var situation = require('raconteur/situation.js'), $ = require('jquery'), undum = require('undum-commonjs'), oneOf = require('raconteur/oneOf.js'), elements = require('raconteur/elements.js'), qualities = require('raconteur/qualities.js'); var a = elements.a, span = elements.span; = "my_game_id"; = "1.0"; situation('start', { content: `This is a testing situation for Raconteur, a better development system for Undum. Choose one of the options below to see the relevant content and test it.`, choices: ['#testing-option'] }); situation('functions-as-properties', { content: (character, system, from) => ` This property of this situation is outputted by a function, which allows us to incorporate variables such as the name of the situation we came from; in this case, "${from}." Raconteur allows most properties that are text to be defined as functions; the notable exception is optionText. Those functions are passed the character and system objects, in that order, and a third object that is usually either the current situation, or the situation we just came from.`, tags: ['testing-option'], optionText: 'Functions as properties' }); situation('markdown-features', { content: ` # Markdown Support Raconteur uses Markdown for formatting the content of individual situations. Supported features include **strong** and *emphasis*, headers (as above), [external links](, and even preformatted blocks of text: situation('start', { content: "This is an example." }); Additionally, we also support "smart quotes" and -- dashes.`, tags: ['testing-option'], optionText: 'Markdown support' }); situation('special-links', { content: ` # Special Links Raconteur supports various special types of links, starting with ${a('writer').class('once').writer('writerlink')} links. Also notable are ${a('replacer').id('replacer-link').replacer('replacer-link')} links, which replace the content of a given id. And finally, we have ${a('inserter').class("once").inserter('inserter-link')} links, which insert something into a specified element${span().id('inserter-link')}. `, writers: { writerlink: "Writer links can only be clicked once.", 'replacer-link': "switching", 'inserter-link': "-- like this" }, tags: ['testing-option'], optionText: 'Special Links' }); situation('custom-actions', { content: ` # Special Actions You can define actions with custom effects that access the underlying Undum API. Try clicking ${a('this link').action('specialaction')} for example. `, actions: { specialaction: function (character, system, from) { system.write(`

Custom actions access Undum directly. They also have access to the situation object itself, through this.

`); } }, tags: ['testing-option'], optionText: 'Special Actions' }); situation('randomness', { content: (character, system, from) => ` # Randomness Randomness in Undum is best if you use Undum's own random number generator, which ensures consistency across save games. For example, try saving and reloading to verify that this list of animals remains in the same order: ${["dog", "cat", "alpaca", "crow"].shuffle(system).join(', ')}. `, tags: ['testing-option'], optionText: 'Randomness' }); var myIterators = {}; situation('iterators', { content: (character, system, from) => ` # Iterators Iterators are an useful feature for generating adaptive text. For example, clicking ${a('this link').writer('iterator')} will output a new paragraph with a random animal. Initialising iterators during your init function will make them even more useful, since it lets you pass the system object on to them to ensure consistency between saves. For example, ${a('this link') .writer('consistent')} will produce the same output every time. Other iterators allow you to ${a('cycle').writer('cycler')} through different content in ${a('various ways').writer('stopper')}. `, writers: { iterator: oneOf(['Cat', 'Dog', 'Crow', 'Alpaca']).randomly(), consistent: () => myIterators.consistentIterator(), cycler: oneOf(['Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall', 'Winter']).cycling(), stopper: oneOf(['First click', 'Second click', 'Another click']).stopping() }, tags: ['testing-option'], optionText: 'Iterators' }); situation('progress-bar', { before (character, system, from) { system.animateQuality('intelligence', character.qualities.intelligence + 1); }, content: ` # Progress Bars Progress bars and other underlying Undum features are still accessible through Undum's own API. `, tags: ['testing-option'], optionText: 'Progress bars' }); qualities({ stats: { name: 'Statistics', perception: qualities.integer("Perception"), intelligence: qualities.integer("Intelligence"), size: qualities.fudgeAdjectives("Size") } }); = function (character, system) { character.qualities.intelligence = 10; character.qualities.perception = 10; character.qualities.size = 1; myIterators.consistentIterator = oneOf(['Blue', 'Black', 'Green', 'Red', 'White']) .inRandomOrder(system); }; $(function(){undum.begin()});