'use strict'; /* Raconteur Gulpfile scaffold. */ /* Includes code adapted from Gulp documentation, among other sources. */ /* Imports */ var watchify = require('watchify'), browserify = require('browserify'), browserSync = require('browser-sync'), gulp = require('gulp'), source = require('vinyl-source-stream'), gutil = require('gulp-util'), coffeify = require('coffeeify'), less = require('gulp-less'), minifyCSS = require('gulp-minify-css'), uglify = require('gulp-uglify'), buffer = require('vinyl-buffer'), zip = require('gulp-zip'), _ = require('lodash'); var reload = browserSync.reload; /* Tasks */ /* Trivial file copies */ function html (target) { return function () { return gulp.src('html/index.html') .pipe(gulp.dest(target)); }; } function img (target) { return function () { return gulp.src(['img/*.png', 'img/*.jpeg', 'img/*.jpg']) .pipe(gulp.dest(target)); }; } gulp.task('html', html('./build')); gulp.task('img', img('./build/img')); /* Less */ gulp.task('less', function () { gulp.src('less/main.less') .pipe(less()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/css')); }); /* Generate JavaScript with browser sync. */ var customOpts = { entries: ['./game/main.coffee'], debug: true, transform: [coffeify] }; var opts = _.assign({}, watchify.args, customOpts); var bundler = watchify(browserify(opts)); gulp.task('coffee', bundle); // `gulp coffee` will generate bundle bundler.on('update', bundle); // Re-bundle on dep updates bundler.on('log', gutil.log); // Output build logs to terminal function bundle () { return bundler.bundle() .on('error', gutil.log.bind(gutil, 'Browserify Error')) .pipe(source('bundle.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/game')); }; /* Make a development build */ gulp.task('build', ['html', 'img', 'less', 'coffee'], function () { }); /* Start a development server */ gulp.task('serve', ['build'], function () { browserSync({ server: { baseDir: 'build' } }); var lessListener = function () { reload('./build/css/main.css'); } gulp.watch(['./html/*.html'], ['html']); gulp.watch(['./less/*.less'], ['less']); gulp.watch(['./img/*.png', './img/*.jpeg', './img/*.jpg'], ['img']); gulp.watch(['./build/css/main.css'], lessListener); gulp.watch( ['./build/game/bundle.js', './build/img/*', './build/index.html'], browserSync.reload); }); /* Distribution tasks */ gulp.task('html-dist', html('./dist')); gulp.task('img-dist', img('./dist/img')); gulp.task('less-dist', function () { return gulp.src('./less/main.less') .pipe(less()) .pipe(minifyCSS()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/css')); }); var distBundler = browserify({ debug: false, entries: ['./game/main.coffee'], transform: ['coffeeify'] }); gulp.task('coffee-dist', function () { return distBundler.bundle() .pipe(source('bundle.js')) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(uglify()) .on('error', gutil.log) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/game')); }); gulp.task('dist', ['html-dist', 'img-dist', 'less-dist', 'coffee-dist'], function () { return; }); gulp.task('zip', ['dist'], function () { return gulp.src('dist/**') .pipe(zip('dist.zip')) .pipe(gulp.dest('.')); });