salet.game_id = "2829f25a-c77a-4957-9662-e32b082f9f05"; salet.game_version = "1.0"; salet.autosave = false; salet.autoload = false; $(document).ready(function() { salet.beginGame(); QUnit.test("the game is started", function(assert) { assert.notEqual(salet, void 0, "Salet is initialized"); return assert.equal(salet.current, "start", "Salet is in the room called 'start'"); }); QUnit.test("Markdown is working", function(assert) { return assert.equal(markdown("*hi*"), "


\n", "Markdown is good"); }); QUnit.test("RNG is working", function(assert) { assert.ok(salet.rnd.randf() >= 0, "Random float is not negative"); assert.ok(salet.rnd.randf() < 1, "Random float is less than 1"); assert.equal(salet.rnd.diceString("d1"), 1, "A d1 dice string returns 1"); assert.equal(salet.rnd.diceString("1d1"), 1, "A 1d1 dice string returns 1"); assert.equal(salet.rnd.diceString("1d1+1"), 2, "A 1d1+1 dice string returns 2"); assert.ok(salet.rnd.diceString("d%") > 0, "A d% dice string returns a positive number"); assert.ok(salet.rnd.diceString("d%") <= 100, "A d% dice string returns a number less than 100"); assert.ok(salet.rnd.diceString("dF") >= -1, "A Fudge dice string returns a number more or equal to -1"); return assert.ok(salet.rnd.diceString("dF") <= 1, "A Fudge dice string returns a number less or equal to -1"); }); QUnit.test("Inventory", function(assert) { var lamp; lamp = unit("lamp", { display: "lamp description", inv: function() { return "that's a lamp"; } }); assert.equal(salet.character.has("lamp"), false, "The character has no lamp"); salet.character.take(lamp); assert.equal(salet.character.has("lamp"), true, "The character has the lamp now"); assert.equal(salet.character.inv("lamp"), "that's a lamp", "The lamp has an inventory action"); assert.ok(salet.character.listinv("lamp").match("lamp description"), "The lamp has a description"); salet.character.drop("lamp"); assert.equal(salet.character.has("lamp"), false, "The character has no lamp again"); return; }); QUnit.test("Rooms and units", function(assert) { var lamp; lamp = unit("lamp", { display: "lamp description", inv: function() { return "that's a lamp"; } }); salet.rooms["start2"].take(lamp); assert.equal(lamp.location, "start2", "The lamp unit is in 'start2' room"); salet.rooms["start2"].drop(""); assert.equal(lamp.location, undefined, "The lamp unit is nowhere"); }); QUnit.test("Localization", function(assert) { assert.ok(window.i18n != null, "The localization is ready"); window.i18n.push("ru", { "hello": "привет" }); return assert.equal(window.i18n.localize("hello", "ru"), "привет", "The localization is working"); }); QUnit.test("View", function(assert) { salet.view.clearContent(); assert.equal(jQuery("#content").html(), "", "View clears the content"); salet.view.write("


"); return assert.equal(jQuery("#content").html(), "


", "View writes new content"); }); return setTimeout(function() { salet.goTo("start2"); QUnit.test("Salet enters second room", function(assert) { assert.equal(salet.current, "start2", "This is the second room"); return assert.equal($("#content").text(), "This is the second room.\n", "The room description is printed ok."); }); salet.goTo("start"); QUnit.test("The second room forbids exiting (boolean)", function(assert) { return assert.equal(salet.current, "start2", "This is still the second room"); }); salet.goTo("start2"); salet.rooms["start2"].canExit = function() { return false; }; salet.goTo("start"); return QUnit.test("The second room forbids exiting (function)", function(assert) { return assert.equal(salet.current, "start2", "This is still the second room"); }); }, 100); }); room("start", { dsc: "" }); room("start2", { dsc: "This is the second room.", canExit: false });