/* Element Helpers */ /* While you can write HTML elements by hand, those helpers make it easier to place anchors (especially with special purpose) and spans. They define a monadic interface: a.id('my-link').content('link').writer('my-ref') -> link span -> The object supplies a toString() method that outputs the tag. Element helpers are immutable, so theoretically this should be safe from side effects. This interface allows the safe definition of templates which can be used and modified at will, for instance: let mySpanClass = span.class('myclass'); // -> mySpanClass.content("Hello!"); // -> Hello! Methods on an elementHelper return a new elementHelper that inherits from itself. Since those objects (should be) immutable by being frozen when they are created, this is semantically equivalent to returning a copy but more efficient in terms Methods: class :: String -> elementHelper Returns a new elementHelper with the given class added. classes :: [String] -> elementHelper Returns a new elementHelper with the given classes. id :: String -> elementHelper Returns a new elementHelper with the given id. */ var md = require('markdown-it'); var markdown = new md({ typographer: true, html: true }); var elementHelper = function (element) { this.element = element; this._classes = []; }; var elementSetterGen = function (prop) { return function (value) { return Object.freeze(Object.create(this, { [prop]: {value} })); }; }; elementHelper.prototype.classes = function (newClasses) { return Object.freeze(Object.create(this, { _classes: { value: newClasses } })); }; elementHelper.prototype.class = function (newClass) { return this.classes(this._classes.concat(newClass)); }; elementHelper.prototype.id = elementSetterGen("_id"); elementHelper.prototype.type = elementSetterGen("_linkType"); elementHelper.prototype.content = elementSetterGen("_content"); elementHelper.prototype.ref = elementSetterGen("_ref"); elementHelper.prototype.url = elementHelper.prototype.ref; elementHelper.prototype.situation = elementHelper.prototype.ref; elementHelper.prototype.once = () => this.class('once'); var linkTypeGen = function (type) { return function (ref) { return this.type(type).ref(ref); } }; elementHelper.prototype.writer = linkTypeGen("writer"); elementHelper.prototype.replacer = linkTypeGen("replacer"); elementHelper.prototype.inserter = linkTypeGen("inserter"); elementHelper.prototype.action = linkTypeGen("action"); elementHelper.prototype.toString = function () { var classes = "", classString = "", idString = "", hrefString= "", contentString = ""; if (this._classes) { classes += this._classes.join(' '); } if (this._linkType) { classes += (' ' + this._linkType); } if (classes) { classString = ` class="${classes}"`; } if (this._id) { idString = ` id="${this._id}"`; } if (this.element === "a") { if (this._linkType) { if (this._linkType === "action") { hrefString = ` href="./${this._ref}"`; } else { hrefString = ` href="./_${this._linkType}_${this._ref}"`; } } else { hrefString = ` href="${this._ref}"`; } } if (this._content) { contentString = markdown.renderInline(this._content); } return `<${this.element}${classString}${idString}${hrefString}>${contentString}`; }; var a_proto = Object.freeze(new elementHelper("a")); var span_proto = Object.freeze(new elementHelper("span")); var a = function (content) { if (content) return a_proto.content(content); return a_proto; }; var span = function (content) { if (content) return span_proto.content(content); return span_proto; }; module.exports.a = a; module.exports.span = span;