

+ +

Raconteur is a wrapper library for Undum, a system for writing hypertext +interactive fiction. Raconteur that to provide a more programmer-friendly +API as well as a bundle of commonly-needed functionality, for novices and +expert users alike.

+ +

Raconteur is still in active development towards its 1.0 release.

+ +

+Implemented Features

+ + + +

+Planned Features

+ + + +

+Code examples

+ +

Those examples all use CoffeeScript.

+ +

Defining a simple situation in Raconteur:

+ +
situation 'raconteur_example',
+  content: """
+  This is an example of a situation using Raconteur's API. It supports
+  Markdown in text, so the content of a simple situation can just be
+  written out without explicit HTML.
+  """
+ +

Using text snippets:

+ +
+situation 'variations',
+  content: (character, system) ->
+    # content can be either a function or a simple string, transparently
+    color = oneOf(['bright purple', 'sickly green', 'brilliant white'])
+      .randomly(system) # We pass the system object so that random results
+                        # will always be the same across different runs of
+                        # the same saved game.
+    """
+      # Reflecting Pool
+      You find yourself in an underground, flooded cave. Light shimmers on
+      the walls, #{color}.
+    """
+ +


+ +

Undum was created by Ian Millington. Raconteur was written by Bruno Dias.

+ +


+ +

In short: You can use, modify, or redistribute Raconteur and Undum, for any +purpose, as long as this license document is kept with copies of it. See +LICENSE for legalese.

+ +

Undum is copyright (c) 2009-2015 I D Millington, and released under the MIT +license.

+ +

Raconteur itself is copyright (c) 2015 Bruno Dias, and released under the +same MIT license.

+ + + +