var undum = require('undum-commonjs'), md = require('markdown-it'), $ = require('jquery'); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raconteur is a rethought API for Undum, featuring more usable interfaces which coalesce as a DSL for defining Undum stories. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helper functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Normalises the whitespace on a string. */ String.prototype.normaliseTabs = function () { var lines = this.split('\n'); var indents = lines .filter((l) => l !== '') // Ignore empty lines .map((l) => l.match(/^\s+/)) .map(function (m) { if (m === null) return ''; return m[0]; }); var smallestIndent = indents.reduce(function(max, curr) { if (curr.length < max.length) return curr; return max; }); // Find the "bottom" indentation level return (l) { return l.replace(new RegExp('^' + smallestIndent), ''); }).join('\n'); }; /* Agnostic Call */ /* Many properties in Raconteur can be either a String, or a function that takes some objects from the game state (character, system, and the current situation) and returns a String. Or in Haskell terms: String | (CharacterObject -> SystemObject -> SituationString -> String) fcall() is added to the prototypes of both String and Function to handle these situations. When called on a Function, it's an alias for Function#call(); when called on a String, it only returns the string itself, discarding any input. */ Function.prototype.fcall =; String.prototype.fcall = function () {return this;}; /* Markdown renderer, defined with options. */ var markdown = new md({ typographer: true, // Use smart quotes. html: true // Passthrough html. }); /* Ensures a string is a HTML string, by wrapping it in span tags. */ String.prototype.spanWrap = function () { return `${this}`; }; /* Adds the "fade" class to a htmlString. */ String.prototype.fade = function () { return $(this).addClass('fade'); }; /* Situations ---------------------------------------------------------------- The prototype RaconteurSituation is the basic spec for situations created with Raconteur. It should be able to handle any use case for Undum. Properties: (In addition to properties inherited from undum.Situation) actions :: {key: (character, system, from) -> null} An object containing definitions for actions, which are called when an action without a special marker (writer, inserter, replacer) is called when the situation is current, usually by clicking an action link. after :: (character, system, from) -> null A function that is called right after printing the content of the situation. Useful for housekeeping tasks (Such as changing character stats) or implementing custom behaviour in general. before :: (character, system, from) -> null Similar to after, but called first choices :: [String] A list of situation names and/or tags that can be listed as choices for this situation. That list will be further filtered by CanView and CanChoose. content :: markdownString | (character, system, from) -> markdownString The main content of the situation, printed when the situation is entered. visited :: Number Defaults to 0. Incremented every time the situation is entered. writers :: {key: markdownString | (character, system, from) -> markdownString} An object containing definitions for special actions called by inserter, writer, and replacer links. Note that the content of writer links will be interpreted as a regular markdownString, while the content of replacer and inserter links, on the assumption that it's meant to be written into an existing paragraph, will be interpreted as a inline markdown. */ var RaconteurSituation = function (spec) {, spec); // Add all properties of the spec to the object, indiscriminately. Object.keys(spec).forEach( key => { if (this[key] === undefined) { this[key] = spec[key]; } }); this.visited = 0; }; RaconteurSituation.inherits(undum.Situation); /* Undum calls Situation.enter every time a situation is entered, and passes it three arguments; The character object, the system object, and a string referencing the previous situation, or null if there is none (ie, for the starting situation). Raconteur's version of enter is set up to fulfill most use cases. */ RaconteurSituation.prototype.enter = function (character, system, f) { this.visited++; if (this.before) this.before(character, system, f); if (this.content) { system.write( markdown.render( this.content.fcall(this, character, system, f).normaliseTabs())); } if (this.after) this.after(character, system, f); if (this.choices) { let choices = system.getSituationIdChoices(this.choices, this.minChoices, this.maxChoices); system.writeChoices(choices); } }; /* Situation.prototype.act() is called by Undum whenever an action link (Ie, a link that doesn't point at another situation or an external URL) is clicked. Raconteur's version of act() is set up to implement commonly used functionality: "writer" links, "replacer" links, "inserter" links, and generic "action" links that call functions which access the underlying Undum API. */ RaconteurSituation.prototype.act = function (character, system, action) { var actionClass, self = this; var responses = { writer: function (ref) { var beforeOpts = undefined; if (self.writers[ref] === undefined) { console.log(self); throw new Error("Tried to call undefined writer:" + ref); } if ($('.options')) { system.writeBefore( markdown.render( self.writers[ref].fcall(self, character, system, action)) .fade(), '.options'); } else { system.write( markdown.render( self.writers[ref].fcall(self, character, system, action) ).fade()); } }, replacer: function (ref) { if (self.writers[ref] === undefined) { throw new Error("Tried to call undefined replacer:" + ref); } system.replaceWith( markdown.renderInline( self.writers[ref].fcall(self, character, system, action) ).spanWrap().fade(), `#${ref}`); }, inserter: function (ref) { if (self.writers[ref] === undefined) { throw new Error("Tried to call undefined inserter:" + ref); } system.writeInto( markdown.renderInline( self.writers[ref].fcall(self, character, system, action) ).spanWrap().fade(), `#${ref}`); } }; if (actionClass = action.match(/^_(\w+)_(.+)$/)) { responses[actionClass[1]](actionClass[2]); } else if (self.actions.hasOwnProperty(action)) { self.actions[action].call(self, character, system, action); } else { throw new Err(`Action "${action}" attempted with no corresponding` + 'action in current situation.'); } }; module.exports = function (name, spec) { = name; return ([name] = new RaconteurSituation(spec)); };