require "builder"; set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet set :markdown, :fenced_code_blocks => true, :smartypants => true set :redcarpet, autolink: true # Change Compass configuration compass_config do |config| config.output_style = :compact end page "/sitemap.xml", :layout => false ### # Helpers ### # Automatic image dimensions on image_tag helper activate :automatic_image_sizes # Reload the browser automatically whenever files change # configure :development do # activate :livereload # end activate :disqus do |d| d.shortname = 'your-shortname' # Replace with your Disqus shortname. end set :css_dir, 'stylesheets' set :js_dir, 'javascripts' set :images_dir, 'images' activate :directory_indexes activate :middleman_simple_thumbnailer #activate :imageoptim # Build-specific configuration configure :build do # For example, change the Compass output style for deployment activate :minify_css # Minify Javascript on build activate :minify_javascript # Enable cache buster activate :asset_hash activate :minify_html activate :gzip # Use relative URLs # activate :relative_assets # Or use a different image path # set :http_prefix, "/Content/images/" end