Fork 0
mirror of https://gitlab.com/Oreolek/salet-module.git synced 2024-07-02 23:05:02 +03:00

375 lines
8.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

type TStringLike = string | (() => string);
/** Markdown string */
type TMDString = string;
type TRoomName = string;
type TUnitName = string;
type TRoomTag = string;
type TActionName = string;
type TTimerName = string;
type TLink = TRoomName | TActionName | string;
type EpochTime = number;
interface Random {
modulo: number;
randn(): number;
randf(): number;
rand(n: number): number;
randomElement(array: any[]): any;
randRange(min: number, max: number): number;
dice(n: number, dx: number, plus: number): number;
diceString(diceDescription: string): number;
odds(value: number, target: number, n: number): number;
seed(n: number): void;
getSeed(): number;
interface SaletProgressSequence {
link: TLink;
time: EpochTime;
interface SaletProgress {
seed: number;
sequence: SaletProgressSequence[];
path: TRoomName[];
saveTime: EpochTime;
interface SaletRooms {
[roomName: string]: SaletRoom
interface Timer {
step: number;
repeatable: boolean;
action: TActionName
set: number;
interface Timers {
[timerName: string]: Timer;
interface SaletTimers {
timers: Timers;
* Adds a one-time timer `name` that will fire after `steps` clicks with `action`
* @param name
* @param action
* @param [repeat=false]
* @param [step=1]
addTimer(name: TTimerName, action: TStringLike, repeat: boolean, step: number): void;
dropTimer(name: TTimerName): void;
resetTimer(name: TTimerName): void;
/** system handler, called every turn */
checkTimer(): void;
interface SaletSaveLoad {
autosave: boolean;
autoload: boolean;
* If `force` is false, shows prompt if user sure to erase save.
* Silently erases save otherwise
* @param [force = false]
eraseSave(force: boolean): void;
saveGame(): void;
loadGame(saveData: object): void;
getSaveId(): string;
getSave(): object;
interface Salet extends SaletTimers, SaletSaveLoad {
character: Character;
game_id: string;
game_version: string;
rnd: Random;
time: EpochTime;
startTime: EpochTime;
linkRe: RegExp;
current: TRoomName;
interactive: boolean;
linkStack: TLink[];
progress: SaletProgress;
view: SaletView;
start: TRoomName;
rooms: SaletRooms;
init(): void;
enter(from: TRoomName, to: TRoomName): void;
afterEnter(from: TRoomName, to: TRoomName): void;
beforeAction(name: TRoomName, action: TActionName): boolean | void;
afterAction(name: TRoomName, action: TActionName): boolean | void;
exit(from: TRoomName, to: TRoomName): void;
* Collects rooms by given tag and filters it by size. Gets called for implicit choice autolists
* @param tag
* @param length
getSituationIdChoices(tag: TRoomTag, length: number): SaletRoom[];
getCurrentRoom(): SaletRoom;
/** synonym for getCurrentRoom */
here(): SaletRoom;
/** Saves click timestamp, adds turn to history */
processClick(link: TLink): void;
/** synonym for `processClick` */
goTo(id: TRoomName): void;
* Adds link to execution stack, calls processOneLink, scrolls to new text
processLink(link: TLink): void;
* Executes transition
processOneLink(link: TLink): void;
* Go to room which was visited `n` turns ago
* n = 1 is current room
* @param [n=2]
goBack(n: number): void;
* @param id
* @param [force=false]
doTransitionTo(id: TRoomName, force: boolean): void;
getRoomsTagged(tag: TRoomTag): SaletRoom[];
* Initializes Salet and starts game. Calls `init` and loads game if there's save and `autoload`
* is true.
beginGame(): void;
isVisited(name: TRoomName): boolean;
interface Character {
inventory: SaletUnit[];
take(unit: SaletUnit): void;
drop(unitName: TUnitName): boolean;
has(unitName: TUnitName): boolean;
/** Executes `inv` of that unit */
inv(unitName: TUnitName): void;
/** Generates unit href */
listinv(unitName: TUnitName): string;
interface SaletUnitProps {
name: TUnitName;
order?: number;
visible?: boolean;
takeable?: boolean;
display?: TStringLike;
take?: TStringLike;
act?: TStringLike;
dsc?: TStringLike;
inv?: TStringLike;
location?: TRoomName;
interface SaletUnit extends SaletUnitProps {
put(location: TRoomName): void;
* @param [location='@location']
delete(location: TRoomName): void;
interface SaletRoomProps {
name: TRoomName;
visited?: number;
title?: string;
units?: SaletUnit[];
canView?: boolean;
canChoose?: boolean;
priority?: number;
displayOrder?: number;
canSave?: boolean;
ways?: TRoomName[];
choices?: Array<TRoomName | TRoomTag>;
maxChoices?: number;
tags?: TRoomTag[];
optionText?: TMDString;
dsc?: TMDString;
extendSection?: boolean;
clear?: boolean;
writers?: string[];
interface SaletRoom extends SaletRoomProps {
canExit(id: TRoomName): boolean;
exit(to: TRoomName): void;
enter(from: TRoomName): void;
* @param from
* @param [forceExit=true]
entering(from: TRoomName, forceExit?: boolean): void;
take(unit: SaletUnit): void;
drop(unit: SaletUnit): void;
act(linkTarget: TLink): void;
register(): void;
link(id: TRoomName): void;
bilink(id: TRoomName): void;
interface SaletView {
init(): void;
disableSaving(): void;
enableSaving(): void;
disableErasing(): void;
enableErasing(): void;
enableLoading(): void;
enableLoading(): void;
/** Scrolls to `distance` pixels from bottom in 500ms */
scrollTopTo(distance: number): void;
/** Scrolls to `distance` pixels from page bottom in 500ms */
scrollBottomTo(distance: number): void;
/** Scrolls page bottom in 500ms */
scrollToBottom(): void;
* Clears given block
* @param [selector='#content']
clearContent(selector?: string): void;
/** Transforms argument into text. Calls it if it's function, for jQuery object gets `.html()` */
prepareContent(content: any): string;
/** Prepares content and appends it to given element
* @param content
* @param [selector='#content']
append(content: any, selector: string): void;
/** Synonym for append
* @param content
* @param [selector='#content']
write(content: any, selector: string): void;
/** Same as append, but replaces element's content
* @param content
* @param [selector='#content']
replace(content: any, selector: string): void;
* @param {string} [address] if given, clears all link leading to this
* @param {string} [selector='#content']
clearLinks(address?: string, selector?: string): void;
* Given a list of room ids, this outputs a standard option block with the room choices in the
* given order.
* The contents of each choice will be a link to the room, the text of the link will be given by
* the room's outputText property. Note that the canChoose function is called, and if it returns
* false, then the text will appear, but the link will not be clickable.
* Although canChoose is honored, canView and displayOrder are not. If you need to honor these,
* you should either do so manually, ot else use the `getSituationIdChoices` method to return
* an ordered list of valid viewable room ids.
writeChoices(rooms: TRoomName[]): void;
* Shows block with animation (can be redefined). Animation is skipped if Salet is in non-interactive mode
showBlock(selector: string): void;
* Hides block with animation (can be redefined). Animation is skipped if Salet is in non-interactive mode.
* If `remove` is true, block will be deleted from DOM, otherwise, just hidden
showBlock(selector: string, remove?: boolean): void;
* Returns HTML-string for cycling link
cycleLink(content: string): string;
endOutputTransaction(): void;
hasLocalStorage(): boolean;
fixClicks(): void;
mark_all_links_old(): void;
removeTransient(room?: TRoomName): void;
updateWays(ways?: TRoomName[], name?: TRoomName): void;
interface Window {
salet: Salet;
room: (name: TRoomName, props: SaletRoomProps) => SaletRoom;
unit: (name: TUnitName, props: SaletUnitProps) => SaletUnit;