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var undum = require('undum-commonjs'),
md = require('markdown-it'),
$ = require('jquery');
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Raconteur is a rethought API for Undum, featuring more usable interfaces
which coalesce as a DSL for defining Undum stories.
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Helper functions
Normalises the whitespace on a string.
String.prototype.normaliseTabs = function () {
var lines = this.split('\n');
var indents = lines
.filter((l) => l !== '') // Ignore empty lines
.map((l) => l.match(/^\s+/))
.map(function (m) {
if (m === null) return '';
return m[0];
var smallestIndent = indents.reduce(function(max, curr) {
if (curr.length < max.length) return curr;
return max;
}); // Find the "bottom" indentation level
return lines.map(function (l) {
return l.replace(new RegExp('^' + smallestIndent), '');
/* Agnostic Call */
Many properties in Raconteur can be either a String, or a function that
takes some objects from the game state (character, system, and the current
situation) and returns a String. Or in Haskell terms:
String | (CharacterObject -> SystemObject -> SituationString -> String)
fcall() is added to the prototypes of both String and Function to handle
these situations. When called on a Function, it's an alias for
Function#call(); when called on a String, it only returns the string itself,
discarding any input.
Function.prototype.fcall = Function.prototype.call;
String.prototype.fcall = function () {return this;};
Markdown renderer, defined with options.
var markdown = new md({
typographer: true, // Use smart quotes.
html: true // Passthrough html.
Ensures a string is a HTML string, by wrapping it in span tags.
String.prototype.spanWrap = function () {
return `<span>${this}</span>`;
Adds the "fade" class to a htmlString.
String.prototype.fade = function () {
return $(this).addClass('fade');
/* Situations ----------------------------------------------------------------
The prototype RaconteurSituation is the basic spec for situations
created with Raconteur. It should be able to handle any use case for Undum.
(In addition to properties inherited from undum.Situation)
actions :: {key: (character, system, from) -> null}
An object containing definitions for actions, which are called when an
action without a special marker (writer, inserter, replacer) is called
when the situation is current, usually by clicking an action link.
after :: (character, system, from) -> null
A function that is called right after printing the content of the
situation. Useful for housekeeping tasks (Such as changing character
stats) or implementing custom behaviour in general.
before :: (character, system, from) -> null
Similar to after, but called first
choices :: [String]
A list of situation names and/or tags that can be listed as choices for
this situation. That list will be further filtered by CanView and
content :: markdownString | (character, system, from) -> markdownString
The main content of the situation, printed when the situation is entered.
visited :: Number
Defaults to 0. Incremented every time the situation is entered.
writers :: {key: markdownString | (character, system, from) -> markdownString}
An object containing definitions for special actions called by inserter,
writer, and replacer links. Note that the content of writer links will be
interpreted as a regular markdownString, while the content of replacer
and inserter links, on the assumption that it's meant to be written into
an existing paragraph, will be interpreted as a inline markdown.
var RaconteurSituation = function (spec) {
undum.Situation.call(this, spec);
// Add all properties of the spec to the object, indiscriminately.
Object.keys(spec).forEach( key => {
if (this[key] === undefined) {
this[key] = spec[key];
this.visited = 0;
Undum calls Situation.enter every time a situation is entered, and
passes it three arguments; The character object, the system object,
and a string referencing the previous situation, or null if there is
none (ie, for the starting situation).
Raconteur's version of enter is set up to fulfill most use cases.
RaconteurSituation.prototype.enter = function (character, system, f) {
if (this.before) this.before(character, system, f);
if (this.content) {
this.content.fcall(this, character, system, f).normaliseTabs()));
if (this.after) this.after(character, system, f);
if (this.choices) {
let choices = system.getSituationIdChoices(this.choices,
this.minChoices, this.maxChoices);
Situation.prototype.act() is called by Undum whenever an action link
(Ie, a link that doesn't point at another situation or an external URL) is
Raconteur's version of act() is set up to implement commonly used
functionality: "writer" links, "replacer" links, "inserter" links, and
generic "action" links that call functions which access the underlying
Undum API.
RaconteurSituation.prototype.act = function (character, system, action) {
var actionClass,
self = this;
var responses = {
writer: function (ref) {
var beforeOpts = undefined;
if (self.writers[ref] === undefined) {
throw new Error("Tried to call undefined writer:" + ref);
if ($('.options')) {
self.writers[ref].fcall(self, character, system, action))
.fade(), '.options');
} else {
self.writers[ref].fcall(self, character, system, action)
replacer: function (ref) {
if (self.writers[ref] === undefined) {
throw new Error("Tried to call undefined replacer:" + ref);
self.writers[ref].fcall(self, character, system, action)
).spanWrap().fade(), `#${ref}`);
inserter: function (ref) {
if (self.writers[ref] === undefined) {
throw new Error("Tried to call undefined inserter:" + ref);
self.writers[ref].fcall(self, character, system, action)
).spanWrap().fade(), `#${ref}`);
if (actionClass = action.match(/^_(\w+)_(.+)$/)) {
} else if (self.actions.hasOwnProperty(action)) {
self.actions[action].call(self, character, system, action);
} else {
throw new Err(`Action "${action}" attempted with no corresponding` +
'action in current situation.');
module.exports = function (name, spec) {
spec.name = name;
return (undum.game.situations[name] = new RaconteurSituation(spec));
module.exports.exportUndum = function () {
global.undum = undum;