dir 'out_to', } --- Check if object is a compass direction. -- @param w the object to check -- @param dir optional arg to check againist selected dir mp.compass_dir = function(_, w, dir) if not dir then local nam = tostring(w.nam):gsub("^@", "") return w:where() and w:where() ^ '@compass' and nam end return w ^ ('@'..dir) end mp.msg.INFODSC = function(o) return mp:infodsc(o) end mp.detailed_attr = { { 'worn' }, { 'open', 'openable'}, -- { 'on', 'switchable'}, -- { 'light' } } function mp:infodsc(ob) local info = {} for _, v in ipairs(self.detailed_attr) do local hit = #v > 0 for _, vv in ipairs(v) do if ob:hasnt(vv) then hit = false break end end if hit then local n = 'HAS_'..string.upper(v[1]) if mp.msg[n] then table.insert(info, mp:mesg(n, ob)) end end end if #info > 0 then pr(" (") for k, i in ipairs(info) do if #info > 1 and k == #info then pr(' ', mp.msg.AND, ' ') elseif k > 1 then pr(", ") end pr(i) end pr(")") end end function mp:multidsc(oo, inv) local t = {} local dup = {} local hint = type(inv) == 'string' and inv or '' for _, v in ipairs(oo) do local n if not v:has'concealed' then if inv == true then n = std.call(v, 'inv') end if type(v.a_noun) == 'function' then n = n or v:a_noun(hint, 1) else n = n or v:noun(hint, 1) end if dup[n] then dup[n] = dup[n] + 1 else table.insert(t, { ob = v, noun = n }) dup[n] = 1 end end end for _, vv in ipairs(t) do local v = vv.noun local ob = vv.ob if _ ~= 1 then if _ == #t then p (" ", mp.msg.AND or "and") else p "," end end if dup[v] > 1 then pr (ob:noun(hint .. ','..self.mrd.lang.gram_t.plural, 1), " (", dup[v], " ", mp:mesg('ENUM', dup[v], ob), ")") else pr (v) pr(mp:mesg('INFODSC', ob)) end end end -- Default priority in content function mp:defpri(w) if mp:animate(w) then return -1 end return 0 end mp.msg.Exam = {} --- Display the object contents function mp:content(w, exam) if w:type 'dlg' then return end local oo = {} local ooo = {} local expand = {} local inside if (w == std.me():where() or std.here() == w) and (mp.event == 'Look' or mp.event == 'Exam' or std.me():need_scene()) then inside = true local dsc, v -- pn() if mp:thedark(w) then dsc, v = std.call(w, 'dark_dsc') if dsc then p(dsc) end if not v then mp:message 'WHEN_DARK' end else if w:type'room' and not w:has'visited' and w.init_dsc ~= nil then dsc, v = std.call(w, 'init_dsc') else dsc, v = std.call(w, w:type'room' and 'dsc' or 'inside_dsc') end if dsc then p(dsc) end if not v then mp:message 'INSIDE_SCENE' end end p(std.scene_delim) end self:objects(w, oo, false) if w == std.here() then self:objects(self.persistent, oo, false) end std.sort(oo, function (a, b) a = std.tonum(a.pri) or mp:defpri(a) b = std.tonum(b.pri) or mp:defpri(b) if a == b then return nil end return a < b end) local something for _, v in ipairs(oo) do local r, rc, desc if not v:has'scenery' and not v:has'concealed' then if std.me():where() == v then r, rc = std.call(v, 'inside_dsc') if r then p(r); desc = true; end end if not rc and not v:has 'moved' then r, rc = std.call(v, 'init_dsc') if r then p(r); desc = true; end end if not rc then r, rc = std.call(v, 'dsc') if r then p(r); desc = true; end end if not rc and (v:has'openable') then if v.when_open ~= nil and v:has'open' then r, rc = std.call(v, 'when_open') elseif v.when_closed ~= nil and not v:has'open' then r, rc = std.call(v, 'when_closed') end if r then p(r); desc = true; end elseif not rc and (v:has'switchable') then if v.when_on ~= nil and v:has'on' then r, rc = std.call(v, 'when_on') elseif v.when_off ~= nil and not v:has'on' then r, rc = std.call(v, 'when_off') end if r then p(r); desc = true; end end something = something or desc if not rc then table.insert(expand, v) if not desc then table.insert(ooo, v) end end end end -- if #ooo > 0 then -- p(std.scene_delim) -- end oo = ooo if #oo == 0 then if not inside and exam and mp.first == w and not something then mp:message ('Exam.NOTHING', w) end else mp:message('Exam.CONTENT', w, oo) end -- expand? for _, o in ipairs(expand) do if (o:has'supporter' or o:has'transparent' or (o:has'container' and o:has'open')) and not o:closed() then self:content(o) end end end std.room:attr 'enterable,light' function mp:strip(r) if std.strip_call and type(r) == 'string' then r = r:gsub("^[%^\n\r\t ]+", "") -- extra heading ^ and spaces r = r:gsub("[%^\n\r\t ]+$", "") -- extra trailing ^ and spaces end return r end function mp:step() local old_daemons = {} game.__daemons:for_each(function(o) table.insert(old_daemons, o) end) for _, o in ipairs(old_daemons) do if not o:disabled() then local r, v = mp:runorval(o, 'daemon') if r == true and v == true then break end end end local oo = mp:nouns() std.here():attr 'visited' for _, v in ipairs(oo) do if v.each_turn ~= nil then local r = mp:runorval(v, 'each_turn') if r == true then break end end end local s = std.game -- after reset game is recreated local r = mp:strip(std.pget()) s:reaction(r or false) std.pclr() s:step() r = mp:strip(s:display(true)) s:lastreact(s:reaction() or false) s:lastdisp(r) std.pr(r) std.abort_cmd = true end local last_gfx = false function mp:post_action() if (self.event and self.event:find("Meta", 1, true)) or self:comment() or self:noparser() then if std.abort_cmd then return end local s = std.game local r = mp:strip(std.pget()) s:reaction(r or false) std.pclr() r = mp:strip(s:display(self:noparser())) s:lastdisp(r) s:lastreact(s:reaction() or false) std.pr(r) std.abort_cmd = true return end if mp.undo > 0 then local nr = #snapshots.data if nr > mp.undo then table.remove(snapshots.data, 1) nr = nr - 1 end mp.snapshot = nr + 1 end if self.score and (self.score ~= (self.__old_score or 0)) then mp:message('SCORE', self.score - (self.__old_score or 0)) self.__old_score = self.score end if game.player:need_scene() then -- pn(iface:nb'') local l = game.player:look() -- objects [and scene] local gfx if std.here().gfx ~= nil then gfx = std.call(std.here(), 'gfx') end if not gfx and std.game.gfx ~= nil then gfx = std.call(std.game, 'gfx') end if gfx and gfx ~= last_gfx then pn(fmt.c(fmt.img(gfx))) last_gfx = gfx end p(l, std.scene_delim) game.player:need_scene(false) end mp:step() end --- Check if mp.first and mp.second objects are in touch zone -- Returns true if we have to terminate the sequence. function mp:check_touch() if self.first and not self.first:access() and not self.first:type'room' then p (mp:mesg('ACCESS1') or "{#First} is not accessible.") if std.here() ~= std.me():where() then mp:message 'EXITBEFORE' end return true end if self.second and not self.second:access() and not self.first:type'room' then p (mp:mesg('ACCESS2') or "{#Second} is not accessible.") if std.here() ~= std.me():where() then mp:message 'EXITBEFORE' end return true end return false end --[[ function mp:before_Any(ev) if ev == 'Exam' then return false end if self.first and not self.first:access() and not self.first:type'room' then p (self.msg.ACCESS1 or "{#First} is not accessible.") if std.here() ~= std.me():where() then mp:message 'EXITBEFORE' end return end if self.second and not self.second:access() and not self.first:type'room' then p (self.msg.ACCESS2 or "{#Second} is not accessible.") if std.here() ~= std.me():where() then mp:message 'EXITBEFORE' end return end return false end ]]-- function mp:Look() std.me():need_scene(true) return false end function mp:after_Look() end --luacheck: push ignore w wh function mp:Exam(w) return false end function mp:after_Exam(w) local r, v = std.call(w, 'description') local something = false if r then p(r) something = true end if v then return false end if w:has 'container' and (w:has'transparent' or w:has'open') then self:content(w, not something) elseif w:has 'supporter' then self:content(w, not something) else if w:has'openable' then if w:has 'open' then local t = std.call(w, 'when_open') if t then p(t) else mp:message 'Exam.OPENED' end else local t = std.call(w, 'when_closed') if t then p(t) else mp:message 'Exam.CLOSED' end end return end if w:has'switchable' then local t if w:has'on' and w.when_on ~= nil then t = std.call(w, 'when_on') else t = std.call(w, 'when_off') end if t then p(t) else mp:message 'Exam.SWITCHSTATE' end return end if w == std.here() then std.me():need_scene(true) else if w == std.me() then mp:message 'Exam.SELF' else mp:message 'Exam.DEFAULT' end end end end mp.msg.Enter = {} function mp:Enter(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_live(w) then return end if w == std.me():where() then mp:message 'Enter.ALREADY' return end if w:has'clothing' and not w:has'enterable' then mp:xaction ("Wear", w) return end if seen(w, std.me()) then mp:message 'Enter.INV' return end if not w:has 'enterable' then mp:message 'Enter.IMPOSSIBLE' return end if w:has 'container' and not w:has 'open' then mp:message 'Enter.CLOSED' return end if mp:check_inside(w) then return end if not mp:move(std.me(), w) then return true end return false end function mp:after_Enter(w) mp:message 'Enter.ENTERED' end mp.msg.Walk = {} function mp:Walk(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if w == std.me():where() then mp:message 'Walk.ALREADY' return end if seen(w, std.me()) then mp:message 'Walk.INV' return end -- if std.me():where() ~= std.here() then -- mp:message 'Enter.EXITBEFORE' -- return -- end return false end function mp:after_Walk(w) if not w then mp:message 'Walk.NOWHERE' else mp:message 'Walk.WALK' end end mp.msg.Exit = {} function mp:before_Exit(w) if not w then self:xaction('Exit', std.me():where()) return true end return false end function mp:Exit(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end local wh = std.me():where() w = w or std.me():where() if wh ~= w then if have(w) and w:has'worn' then mp:xaction ("Disrobe", w) return end if wh:inside(w) then mp:message 'Enter.EXITBEFORE' return end mp:message 'Exit.NOTHERE' return end if wh:has'container' and not wh:has'open' then mp:message 'Exit.CLOSED' return end if wh:type'room' and wh.out_to ~= nil then mp:xaction("Walk", _'@out_to') return end if wh:from() == wh or wh:type 'room' then mp:message 'Exit.NOWHERE' return end -- if wh:type'room' then -- local r = std.call(w, 'out_to') -- mp:move(std.me(), wh:from()) -- else if not mp:move(std.me(), wh:where()) then return true end -- end return false end function mp:after_Exit(w) if w and not w:type 'room' then mp:message 'Exit.EXITED' end end mp.msg.Inv = {} function mp:detailed_Inv(wh, indent) local oo = {} self:objects(wh, oo, false) for _, o in ipairs(oo) do if not o:has'concealed' then for _ = 1, indent do pr(iface:nb' ') end local inv = std.call(o, 'inv') or o:noun(1) pr(inv) mp:message('INFODSC', o) pn() if o:has'supporter' or o:has'container' then mp:detailed_Inv(o, indent + 1) end end end end function mp:after_Inv() local oo = {} self:objects(std.me(), oo, false) if #oo == 0 then mp:message 'Inv.NOTHING' return end local empty = true for _, v in ipairs(oo) do if not v:has'concealed' then empty = false break end end if empty then mp:message 'Inv.NOTHING' return end pr(mp:mesg 'Inv.INV') if mp.detailed_inv then pn(":") mp:detailed_Inv(std.me(), 1) else p() mp:multidsc(oo, true) p "." end end mp.msg.Open = {} function mp:Open(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_live(w) then return end if not w:has'openable' then mp:message 'Open.NOTOPENABLE' return end if w:has'open' then mp:message 'Open.WHENOPEN' return end if w:has'locked' then mp:message 'Open.WHENLOCKED' return end w:attr'open' return false end function mp:after_Open(w) mp:message 'Open.OPEN' if w:has'container' then self:content(w) end end mp.msg.Close = {} function mp:Close(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if not w:has'openable' then mp:message 'Close.NOTOPENABLE' return end if not w:has'open' then mp:message 'Close.WHENCLOSED' return end w:attr'~open' return false end function mp:after_Close(w) mp:message 'Close.CLOSE' end --- Show mp message using mp.msg constant -- args uses only for functions function mp:message(m, ...) p(mp:mesg(m, ...)) end -- same as above, but do not call p function mp:mesg(m, ...) local t = std.split(m, ".") m = mp.msg for _, n in ipairs(t) do m = m[n] if not m then std.err("Wrong message id: "..tostring(n), 2) end end if type(m) ~= 'function' then return m else std.callpush() local v = m(...) local r = std.pget() std.callpop() return r or v end end --- Check if the object is alive. -- If yes, return standard message. -- Returns true if we have to terminate the sequence. -- @param w object to check function mp:check_live(w) if self:animate(w) then mp:message('LIVE_ACTION', w) return true end return false end function mp:check_no_live(w) if not self:animate(w) then mp:message('NO_LIVE_ACTION', w) return true end return false end --- Check if the object is held by the player. -- If not, attempt to take it. -- Returns true if we have to terminate the sequence. -- @param t object to check function mp:check_held(t) if have(t) or std.me() == t then -- if (std:me():lookup(t) and t:visible()) or std.me() == t then return false end mp:message('TAKE_BEFORE', t) mp:subaction('Take', t) if not have(t) then -- mp:message('NOTINV', t) return true end return false end function mp:check_inside(w) if std.me():where() ~= std.here() and not w:inside(std.me():where()) then mp:message 'Enter.EXITBEFORE' return true end return false end --- Check if the object is worn by the player. -- If yes, attempt to take it off. -- Returns true if we have to terminate the sequence. -- @param w object to check function mp:check_worn(w) if w:has'worn' then mp:message('DISROBE_BEFORE', w) mp:subaction('Disrobe', w) if w:has'worn' then -- mp:message 'Drop.WORN' return true end end return false end mp.msg.Lock = {} function mp:Lock(w, t) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_held(t) then return end local r = std.call(w, 'with_key') if not w:has 'lockable' or not r then mp:message 'Lock.IMPOSSIBLE' return end if w:has 'locked' then mp:message 'Lock.LOCKED' return end if w:has 'open' then mp:message('CLOSE_BEFORE', w) mp:subaction('Close', w) if w:has 'open' then mp:message 'Lock.OPEN' return end end if std.object(r) ~= t then mp:message 'Lock.WRONGKEY' return end w:attr'locked' return false end function mp:after_Lock(w, wh) mp:message 'Lock.LOCK' end mp.msg.Unlock = {} function mp:Unlock(w, t) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_held(t) then return end local r = std.call(w, 'with_key') if not w:has 'lockable' or not r then mp:message 'Unlock.IMPOSSIBLE' return end if not w:has 'locked' then mp:message 'Unlock.NOTLOCKED' return end if std.object(r) ~= t then mp:message 'Unlock.WRONGKEY' return end w:attr'~locked' -- w:attr'open' return false end function mp:after_Unlock(w, wh) mp:message 'Unlock.UNLOCK' end --- Check if the object is inside an object. -- @param w what -- @param wh where function mp:inside(w, wh) wh = std.object(wh) w = std.object(w) return mp:trace(w, function(v) if v == wh then return true end end) end --- Check if the object is inside an object. -- @see mp:inside function inside(w, wh) return mp:inside(w, wh) end --- Check if the object is inside an object. -- @see mp:inside std.obj.inside = function(s, wh) return mp:inside(s, wh) end std.obj.move = function(s, wh) return mp:move(s, wh, true) end --- Move an object -- @see mp:move function move(w, wh) return mp:move(w, wh, true) end --- Move an object -- @param w what -- @param wh where -- @param force ignore capacity flag if true function mp:move(w, wh, force) wh = wh or std.here() wh = std.object(wh) w = std.object(w) local r local ww = {} if not force then local n = self:runorval(wh, 'capacity') local capacity = n and tonumber(n) if capacity and #wh.obj >= capacity then mp:message('NOROOM', wh) return false end w:where(ww) for _, o in ipairs(ww) do if mp:runmethods('before', 'LetGo', o, w, wh) then return false end end if mp:runmethods('before', 'LetIn', wh, w) then return false end end if w:type'player' then r = w:walk(wh) if r then p(r) end else local wpl = mp:inside(std.me(), w) place(w, wh) if wpl then r = std.me():walk(w) if r then p(r) end end end w:attr 'moved' if not force then for _, o in ipairs(ww) do if mp:runmethods('after', 'LetGo', o, w, wh) then return false end end if mp:runmethods('after', 'LetIn', wh, w) then return false end end return true end mp.msg.Take = {} local function cont_taken(ob, taken) for _, o in ipairs(taken) do if ob:inside(o) then return true end end end function mp:TakeAll(wh) local empty = true wh = wh or std.me():where() local oo = {} mp:objects(wh, oo) local taken = {} for _, o in ipairs(oo) do if o:hasnt 'static' and o:hasnt'scenery' and o:hasnt 'concealed' and not mp:animate(o) and not cont_taken(o, taken) then empty = false mp:message('TAKING_ALL', o) mp:subaction('Take', o) if not have(o) then break end table.insert(taken, o) end end if empty then mp:message 'NOTHING_OBJ' end end function mp:Take(w, wh) if w == everything then return mp:TakeAll(wh) end if mp:check_touch() then return end if w == std.me() then mp:message 'Take.SELF' return end if have(w) then mp:message 'Take.HAVE' return end local n = mp:trace(std.me(), function(v) if v == w then return true end end) if n then mp:message 'Take.WHERE' return end if mp:animate(w) then mp:message 'Take.LIFE' return end if w:has'static' then mp:message 'Take.STATIC' return end if w:has'scenery' then mp:message 'Take.SCENERY' return end if w:where() and not w:where():type'room' and not w:where():has'container' and not w:where():has'supporter' then if w:has'worn' and mp:animate(w:where()) then mp:message 'Take.WORN' else mp:message 'Take.PARTOF' end return end if not mp:move(w, std.me()) then return true end return false end function mp:after_Take(w) mp:message 'Take.TAKE' end mp.msg.Remove = {} function mp:Remove(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end if w == std.me() then mp:xaction("Exit", wh) return end if w:where() ~= wh and w:inroom() ~= wh and w ~= everything then mp:message 'Remove.WHERE' return end if wh == std.me() then mp:xaction('Disrobe', w, wh) return end mp:xaction('Take', w, wh) end function mp:after_Remove(w, wh) mp:message 'Remove.REMOVE' end mp.msg.Drop = {} function mp:DropAll(wh) local empty = true local oo = {} mp:objects(std.me(), oo, false) for _, o in ipairs(oo) do if o:hasnt 'concealed' then empty = false mp:message('DROPPING_ALL', o) mp:subaction('Drop', o) if have(o) then break end end end if empty then mp:message 'NOTHING_OBJ' end end function mp:Drop(w) if w == everything then return mp:DropAll() end if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_held(w) then return end if mp:check_worn(w) then return end if w == std.me() then mp:message 'Drop.SELF' return end if not mp:move(w, std.me():where()) then return true end return false end function mp:after_Drop(w) mp:message 'Drop.DROP' end mp.msg.Insert = {} function mp:Insert(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end if wh == std.me() then mp:xaction('Take', w) return end if w == std.me() then mp:xaction('Enter', wh) return end if wh == w:where() then mp:message 'Insert.ALREADY' return end if wh == std.me():where() or mp:compass_dir(wh, 'd_to') then mp:xaction('Drop', w) return end if mp:check_held(w) then return end if mp:check_worn(w) then return end if mp:check_live(wh) then return end local n = mp:trace(wh, function(v) if v == w then return true end end) if n or w == wh then mp:message 'Insert.WHERE' return end if mp:runmethods('before', 'Receive', wh, w) then return end if not wh:has'container' then if wh:has'supporter' then mp:xaction("PutOn", w, wh) return end mp:message 'Insert.NOTCONTAINER' return end if not wh:has'open' then mp:message 'Insert.CLOSED' return end if not mp:move(w, wh) then return true end return false end function mp:after_Insert(w, wh) if mp:runmethods('after', 'Receive', wh, w) then return end mp:message 'Insert.INSERT' end mp.msg.PutOn = {} function mp:PutOn(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end if wh == std.me() then mp:xaction('Take', w) return end if w == std.me() then mp:xaction('Climb', wh) return end if wh == std.me():where() or mp:compass_dir(wh, 'd_to') then mp:xaction('Drop', w) return end if mp:check_held(w) then return end if mp:check_live(wh) then return end if mp:check_worn(w) then return end local n = mp:trace(wh, function(v) if v == w then return true end end) if n or w == wh then mp:message 'PutOn.WHERE' return end if mp:runmethods('before', 'Receive', wh, w) then return end if not wh:has'supporter' then mp:message 'PutOn.NOTSUPPORTER' return end if not mp:move(w, wh) then return true end return false end function mp:after_PutOn(w, wh) if mp:runmethods('after', 'Receive', wh, w) then return end mp:message 'PutOn.PUTON' end mp.msg.ThrowAt = {} function mp:ThrowAt(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end if wh == std.me():where() or mp:compass_dir(wh, 'd_to') then mp:xaction('Drop', w) return end if mp:check_held(w) then return end if mp:check_worn(w) then return end if mp:runmethods('before', 'ThrownAt', wh, w) then return end if mp:runmethods('life', 'ThrowAt', wh, w) then return end if not self:animate(wh) then if wh:has'container' then mp:xaction("Insert", w, wh) return end if wh:has'supporter' then mp:xaction("PutOn", w, wh) return end mp:message 'ThrowAt.NOTLIFE' return end mp:message 'ThrowAt.THROW' end mp.msg.Wear = {} function mp:Wear(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_held(w) then return end if not w:has'clothing' then mp:message 'Wear.NOTCLOTHES' return end if w:has'worn' then mp:message 'Wear.WORN' return end w:attr'worn' return false end function mp:after_Wear(w) mp:message 'Wear.WEAR' end mp.msg.Disrobe = {} function mp:Disrobe(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if not have(w) or not w:has'worn' then mp:message 'Disrobe.NOTWORN' return end w:attr'~worn' return false end function mp:after_Disrobe(w) mp:message 'Disrobe.DISROBE' end mp.msg.SwitchOn = {} function mp:SwitchOn(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if not w:has'switchable' then mp:message 'SwitchOn.NONSWITCHABLE' return end if w:has'on' then mp:message 'SwitchOn.ALREADY' return end w:attr'on' return false end function mp:after_SwitchOn(w) mp:message 'SwitchOn.SWITCHON' end mp.msg.SwitchOff = {} function mp:SwitchOff(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if not w:has'switchable' then mp:message 'SwitchOff.NONSWITCHABLE' return end if not w:has'on' then mp:message 'SwitchOff.ALREADY' return end w:attr'~on' return false end function mp:after_SwitchOff(w) mp:message 'SwitchOff.SWITCHOFF' end mp.msg.Search = {} function mp:Search(w) mp:xaction('Exam', w) end mp.msg.LookUnder = {} function mp:LookUnder(w) mp:message 'LookUnder.NOTHING' end mp.msg.Eat = {} function mp:Eat(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if not w:has'edible' then mp:message 'Eat.NOTEDIBLE' return end if mp:check_held(w) then return end if mp:check_worn(w) then return end remove(w) return false end function mp:after_Eat(w) mp:message 'Eat.EAT' end mp.msg.Taste = {} function mp:Taste(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if w:has'edible' then mp:xaction("Eat", w) return end if mp:check_live(w) then return end return false end function mp:after_Taste(w) mp:message 'Taste.TASTE' end mp.msg.Drink = {} function mp:after_Drink(w) mp:message 'Drink.IMPOSSIBLE' end mp.msg.Transfer = {} function mp:Transfer(w, ww) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:compass_dir(ww) then mp:xaction('PushDir', w, ww) return end if ww:has 'supporter' then mp:xaction('PutOn', w, ww) return end mp:xaction('Insert', w, ww) end mp.msg.Push = {} function mp:Push(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if w:has 'switchable' then if w:has'on' then mp:xaction('SwitchOff', w) else mp:xaction('SwitchOn', w) end return end if w:has 'static' then mp:message 'Push.STATIC' return end if w:has 'scenery' then mp:message 'Push.SCENERY' return end if mp:check_live(w) then return end return false end function mp:after_Push() mp:message 'Push.PUSH' end mp.msg.Pull = {} function mp:Pull(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if w:has 'static' then mp:message 'Pull.STATIC' return end if w:has 'scenery' then mp:message 'Pull.SCENERY' return end if mp:check_live(w) then return end return false end function mp:after_Pull() mp:message 'Pull.PULL' end mp.msg.Turn = {} function mp:Turn(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if w:has 'static' then mp:message 'Turn.STATIC' return end if w:has 'scenery' then mp:message 'Turn.SCENERY' return end if mp:check_live(w) then return end return false end function mp:after_Turn() mp:message 'Turn.TURN' end mp.msg.Wait = {} function mp:after_Wait() mp:message 'Wait.WAIT' end mp.msg.Rub = {} function mp:Rub(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end return false end function mp:after_Rub() mp:message 'Rub.RUB' end mp.msg.Sing = {} function mp:after_Sing(w) mp:message 'Sing.SING' end mp.msg.Touch = {} function mp:Touch(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if w == std.me() then mp:message 'Touch.MYSELF' return end if self:animate(w) then mp:message 'Touch.LIVE' return end return false end function mp:after_Touch() mp:message 'Touch.TOUCH' end mp.msg.Give = {} function mp:Give(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_held(w) then return end if wh == std.me() then mp:message 'Give.MYSELF' return end if mp:runmethods('life', 'Give', wh, w) then return end if mp:check_no_live(wh) then return end return false end function mp:after_Give() mp:message 'Give.GIVE' end mp.msg.Show = {} function mp:Show(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_held(w) then return end if wh == std.me() then mp:xaction("Exam", w) return end if mp:runmethods('life', 'Show', wh, w) then return end if mp:check_no_live(wh) then return end return false end function mp:after_Show() mp:message 'Show.SHOW' end mp.msg.Burn = {} function mp:Burn(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end if wh and mp:check_held(wh) then return end return false end function mp:after_Burn(w, wh) if wh then mp:message 'Burn.BURN2' else mp:message 'Burn.BURN' end end mp.msg.Wake = {} function mp:after_Wake() mp:message 'Wake.WAKE' end mp.msg.WakeOther = {} function mp:WakeOther(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if w == std.me() then mp:xaction('Wake') return end if mp:runmethods('life', 'WakeOther', w) then return end if not mp:animate(w) then mp:message 'WakeOther.NOTLIVE' return end return false end function mp:after_WakeOther() mp:message 'WakeOther.WAKE' end mp.msg.PushDir = {} function mp:PushDir(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_live(w) then return end return false end function mp:after_PushDir() mp:message 'PushDir.PUSH' end mp.msg.Kiss = {} function mp:Kiss(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:runmethods('life', 'Kiss', w) then return end if not mp:animate(w) then mp:message 'Kiss.NOTLIVE' return end if w == std.me() then mp:message 'Kiss.MYSELF' return end return false end function mp:after_Kiss() mp:message 'Kiss.KISS' end mp.msg.Think = {} function mp:after_Think() mp:message 'Think.THINK' end mp.msg.Smell = {} function mp:Smell(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end return false end function mp:after_Smell(w) if w then mp:message 'Smell.SMELL2' return end mp:message 'Smell.SMELL' end mp.msg.Listen = {} function mp:Listen(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end return false end function mp:after_Listen(w) if w then mp:message 'Listen.LISTEN2' return end mp:message 'Listen.LISTEN' end mp.msg.Dig = {} function mp:Dig(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end if w and mp:check_live(w) then return end if wh then if mp:check_held(wh) then return end end return false end function mp:after_Dig(w, wh) if wh then mp:message 'Dig.DIG3' return end if w then mp:message 'Dig.DIG2' return end mp:message 'Dig.DIG' end mp.msg.Cut = {} function mp:Cut(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_live(w) then return end if wh then if mp:check_live(wh) then return end if mp:check_held(wh) then return end end return false end function mp:after_Cut(w, wh) if wh then mp:message 'Cut.CUT2' else mp:message 'Cut.CUT' end end mp.msg.Tear = {} function mp:Tear(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_live(w) then return end return false end function mp:after_Tear() mp:message 'Tear.TEAR' end mp.msg.Tie = {} function mp:Tie(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_live(w) then return end if wh and mp:check_live(wh) then return end return false end function mp:after_Tie(w, wh) if wh then mp:message 'Tie.TIE2' return end mp:message 'Tie.TIE' end mp.msg.Blow = {} function mp:Blow(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_live(w) then return end return false end function mp:after_Blow() mp:message 'Blow.BLOW' end mp.msg.Attack = {} function mp:Attack(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:runmethods('life', 'Attack', w) then return end return false end function mp:after_Attack(w) if mp:animate(w) then mp:message 'Attack.LIFE' return end mp:message 'Attack.ATTACK' end mp.msg.Sleep = {} function mp:after_Sleep() mp:message 'Sleep.SLEEP' end mp.msg.Swim = {} function mp:after_Swim() mp:message 'Swim.SWIM' end mp.msg.Consult = {} function mp:Consult(w, wh) if mp:check_touch() then return end return false end function mp:after_Consult() mp:message 'Consult.CONSULT' end mp.msg.Fill = {} function mp:Fill(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end return false end function mp:after_Fill() mp:message 'Fill.FILL' end mp.msg.Jump = {} function mp:after_Jump() mp:message 'Jump.JUMP' end mp.msg.JumpOver = {} function mp:JumpOver(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end return false end function mp:after_JumpOver() mp:message 'JumpOver.JUMPOVER' end mp.msg.WaveHands = {} function mp:after_WaveHands() mp:message 'WaveHands.WAVE' end mp.msg.Wave = {} function mp:Wave(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end if mp:check_held(w) then return end return false end function mp:after_Wave() mp:message 'Wave.WAVE' end function mp:Climb(w) mp:xaction('Enter', w) end mp.msg.GetOff = {} function mp:GetOff(w) if not w and std.me():where() == std.here() then mp:message 'GetOff.NOWHERE' return end mp:xaction('Exit', w) end mp.msg.Buy = {} function mp:Buy(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end return false end function mp:after_Buy() mp:message 'Buy.BUY' end mp.msg.Talk = {} function mp:Talk(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end local r, v = mp:runorval(w, 'talk_to') if v then if r then walkin(r) end return end if w == std.me() then mp:message 'Talk.SELF' return end if mp:runmethods('life', 'Talk', w) then return end return false end function mp:after_Talk(w) if not mp:animate(w) then mp:message 'Talk.NOTLIVE' return end mp:message 'Talk.LIVE' end mp.msg.Tell = {} function mp:Tell(w, t) if mp:check_touch() then return end if #self.vargs == 0 then mp:message 'Tell.EMPTY' return end if w == std.me() then mp:message 'Tell.SELF' return end if mp:runmethods('life', 'Tell', w, t) then return end return false end function mp:after_Tell(w) if not mp:animate(w) then mp:message 'Tell.NOTLIVE' return end mp:message 'Tell.LIVE' end mp.msg.Ask = {} function mp:Ask(w, t) if mp:check_touch() then return end if #self.vargs == 0 then mp:message 'Ask.EMPTY' return end if w == std.me() then mp:message 'Ask.SELF' return end if mp:runmethods('life', 'Ask', w, t) then return end return false end function mp:after_Ask(w) if not mp:animate(w) then mp:message 'Ask.NOTLIVE' return end mp:message 'Ask.LIVE' end function mp:AskFor(w, t) if w == std.me() then mp:xaction('Inv') return end mp:xaction('Ask', w, t) end function mp:AskTo(w, t) mp:xaction('Ask', w, t) end mp.msg.Answer = {} function mp:Answer(w, t) if mp:check_touch() then return end if #self.vargs == 0 then mp:message 'Answer.EMPTY' return end if w == std.me() then mp:message 'Answer.SELF' return end if mp:runmethods('life', 'Answer', w, t) then return end return false end function mp:after_Answer(w) if not mp:animate(w) then mp:message 'Answer.NOTLIVE' return end mp:message 'Answer.LIVE' end mp.msg.Yes = {} function mp:after_Yes() mp:message 'Yes.YES' end function mp:after_No() mp:message 'Yes.YES' end mp.msg.Use = {} function mp:Use(w) if mp:check_touch() then return end return false end function mp:after_Use() mp:message 'Use.USE' end function mp:MetaHelp() pn(mp:mesg 'HELP') end function mp:MetaScore() mp:message'TITLE_TURNS' mp:message'TITLE_SCORE' end function mp:MetaTranscript() if self.logfile then p("Log file: ", self.logfile) else self:MetaTranscriptOn() end end function mp:MetaTranscriptOff() self.logfile = false self.lognum = self.lognum + 1 p("Logging is stopped.") end function mp:MetaTranscriptOn() while true do local logfile = string.format("%s/log%03d.txt", instead.gamepath(), self.lognum) local f = io.open(logfile, "rb") if not f then self.logfile = logfile if std.cctx() then p ("Logging is enabled: ", logfile) end return end f:close() self.lognum = self.lognum + 1 end end function mp:MetaVersion() p(mp.version) end function mp:MetaVerbs() local verbs = {} for _, v in ipairs(mp:verbs()) do local vv = v.verb[1] if vv and not vv.hidden then local verb = vv.word .. (vv.morph or "") table.insert(verbs, verb) end end table.sort(verbs) for _, v in ipairs(verbs) do p(v) end end mp.msg.MetaRestart = {} local old_pre_input function mp:MetaRestart() mp:message 'MetaRestart.RESTART' if old_pre_input then return end old_pre_input = mp.pre_input std.rawset(mp, 'pre_input', function(_, str) std.rawset(mp, 'pre_input', old_pre_input) old_pre_input = false if mp:eq(str, mp.msg.YES) then instead.restart() end return false end) end function mp:MetaSave() instead.menu 'save' end function mp:MetaExpertOn() mp.autocompl = false mp.autohelp = false p [[Expert mode on.]] end function mp:MetaExpertOff() mp.autocompl = true mp.autohelp = true p [[Expert mode off.]] end function mp:MetaLoad() instead.menu 'load' end --luacheck: pop local function attr_string(o) local a = '' for k, _ in pairs(o.__ro) do if type(k) == 'string' and k:find("__attr__", 1, true) == 1 then if a ~= '' then a = a .. ', ' end a = a .. k:sub(9) end end local b = '' for k, _ in pairs(o) do if type(k) == 'string' and k:find("__attr__", 1, true) == 1 then if b ~= '' then b = b .. ', ' end b = b .. k:sub(9) end end if b ~= '' then b = '!'..b..'' end a = a .. b if a ~= '' then a = ' [' .. a .. '] ' end return a end function mp:MetaDump() local oo = mp:nouns() for _, o in ipairs(oo) do if not std.is_system(o) and o ~= std.me() then local d = mp:distance(o) if d > 8 then d = 8 end for _ = 1, d do pr(fmt.nb' ') end local t = '<'..std.tostr(o)..'>' t = t .. (std.call(o, 'word') or std.call(o, 'raw_word') or '') if have(o) then t = fmt.em(t) end pn(t, attr_string(o)) end end end function mp:MetaWord(w) if not w then return end w = w:gsub("_", "/") local g w, g = self.mrd:word(w) pn(w) for _, v in ipairs(g) do pn (_, ":") for k, vv in pairs(v) do pn(k, " = ", vv) end end end mp.msg.MetaUndo = {} function mp:MetaUndo() local nr = #snapshots.data if nr > 1 then snapshots:restore(nr - 1) table.remove(snapshots.data, nr) else mp:message 'MetaUndo.EMPTY' end end local function getobj(w) if std.is_tag(w) then return std.here():lookup(w) or std.me():lookup(w) end return std.ref(w) end function mp:MetaNoun(_) local varg = self.vargs local o = getobj(varg[1]) if not o then p ("Wrong object: ", varg[1]) return end local t = {} local w if #varg == 2 then w = o:noun(varg[2], t) else w = o:noun(t) end pn "== Words:" for _, v in ipairs(w or {}) do pn(v) end pn "== Grams:" for _, v in ipairs(t or {}) do for kk, vv in pairs(v) do pn(kk, " = ", vv) end end end function mp:MetaTraceOn() pn "Tracing is on" self.debug.trace_action = true end function mp:MetaTraceOff() pn "Tracing is off" self.debug.trace_action = false end function mp:MetaAutoplay(w) mp:autoscript(w) if mp.autoplay then pn ([[Script file: ]], w) else pn ([[Can not open script file: ]], w) end end local __oini = std.obj.__ini local function fn_aliases(wh) local new = {} for k, f in pairs(wh) do -- "before_Take,Drop..." if (type(f) == 'function' or type(f) == 'string') and type(k) == 'string' and k:find("[a-zA-Z]+,") then local ss, ee = k:find("^[a-z]+_") local pref = '' local str = k if ss then pref = k:sub(1, ee); if pref == 'before_' or pref == 'after_' or pref == 'post_' or pref == 'life_' then str = k:sub(ee + 1) else pref = '' end end local m = std.split(str, ",") for _, v in ipairs(m) do new[pref .. v] = f end end end for k, v in pairs(new) do wh[k] = v end end std.obj.for_plural = function(s, fn) fn = fn or function() end if not s:hint'plural' then fn(s) return false end for _, v in ipairs(mp.multi[s] or { s }) do fn(v) end return true end std.obj.__ini = function(s, ...) if s.__mp_ini then return __oini(s, ...) end if type(s.found_in) == 'string' then s.found_in = { s.found_in } end if type(s.found_in) == 'table' then for _, v in ipairs(s.found_in) do local vv = v v = std.ref(v) if not v then std.err("Wrong object in found_in list of: "..tostring(s).."/"..vv, 2) end v.obj:add(s) end std.rawset(s, 'found_in', nil) elseif type(s.found_in) == 'function' then s:persist() end if type(s.scope) == 'table' and not std.is_obj('list', s.scope) then s.scope = std.list (s.scope) end fn_aliases(s.__ro) std.rawset(s, "__mp_ini", true) return __oini(s, ...) end function parent(w) w = std.object(w) return w:where() end function Class(t, w) fn_aliases(t) if not w then return std.class(t, std.obj) end return std.class(t, w) end std.obj.once = function(s, n) if type(n) == 'string' then n = '__once_'..n else n = '__once' end if not s[n] then s[n] = true return true end return false end std.obj.daemonStart = function(s) game.__daemons:add(s) end std.obj.daemonStop = function(s) game.__daemons:del(s) end std.obj.isDaemon = function(s) return game.__daemons:lookup(s) end function DaemonStart(w) std.object(w):daemonStart() end function DaemonStop(w) std.object(w):daemonStop() end function isDaemon(w) return std.object(w):isDaemon() end instead.notitle = true instead.get_title = function(_) if instead.notitle then return end local w = instead.theme_var('win.w') local title = std.titleof(std.here()) or '' local col = instead.theme_var('win.col.fg') local score = '' if mp.score then score = fmt.tab('70%', 'center')..fmt.nb(mp:mesg('TITLE_SCORE')) end local moves = fmt.tab('100%', 'right')..fmt.nb(mp:mesg('TITLE_TURNS')) return iface:left((title.. score .. moves).."\n".. iface:img(string.format("box:%dx1,%s", w, col))) end --luacheck: globals content function content(w, ...) w = std.object(w) return mp:content(w, ...) end