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# Internationalization support
# object merging utility function
merge=(xs...) ->
if xs?.length>0
tap {},(m)->m[k]=v for k,v of x for x in xs
tap=(o, fn)->fn(o);o
class Localize
# Default Messages
constructor: (lang = "en") ->
@lang = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].getAttribute("lang") || lang
choice: "Choice {number}",
no_group_definition: "Couldn't find a group definition for {id}.",
link_not_valid: "The link '{link}' doesn't appear to be valid.",
link_no_action: "A link with a situation of '.', must have an action.",
unknown_room: "Room not found: {id}.",
existing_situation: "You can't override situation {id} in HTML.",
erase_message: "This will permanently delete this character and immediately return you to the start of the game. Are you sure?",
no_current_situation: "I can't display, because we don't have a current situation.",
no_local_storage: "No local storage available.",
random_seed_error: "You must provide a valid random seed.",
random_error: "Initialize the Random with a non-empty seed before use.",
dice_string_error: "Couldn't interpret your dice string: '{string}'."
push: (lang, strings) ->
if @strings[lang]?
@strings[lang] = merge @strings[lang], strings
@strings[lang] = strings
localize: (message, languageCode = @lang) ->
if @strings[languageCode]?
localized = @strings[languageCode][message]
if localized
return localized
return message
window.i18n = new Localize
String.prototype.l = (args) ->
# Find the localized form.
localized = window.i18n.localize(this)
if typeof(localized) == "function"
localized = localized(args)
else # Merge in any replacement content.
if args
for name in args
localized = localized.replace(
new RegExp("\\{"+name+"\\}"), args[name]
return localized