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2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
# I confess that this world model heavily borrows from INSTEAD engine. - A.Y.
undum = require('./undum.js')
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
obj = require('./obj.coffee')
markdown = require('./markdown.coffee')
cycle = require('./cycle.coffee')
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
way_to = (content, ref) ->
return "<a href='#{ref}' class='way' id='waylink-#{ref}'>#{content}</a>"
# jQuery was confused by this point where's the context so I did it vanilla-way
print = (content) ->
2016-01-16 19:04:00 +02:00
if content == ""
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
if typeof content == "function"
content = content()
block = document.getElementById("current-situation")
if block
block.innerHTML = block.innerHTML + markdown(content)
2016-01-15 16:04:09 +02:00
console.error("No current situation found.")
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
Array::remove = (e) -> @[t..t] = [] if (t = @indexOf(e)) > -1
addClass = (element, className) ->
if (element.classList)
element.className += ' ' + className
cls = (system) ->
2016-01-15 17:29:15 +02:00
update_ways = (ways, name) ->
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
content = ""
distances = []
if ways
document.querySelector(".ways h2").style.display = "block"
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
for way in ways
if undum.game.situations[way]?
2016-01-15 17:29:15 +02:00
title = undum.game.situations[way].title.fcall(this, name)
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
content += way_to(title, way)
key: way
distance: undum.game.situations[way].distance
document.querySelector(".ways h2").style.display = "none"
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
document.getElementById("ways").innerHTML = content
min = Infinity
min_key = []
for node in distances
if node.distance < min
min = node.distance
min_key = [node.key]
if node.distance == min
if min < Infinity
for node in min_key
addClass(document.getElementById("waylink-#{node}"), "destination")
2016-01-20 01:56:10 +02:00
picture_tag = (picture) ->
extension = picture.substr((~-picture.lastIndexOf(".") >>> 0) + 2)
if (extension == "webm")
return """
<video src="#{picture}" controls>
Your browser does not support the video tag for some reason.
You won't be able to view this video in this browser.
return "<img class='img-responsive' src='#{picture}' alt='Room illustration'>"
class SaletRoom extends undum.Situation
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
constructor: (spec) ->
undum.Situation.call(this, spec)
for index, value of spec
this[index] = value
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
return this
visited: 0
2016-01-15 17:29:15 +02:00
title: "Room"
objects: {}
2016-01-20 01:56:10 +02:00
# room illustration image, VN-style. Can be a GIF or WEBM. Can be a function.
pic: false
dsc: false # room description
2016-01-15 16:04:09 +02:00
extendSection: false
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
distance: Infinity # distance to the destination
clear: true # clear the screen on entering the room?
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
I call SaletRoom.exit every time the player exits to another room.
Unlike @after this gets called after the section is closed.
It's a styling difference.
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
exit: (character, system, to) =>
return true
I call SaletRoom.enter every time the player enters this room but before the section is opened.
Unlike @before this gets called before the current section is opened.
It's a styling difference.
The upstream Undum version does not allow you to redefine @enter function easily but allows custom @exit one.
It was renamed as @entering to achieve API consistency.
enter: (character, system, from) =>
return true
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
Salet's Undum version calls Situation.entering every time a situation is entered, and
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
passes it three arguments; The character object, the system object,
and a string referencing the previous situation, or null if there is
none (ie, for the starting situation).
My version of `enter` splits the location description from the effects.
Also if f == this.name (we're in the same location) the `before` and `after` callbacks are ignored.
entering: (character, system, f) =>
2016-01-15 16:04:09 +02:00
if @clear and f?
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
if f != @name and f?
if undum.game.situations[f].exit?
undum.game.situations[f].exit(character, system, @name)
if @enter
@enter character, system, f
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
2016-01-15 16:04:09 +02:00
current_situation = ""
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
if not @extendSection
classes = if @classes then ' ' + @classes.join(' ') else ''
situation = document.getElementById('current-situation')
if situation?
2016-01-15 16:04:09 +02:00
# Javascript DOM manipulation functions like jQuery's append() or document.createElement
# don't work like a typical printLn - they create *DOM nodes*.
# You can't leave an unclosed tag just like that. So we have to buffer the output.
current_situation = "<section id='current-situation' data-situation='#{@name}' class='situation-#{@name}#{classes}'>"
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
if f != @name and @before?
2016-01-15 17:29:15 +02:00
current_situation += markdown(@before.fcall(this, character, system, f))
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
current_situation += @look character, system, f
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
if f != @name and @after?
2016-01-15 17:29:15 +02:00
current_situation += markdown(@after.fcall(this, character, system, f))
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
if not @extendSection
2016-01-15 16:04:09 +02:00
current_situation += "</section>"
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
if @choices
system.writeChoices(system.getSituationIdChoices(@choices, @minChoices, @maxChoices))
An internal function to get the room's description and the descriptions of
every object in this room.
look: (character, system, f) =>
2016-01-15 17:29:15 +02:00
update_ways(@ways, @name)
2016-01-15 16:04:09 +02:00
retval = ""
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
2016-01-20 01:56:10 +02:00
if @pic
retval += '<div class="pic">'+picture_tag(@pic.fcall(this, character, system, f))+'</div>'
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
# Print the room description
if @dsc
retval += markdown(@dsc.fcall(this, character, system, f))
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
for name, thing of @objects
2016-01-15 16:04:09 +02:00
retval += thing.look()
return retval
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
Puts an object in this room.
take: (thing) =>
@objects[thing.name] = thing
# BUG: for some really weird reason if the call is made in init function or
# during the initialization, this ALSO puts the thing in the start room.
undum.game.situations["start"].objects = {}
2016-01-16 18:43:20 +02:00
drop: (name) =>
delete @objects[name]
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
Object action. A function or a string which comes when you click on the object link.
You could interpret this as an EXAMINE verb or USE one, it's your call.
act: (character, system, action) =>
if (link = action.match(/^_(act|cycle)_(.+)$/)) #object action
for name, thing of @objects
if name == link[2]
if link[1] == "act"
# If it's takeable, the player can take this object.
# If not, we check the "act" function.
if thing.takeable
character.sandbox.inventory.push thing
@drop name
@entering.fcall(this, character, system, @name)
return print(thing.take.fcall(thing, character, system))
if thing.act
return print(thing.act.fcall(thing, character, system))
elseif link[1] == "cycle"
# TODO object cyclewriter
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
# the loop is done but no return came - match not found
console.error("Could not find #{link[1]} in current room.")
# we're done with objects, now check the regular actions
actionClass = action.match(/^_(\w+)_(.+)$/)
that = this
responses = {
writer: (ref) ->
content = that.writers[ref].fcall(that, character, system, action)
output = markdown(content)
system.writeInto(output, '#current-situation')
replacer: (ref) ->
content = that.writers[ref].fcall(that, character, system, action)
output = "<span>"+content+"</span>" # <p> tags are usually bad for replacers
system.replaceWith(output, '#'+ref)
inserter: (ref) ->
content = that.writers[ref].fcall(that, character, system, action)
output = markdown(content)
system.writeInto(output, '#'+ref)
if (actionClass)
# Matched a special action class
[responder, ref] = [actionClass[1], actionClass[2]]
throw new Error("Tried to call undefined writer: #{action}");
else if (@actions.hasOwnProperty(action))
@actions[action].call(this, character, system, action);
throw new Error("Tried to call undefined action: #{action}");
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
# Marks every room in the game with distance to this room
destination: () =>
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
@distance = 0
candidates = [this]
while candidates.length > 0
current_room = candidates.shift()
if current_room.ways
for node in current_room.ways
if node.distance == Infinity
node.distance = current_room.distance + 1
register: () =>
if not @name?
console.error("Situation has no name")
return this
undum.game.situations[@name] = this
return this
cyclewriter: (character) ->
cycle(this.cycle, this.name, character)
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
room = (name, spec) ->
spec ?= {}
spec.name = name
retval = new SaletRoom(spec)
2016-01-16 19:04:00 +02:00
return retval
2016-01-15 03:06:03 +02:00
module.exports = room